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This paper explores managerial values and practices in three rapidly growing economies in Asia: Hong Kong, Taiwan, and the People's Republic of China. Differences and similarities in six cultural dimensions were investigated. Although participants in the present study share a common cultural heritage, their cultural values may be very different. Implications for cross-cultural research and practical applications are explored.  相似文献   

文化建设是城镇化的重要内容,城镇化进程会从供给、需求、交流等方面促进中国文化产品贸易。结合贸易双方城镇化进程、文化产业投入等因素,基于扩展引力模型分析中国文化产品贸易的影响因素,结果表明:对象国城镇化进程、人口数量、人均GDP和信息技术水平对中国文化产品贸易有显著的正向影响,双方的地理距离则对其呈现显著的负向影响,同时,中国的信息技术水平对中国文化产品贸易也具有显著的正向促进作用。  相似文献   

This study examines whether the use of appeals in advertisements can be attributed to cultural practices or values. A convenience sample and a survey method were used to collect data from professionals and students living in Finland. Results show that in Finland cultural practices are more hierarchical and masculine than Hofstede's cultural values. Furthermore, advertisers use significantly more high power distance and masculinity appeals than low power distance and feminine appeals. These frequently used appeals are associated with cultural practices rather than cultural values. These findings suggest that due to the value paradox, cultural practices explain the reflection of culture in advertising.  相似文献   

Understanding the nature and influences of cultural differences is central to international marketing. This article investigates cultural differences in television advertising between the United States and a select group of countries in the Arab world on the cultural dimensions of contextualization, individualism/collectivism, time orientation, and human perception of nature. The results indicate that while there are many differences between the United States and the Arab world, there are also similarities. The results indicate that there are also differences between the Arab countries, and the Arab countries should not be viewed as the same in certain situations.  相似文献   


The purpose of this article is to examine whether service convenience increases customer satisfaction that fosters customer loyalty in Indian commercial banks. A cross-sectional study of 352 retail banking customers through questionnaires was conducted. The population of the study is retail urban customers of banks in Rajasthan. Responses are analyzed using structural equation modeling. Dimensions of service convenience are decision convenience, access convenience, transaction convenience, benefit convenience, and postbenefit convenience. Decision convenience was found to influence customer satisfaction more than the other dimensions of service convenience. Customer satisfaction furthers customer loyalty. The article emphasizes the significance of SERVCON on customer satisfaction for the Indian banking sector. The direct impact of SERVCON on customer loyalty is also studied.  相似文献   

Edward Hall's pioneering work on “Silent Languages” of time, space, material possessions, friendship patterns, and agreements and his conceptualization of cultures as low-context and high-context have inspired numerous research studies on international and cross-cultural marketing. Despite these widespread applications, there is no research to date that integrates the theoretical foundations and applications of Hall's work in a single study. In this context, the current research delivers on the following three goals: (a) an extensive literature review of Hall's work on cultural context is done; (b) a conceptual model is developed that depicts the determinants and effects of cultural context; and (c) 12 propositions are developed, contrasting the effect of low- versus high-context cultures on a variety of cultural themes, such as Hofstede's five cultural dimensions, mono-chronic or M-time versus polychronic or P-time orientation, and relationship building etc. International marketing implications of this research and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

This article investigates the impact of demographic and business-related factors on universal values through surveying a large sample of German and Chinese managers. ANOVA analyses indicate that especially the factors age, job tenure and business sectors have substantially large and significant effects on basic human value orientations of German managers. For Chinese business leaders, the educational level and job tenure are the most relevant factors affecting their value priorities, while the factor age has lower impacts. Consistently with Schwartz (2006b), who postulates a pan-cultural consensus regarding value priorities, the findings of this study reveal a broad basis of similarities between both countries' managers. However, distinctions evolve; the factor company location has impacts on Chinese managers' but not on German managers' values. This indicates a distinctive Chinese intra-cultural variety which may have arisen from the heterogeneity of Chinese culture, whereas the relatively low degree of intra-cultural variety in Germany is likely to result from the homogeneity of German culture. Whether the diverse geographic sizes of both countries have impacts on the degree of intra-cultural diversity is an issue which may be debated.  相似文献   

We extend the seminal home market effect model of Helpman and Krugman (Market structure and foreign trade, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1985) by incorporating asymmetric cultural discounting. In addition to the home market effect, our model predicts that a country subject to a relatively lower cultural discount factor becomes a net exporter as trade liberalisation accelerates. Using international box office revenues in the motion picture industry and developing a measure of asymmetric cultural discount based on tourist‐arrival statistics, we find empirical support for this hypothesis. Our model provides an explanation for the continued cultural dominance of smaller English‐speaking countries in larger non‐English‐speaking countries, which cannot be explained by the home market effect alone.  相似文献   

文化多元化如同经济全球化一样,是当今世界文化发展中的一种不可逆转的客观趋势,是一种历史进程。在文化多元化进程中必须认识到不同文化模式会引起的各种形式的文化矛盾和冲突。鉴于西方文化思潮对社会主义文化建设的影响,顺应时代发展的潮流,推动民族文化发展与进步,建设和谐文化是民族文化发展的积极选择。  相似文献   

“理论旅行”强调外来理论本土化过程中所面对的具体历史情境意义。中国语境下的“文化研究”建基于西方话语理论旅行与中国现象本土批评的双向互动过程。在它面对中国20世纪80—90年代的社会转型时,一方面有着批评介入的积极意义,但另一方面又误入了学科夺权的理论迷途。在对于“人”的根本意义的理解上,“文化诗学”则在洞察“文化研究”价值缺憾的同时提供了我们超越于它之上的一层更高的价值论启示。  相似文献   

As the international service market continues its phenomenal growth, understanding the nature of effective interpersonal interactions between service providers and their customers is increasingly important. However, cross-national theory and research on this topic remain limited. In response, the following study employs data from China and the United States to test whether the cultural congruency of benefits emphasized by the service provider interacts with the customer's value orientation and/or consumption objective to affect evaluations of service quality. Results indicate that the cultural congruency of provider recommendations affects evaluations. Preliminary evidence also suggests that this effect is moderated by consumption objective.  相似文献   

This research seeks to develop an understanding of how cooperative teamwork among Chinese employees impacts upon the customer perception of service in the Hong Kong ship-repair industry. The research model was based on the ‘Theory of Cooperation and Competition’, a western-derived theory. The model used included the Chinese values of power distance, collectivism and conformity. The results suggested the need to explore alternative processes that Chinese people may engage in in managing their conflict. We question whether the ‘goals’ or ‘ends’ based approach to the operation of teams inherent in the Theory of Cooperation and Competition, is valid in the Chinese context where ‘process’ and ‘relationship’ are pivotal.  相似文献   

《Journal of Retailing》2015,91(1):154-170
We investigate factors influencing the international retailing of cultural products by concentrating on two cultural elements: (1) consumer-perceived cultural content embedded in the product and (2) the general cultural environment of the foreign market. To test cross-culture predictability in international retailing, we develop a novel text mining procedure to elicit the specific cultural content of the product using consumers’ online product reviews. In addition, to measure the general cultural environment of the market, we apply Hofstede's cultural distance measure. To explain foreign markets’ acceptance of culturally specific elements, we theorize that the relationship between inter-country cultural distance and product sales is U shaped because of both cultural discount and cultural premium. In our empirical analysis using American movies in international retailing, we find that the two specified types of cultural factors determine a movie's success, along with the movie's characteristics and the market's economic environment. From a managerial perspective, international retailers that understand the delicate implications of the match/mismatch of their general national culture and the imported product's specific cultural content can better predict the international success of imported cultural products.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the survival patterns of Brazilian franchising firms for the period 1994–1999. First, we considered the (percentage) survival of newly created franchisors in the following years. Survival functions were obtained by means of the Kaplan–Meier estimator for the selected sectors and they indicated sharp declines in the survival rates over time but with differential patterns across sectors. Finally, an econometric analysis based on the Cox proportional hazard model considered the explanatory variables pertaining to size, age and support regarding the legal aspects, location choice and training. The evidence indicates that the supports provided by the franchisor have a positive impact on the probability of survival of new firms, whereas there is partial evidence favoring a positive effect of firm size on survival.  相似文献   

一般而言,不同国家或地区的旅游资源带有明显的文化特征,将文化距离指数这一变量纳入到引力模型中,能够估计文化差异对中国入境旅游影响的综合效应和影响程度。基于16个国家和地区连续8年的面板数据的估计结果表明:文化差异的确对中国的入境旅游有较大的影响,其综合效果是消极的,各国的自发旅游消费也存在较大的差异;此外,绝对地理距离、人均收入水平和中国的经济发展能力对入境旅游也有不同程度的影响。因此,中国在发展入境旅游业的过程中,应当综合考虑文化因素与经济因素的相互关系,合理运用文化要素,对入境旅游的开发和营销等工作进行有效规划。  相似文献   


In advertising literature, an area rarely explored is cross-cultural studies on celebrity endorsements. A good deal may be learned from understanding how a culture's communication style can shape the type of advertising most effective for that culture. This study examines the creative styles (creative executional factors) found in the advertising of Korea and America. The two countries represent two distinct cultures—Korea being a collectivistic culture and the United States being individualistic. Both cultures affect the norms and rules that guide their inhabitants’ behavior, directly affecting communication styles. The study finds that embedded in the use of celebrity endorsement are cross-cultural characteristics. The details of these findings will be useful to international advertisers executing celebrity endorsement campaigns in different cultural settings.  相似文献   

This article reviews the dynamic demographics of the international business classroom across five Anglo countries: the U.S.A., the UK, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada. Figures indicate that business education is becoming increasingly international, and that the countries of origin of international business students are changing. Cultural impacts of this increasing internationalization upon international business pedagogy—as well as issues of generational expectations of the classroom experience—are considered, benefits and challenges of the increased cultural diversity in the classroom are discussed, and practical suggestions for instructors teaching in future international business classrooms are detailed.  相似文献   

桂韬 《北方经贸》2013,(4):6-7,9
江苏省文化贸易在政府产业政策推动下,出口总量及文化品牌打造初现成效,但同时又面临文化产品特色不明显的问题。江苏省如何在利用好现有丰富的文化资源情况下,避免同质化经营,做好文化产品的创新及衍生品开发,是其文化贸易持续发展必须解决的问题。  相似文献   

Electronic markets are virtual meeting places where buyers and sellers interact to trade products or services. The main motivation for both buyers and sellers to participate in an electronic market is the desire to maximize their private utility (Bakos 1998). Electronic markets therefore usually provide some form of communication, decision or negotiation aid for buyers and sellers to support their utility maximizing goals. This paper presents a comparative analysis of two electronic job market case studies conducted at a university in Europe (Brussels, Belgium) and in the United States (Newark, New Jersey). At the occasion of the universities’ career fairs, students (n = 392) and local companies (n = 57) were invited to participate in an electronic job market to identify the best job offers (n = 137) and students, respectively. Participants were able to create personalized software agents to aid their search and decision making activities in the market. Every software agent was embedded with a multi-criteria decision support tool to produce a rank ordered list of students or job offers. Preference data gathered from market participants’ use of the multi-criteria decision model allow us to construct relational preference structures using a technique based on the mathematical theory of fuzzy relations (Bandler and Kohout 1980). These preference structures express relationships among the criteria that students and companies have used to identify job offers and companies, respectively. The purpose of the paper is to present the communicative and cultural implications of these relational preference structures. The theories of Hofstede (1983), Hall (1977) and Trompenaars (1993) on cultural dimensions allow us to discuss cultural differences on the choice of prototypical criteria. The paper concludes with implications for the use of electronic markets in the staffing industry and the role of software agents in such job markets.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is two-fold. First, to explore the factors that help to create brand equity in cultural organizations from the visitor viewpoint and second, to examine the impact of cultural brand equity on visitor satisfaction as well as on future intentions. A model of the relationships is developed and empirically tested using data collected from visitors attending The Ages of Mankind cultural exhibition in Castilla and León, Spain. In the present study, evidence is found to support the propositions that brand equity is closely linked to the particular image it conveys, to the event's recognition, the quality of the exhibitions and the cultural values it transmits. Brand equity also impacts visitor perception of the most recent exhibition, as well as future intentions to attend or even pay an admission fee.  相似文献   

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