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We propose a model which can be jointly calibrated to the corporate bond term structure and equity option volatility surface of the same company. Our purpose is to obtain explicit bond and equity option pricing formulas that can be calibrated to find a risk neutral model that matches a set of observed market prices. This risk neutral model can then be used to price more exotic, illiquid, or over‐the‐counter derivatives. We observe that our model matches the equity option implied volatility surface well since we properly account for the default risk in the implied volatility surface. We demonstrate the importance of accounting for the default risk and stochastic interest rate in equity option pricing by comparing our results to Fouque et al., which only accounts for stochastic volatility.  相似文献   

In this work, we consider three problems of the standard market approach to credit index options pricing: the definition of the index spread is not valid in general, the considered payoff leads to a pricing which is not always defined, and the candidate numeraire for defining a pricing measure is not strictly positive, which leads to a nonequivalent pricing measure. We give a solution to the three problems, based on modeling the flow of information through a suitable subfiltration. With this we consistently take into account the possibility of default of all names in the portfolio, that is neglected in the standard market approach. We show on market inputs that, while the pricing difference can be negligible in normal market conditions, it can become highly relevant in stressed market conditions, like the situation caused by the credit crunch.  相似文献   

This paper considers the pricing of corporate securities of a given firm, in particular equity, when investors do not have full information on the firm's asset value. We show that under noisy asset information, the pricing of corporate securities leads to a nonlinear filtering problem. This problem is solved by a Markov chain approximation, leading to an efficient finite-dimensional approximative filter for the asset value. We discuss several applications and illustrate our results with a simulation study.  相似文献   

We generalize Merton’s asset valuation approach to systems of multiple financial firms where cross‐ownership of equities and liabilities is present. The liabilities, which may include debts and derivatives, can be of differing seniority. We derive equations for the prices of equities and recovery claims under no‐arbitrage. An existence result and a uniqueness result are proven. Examples and an algorithm for the simultaneous calculation of all no‐arbitrage prices are provided. A result on capital structure irrelevance for groups of firms regarding externally held claims is discussed, as well as financial leverage and systemic risk caused by cross‐ownership.  相似文献   

The measurement of portfolio credit risk focuses on rare but significant large-loss events. This paper investigates rare event asymptotics for the loss distribution in the widely used Gaussian copula model of portfolio credit risk. We establish logarithmic limits for the tail of the loss distribution in two limiting regimes. The first limit examines the tail of the loss distribution at increasingly high loss thresholds; the second limiting regime is based on letting the individual loss probabilities decrease toward zero. Both limits are also based on letting the size of the portfolio increase. Our analysis reveals a qualitative distinction between the two cases: in the rare-default regime, the tail of the loss distribution decreases exponentially, but in the large-threshold regime the decay is consistent with a power law. This indicates that the dependence between defaults imposed by the Gaussian copula is qualitatively different for portfolios of high-quality and lower-quality credits.  相似文献   

马郧 《北方经贸》2005,(3):88-89
集团客户与单一客户的特性有很大差异,商业银行在开拓利润的同时,也进入了一个未知的风险领域,商业银行应全方位地对集团客户制定和实施有效的授信业务风险管理措施,从而保障金融安全与稳定。  相似文献   

We consider the optimal portfolio problem of a power investor who wishes to allocate her wealth between several credit default swaps (CDSs) and a money market account. We model contagion risk among the reference entities in the portfolio using a reduced‐form Markovian model with interacting default intensities. Using the dynamic programming principle, we establish a lattice dependence structure between the Hamilton‐Jacobi‐Bellman equations associated with the default states of the portfolio. We show existence and uniqueness of a classical solution to each equation and characterize them in terms of solutions to inhomogeneous Bernoulli type ordinary differential equations. We provide a precise characterization for the directionality of the CDS investment strategy and perform a numerical analysis to assess the impact of default contagion. We find that the increased intensity triggered by default of a very risky entity strongly impacts size and directionality of the investor strategy. Such findings outline the key role played by default contagion when investing in portfolios subject to multiple sources of default risk.  相似文献   

We develop two novel approaches to solving for the Laplace transform of a time‐changed stochastic process. We discard the standard assumption that the background process () is Lévy. Maintaining the assumption that the business clock () and the background process are independent, we develop two different series solutions for the Laplace transform of the time‐changed process . In fact, our methods apply not only to Laplace transforms, but more generically to expectations of smooth functions of random time. We apply the methods to introduce stochastic time change to the standard class of default intensity models of credit risk, and show that stochastic time‐change has a very large effect on the pricing of deep out‐of‐the‐money options on credit default swaps.  相似文献   

我国农村信用社要实现成功改革和支持新农村建设的双目标,关键要进行提升农村信用社的资产质量和盈利水平。在我国农村信用社改革的紧要关头,如何提升农村信用社的信贷资产的盈利水平,成为一项兼具有现实意义和理论意义的研究。对此,我们从信贷管理的理念创新角度出发,提出了我国农村信用社的要提高信贷资产质量的根本出路在于进行量化信贷管理理念的创新,并在此基础上提出了具体的操作方法和实践指导意见。  相似文献   

We develop an arbitrage‐free valuation framework for bilateral counterparty risk, where collateral is included with possible rehypothecation. We show that the adjustment is given by the sum of two option payoff terms, where each term depends on the netted exposure, i.e., the difference between the on‐default exposure and the predefault collateral account. We then specialize our analysis to credit default swaps (CDS) as underlying portfolios, and construct a numerical scheme to evaluate the adjustment under a doubly stochastic default framework. In particular, we show that for CDS contracts a perfect collateralization cannot be achieved, even under continuous collateralization, if the reference entity’s and counterparty’s default times are dependent. The impact of rehypothecation, collateral margining frequency, and default correlation‐induced contagion is illustrated with numerical examples.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose a generalization of the concepts of convex and coherent risk measures to a multiperiod setting, in which payoffs are spread over different dates. To this end, a careful examination of the axiom of translation invariance and the related concept of capital requirement in the one-period model is performed. These two issues are then suitably extended to the multiperiod case, in a way that makes their operative financial meaning clear. A characterization in terms of expected values is derived for this class of risk measures and some examples are presented.  相似文献   

We study the risk indifference pricing principle in incomplete markets: The (seller's)  risk indifference price        is the initial payment that makes the  risk  involved for the seller of a contract equal to the risk involved if the contract is not sold, with no initial payment. We use stochastic control theory and PDE methods to find a formula for       and similarly for      . In particular, we prove that  where    p low   and    p up   are the lower and upper hedging prices, respectively.  相似文献   

We propose a two-sided jump model for credit risk by extending the Leland–Toft endogenous default model based on the geometric Brownian motion. The model shows that jump risk and endogenous default can have significant impacts on credit spreads, optimal capital structure, and implied volatility of equity options: (1) Jumps and endogenous default can produce a variety of non-zero credit spreads, including upward, humped, and downward shapes; interesting enough, the model can even produce, consistent with empirical findings, upward credit spreads for speculative grade bonds. (2) The jump risk leads to much lower optimal debt/equity ratio; in fact, with jump risk, highly risky firms tend to have very little debt. (3) The two-sided jumps lead to a variety of shapes for the implied volatility of equity options, even for long maturity options; although in general credit spreads and implied volatility tend to move in the same direction under exogenous default models, this may not be true in presence of endogenous default and jumps. Pricing formulae of credit default swaps and equity default swaps are also given. In terms of mathematical contribution, we give a proof of a version of the "smooth fitting" principle under the jump model, justifying a conjecture first suggested by Leland and Toft under the Brownian model.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose a new family of term-structure models based on the Flesaker and Hughston (1996) positive-interest framework. The models are Markov and time homogeneous, with correlated Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes as state variables. We provide a theoretical analysis of the one-factor model and a thorough emprical analysis of the two-factor model. This allows us to identify the key factors in the model affecting interest-rate dynamics. We conclude that the new family of models should provide a useful tool for use in long-term risk management. Suitably parameterized, they can satisfy a wide range of desirable criteria, including:
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    sustained periods of both high and low interest rates similar to the cycle lengths we have observed over the course of the 20th century in the United Kingdom and the United States


We develop and test a fast and accurate semi‐analytical formula for single‐name default swaptions in the context of a shifted square root jump diffusion (SSRJD) default intensity model. The model can be calibrated to the CDS term structure and a few default swaptions, to price and hedge other credit derivatives consistently. We show with numerical experiments that the model implies plausible volatility smiles.  相似文献   

从信用的资产属性和信息经济学不完全信息理论的角度分析了信用担保存在的可能性和必要性 ,并针对目前我国存在的中小企业融资难的问题提出解决的办法———结合当前我国的实际情况构建多种类型的信用担保机构为中小企业提供信用担保 ,以扶持并推动中小企业的发展  相似文献   

This paper develops a formula for a transform of a vector point process with totally inaccessible arrivals. The transform is expressed in terms of a Laplace transform under an equivalent probability measure of the point process compensator. The Laplace transform of the compensator can be calculated explicitly for a wide range of model specifications, because it is analogous to the value of a simple security. The transform formula extends the computational tractability offered by extant security pricing models to a point process and its applications, which include valuation and risk management problems arising in single‐name and portfolio credit risk.  相似文献   

信用衍生工具及其启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
信用衍生工具是一种可以用做分散、转移、对冲信用风险的金融创新产品。它在设计理念、交易规则和风险收益特性方面都与传统的衍生工具不同,这种新的衍生产品对我国信用风险管理具有多方面的启示。  相似文献   

We propose a flexible framework for modeling the joint dynamics of an index and a set of forward variance swap rates written on this index. Our model reproduces various empirically observed properties of variance swap dynamics and enables volatility derivatives and options on the underlying index to be priced consistently, while allowing for jumps in volatility and returns. An affine specification using Lévy processes as building blocks leads to analytically tractable pricing formulas for volatility derivatives, such as VIX options, as well as efficient numerical methods for pricing of European options on the underlying asset. The model has the convenient feature of decoupling the vanilla skews from spot/volatility correlations and allowing for different conditional correlations in large and small spot/volatility moves. We show that our model can simultaneously fit prices of European options on S&P 500 across strikes and maturities as well as options on the VIX volatility index.  相似文献   

Using a suitable change of probability measure, we obtain a Poisson series representation for the arbitrage‐free price process of vulnerable contingent claims in a regime‐switching market driven by an underlying continuous‐time Markov process. As a result of this representation, along with a short‐time asymptotic expansion of the claim's price process, we develop an efficient novel method for pricing claims whose payoffs may depend on the full path of the underlying Markov chain. The proposed approach is applied to price not only simple European claims such as defaultable bonds, but also a new type of path‐dependent claims that we term self‐decomposable, as well as the important class of vulnerable call and put options on a stock. We provide a detailed error analysis and illustrate the accuracy and computational complexity of our method on several market traded instruments, such as defaultable bond prices, barrier options, and vulnerable call options. Using again our Poisson series representation, we show differentiability in time of the predefault price function of European vulnerable claims, which enables us to rigorously deduce Feynman‐Ka? representations for the predefault pricing function and new semimartingale representations for the price process of the vulnerable claim under both risk‐neutral and objective probability measures.  相似文献   

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