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Harm-advocating online content includes pro-eating disorder, pro-self-harm, pro-suicide, and the positive portrayal of the deaths of real people (snuff or death sites). This material is often user-generated and easily accessible for an average online user, therefore offering a potential source of risk for many Internet users. This cross-sectional study examined the association between exposure to harm-advocating online content and users’ subjective well-being (SWB) among American (n = 1032) and Finnish (n = 555) young people aged 15–30. Exposure to different types of online harm-advocating content was prevalent in both countries. Lower SWB was associated with exposure to this material even when controlling for social networking site (SNS) activity and online and offline victimization. In the US sample, seeing death sites was not associated with SWB, but seeing other harm-advocating sites was. In both countries, those with high SNS activity were more likely to be exposed to online harm-advocating material. These results from two advanced information societies underline the importance of recognizing the existence of harmful online communities. These communities are grounded on social interaction that might involve risks for the well-being of adolescents and young adults.  相似文献   

We examine the impact of corporate social disclosure (CSD) on investment behavior in the US, Japan, France, and Sweden using stakeholder theory as the underlying framework for our analysis. We find that there is a significant difference in investors’ reactions to CSD across countries. Using a unique stakeholder scale we also find that these reactions are related to the investors’ stakeholder orientation. These findings provide insight into cross-national differences in the perceived relevance of CSD to investors.  相似文献   

Behavioral research in accounting has largely ignored the impact of cross-national differences. This paper deviates from that trend and reports the results of a study comparing the predictive ability of the Valence-Instrumentality-Expectancy (V-I-E) model of motivation in two cultural settings: Australia and the United States of America. Data was collected from a matched sample of 45 staff-level auditors drawn from a large public accounting firm in each of the two respective countries. The findings indicate that few differences exist between the two groups with respect to personal value structures, motivation levels, and perceptions of the work environment. The results are significant both as a systematic cross-national comparison of accounting groups and as an extension of current V-I-E research in accounting.  相似文献   

There is growing scientific evidence that humanity faces a number of threats that jeopardize its future. Public perceptions of these threats, both their risks and reactions to them, are important in determining how humanity confronts and addresses the threats. This study investigated the perceived probability of threats to humanity and different responses to them (nihilism, fundamentalism and activism), in four Western nations: the US, UK, Canada and Australia. Overall, a majority (54%) rated the risk of our way of life ending within the next 100 years at 50% or greater, and a quarter (24%) rated the risk of humans being wiped out at 50% or greater. The responses were relatively uniform across countries, age groups, gender and education level, although statistically significant differences exist.Almost 80% agreed “we need to transform our worldview and way of life if we are to create a better future for the world” (activism). About a half agreed that “the world’s future looks grim so we have to focus on looking after ourselves and those we love” (nihilism), and over a third that “we are facing a final conflict between good and evil in the world” (fundamentalism). The findings offer insight into the willingness of humanity to respond to the challenges identified by scientists and warrant increased consideration in scientific and political debate.  相似文献   

Public concerns about food risks have grown in recent decades in response to many food-related scandals. Despite some evidence that risk concerns vary across societies and risk domains, these variations remain understudied. To address this gap, this paper conducts a multi-level analysis of public concerns about biological and chemical/technical food risks in 26 European countries. Findings confirm previous work on individual predictors of risk concern and suggest that several contextual factors contribute to cross-national variations: aggregate perceptions of risks as unnatural, retail concentration in the food sector, and media coverage. The effect of institutional trust on risk concerns varies substantially across nations. Findings also reveal important differences in public concerns about biological versus chemical/technical food risks, supporting the view that food risk perception is multi-dimensional and complex.  相似文献   

The futures research programme initiated by the European Cultural Foundation, Amsterdam, in 1968, under the general title of Plan Europe 2000, consists of four projects : Education, Industrialisation, Urbanisation and Agriculture.1 Work on the last Agriculture Project commenced in September 1970. The prime aim of the project is to provide alternative “guiding images” of the roles and functions which agriculture could fulfil in Western Europe in the future.2  相似文献   

The main objective of this paper is to investigate whether differences in institutional characteristics result in different capital structure determination among countries. First, we analyze the institutional setting in Greece compared with that of other countries. Second, we provide survey information about the determinants of capital structure in Greece and compare our findings with those of similar surveys in the United States and Europe based on Graham and Harvey [Graham, J., & Harvey, C. (2001). The theory and practice of corporate finance: Evidence from the field. Journal of Financial Economics, 60, 187–243], Bancel and Mittoo [Bancel, F., & Mittoo, U. (2004). Cross-country determinants of capital structure choice: A survey of European firms. Financial Management, 33(4), 103–133 Winter 2004] and Brounen, de Jong and Koedijk [Brounen, D., de Jong A., & Koedijk, K. (2006). Capital structure policies in Europe: Survey evidence. Journal of Banking and Finance, 30, 1409–1442] respectively. Greek firms seem to follow an own-business policy and seem to care more about the disadvantages of debt than try to exploit its advantages. Financial distress considerations, market timing and competitiveness are important factors, whereas agency costs of equity, pecking order and the signalling theory do not seem to apply. Conclusions are relatively similar with those of other countries, though specific differences that can be attributed to the different institutional settings do exist. In general however, we conclude that differences in institutional characteristics do not seem to affect the way of thinking of financial managers when they decide on capital structure issues.  相似文献   

This study examines the dynamic causal links and volatility spillovers of inflation, output growth and their uncertainties in four South Asian countries, namely, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka by utilizing asymmetric GARCH family models. Our empirical evidence supports a number of important conclusions. There is an overwhelming support for Friedman-Ball hypothesis of positive inflation-uncertainty trade-off for all countries excluding India and Sri Lanka. The Cukierman-Meltzer’s idea that inflation uncertainty generates inflation, hold for Bangladesh and Sri Lanka only and the Holland’s hypothesis of negative influence of inflation uncertainty on level inflation is supported by India only. The positive influence of output uncertainty on inflation (Devereux (1989) hypothesis) is supported by all countries excluding Bangladesh while nominal uncertainty (real uncertainty) has negative (positive) effect on output growth in Pakistan (Bangladesh). Output growth is reducing real uncertainty in all countries excluding Sri Lanka and nominal uncertainty in Pakistan only. There is significant negative relationship between inflation and output growth for Pakistan only while real uncertainty is positively (negatively) related with nominal uncertainty in India (Bangladesh). The estimated results are almost robust with the simultaneous estimation procedure for testing the main hypotheses. In general, there is asymmetric effect and persistence of the GARCH parameters for all countries. The study suggests that the concerned central banks should pay more attention to the effects of macroeconomic uncertainty and should focus their monetary policy strategy on stabilizing both output growth and inflation.  相似文献   

This paper explores how contextual uncertainty and the use of the budgetary system explain cross-sectional variation in the organisational role of business unit controllers. We argue that there are complementarities between the role of the budgetary control system (i.e. coercive vs. enabling) and the role of the controller (i.e. corporate policeman vs. business partner). Thus, we explore both the direct effect of uncertainty on the role of the controller and the indirect effect through the role of the budgetary control system. Using survey data from 134 business unit controllers, we find that uncertainty provides a partial explanation of the variation in the role of budgetary control systems and in the role of controllers. In particular, our data suggest alignment between the coercive (enabling) use of the budgetary control system and the role of controllers acting as corporate policemen (business partners). These findings add to our understanding of the functioning of business unit controllers within their organisational context.  相似文献   

In finance, the use of newspaper-based uncertainty measures has grown exponentially in recent years. For instance, a growing number of researchers have used the newspaper-based U.S. economic policy uncertainty (EPU) index suggested in Baker et al. (2016) as a predictor in their model to forecast the variable of interest out-of-sample. Likewise, inspired by the approach suggested in Baker et al. (2016), several other newspaper-based uncertainty measures have been introduced, such as indices measuring geopolitical risk (GPR) and monetary policy uncertainty (MPU). This study evaluates the relative out-of-sample predictive power afforded by more than fifty different newspaper-based uncertainty measures with regards to predicting excess returns on the S&P 500 index one-month ahead using data from 1985m1 through 2020m12. Our predictive model accounts for salient data features, namely, predictor endogeneity and persistence. Furthermore, we evaluate the evidence of conditional as well unconditional predictive ability as outlined in Giacomini and White (2006), and also explore whether any identified level of gains from a statistical viewpoint lead to gains from an economic viewpoint. We find that newspaper-based uncertainty measures linked with certain components of the equity market volatility (EMV) tracker suggested in Baker et al. (2019) help improve the accuracy of one month ahead point predictions relative to the benchmark the most. In contrast, EPU, GPR and MPU indices, which are more frequently used by researchers are much less successful.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates corporate sensitivity to relative price risk and inflation risk and suggests how the existence of various nominal contracts, particularly debt and forward contracts, may modify firm behavior under uncertainty. By differentiating between the two types of price risk, this paper demonstrates the distinct risk reduction functions served by forward contracts and debt. Debt primarily protects against inflation risk whereas forward contracts can be used to protect against relative price risk. Complications arise, however, because forward contracts, which are denominated in nominal terms, also have an impact on the firm's degree of inflation risk.  相似文献   

Political uncertainty is increasingly seen as important to financial markets. Particularly US presidential election uncertainty is linked to uncertainty regarding future US macroeconomic policy. But what is the best vehicle to measure political uncertainty? We examine both the cointegration and causal relationships between the Iowa and Intrade presidential futures markets (IOWA, INTRADE), along with the results of election polls (POLLS); as well as published election predictions of Nate Silver (SILVER), who was arguably the most followed political forecaster during the 2012 presidential election season. We document strong evidence that SILVER and the two prediction markets were all highly cointegrated; while POLLS was not. Consistent with the assertion made by others that INTRADE prices were manipulated in 2012 for non-pecuniary reasons, we also evidence that IOWA and SILVER both Granger-caused INTRADE. Our findings are also consistent with previous findings that election markets outperform polls as prediction vehicles. Overall, while confirming that INTRADE, IOWA and SILVER are cointegrated, we note that the three series consistently differed in the degree of optimism in an Obama victor. These results pose important questions for researchers interested in estimating political uncertainty, and assessing the efficacy of prediction markets and their international integration.  相似文献   

This study examines the spillover effects in international financial markets with respect to implied volatility indices. The use of the latter as the basis of integration analysis means that we test market participants’ expectations and not the actual price fluctuations. The empirical analysis, which includes all publicly available implied volatility indices, employs the dynamic conditional correlation model of Engle (2002) and its findings suggest that there is significant integration of investors’ expectations about future uncertainty. Furthermore, by accounting for the dynamic volatility of implied volatility inter-dependencies, we are able to reveal possible shifts in conditional correlations of market expectations over time. More specifically, our findings show a slight increase in the conditional correlations for all the volatility indices under review over the years and prove that in periods of turbulence in the financial markets the conditional correlations across implied volatility indices increase.  相似文献   

一、案情简介2007年岁末隆冬,一封匿名举报信飞向A市国家税务局稽查局,举报该市某从事图文设计业务的私营企业(以下简称"Y公司")在与四家外资企业的业  相似文献   

艾亚 《国际融资》2010,(12):8-10
在2010中关村论坛上,国际货币基金组织总裁特别顾问朱民应邀做主旨演讲。他在演讲中谈到全球经济正在进入一个新的不确定阶段,而这一新变化的表现是全球的经济增长开始放慢,  相似文献   

The current state of the art in the central bank digital currency (CBDC) literature views indexes constructed from digital currency news to be fully informed about CBDC uncertainty and its impact on the financial system. We argue that the hedging behavior of participants in the currency futures market could be more informative than CBDC uncertainty news in the presence of limited risk absorption capacity in futures markets. We show that the hedging factor has a statistically significant effect on financial market risk aversion and measures of uncertainty. The hedging behavior of currency futures market participants is informative of agents' reactions to the news and central bank policies around CBDC. Our results also show that CBDC uncertainty is a significant risk transmitter in the financial system. Hence, this characteristic makes the hedging factor even more important because it can directly impact risk aversion via its moderating effects, which later influence CBDC uncertainty.  相似文献   

This study extends the research of Bordo, Duca, and Koch (2016) and Hu and Gong (2018) by examining the influences of economic policy uncertainty (EPU) at domestic and global levels on aggregate bank credit growth. The empirical analysis is conducted through both supply and demand side factors of bank credit growth in 22 economies over the period 2001–2015. This study employs different measures of EPU and applies panel-corrected standard errors (PCSE) and feasible generalized least squares (FGLS), which are suitable for unbalanced panel data models. Three principal findings are follows. First, higher level of EPU has negative impact on bank credit growth, which is significant for domestic EPU measures. Second, the positive change in EPU appears to have favorable effects on bank credit growth. The effects in both cases are different for the credit demand and supply sides. The findings suggest the need for appropriate measures to tackle bank credit risk-taking activities in uncertain conditions. Third, the impacts of EPU in emerging economies are negative and somewhat stronger than in advanced economies.  相似文献   

Following a review of the slack literature, Merchant (1985a) proposed that the propensity of subordinate managers to create slack is positively related to the importance placed on meeting budget targets, negatively related to the extent of participation allowed in budgeting processes, negatively related to the degree of predictability in the production processes, and negatively related to their superiors' abilities to detect slack. The results of his empirical tests provided little overall support for these hypotheses. The mixed nature of his results is of some concern since the literature provides considerable support for the theoretical framework underlying his propositions. He concluded that his use of non-random sampling may have influenced the results of his study. The objectives of this paper are first to extend Merchant's (1985a) study using the same measures but employing random sampling in a cross-national setting to enhance result generalizability. Second to assess whether the ability of superiors to detect slack interacts with budgetary participation to affect a subordinate manager's propensity to create slack. The results provide support for the cross-national generalizability of all five hypotheses.  相似文献   

滕琳 《新理财》2012,(Z1):80-82
初见邹志英,她优雅的举止、得体的谈吐,极具亲和力的风格给记者留下深刻的印象。然而,用"美女CFO"并不能准确概括她。工作中的邹志英,兼具理性与感性、智慧与激情,追求完美主义的特质,使得她肯为目标付出常人难以企及的巨大艰辛。  相似文献   

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