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基于传统纸质媒体与新媒体获取全面的媒体信息数据,运用 Fama-French三因子模型计算沪深300指成份股的特质波动率,并将媒体信息的关注度、媒体情感、媒体关注度与媒体情感的交互作用纳入统一的计量分析模型中,综合探究媒体信息对金融资产价格波动的影响.结果发现:媒体关注度和媒体情感对金融资产价格波动都具有显著性的影响;媒体关注度和媒体情感相互作用对金融资产价格产生影响;媒体信息对金融资产价格的影响在不同趋势下,其作用方向和程度均具有显著差异.  相似文献   

While governments are concerned with controlling domestic safety issues and preventing resulting potential societal disruptions, events abroad can trigger similar effects. Globalisation magnifies the media attention for events, domestic and abroad, which poses new challenges for authorities. This paper suggests additional approaches for governments to address such situations. Based on interviews with experts and representatives of authorities and analysis of Dutch media attention for external safety events, this paper identifies criteria that can predict media attention and factors that may contribute to effective policy responses. Both can contribute to help to manage external safety risk events. The study shows that media response is predictable to a certain extent. This insight can be a tool in the wider range of measures for authorities to help manage a crisis situation and in particular strategies to cope with the media.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationships among cryptocurrency environmental attention and clean cryptocurrencies prices using Time-Varying Parameter Vector Auto-Regression (TVP-VAR) and wavelets techniques. Results show strong connectedness among these variables, implying that the prices of clean cryptocurrencies are influenced by attention on cryptocurrency sustainability. Connectedness is stronger with positive shocks on environmental attention than negative shocks. Also, in the short-term, clean cryptocurrencies prices lead environmental attention, especially after 2021. However, there are notable periods when environmental attention led clean cryptocurrency prices before 2021. In the long-term, clean cryptocurrencies such as Hedera, Polygon, Cosmos, IOTA, TRON, Stellar, Tezos and Ripple lead environmental attention. In the presence of bitcoin, the degrees of connectedness increased across both shocks on cryptocurrency environmental attention. In all cases, the bitcoin market is the main destination of shocks from the system. We highlight some crucial implications of these results.  相似文献   

谢盛纹  闫焕民 《会计研究》2012,(4):87-93,95
自上世纪60年代以来,会计师事务所变更问题一直是学术界、市场监管部门和社会公众关注的热点。然而,签字注册会计师流动并带走客户这一特殊的会计师事务所变更现象却没有引起人们的足够重视。本文着眼于这一现象,主要探究这种变更行为的动因,并在此基础上理论分析其产生的经济后果,然后就相关法规政策存在的问题或不足予以剖析,最后提出一些政策建议。  相似文献   

This paper explores the corporate governance role of retail investor attention from the perspective of corporate innovation. Using a sample of Chinese listed firms from 2011 to 2019, we find that retail investor attention significantly promotes corporate innovation. Thisresult ise robust to a series of robustness checks to address potential endogeneity concerns. I further conclude that the impact of retail investor attention on corporate innovation is mainly through alleviating a firm's financial constraints and deterring agency costs. In addition, such effects are more pronounced in firms with higher media and analyst coverage as well as those with more overconfident CEOs. The results provide empirical evidence of the corporate governance function of individual investors in the current digital era.  相似文献   

杨涛  郭萌萌 《金融研究》2019,467(5):190-206
近年来雾霾成为中国社会的热点话题,而雾霾频发导致PM2.5概念股受到投资者广泛的关注。本文结合现实环境问题,研究投资者通过对环境的关注度继而对与环境相关的股票的影响。具体而言,本文探究投资者对雾霾和PM2.5概念股的关注度对PM2.5概念股的影响。分析发现投资者对雾霾和PM2.5概念股的关注度的增加能拉升PM2.5概念股的股价。投资者对雾霾的关注度和PM2.5概念股的收益率显著正相关。关注度的增加同时也提高PM2.5概念股交易的活跃程度以及PM2.5概念股涨停的可能性。此外,本文发现正面的新闻报道会拉升PM2.5概念股的股价而负面的新闻报道会降低其股价。最后,本文通过讨论内生性和异质性等一系列稳健性检验进一步验证上述结论。  相似文献   

商业银行客户投诉的成因和对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对目前商业银行对客户投诉工作存在重视不足、管理不到位等问题,本文对商业银行客户投诉的成因进行归纳,主要包括因后台支撑问题导致的客户投诉;因员工服务质量问题导致的客户投诉;因客户自身原因导致的投诉;因银行之外的第三方原因导致的客户投诉等。在此基础上提出如下建议:商业银行应提高管理层和员工对客户投诉工作重要性的认识,建立标准化服务规范和投诉处理的快速反应机制,并通过采取加强对银行员工的技能培训,制定科学的客户投诉考核制度等措施,从而建立起完善、有效的客户投诉管理机制。  相似文献   

梁肖兰 《中国外资》2012,(4):264-265,268
随着我国经济的飞速发展,企业竞争日趋激烈,那么我国企业的管理也成为人们关注的话题,每一个企业都不能仅仅关注经济效益,还要重视员工的身心健康,及时为员工消除顾虑,减轻压力,这样才会为企业谋出一条可持续发展的可行之路,实施员工援助计划是加强对企业员工关注的有效之路,那么怎样通过实施员工援助计划的手段来促进员工身心健康和企业发展呢,本文对其着重探讨。  相似文献   

Recent research shows that mood and attention may affect investors’ choices. In this paper we examine whether companies can create such mood and attention effects through advertising. We choose a natural experiment by investigating price reactions and trading activity for firms employing TV commercials in 19 Super Bowl broadcasts over the 1969–2001 period. We find significant positive abnormal returns for firms which are readily identifiable from the ad contents, which is consistent with the presence of mood and attention effects. For recognisable companies with the number of ads greater than the sample mean, the event is followed by an average abnormal one day return of 45 basis points. The effect appears to persist in the short term with the 20‐day post‐event cumulative abnormal returns for such firms averaging 2%. We find significant abnormal net buying activity for small trades in shares of recognised Super Bowl advertisers indicating that small investors tend to be the ones most attracted by the increased publicity.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to focus attention on local government (local authorities) as an increasingly important user group of corporate information. An initial assessment of their information needs is made, based upon an analysis of recent notable attempts at social cost analysis performed by U.K. local authorities, which seek to measure the social and economic impact of plant closure decisions on communities they serve. The paper concludes by taking some tentative first steps towards establishing a normative framework for such analysis.  相似文献   

Many industries and organizations are actively searching for approaches that can help them enhance the reliability of their operations and avoid mishaps. The concept of high reliability organizations (HROs) has been given considerable attention in this regard. HRO theorists have emphasized the process of mindfulness as a characteristic that allows for better interaction with risk and uncertainty, in order to minimize the potential for failures. From a risk management perspective however, it is not straightforward how to best proceed to obtain a mindful infrastructure which enables such capabilities. Various perspectives on risk and uncertainties exist, which call for different approaches and solutions. A key question studied in this paper is to what extent are traditional risk perspectives based on probability and historical data limited in their ability to support an HRO mindset for managing risk. The main purpose of the paper is to draw attention to an alternative risk perspective that replaces probability with uncertainty in the definition of risk, and to show how such a risk perspective can better support the implementation of HRO theory than the more traditional perspectives. We discuss the implications of such a shift in thinking – from focusing on probabilities to the broader domain of uncertainties regarding risk – for organizations that are seeking to improve their risk management capabilities and enhance the reliability of their operations.  相似文献   

本文通过对地区间税收分配差距指标的分析,认为开征物业税很可能会扩大我国地区间税收分配差距。在当前物业税改革过程中,需要充分重视该问题的研究。建议将土地出让金制度和财政转移支付制度改革,作为物业税改革总体规划的重要配套措施,统筹设计相关制度,以有效防止地区间税收分配差距的不合理扩大,促进地区间经济协调、平衡发展。  相似文献   

本文旨在通过对企业会计准则解释第2号及IFRIC12的相关规定进行剖析,结合案例及实务中可能遇到的特殊问题,就BOT业务进行较为全面的探讨,包括对于一项业务是否属于BOT的判断以及BOT业务如何进行会计处理和信息披露等。同时,就涉及BOT业务的拟上市公司在IPO审核中,监管层面需要重点关注哪些问题提出建议。  相似文献   

选取中国银行某分行住房抵押贷款数据,运用压力测试、Logistic模型对住房抵押贷款风险进行实证研究,判断该行抵御风险的能力.研究发现,贷款客户的学历、婚姻状况、贷款利率和期限等因素对该行住房抵押贷款违约风险产生了重要影响.因此,银行应在相关方面加强控制以有效防范风险.  相似文献   

美国次贷危机之后,资产价格对经济金融稳定的影响受到广泛关注。本文首先指出,金融的不稳定性很大程度上根源于资产价格周期性的波动;然后从银行信贷、市场流动性、信息不对称以及非理性行为四个方面具体阐述了资产价格波动对金融稳定的影响机制;最后提出应对资产价格波动的政策建议,包括货币政策应该关注而非盯住资产价格、关注资产价格背后的信用扩张而非资产价格本身、监管部门应加快构建宏观审慎监管框架等。  相似文献   

近年来,公众对证券分析师利益冲突的广泛关注促使政府及相关部门采取了组织隔离与业务分立等一系列监管措施以保护投资者利益。然而,近期的实证研究却对证券分析师利益冲突损害投资者利益这一监管前提提出了质疑。本文在对1995—2007年间相关文献进行综述的基础上,分析了实证结果与监管当局观点之间存在差异的原因,并据此提出了若干利益冲突监管政策调整思路,以期为我国证券市场监管效率的提高提供启示和借鉴。  相似文献   

目前,在大学数学多媒体教学中存在着课堂信息量过大、影响知识的吸收效果,忽略教师的主导作用,多媒体教学和传统数学教学的冲突,课件制作时间较长、耗费精力大等弊端。针对问题本文提出了注重与传统教学方法的有效结合,注重发挥课堂教师的主导作用,精心制作多媒体教学课件、提高教学质量,灵活放映多媒体课件、改善教学效果的对策。科学的应用多媒体教学,可以提高学生的素质,进一步推进教育教学的改革。  相似文献   

美国和欧洲的消费者金融调查起步较早。本文整理了美国和欧洲消费者金融调查的主要做法.并对我国开展此项工作提出相关建议:进一步完善消费者金融调查内容,定期开展调查;加强对消费者金融调查的分析与披露;重视加强对消费者科学配置金融资产的引导。  相似文献   

流动性约束视角下我国房价财富效应与最优利率规则研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
后危机时代中国房价的波动引起了广泛关注,如何利用以货币政策为代表的宏观调控抑制高房价透支未来经济发展的程度,成为当前管理层高度关注的焦点。本文建立了新凯恩斯模型框架分析房价波动如何通过流动性约束影响消费,从而揭示了中央银行货币政策与房价的财富效应之间的关系,得出最优利率规则中房价的最优权重随预期通胀、产出缺口、房价和名义利率而变动的结论。通过实证分析本文进而认为,利率规则比货币供应量更能迅速调控房价的增长和居民消费的扩张。中国房价上涨的财富效应虽然比较明显,但流动性约束的作用机制需要一个过程才能显现,利率调控的效果也有一个量变到质变的过程,从而在理论上为中央银行制定应对房价的利率政策提供了一定启示。  相似文献   

票据理财产品的运作模式、市场概况与政策思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章介绍了银信合作票据理财产品的运作模式、业务特征及市场现状,分析了该类票据理财产品推出的市场背景,并从监管和政策角度提出,应关注票据理财产品对货币政策调控的影响,完善票据市场制度建设,以规范银行票据业务的发展。  相似文献   

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