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曾红 《中国市场》2011,(6):58-59
随着Web2.0的兴起,越来越多的人们开始运用网络分享口碑信息,这给口碑营销带来了新的挑战与机遇。文章在分析Web2.0变革如何解决网络口碑营销信任度与针对性问题的基础上,较全面地考察了可用于网络口碑营销的各种Web2.0类型,分析了各类模式下的网络口碑营销运用及其特点。  相似文献   

Web2.0时代网络口碑营销的信用危机刍议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过对Web2.0时代下网络口碑营销概念与特色的分析,网络口碑营销运作模式的总结,对网络口碑存在的信用危机进行实例和理论的阐述,发放了144份问卷对网络口碑的信用现状进行数据论证,指出目前网络口碑的信用遇到危机,网民对网络口碑的信任已经下降。并针对这一现状分析原因与解决办法,指出需要对网络产品的质量进行保护,对网络口碑的信用进行监管等方法来促进网络口碑营销健康发展。  相似文献   

口碑营销是一种情感营销,由于网络打破了企业与消费者,消费者与消费者之间的间隔,使口碑营销又有了新的发展。与传统的口碑营销相比,基于Web2.0背景的口碑营销具有可信度高、趣味性、营销成本低等特点,企业在网络社区中开展口碑营销时,可以借助社群中参考团体、意见领袖和中间方的力量,使口碑营销活动顺利进行。  相似文献   

李琳 《商业文化》2006,(7):64-65
口碑,这个在今天看似太土、太旧的营销方式,借助网络重新引起了人们的关注。如何打造“口碑”,如何进行“口碑营销”是很多商家正在研究的问题。[编者按]  相似文献   

营销口碑,谈何容易   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当口碑营销似乎成了网络社区媒体解决盈利燃眉之急的救命稻草,当4A公司的客户服务人员开始大张旗鼓地向客户忽悠口碑营销的重要性,当口碑营销这一话题的百度指数自2007年底以来急剧走高,用户关注度和媒体关注度从此居高不下,当比尔·盖茨曾经的一号小喇叭斯考伯断言,企业如不经营博客,就会沦为二流角色时,口碑营销似乎一夜之间成了营销传播界接下来要发生的一  相似文献   

零售企业口碑营销研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
口碑营销具有针对性强、可信度高、成功率高等特点零售企业在实施口碑营销时应重视产品与服务质量的提升,提供别出心裁的服务,挖掘“意见领袖”,重视客户关系管理,同时,进行口碑营销时应注意口碑设计要科学、合理,妥善解决客户问题.  相似文献   

焦家良 《商界》2004,(3):24-25
良好的口碑不仅仅是创业的一种荣耀,也是一种高效的营销手段。只是人们只知道口碑的重要性,却往往不知道怎样去控制和管理口碑。  相似文献   

口碑营销对于企业来说是十分重要的一个营销策略,它可以更好的帮助企业地发展甚至决定了企业未来的走势如何进行一场完美的口碑营销战却依旧需要我们对其进行研究和更深入的了解。这篇文章在结合口碑营销理论的基础之上,对口碑营销策略进行了深入的调查研究,构建出了比较完整的的企业口碑营销策略体系,希望可以为口碑营销的商业运作模式提供科理论参考。  相似文献   

口碑营销:21世纪企业营销新理念   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邓镝 《消费导刊》2009,(10):12-13
当巨额的广告费用和消费者日渐淡漠的反应困扰着企业,传统营销方式的效力逐步降低之际,口碑营销作为一种低成本、高效力的营销手段,其价值和影响力正日益受到企业的认可和重视。本文首先对口碑营销的涵义和特点进行概括,然后就企业实施口碑营销的具体方式进行归纳,最后阐述了企业在实施口碑营销时应注意的问题。  相似文献   

车佳桓 《商业科技》2009,(31):19-20
互联网时代的口碑营销,与传统的口碑营销相比,具有不同的产生机制、特点和作用方式,因此其营销策略也是不同的。本文从传播学角度对互联网时代的口碑传播作一分析,并由此提出一系列营销策略。  相似文献   

While there is a rich collection of studies of consumption and identity, the role of buying practices in ordinary conversations has been largely neglected. Minor items and major purchases regularly play a key role in furnishing our talk with topics, news, jokes and formulations of what kind of people we are. This paper unpacks the idea of post-purchase conversations contained within the common phrase “word of mouth.” What happens when products are examined in ordinary talk is pursued through the close analysis of a series of conversations around a significant purchase (a mountain bike). Drawing on the work of Harvey Sacks, and conversation analysis more broadly, this paper documents how products as a topic provide not only resources for small talk, but also an opportunity to consider our identity and its transformation. In conclusion, this paper argues that the knowledge and experience that circulate outside of the actual marketplace or point of purchase are part of a domain of economics as ordinary practice.  相似文献   

YOU上了《时代》杂志封面,着实让网民震撼了一把。而在广告人眼中,YOU就是消费者,YOU早就上了广告人心中的封面。  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2023,66(3):313-324
When managers consider storytelling part of their organizational strategy, it is generally considered a marketer’s task. However, we argue that intentionally building a storytelling culture across domains and functions can provide value to all parts of the organization. Even so, storytelling can often feel like a formidable undertaking, exclusive to firms with ample in-house resources or finely tuned existing brand stories. This is not the case, and in this article we offer examples and concrete advice for companies of all sizes and resource levels to embed storytelling throughout the organization. Likewise, we build a case for developing organizational culture and capacity to harness the power of storytelling not only for marketing strategy, but also for overall organizational functionality. We provide examples of potential storytelling applications, a review of storytelling benefits, and step-by-step guidance on how to manage and embed storytelling.  相似文献   

张晓岚 《广告大观》2005,(12):38-39
在一次提案前的内部演练会上,公司的一位曾在数家国际4A广告公司呆过的同事不屑地质疑我们提案不够专业、不够国际化,我很奇怪地问他:“你在街上看到两个人打架,一人手握铁棒,一人手拿板砖,你说是握铁棒的国际化呢,还是拿板砖的专业?”他思考半天答不上话。我告诉他:“谁先打倒谁,谁国际化;谁不被打倒,谁专业化!”  相似文献   

Word‐of‐mouth advertising involves activities to encourage consumers to talk about a product or company to friends and neighbours, setting in motion a chain of communication that could spread through a whole market. Each activity, itself small and relatively unimportant, could escalate through word of mouth to create strong, positive brand images and beliefs. A major characteristic of chaos theory, sensitive dependence on initial conditions (the butterfly effect) is at work in word of mouth. This paper reviews word of mouth literature from a chaos/complexity theory perspective. Using a multiple case study approach, the significance of word of mouth in turbulent markets is assessed. It was found that more successful companies tended to use word of mouth proactively, and that it is an effective marketing tool for turbulent environments. Furthermore, chaos theory is shown as a good lens through which to view word of mouth. This paper is important because word of mouth has had little attention from the academic community, with the exception of electronic or Internet based word of mouth. Furthermore, it suggests an academic theory to underpin word of mouth that has not been considered before. In addition, it is important because, in South Africa and possibly in other under‐developed and developing countries, word of mouth is critical to marketing to less sophisticated or literate markets.  相似文献   

2008年这场席卷全球的金融风暴,使作为市场经济晴雨表的广告市场也难以在暴风雪中独善其身。但令人欣慰的是,走过跌宕起伏的2008,电视媒体仍然保持绝对优势,以16%的增幅,占据76%的份额,继续领跑传统媒体广告市场。而江西电视台在08年的广告经营也是逆势而上,展现出第一阵营媒体的稳定性和成长性。  相似文献   

Twitter的火爆远非商业层面的成功   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
魏武挥 《广告大观》2009,(7):112-113
如果要说时下最热的互联网应用(或者说网站)莫过于twitter.com了。这个网站说起来提供的服务非常简单:注册用户可以在twitter.com上书写不超过140个字符的信息。但就是这样一个简单的应用,居然要另一个社会化媒体新贵facebook.com斥资5亿美元来收购它,而且,它还很不给面子地拒绝了。  相似文献   


Drawing on the competitive capability theory, this paper examines how market orientation, marketing resources, and marketing capabilities contribute to firm performance. The empirical results show that being market oriented influences the level of marketing resources firms possess and the capability to deploy such resources. The findings show marketing resources and marketing capabilities are significant drivers of firm performance, and their impact is greater when they are complementary to each other.  相似文献   

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