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作为知识密集型行业,人才对保险业的发展具有基础性、决定性的作用.现行的保险教育已经不能满足我国保险业发展的需要,创新保险教育、突破人才瓶颈,是提升中国保险业核心竞争力的重要手段.  相似文献   

保险人才供给与需求   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
保险人才的匮乏制约了保险的发展,在保险教育迅速发展的情况下,却出现保险大学生就业难和保险业急需人才却难以招到符合条件人才的两难现象,保险教育与市场对人才的需求出现了严重脱钩。  相似文献   

保险业人才状况分析与高职高专教育发展对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
保险业目前巨大的发展前景,导致对保险专业人才的旺盛需求,也给从事保险教育的高等院校提供了难逢的发展契机。本引用翔实的资料分析了我国保险业目前的人才状况,并针对高职高专的保险教育现状,提出了如何为保险业培养人才的一些看法。  相似文献   

随着保险业的快速发展,保险业对人才的需求教量与质量均提出了更高的要求。尤其是人才的需求质量方面.复合型、专业型、技术型保险应用人才成为保险业的新宠。为此,保险学高等教育应适应时代发展要求,重点为保险业培养七类应用型专业人才。分别为:复合型保险开发人才、综合型保险管理人才、技术型保险精算人才、创新型保险研究人才、专业型保险营销人才、专职型保险中介人才、专家型保险投资人才。  相似文献   

中国保险业的日益发展吸引了许多保险人才加入,中国保险教育事业也因此得到了长足发展。高校保险学历教育是保险人才培养的基础,而高校保险专业本科教育更是基础中的基础,在保险人才的培养过程中起着举足轻重的作用。  相似文献   

由于我国保险业的迅速发展,保险人才奇缺。高职高专保险专业教育应根据保险业人才资源的配置和实际工作需要,为保险公司和保险中介培养具有思想政治素质高,有高度的合作精神、良好的职业道德、扎实的保险理论知识、较强的实际操作能力的应用性人才。  相似文献   

保险人才培养:中国大学保险专业教育的定位与定轨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人才培养是保险业发展的关键,而中国大学保险院系是保险人才培养的重要场所。本文探讨的是一种保险人才培养的立体模式,即;大学保险院系的保险专业教育在自身正确定位的前提下,面向保险业各个主体的需求,在注重方法教育的基础上培养人才市场需要的真正保险人才。  相似文献   

李加明 《上海保险》2011,(11):35-37,45
人才培养是保险业发展的关键,而我国大学保险院系是保险人才培养的重要场所。本文探讨一种保险人才培养的立体模式,即大学保险院系的保险专业教育在自身正确定位的前提下,面向保险业各个主体的需求,培养人才市场需要的真正保险人才。  相似文献   

中国保险业人才战略:现状、目标与关键措施   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在经济全球化与我国保险业持续发展的大背景下,保险行业的人才现状令人忧虑。本文主张保险行业实施保险专业人才发展战略,实现保险专业人才结构的多层次化、人才培养的复合化、经营人才国际化、管理人才精英化,并提出保险业实施人才战略应当树立新的人才观、奉行人才规划先行、人力资本投入优先、强势引导保险高等教育发展、规范发展保险职业技能教育、充分发挥保险行业协会功能作用、建立科学的选人用人机制等建议。  相似文献   

当前,保险人才的培养和市场实际需求联系不够紧密,还不能满足保险业快速发展的需要,人才匮乏成为制约保险业发展的瓶颈。目前,高校学历教育是最全面、最系统的一种人才培养方式,对保险专业人才培养具有决定性意义。但长期以来,我国高校保险专业教育注重理论知识的培养.忽视实务操作能力的锻炼,导致正规高校培养出来的保险专业人才,不能适应保险机构及业务发展的需要。  相似文献   

The “talent crisis” in the insurance industry is well documented. Solutions to this crisis, however, are not plentiful. One of the major challenges faced by the industry is its reputation. We hypothesize that opinions of the industry can be changed through brief but specific education efforts. We test our hypothesis at a major university and find very strong support for our hypothesis.  相似文献   

The Demand for Life Insurance in OECD Countries   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article examines the determinants of life insurance consumption in OECD countries. Consistent with previous results, we find a significant positive income elasticity of life insurance demand. Demand also increases with the number of dependents and level of education, and decreases with life expectancy and social security expenditure. The country's level of financial development and its insurance market's degree of competition appear to stimulate life insurance sales, whereas high inflation and real interest rates tend to decrease consumption. Overall, life insurance demand is better explained when the product market and socioeconomic factors are jointly considered. In addition, the use of GMM estimates helps reconcile our findings with previous puzzling results based on inconsistent OLS estimates given heteroscedasticity problems in the data.  相似文献   

保险业是人才密集型产业,目前,在中国保险业的发展中,人才资源是最重要的战略资源之一。保险专业人才的稀缺是保险业发展的"软肋",是整个行业保持持续前进的最大桎梏,如何塑造保险专业人才队伍,突破保险业发展中的人才"瓶颈",是当前亟待解决的一大难题。  相似文献   

There is concern among insurers and related firms in the United States and abroad that there will be a shortage of skilled insurance professionals in the next few years as current workers retire. Though there have been discussions among insurers, organizations, and academics as to how to address this issue, until recently, each group has been primarily working in isolation. The Insurance Education & Career Summit, which took place in September 2011, brought together 110 individuals across these groups for the purpose of creating a unified strategy to both attract and retain skilled workers to the insurance industry and work to create the next generation of insurance executives. This article provides a brief background on the talent gap issue. We also discuss its potential impact on the insurance industry. Finally, we summarize the main obstacles identified by Summit participants to both attracting and retaining skilled workers as well as the strategies developed to overcome these obstacles.  相似文献   

In this article, we view the demand for reinsurance as a “special case” of the corporate demand for insurance. We analyze the extent to which reinsurance purchases by the global property–liability insurance industry vary across countries and assess the relative importance of country‐level factors compared with firm‐level factors. Using a data set consisting of 21,814 firm‐year observations from 33 (developed and developing) countries during the period 2000–2012, we find that after controlling for firm‐level factors, country‐level factors have economically as well as statistically significant effects on the demand for reinsurance.  相似文献   

Houses are the primary asset for Chinese rural families. However, dramatically increasing frequency and severity of floods have caused significant loss in rural houses recently, and there is generally no insurance available. In this article, we investigate the rural residents’ willingness to buy insurance according to a national survey. The results show that there exists a strong need for flood insurance in rural China, and the influencing factors in the insurance demand include the recent frequency of floods, income, and past experience with lack of flood insurance. Policy suggestions for flood insurance are provided for the insurance industry and Chinese government.  相似文献   

高职教育是为地方培养生产、建设、管理、服务第一线的高级应用型人才。它具有鲜明的地方性和行业性。随着我区经济发展和产业结构的调整,地方中小企业对毕业生的引进,不仅要求有较强的动手能力,而且要具有创新精神和应变能力,能较好地处理实际问题。高职院校如何培养具有创新精神和实践能力的复合型人才为地区经济建设、社会发展及行业发展服务,这是一个重要课题。  相似文献   

中国保险业经过多年的高速发展后,面临税收政策、人才等瓶颈的制约,海外业务的发展也一直裹足不前。在行业调整转型和持续健康发展的新要求下,要推动保险业的进一步发展,我们认为一方面国家应该出台相关的政策,鼓励老百姓购买商业保险,另一方面保险公司应该通过交叉销售办法,挖掘保险市场需求。同时,应该借鉴国外优质的教育培训资源培养保险人才,为保险业走向海外市场提供智力支持。  相似文献   

内需不足是制约中国经济增长的主要因素,而积极的财政政策和货币政策只是扩大内需的短期政策,这种政策只能短期启动内需,而不能长期扩大内需.社会分工和制度变迁是扩大内需的长期机制.通过社会分工和制度变迁来促进内需扩大的措施有:加强基础设施建设,进行产业结构调整和升级;完善行政管理体制,加快保障制度和户籍制度的改革;大力发展教育事业,提高人力资源水平和技术创新水平;促进非农产业的发展,建设小城镇.  相似文献   

张建军 《保险研究》2011,(8):100-104
保险行业是一个流程导向性的行业,也是一个高度知识密集型的行业。保险公司员工需要在某个专业领域多年的知识积累,包括流程知识、业务领域的技术、复杂问题的应急能力等经验知识,这些都是为了高效地完成工作。而这些类型的知识普遍存在于人们的大脑中,并且具有不稳定易变的特征,所以迫切地需要挖掘这类知识,并进行知识共享。保险公司的运行...  相似文献   

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