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本文利用机器学习方法预测公司的财务舞弊风险,同时结合中国特有的董事会投票的数据,考察独立董事是否能够识别公司的财务舞弊风险。研究发现,当公司财务舞弊风险较大时,独立董事更有可能对董事会的财务相关议案发表异议意见;并且,当独立董事具有更多财务背景或声誉更高时,这一关系更加显著。进一步研究发现,控制当年财务舞弊风险后,存在异议独董的公司未来财务舞弊风险更低。本文的研究结果表明,独立董事能够识别公司的财务舞弊风险并发挥监督作用,进而降低公司未来发生财务舞弊的概率。本文的研究结论为独立董事制度的有效性提供了直接的经验证据,拓展了相关领域的文献,也增进了我们对独立董事实际投票行为的认识。  相似文献   

伴随市场经济的迅猛发展,财务舞弊现象日益严重,这对我国企业以及国家的发展都产生了较大影响,有必要对其进行深入的研究与探讨。本文首先对公司财务舞弊的形成动因进行了分析,其次介绍了财务舞弊审计的局限性及其存在的主要问题,并在此基础上,有针对性地给出了提升财务舞弊审计效果的对策与建议,具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

近年来,随着中国市场的开放及与国际的接轨,众多公司纷纷谋求上市以便得到更好的发展,但是同时也有一大批企业陷入了股价下跌甚至退市的危机。这些现象原因之一就是我国上市公司的会计舞弊,造成财务信息失真,缺乏实际参考价值,导致市场信用等级下降。本文研究了金亚科技的舞弊过程,从它的舞弊动机、舞弊手段、及审计方面做出分析,最终以上市公司的视角,得出研究启示。  相似文献   

舞弊是一个永恒的主题,评估与识别财务舞弊是企业内部审计师的一项重要工作。本文就内部审计中如何依据内外部迹象发现财务舞弊的问题进行探讨,供同行们参考。  相似文献   

上市公司财务舞弊饱受诟病,虚假的财务信息不仅误导投资者和债权人做出错误决策造成损失,而且导致监管部门不能及时发现、防范和化解企业的财务风险,因此,有效识别财务舞弊具有重要意义。本文将以三张报表为主线,发现财务舞弊的高危区,识别企业财务舞弊,提高财务信息的公信力和透明度,发挥财务信息在资源配置中的作用。  相似文献   

当前会计事务所内部需要进一步加强财务管理工作,对于当前的会计事务所来讲,做好审计工作至关重要,通过审计能够有效地防控风险,同时还可以强化财务监督工作,通过利用财务审计能够有效地规避和遏制企业内部财务舞弊的现象,本文主要是关于会计师事务所应对财务舞弊审计分析,以供相关专业人士进行参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

财务舞弊按其对财务报告的隐蔽性不同,分为直接对财务报告舞弊和间接对财务报告舞弊两种,而间接对财务报告舞弊又分为对财务报告的形成起点、过程、技术、判断舞弊四种。  相似文献   

贾适 《财政监督》2011,(27):46-48
财务舞弊审计是对财务舞弊行为的揭示,对于防止舞弊风险,减少舞弊损失,保持企业的正常经营和经济活动的正常运行具有重要的作用。然而,受舞弊审计的滞后性、技术手段的局限性以及审计人员的职业道德等多方面影响,舞弊审计职能作用未能得到充分发挥,提升财务舞弊审计效能任重道远。本文拟对此谈些粗浅认识。  相似文献   

王益华 《银行家》2011,(2):94-95
2008年9月15日,雷曼兄弟公司申请破产保护;同日,美国银行以440亿美元收购美林公司;随后,美国国际集团的信用等级被下调,标志着美国陷入了"百年一遇"的金融危机。随后,美国金融危机迅速演变成席卷全球的经济危机。  相似文献   

美国次贷危机的发生无疑具有复杂性,是多因素共同作用的结果。从根本上说,次贷危机是美国新自由主义经济政策和宽松的货币政策的产物。但是,从金融商品交易的角度出发,资产支持证券等衍生性金融商品的过度发展以及金融监管制度的缺失是构成美国次贷危机的重要原因。次贷危机后,加强金融商品交易的场外监管、功能监管,增强市场透明度,增进监管合作已经成为各国监管改革的重点。  相似文献   

活跃的美国社区金融   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
巴曙松 《银行家》2002,(9):132-133
社区金融活动在美国的经济金融运行中占据了相当重要的地位,这些以社区银行为代表的区域性的金融机构在大状银行的市场竞争压力下获得了活跃的发展空间.  相似文献   

编者按:这篇文章所展现的,是借助一个青年学生的双眼看到的当前的美国,这位二十岁的孩子不仅看到了美国的表像,还透视了该国的文化深处,更可贵的是他还议论我们民族的所长所短.这样的好文章,不应当从读者的眼皮子底下溜掉.  相似文献   

美国农业发展中的金融支持   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
金融是支撑美国现代农业发展的重要因素,表现为农场资产和负债持续的适度扩张趋势。美圆农业金融主要由商业信贷、合作信贷和政府信贷共同组成,为农场提供了较为充裕和不同目标的信贷支持。同时,农村金融机构也保持了较良好的健康状况。美国农业金融存在的主要问题,是许多农村地区仍然缺乏银行竞争、利率缺乏优势,以及农场资产收益和贷款产出效率呈现降低趋向。  相似文献   

In these excerpts from their recently published collection of Alexander Hamilton's writings on “Finance, Credit, and Debt,” the authors provide an overview of “the neatest, quickest financial revolution in history”—the one that took place in the United States during the six‐year tenure of its first Treasury Secretary. Between Hamilton's appointment by Washington in September 1789 and his resignation in February 1795, and as foreshadowed in letters that Hamilton was writing as early as 1780 (as a 23‐year‐old colonel in the Revolutionary army), the new nation saw the emergence of virtually all of what the authors identify as the six key components of modern financial systems. The financial revolution that produced the American financial system was accomplished through the following six developments:
  1. The establishment of effective institutions of public finance, including a well‐functioning Treasury debt market, that would enable the government to fund its operations, to restructure its then massive unpaid debts (much of it owed to foreigners), and, perhaps most important, to establish the public credit that would enable it to borrow ever larger amounts on favorable terms.
  2. The founding, in 1791, of a central bank to aid and oversee the government's finances and serve as the main supervisor and coordinator of the country's emergent banking and financial systems. By 1795, the Bank of the United States had five offices in different states and thus the beginnings of a national branch banking system.
  3. The creation, in 1791, of the U.S. dollar as the country's first national currency. With gold and silver as the monetary base into which bank notes and deposits were convertible, the dollar was endowed with the stability of value that would make it a sound basis for long‐term contracts (such as bonds) as well as a safe asset in which to hold savings. By 1795, all the states, which had earlier issued their own notes and currency, had become members of the national currency union.
  4. The development of a private banking system by encouraging state governments to charter banks to support their own finances and lend to businesses and individual entrepreneurs. By 1795, the three state‐chartered U.S. banks that existed in 1789 had become 20, providing the beginnings, with the five offices of the central bank, of what would become a vibrant (if crisis‐prone) American banking system.
  5. The establishment of securities markets designed to make financial assets—both government and private‐sector bonds, and equities (including stock in the Bank of the United States)—liquid and transferrable. By 1795, Philadelphia, New York, and Boston all had established organized exchanges for trading national as well as local bonds and, in some cases, stocks.
  6. The growth of business corporations, financial (such as banks and insurance companies) as well as industrial (utilities, manufacturers, and road, bridge, and canal companies), thereby encouraging the pooling of individuals’ capital that would allow the creation of larger enterprises that could realize economies of scale.
Thanks to these six developments, the United States was transformed from a bankrupt and severely divided nation in 1789 with huge debts to overseas creditors to a country whose government in 1795 produced a large budget surplus and whose securities were viewed by foreigners as among the most creditworthy in the world. And that was important since, as Hamilton clearly foresaw from the start, the U.S. government would have to rely heavily on overseas capital to fund its operations.  相似文献   

美国金融业专利战略研究及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国1998年State Street Bank案的判决对商业方法软件专利保护态度的转变,使得商业方法软件专利成为金融业参与市场竞争和促进金融创新的重要武器。本文在分析了美国金融专利背景及现状的基础上,通过案例分析,剖析了一些与金融商业方法软件专利密切相关的专利战略模式,以期为我国金融企业运用专利战略增强竞争能力提供借鉴。  相似文献   

黄金老 《银行家》2002,(10):38-39
美国一些新兴科技小企业的蓬勃发展以及在科技板市场的成功上市,引起了世界各国对中小企业金融服务的高度关注 在美国,一般把雇员在500人以下的企业定义为小企业,但实际上2/3的小企业的员工都不足5个人,大约有75%的小企业属于零售贸易、商业服务、专业服务、建筑及采矿行业,90%的小企业的总资产和年销售额尚不足50万美元,92%的小企业由业主自己经营.  相似文献   

张蕾 《银行家》2011,(12):84-87
2007年,美国"金融海啸"爆发并迅速蔓延成为全球性金融危机,全球经济发展陷入前所未有的困境。金融危机调查委员会(FCIC)于2009年由美国国会授权成立,该委员会进行了长达一年半的调查,公布了金融危机调查报告。报告指出,金融业的"舵手"和公共管理者忽视了危机发生前经济金融中出现的种种预警信号,缺乏对经济状况的敏感和探究精神,最终导致了系统性风险的失控,而这场金融危机本可避免。本文试对该报告的主要结论进行系统阐述。  相似文献   

2009年第二季度以来,美国金融市场出现意外并令人振奋的"V"形反弹.然而深入考察可以发现,美国金融业的发展同时也出现了不和谐状态:市场之间、机构之间、市场和机构之间的发展反差扩大.金融市场和金融机构康复状况及前景更加扑朔迷离.  相似文献   

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