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中央金融工作会议将农业银行的发展定位于“面向‘三农’、整体改制、商业运作、择机上市”,既体现了资本的逐利性,又体现了国家资本支持“三农”的意志。农业银行如何在这二者之间找到合适的切入点,充分发挥自身网络、产品、专业和品牌的优势,投身于新农村建设,切实发挥县域商业金融主渠道作用,实现社会效益和商业效益的高度统一,是本文要探索的问题。  相似文献   

在党中央继续加大推进西部大开发和提出“工业反哺农业”建设社会主义新农村等大背景下,为兵团各农牧团场建设屯垦戍边新型团场提供了有力的机遇。在农总行2006年中工作会议上,杨明生行长要求全行要从加快有效发展和推进股份制改革的战略高度,充分认识夯实县域市场经济基础的重要性,积极发挥县域金融主渠道的作用,这是农行在新形势下响应党中央关于建设社会主义新农村的号召而提出的市场定位。近几年来,奎屯农行抓住兵团“1 3”文件出台,各农牧团场大力推进经济体制改革,因地制宜不断创新机制,走出了一条银企双赢的可持续发展之路。  相似文献   

在今年全国农行年中工作会议上,总行明确提出了发挥农行在县域商业金融的主渠道作用的主题。这是农村金融改革对农行的时代要求,是建设社会主义新农村过程中对农行的时代需要。但从目前桂林农村金融的发展现状看,要发挥农行主渠道作用还存在很多难点,农行必须在县支行采取新型的经营方式才能适应时代的需要,才能真正树立和发挥主渠道作用。  相似文献   

在今年全国农行年中工作会议上,总行明确提出了发挥农行在县域商业金融的主渠道作用的主题.这是农村金融改革对农行的时代要求,是建设社会主义新农村过程中对农行的时代需要.但从目前桂林农村金融的发展现状看,要发挥农行主渠道作用还存在很多难点,农行必须在县支行采取新型的经营方式才能适应时代的需要,才能真正树立和发挥主渠道作用.  相似文献   

近期总行党委提出,农业银行在对新农村建设中要“做大做强县域业务,发挥县域商业金融主渠道作用”,为新时期商业化经营下县域农行的发展指明了方向。在当前农村金融体制改革和农业银行综合改革的关键时期,县域经济发展,对农业银行的业务经营来说.既面临着巨大的挑战。更是一次难得的发展机遇。能否抓住机遇,发挥自身优势,在这一轮的竞争中保持领先地位,将直接影响农业银行的可持续发展能力。  相似文献   

对农业银行县域支行支持新农村建设的调查与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文结合闽北实际,通过对县域经济调研,分析了当前闽北农村经济发展的现状及金融支农的状况,指出了农业银行县域支行在建设社会主义新农村中面临的有利条件和难点,提出要通过立足有效发展、选准切入点、突出支持重点、不断创新金融产品乖服务方式、拓宽服务途径等,实现农行县域支行较好地融入当地经济,有效发挥作用的目标。同时,要妥善处理好有效支持与风险控制的关系,增强可持续发展的能力。  相似文献   

在中央大力推进社会主义新农村建设、构建和谐社会发展的战略背景下,研究农业银行如何发挥县域金融主渠道作用,更好地支持新农村建设,具有极其重要的意义。为此,中国人民银行合肥中心支行近期对安徽阜阳、蚌埠和巢湖3市的农业银行部分县域机构进行了实地调查,发现农业银行县域机构的经营现状与新农村建设的实际需求不适应,县域机构网点大量收缩,人员结构老化,历史包袱沉重,信贷管理僵化,信贷功能退化,对县城经济的支持弱化。要发挥农业银行县域机构在新农村建设中的作用。必须下大气力解决其历史包袱及体制、机制等方面的问题。厘清农业银行县域机构的功能定位,调整发展战略,优化机构和网点布局,逐步使之成为县域金融的主力军。  相似文献   

<正>一、社会主义新农村建设为农业银行的发展提供了广阔空间农业银行与“三农”有着深厚的历史渊源, 在1979年恢复建制以来的相当长一段时期中, 农业银行主要是从事农村金融工作,为农村、农业的发展以及农民生活水平的提高,做出了积极的贡献。上个世纪90年代中后期逐步向商业银行转轨以来,农业银行经营的主阵地也一直在县域,仍然承担着重要的支农任务。农业银行约有 50%左右的营业网点和员工集中在县城和乡镇, 与农村经济发展有着十分密切的联系。目前,党中央、国务院提出要统筹城乡经济社会发展,扎实稳步推进社会主义新农村建设,为农业银行今后的发展提供了新的历史性机遇。  相似文献   

文章探讨农业银行县域支行在支持新农村建设中的客户定位问题。  相似文献   

建设“生产发展,生活富裕,乡风文明,村容整洁,管理民主”的社会主义新农村,农业银行责无旁贷且首当其冲。如何为服务社会主义新农村建设提供强有力的金融支持,满足其日益增长的农村资金需求,已成为当前农业银行首先要研究和解决的问题。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to report the results of a survey of independent directors on a range of issues relating to the execution of their role including the independent directors' perceptions relating to board effectiveness, board interactions, information sources, and performance and evaluation. A survey was forwarded to independent directors of the top 200 Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) listed companies. The paper aims to provide the perceptions of independent directors themselves and so contribute to the literature through a better understanding of the nature of the work performed by Australian company independent directors and the environment in which it occurs. Findings suggest that the fundamental role of the independent director has not changed as a result of the corporate governance reforms.  相似文献   

Journal of Financial Services Research - We use loan-by-loan association between non-financial firms and their banks to disentangle the effects of financial weakness of borrowers and lenders on the...  相似文献   

This article investigates Asian Country Exchange-Traded Fund (ETF) price deviation with underlying due to market sentiment. By implementing a dynamic contrarian trading strategy and a buy-and-hold strategy, this article finds that significant abnormal excess trading profit can be generated by capitalizing on the overnight price reversion. The excess return generated by the dynamic strategy over buy-and-hold separates the influence of market sentiment to ETF price deviation from fundamental movements. By studying the relations between variations of the excess returns and market sentiment, the article finds that the ETF price deviation is highly influenced by market sentiment and the effect exacerbates during financial crisis and distress.  相似文献   

This paper explores the impact of auditing firms on the implementation of the new Chinese Accounting Standards for Enterprises 22 (new CAS 22), which converges with IFRS 9. We find that the Big4 firms focus on fair value measurement and application of the expected credit loss (ECL) impairment model, whereas the LocalTop6 firms primarily focus on the classification of financial assets. The results indicate that effective implementation of the new standards mainly depends on standardized procedures and professional techniques of auditing firms, as the Big4 firms exhibit better implementation of the new standards in terms of items that generate greater risk and uncertainty than do local large auditing firms in China. In addition, we further test how cross-listing affects the role of auditing firms in implementing the new standards and find that the Big4 firms play a more significant role for A-share only companies than A + H companies. The findings reveal the challenges associated with implementation of IFRS 9-based new CAS 22 in China.  相似文献   

This paper examines the adoption of knowledge based systems (KBS) among UK banks and similar organizations. Its findings are based upon a survey of 20 large banks and building societies in which data on KBS applications were collected by questionnaire and interview. Data were obtained on application types, development costs, systems users and future intentions. The findings are presented below in the form of an analysis and a number of short case studies. The study found that while fourteen of the twenty organizations had some experience with KBS the technology was very marginal to the banks’ information technology (IT) strategies, with no bank committing more than 2% of their IT budgets to KBS and most spending much less. The study concludes by examining some possible explanations for the low level of KBS usage and considers the case of KBS in the context of an innovation diffusion model. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Corporate Governance Role of the Media: Evidence from Russia   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
We study the effect of media coverage on corporate governance by focusing on Russia in the period 1999 to 2002. We find that an investment fund's lobbying increases coverage of corporate governance violations in the Anglo-American press. We also find that coverage in the Anglo-American press increases the probability that a corporate governance violation is reversed. This effect is present even when we instrument coverage with an exogenous determinant, the fund's portfolio composition at the beginning of the period. The fund's strategy seems to work in part by impacting Russian companies' reputation abroad and in part by forcing regulators into action.  相似文献   

重要性是会计中重要的概念和基本原则,它应用于整个会计信息生成过程。本文基于决策有用观,采用档案研究的方法人工阅读了相关文件,归纳不同类型财务报表使用者重点关注的财务信息及其重要性判断。研究发现,不同类型报表使用者所关注的财务信息存在较大差异,特别是监管机构;实务中相关各方重要性标准的设定也存在差异。我们认为,制定重要性指引是有必要的,准则制定方应根据企业的性质、行业和不同类别报表使用者来设定重要性标准;基于保护中小投资者对整体财务报表进行监管,并且为通用报表目的设定重要性标准。本文对重要性指引的制定有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

戴亦一  张鹏东  潘越 《金融研究》2019,470(8):77-95
本文首次利用最高人民法院发布的失信被执行人数据(俗称“老赖”)度量地区诚信水平,并以2003—2014年A股上市公司为样本实证检验地区诚信水平对上市公司银行借款比例的影响。研究发现,相比诚信水平较高的地区,上市公司在失信环境下能够获得更多的银行借款。机制检验的结果表明,上市公司信息透明度更高、受外部监督更多,能够缓解失信环境下企业违约风险的提高。进一步研究还发现,当银行作为原告方的诉讼中“老赖”比例越高时,失信环境对上市公司银行借款比例的作用更加显著;而当企业遭遇行业危机或企业所在城市信用体系建设相对完备时,地区诚信水平的影响会被削弱。该结论在经过一系列内生性和稳健性检验之后,依然成立。本文从银企借贷的视角解释了地区诚信水平对企业融资和发展的作用,也为企业获取信贷资源、缓解融资难问题提供了可行路径。  相似文献   

This paper aims to build a theoretical framework for the influence of risk awareness of interpersonal trust (RAIT) on entrepreneurship, and explores the influence of RAIT on entrepreneurship with the micro survey data from the Chinese General Social Survey (CGSS) 2010–2013. The study found that, individuals with higher level of RAIT, their probability of starting new business will increase significantly, and with every increase of RAIT level, the probability of business venturing increase almost 4.0%. No mediation effects of information screening and cooperative mechanism are found in the relationship between RAIT and entrepreneurship. Moreover, during the venturing process, risks accompanying interpersonal trust cannot be reduced by social input; the reduction occurs only in eastern China where the economic system and the industrial development standards are more comprehensive and mature. This paper contributes to the literatures in the following two areas: it provides new evidence on how to deal with risks in the entrepreneurship process that accompanying interpersonal trust; meanwhile, it provides an explanatory mechanism on how the risk awareness affects business venturing.  相似文献   

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