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正牡蛎也叫生蚝。上世纪90年代,随着我国北方太平洋牡蛎育苗技术和养殖技术的完善,牡蛎产量迅速增加。目前中国牡蛎的养殖产量超过世界牡蛎总量的89%,位居世界第一。但是中国牡蛎养殖也存在种质退化、养殖技术落后等问题。如何让传统牡蛎养殖"躺"出机械化收割的路子,提高牡蛎养殖的效率,"他"走了31年。6月的山东省威海市桑沟湾风景如画,随着机器的轰鸣声,串串牡蛎被拖上海面,送到了输送  相似文献   

泰国对虾产业的生产、加工贸易与市场分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宁凌 《中国渔业经济》2009,27(6):146-151
泰国是世界上重要的水产品生产、消费和出几大国之一.作为全球第二大对虾生产国,泰国对虾养殖技术日臻成熟,并连续多年保持世界最大对虾出口国的地位,国内消费也是泰国对虾市场的重要组成部分.美日欧等主要对虾进品需求市场的饱和,以及中国、印度等主要对虾生产大国在世界范围内共同争夺市场,使国际对虾市场竞争日趋激烈.自然优势和政府对对虾产业的大量支持是泰国对虾立足于国际市场的重要因素.  相似文献   

我国花生同小麦、玉米、大豆、油菜一样,是世界生产大国和消费大国,但不同的是,我国不是小麦、玉米、大豆、油菜的贸易大国,而绝对是花生的贸易大国。花生是我国进出口大宗农作物品种之一。业内人士分析指出,未来国内花生将大有可为。  相似文献   

中国作为农业大国和用种大国,常年用种量在120亿公斤以上,种子在农业生产中具有核心地位,行业空间巨大。中国种业市场价值达到60亿美元,已成为世界第二大种业市场,随着行业整合加速,在国家高度重视种业发展的政策环境下.未来种业市场规模将保持10%以上的增速发展。随着天气转暖,畜禽养殖的补栏会增加,进而带动仔猪、鸡鸭苗的快速上涨,在消费持续增长的背景下.养殖行业前景继续看好。  相似文献   

<正>我国是世界第一渔业大国,是世界第一水产养殖大国,而且水产养殖仍在继续快速增长中。如何实现水产养殖的可持续发展是政府、企业家、环境保护工作者和水产养殖工作者以及广大公众所共同关注的问题。制定科学、合理并与环境相容的水产养殖规划是保障可持续发展的一个基本条件。  相似文献   

欧洲是中国茶叶主要出口市场,欧洲人均年消费量0.61公斤。英国是非产茶国家,茶叶进口量位居世界前列,全国77%的人有饮茶习惯。俄罗斯历来是茶叶消费大国,95%的居民有饮茶的习惯,茶叶进口量位居世界第一。准确把握这两个市场的脉搏,对于我国茶叶出口具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

粮食是安天下的战略产业。我国是粮食生产大国,更是消费大国。确保我国的粮食生产持续稳定发展,不仅对我国经济发展和社会稳定至关重要,而且对缓解世界粮食供应压力,维护世界经济稳定和粮食安全意义重大。虽然我国粮食总产不断提高,粮  相似文献   

美国,日本,印度粮食安全政策及其启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
美国、日本、印度粮食安全政策及其启示柴彭颐潘伟光众所周知,我国是世界的粮食生产大国和消费大国,其粮食安全直接影响着世界的粮食安全。世界各国经验表明,政策在粮食安全中所起的作用是巨大的。因此我们选取合适的粮食政策对维护我国粮食安全乃至世界粮食安全将起到...  相似文献   

天然橡胶是关系国计民生的一种重要战略物资,在地域和产品性能上具有不可替代性,是一种典型的资源约束型产业。我国既是世界天然橡胶生产大国,也是天然橡胶进口大国和消费大国。发挥我国天然橡胶产业的优势,提高产量,确保天然橡胶安全已成为我国天然橡胶产业发展迫在眉睫的首要任务。  相似文献   

我国鲟鱼养殖业自20世纪90年代开始发展以来,成长迅速。经过近十年时间,于2000年成为世界第一鲟鱼生产大国。本文在对我国2004-2006年各省市鲟鱼产量、养殖种类、苗种市场和商品鱼市场的最新变化进行描述的基础上,提出了当前鲟鱼养殖业中存在的有效养殖水域缺乏、消费形式单一、杂交育种缺乏控制、鱼病与鱼药、鲟鱼行业协会亟需建立等问题,并针对问题提出了对策。  相似文献   

This study provides details of emerging opportunities for U.S. pork exporters following the U.S.–China WTO Accession Agreement. The Agreement will enable the United States to gain unprecedented access to the Chinese pork market. The United States enjoys comparative advantages in producing hogs at lower cost, higher quality, and greater efficiency. Moreover, Chinese preference for pork is highly complementary to that of U.S. consumers. Therefore, U.S. pork exporters are expected to target primarily the Chinese variety meats market. Although China is expected to remain a surplus pork production nation, demographic shifts could provide additional opportunities for U.S. pork exporters to increase sales of more premium cuts for urban consumers in China.  相似文献   

我国水产学科改革面临的新形势与急需解决的问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国水产学科改革正面临着新的形势:经济全球化和渔业国际化步伐加快,水产科研和教育的国际化发展,水产组织机构的多元化和水产市场的复杂化,“科教兴国”、“人才强国”和“科教兴渔”战略的实施以及“质量、效益型”渔业对水产人才提出了更高的要求。针对这些新形势,我国水产学科建设急需解决下列问题:在水产科研体制改革方面,水产业与人及自然和谐方面的总体能力羸弱;水产业吸纳现代化科技成果滞后,且普及应用能力弱;基础性研究严重滞后使得其不能满足行业发展中解决新问题的需要;水产行业软科学研究的薄弱已经严重制约了管理决策的科学性。在水产高等教育教学改革方面,也存在一些突出问题。  相似文献   

Wild edible mushroom demand has increased substantially in OECD countries in the last few years. Nevertheless, few studies have been published in recent years on these markets. The main objective of this paper is to characterise the saffron milk cap (Lactarius deliciosus Fr.) demand in Spain. Data sources in this study come from main Central Markets in Spain. Using econometric methods, we have found that the consequence of an increase in the price of the saffron milk cap has a negative effect on demand. However, changes in the percentage of persons born in Catalonia every year exercise a positive effect, and price increases in the Madrid market could also induce an increase in the Lactarius deliciosus demand in the Barcelona Central Market. The consequences of chanterelle imports on the Catalan demand for the saffron milk cap appear to be negative. Finally, results indicate that the saffron milk cap and oyster mushroom behave as complementary goods and, therefore, consumption of one of these mushrooms reinforces the other's consumption.  相似文献   

绿色能源产品市场竞争力分析——以木质煤产品为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄雷  张彩虹  马红梅 《林业经济问题》2007,27(4):341-344,348
从绿色能源产品逐步进入中国能源消费市场的原因谈起,并以木质煤产品为例,分别从产品自身分析、产品目标消费群分析、能源消费市场价格体系分析3个方面讨论木质煤产品的市场竞争力问题,分析出能源产品之间相对竞争力的走势变化,结合以上分析结果以及各种绿色能源产品的相似性,得出绿色能源产品市场竞争力的相应结论。  相似文献   

The effect of a Chinese minimum wage increase on China's textile market as well as on the world cotton market is evaluated. Based on a Nonlinear Quadratic Almost Ideal Demand System (NQAIDS) model of China's textile demand, the results suggest that the income elasticity for textiles is around 0.6 in China, and that apparel is less price responsive than home textiles and other textile products. Simulation results suggest that a minimum wage increase would raise Chinese domestic textile consumption and lower Chinese textile exports. Most of the decline in textile exports by China is offset by expansion in other countries’ domestic textile production and results in a slight increase in world cotton mill utilization and higher clothing prices.  相似文献   

我国历史悠久的蚕桑生产技术,上下贯穿七千年,蚕事自古以来便有农桑并称之美誉,田、蚕、耕、织已成为华夏民族形成和发展中的中流砥柱,古书赞誉为农桑为立国之本。考古发现与史料记载,留下了远古蚕事的宝贵史迹,为后世蚕桑生产的走向起到了引领作用。  相似文献   

[目的]随着中国粮食进口不断增加,国内外市场联系越来越紧密。2020年下半年以来,国际市场粮食价格快速上涨,对国内粮食市场产生一定影响,分析国际市场价格上涨的原因和影响对确保国内粮食供应稳定、保障国家粮食安全具有重要意义。[方法]文章分析了2019年以来小麦、大米、玉米、大豆4种粮食产品的国内外价格走势,从供需状况、贸易政策、气候变化等因素分析国际市场价格波动的原因,并探讨了国际价格对国内价格的影响。[结果]当前全球主要粮食品种供应充足,库存仍处于较高水平,此轮国际粮食价格上涨主要是受到美国等发达国家宽松的货币政策以及疫情后全球消费逐步回暖的影响;但国际市场价格上涨对中国市场的影响总体有限,国内小麦、大米、玉米价格上涨的主因是国内消费回暖和生猪产能恢复带动的饲用需求快速增长,油用大豆受国际市场的影响较大。[结论]为稳定国内粮食市场,避免国际市场的冲击,中国要进一步提升粮食综合生产能力,强化科技支撑,加强粮食储备管理,健全政策支持体系,并引导居民建立科学的消费观念。  相似文献   

We estimate source‐differentiated wine demand in China using the absolute price version of the Rotterdam demand system. Within the last decade, China has gone from obscurity to an important participant in global wine trade. The continual growth of Chinese wine imports suggests that a one‐time structural shift approach may not fully capture how consumption patterns or demand preferences have changed over time. Thus, a rolling or moving regression procedure is used to account for continual adjustments in import demand patterns and to evaluate overall parameter instability. Our results confirm that Chinese consumers hold French wine in high regard and that French wine demand has consistently increased over the last decade, more than any other exporting source. Consumers in China have gone from allocating about 1/3 to over 1/2 of every dollar to French wine and the expenditure elasticity for French wine mostly increased while the market was expanding. Although Australian wine has a very solid standing in the Chinese market, results suggest that its market share will likely remain unchanged. Marginal budget share and expenditure elasticity estimates indicate that Australia will continue to account for about 20 per cent of the foreign wine market in China.  相似文献   

Urban households account for most of the milk consumption in China, but their consumption is hampered by safety concerns. Using survey data collected in Beijing and Harbin in 2010, this paper simultaneously analyses urban households' milk consumption using a multiple linear model and their willingness‐to‐pay for milk safety using an ordered choice model. The results of this study show that as income increases, urban households consume more milk and are willing to pay a higher premium for milk safety. Modern food marketing channels play a positive role in stimulating milk consumption and building consumers' confidence in milk safety. The growth in the elderly population influences milk consumption positively, but their demand for milk safety is negatively affected by higher price. The combined analysis of households' demand for milk quantity and safety may be useful to the Chinese government in promoting the development of the domestic milk industry and to dairy firms in exploring the milk market in China.  相似文献   


Mushrooms are an important commodity worldwide. However, a thorough understanding of consumption trends is not yet available. In developing countries, the importance of edible mushrooms within consumer preferences and perceptions has not been studied. We carried out a study (2000-2003) to understand the patterns of mushroom consumption in central Mexico, where most wild/cultivated mushrooms are produced and/or marketed. About one-half (49.4%) of urban consumers bought mushrooms, independently of their social level [fresh or canned: white button mushroom (Agaricus), oyster mushroom (Pleurotus), shiitake (Lentinula). Preferences and perceptions from Mexican consumers depended on the social level. Mushroom prices were considered very or moderately expensive. Mushrooms were markedly more expensive than foods widely consumed. The variation of mushroom prices was a major factor influencing consumption. Basic data to carry out further marketing research are discussed, as well as an integral strategy considering social levels and regions to increase mushroom consumption.  相似文献   

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