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金融知识是消费者负责任金融行为的重要驱动力。本文区分主观金融知识和客观金融知识,从微观视角分析了金融知识通过风险态度改变借贷行为的作用机制,基于CHFS抽样数据的结果表明,客观金融知识和主观金融知识对金融行为都具有显著的正向影响关系,而且通过风险态度与之间接的影响关系也显著成立。这些发现揭示了金融知识以及心理特征如风险态度在解释金融行为差异方面的重要性,为消费者金融教育提供了重要的理论和实践依据。  相似文献   

石禹秋 《云南金融》2011,(6Z):34-35
结合我国电子商务中消费者群体现状,分析了消费者的消费心理和消费行为特征,具体研究了影响消费者行为意向的因素,并讨论了在消费者初始信任及品牌偏好影响下,会使消费者行为意向产生怎样的变化。  相似文献   

石禹秋 《时代金融》2011,(17):34-35
结合我国电子商务中消费者群体现状,分析了消费者的消费心理和消费行为特征,具体研究了影响消费者行为意向的因素,并讨论了在消费者初始信任及品牌偏好影响下,会使消费者行为意向产生怎样的变化。  相似文献   

诚信建设是社会主义文化大发展大繁荣的重要组成部分,会计诚信是社会诚信的重要基础,会计诚信的建设立足于会计人员高标准的伦理道德水平。本文以计划行为理论为基础,采取情景实验研究法,通过问卷调查的方式探讨了我国会计人员的伦理决策现状以及影响其伦理决策的因素。结果发现,在被调查样本中,只有60%左右的会计人员能做出符合伦理标准的决策,其中,态度和主观规范对他们的伦理意向有显著影响,认知行为控制对伦理意向的影响程度视情景性质而定。本文的研究表明,我国应加强对会计人员的伦理意识和规范意识的教育,同时应注重组织伦理氛围的营造。  相似文献   

信用卡作为消费者不可或缺的一种支付工具,是银行业挖掘客户、提高中间业务收入、提升品牌的重要产品。本文通过联合分析法,将无锡消费者信用卡选择偏好分解为态度因素、促销因素、便利性因素等几个方面,并在无锡各大银行、商城等发放调研问卷,研究各个因素在无锡消费者中的权重,进而针对无锡消费者的特点提出相关营销服务策略。  相似文献   

本文基于计划行为理论,构建全面、系统的大学生课堂使用手机行为理论框架,从行为态度、主管规范和直觉行为控制三个方面分别阐述计划行为理论对大学生课堂使用手机行为的理论指导意义.  相似文献   

基于UTAUT模型构建了互联网金融理财产品使用行为影响因素模型,运用结构方程模型分析方法对这些影响因素以及它们之间的关系进行了研究,结果显示:使用意向、便利条件直接显著影响使用行为,绩效期望、努力期望、感知风险、社会影响通过使用意向间接显著影响使用行为,感知成本对使用意向的影响不显著。  相似文献   

在这共享经济的时代里,知识付费模式悄然兴起。本研究以喜马拉雅APP为实例,统计平台消费者相关数据,结合计划行为理论,构建平台用户消费模型。采用Logistic回归分析,得出影响用户付费意愿的重要因素,从而对信息化产业在了解消费者的选择等方面起到积极作用。同时,为相关平台提出建议,促进知识付费领域的健康发展。  相似文献   

银行卡已成为我国最主要的非现金支付工具和小额消费信贷工具,成为影响居民消费行为的一个重要因素,对促进消费产生了积极作用。本文首先理论分析了银行卡影响居民消费行为的作用机制,然后基于我国居民消费行为特征与银行卡支付、信用卡消费信贷对居民消费行为的影响机制,参考主流消费行为理论假设,探索建立了包含银行卡支付方式、社会保障发展水平、消费者预期等因素在内的城镇居民消费行为模型,并通过对近十年城镇居民样本数据进行模型估计,量化研究了银行卡作为支付工具和消费信贷工具,对居民消费行为所产生的实际影响。  相似文献   

银行卡已成为我国最主要的非现金支付工具和小额消费信贷工具,成为影响居民消费行为的一个重要因素,对促进消费产生了积极作用。本文首先理论分析了银行卡影响居民消费行为的作用机制,然后基于我国居民消费行为特征与银行卡支付、信用卡消费信贷对居民消费行为的影响机制,参考主流消费行为理论假设,探索建立了包含银行卡支付方式、社会保障发展水平、消费者预期等因素在内的城镇居民消费行为模型,并通过对近十年城镇居民样本数据进行模型估计,量化研究了银行卡作为支付工具和消费信贷工具,对居民消费行为所产生的实际影响。  相似文献   

随着我国信用卡产业的迅速发展,信用卡在使用过程中也凸显诸多问题,信用卡套现便是其中之一。然而,对于信用卡套现的法律性质,学术界一直存有争论。从信用卡套现的概念和原理出发,层层分析揭露信用卡套现的深层原因,并以此窥视我国现行信用卡相关立法的不足,并在借鉴美国信用卡立法模式的基础上,对我国信用卡立法提出了建议。  相似文献   

More knowledge and understanding is needed regarding the mechanisms influencing college student attitudes toward credit card companies and the behavior that students exhibit using credit cards. Prior literature in the area has been sparse. The current article is an attempt to fill the gap in existing literature. Using survey data, we try to find the determinants of college student attitude toward credit card companies and the responsible use of credit cards. Our findings indicate that a strong positive link exists between student attitude toward credit card companies and responsible credit behavior. Two distinct groups of students are identified – one with a positive attitude toward credit card companies and positive credit use behaviors; the other with the opposing attitude and behavior. Reward cards, payment behavior, number of credit cards, modes of acquisition, awareness about credit card policies, purpose for using credit cards, impulsiveness and certain student characteristics are all indicated as variables that help discriminate between the two different student groups. Our findings have implications for both higher education institutions and credit card firms.  相似文献   

徐丽鹤  吕佳玮  何青 《金融研究》2019,465(3):149-167
信用卡市场的发展有利于家庭平滑消费,但是否会影响家庭的投资决策尚缺少事实检验。基于中国家庭金融调查(CHFS)2011和2013年的调查数据,本文首次检验了信用卡对城镇家庭股市投资的影响。研究发现:(1)控制家庭财富、融资渠道、社会资本等特征,持有信用卡在边际上促进了家庭的股市参与率,股市投资额取决于信用额度。(2)中国信用卡市场的发展,并未像流动性约束理论预测的可以平滑消费,反而刺激了家庭风险性资产的配置,最终提高了储蓄率。原因在于,中国家庭更多地将信用卡作为应对未来短期突发性风险的金融工具,从而在当期将更多资产配置在风险资产上,以实现资本积累。使用信用卡数目、信用额度等多种衡量方式,并采用工具变量法(IV)和面板数据固定效应模型等解决内生性问题后,该结论稳健。该研究有助于理解信用卡在中国家庭投资决策的作用,并为流动性约束或有限股市参与假说提供中国经验。  相似文献   

宋弘  张庆  陆毅 《金融研究》2023,511(1):131-149
已有丰富的文献考察了消费信贷对家庭消费和投资行为的影响,但少有研究关注其对家庭人力资本投资的影响。家庭人力资本投资对于人力资本积累、经济高质量发展至关重要。基于此,本文考察了信用卡使用对家庭人力资本投资的影响及其影响机制,主要发现如下:信用卡使用显著增加了家庭人力资本投资,且这一效应具有长期动态影响并对城市、高收入、高教育程度家庭影响更为显著,这意味着信用卡消费信贷可能会增加人力资本不平等。进一步研究发现,家庭会增加劳动力供给来应对人力资本支出的增加。机制分析表明,信用卡使用主要通过增加家庭消费投资、促进消费升级、缓解家庭预算约束三种途径促进家庭人力资本投资。在风险可控的前提下,引导消费信贷流向有利于实体经济发展的领域,可助力于消费升级与人力资本积累,从而为经济发展提供新动能。  相似文献   

Utilizing the 2013 Survey of Consumer Finances data, the present study aims to examine the role of the Internet in carrying a credit card balance among US households. The central question of this study is whether or not households with Internet access have more favorable attitudes toward incurring more credit card balance. This study further investigates whether education, income, gender, age, race, etc., make any differences in carrying credit card debt when households have access to the Internet. Our results with the Tobit model show that having access to the Internet increases the probability of carrying a positive credit card balance by 4% to 5% compared to those who do not have access to the Internet. This result does not apply to older Americans. Our results further indicate that education decreases the probability of carrying a positive credit balance for households that have access to the Internet, while income and liquid assets may have little positive effect on that probability. The results suggest that Internet leads to more debt, but education could alleviate that debt.  相似文献   

本文通过对粤桂琼3省区12个地市信用卡发展情况及居民刷卡消费意愿进行调查,深入总结了制约居民利用信用卡有效消费的主要因素,并对如何促进信用卡有效消费提出了具体建议.  相似文献   

Using a large panel this paper first demonstrates that individuals gain and lose access to credit frequently. The estimated credit limit volatility is larger than most estimates of income volatility and varies over the business cycle. Within a model, variable credit limits create a reason for households to hold both high interest debts and low interest savings at the same time. Using the estimated credit volatility, the model explains why around one third of American households engage in this credit card puzzle. The approach also offers an important new channel through which financial system uncertainty can affect household decisions.  相似文献   

早在上世纪80年代,经济学家开始研究存在转换成本的市场竞争问题。目前,有关转换成本的研究主要集中在电信、银行存款及信用卡等市场领域。研究信用卡转换成本对银行业发展、信用卡产业的发展等具有重要现实意义。本文基于转换成本一般研究基础之上,从转换成本的内涵与类型、对消费者的影响及研究方法等方面对学术界有关信用卡转换成本的研究进行了梳理和概括,以期为今后的信用卡转换成本的深入研究提供参考。  相似文献   

The Credit CARD Act of 2009 was intended to prevent practices in the credit card industry that lawmakers viewed as deceptive and abusive. Among other changes, the Act restricted issuers’ account closure policies, eliminated certain fees, and made it more difficult for issuers to change terms on credit card plans. Critics of the Act argued that because of the long lag between approval and implementation of the law, issuing banks would be able to take preemptive actions that might disadvantage cardholders before the law could take effect. Using credit bureau data as well as individual data from a survey of U.S. consumers, we test whether banks closed consumers’ credit card accounts or otherwise restricted access to credit just before the enactment of the CARD Act. Because the period prior to the enactment of the CARD Act coincided with the financial crisis and recession, causality in this case is particularly difficult to establish. We find evidence that a higher fraction of credit card accounts were closed following the Federal Reserve Board’s adoption of its credit card rules, but not between May 2009, when the CARD Act was signed, and when most of its provisions became law in February 2010. However, we do find evidence that banks deteriorated terms of credit card plans at a higher rate during this period, especially lowered the credit limits. Among the survey respondents whose bank accounts were closed during that period, account holders were much more likely to close their own credit card accounts than to have them closed by their card issuers.  相似文献   

The purpose of this empirical study is to investigate consumer attitudes and intentions towards credit card ownership and usage in an advanced developing country. In particular, knowledge structures, beliefs, likes and dislikes as well as attitudes of credit card owners in the possession and use of credit cards are investigated. Data for the study were collected from 673 credit card holders and non-holders in the largest Turkish city of Istanbul with a total population of over ten million. Managerial and public policy implications for banks and credit card issuing firms are offered for orderly decision making purposes.  相似文献   

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