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基于马克思劳动力价值理论对农民工工资的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
系统阐述了包含一般的、平均的劳动力价值构成及其变化界限、工资变动等方面内容的马克思劳动力价值理论,以此为理论基础,分析了乡镇企业农民工和外出农民工工资的形成机理,初步估量了2004年中国农民工在不同劳动力市场的工资,试图探究农民工工资低的原因并提出提高农民工工资的相应对策.  相似文献   

马克思劳动力价值理论和农民工工资   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据马克思劳动力价值理论和工资理论,我国劳动力市场是雇主需求主导的垄断型竞争市场,导致农民工工资过低,将对我国经济发展产生多种不利影响。应采取政府干预劳动力市场、调节劳动力供给和需求、培育并发挥非政府组织作用等措施,为提高农民工工资创造条件。  相似文献   

马克思经济学的劳动力价值工资理论、新古典经济学的边际生产力工资理论和利润分享工资理论等,在解释私有制经济中的劳动者报酬方面,都具有一定的优势,同时又都有一定的局限性。以劳动者报酬社会功能工资理论为标准,以马克思经济学的劳动力价值工资理论为起点,综合新古典经济学的边际生产力工资理论和利润分享工资理论,构建劳动者报酬社会功能工资模型,能为提高我国私有制经济中的劳动者报酬提供理论基础。  相似文献   

农村外出劳动力工资决定机制研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从刘-费-拉二元经济模型来看,我国农村外出劳动力获得的工资仅为制度工资(生存工资),而制度工资在实践中主要表现为最低工资标准,其制定和调整取决于地方政府和企业利益博弈的均衡.深圳和龙岗最低工资制度的实践也表明,最低工资标准对农村外出劳动力的工资水平有显著影响,但其制定和调整更多的是迎合企业的偏好.解决农村外出劳动力工资问题的根本途径就必须改变现有的工资决定机制,在劳动者、企业以及政府利益一致性原则下通过新一轮的博弈实现利益均衡.  相似文献   

“人力资本”概念悖论分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近几年来,我国经济理论界频繁出现了有关劳动者拥有“人力资本”的论述,其中有的旨在强调人力以及人力的培育对经济发展的重要作用,主张发展教育事业,提高劳动者素质,并使劳动者得到相应的合理报酬。这些观点都具有积极和重要的意义。但是,就经济学理论的严谨性和科学性而言,劳动者的“人力资本”却是一个背离马克思主义资本理论,沿袭西方的庸俗资本观,并错误地将其嫁接到我国经济学的悖谬概念。  相似文献   

次级劳动力市场是整体劳动力市场的重要组成部分,该市场发展状况引起社会越来越多的关注,分析了劳动力次级市场存在的客观性和作用,并且提出了建立和完善中国劳动力次级市场的对策。  相似文献   

工资决定理论:古典经济学与现代经济学的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
工资决定或工资生成一直是经济学关注的热门话题。从历史演进过程看,先后出现了以配第和斯密等为代表的古典经济学的工资决定理论及流派众多的现代经济学的工资决定理论。本文概述了有代表性的古典经济学的工资决定理论及现代经济学的工资决定理论,简介了其产生背景和核心内容,并在此基础上从三个维度比较了两种工资理论的异同,提出了对探索和完善企业工资决定机制可资借鉴的几点启示。  相似文献   

劳动力价值由劳动力生产成本和劳动力价值增值两部分组成;劳动力的使用价值是单位时间内单位劳动力所创造出的价值量。劳动力价值对工资的要求更直接地表现为劳动力生产成本对工资的要求;工资不仅应反映劳动力价值的要求,还应反映劳动力使用价值的要求,应是劳动力价值和使用价值的综合反映。  相似文献   

在人事管理经济学领域,已有的文献通常认为:可变工资作为一种与员工绩效联系最紧密的工资形式,其功能主要是对员工提供激励,促使员工付出努力。本文的分析表明:可变工资还执行着一种“挑选”的功能,适度地与产量挂钩的工资可以起到有效的“挑选”作用,但过分依赖产量的工资汁划则会导致“挑选”的无效率;采用可变工资而不是固定工资的主要动因,并不是由于可变工资本身能产生更大的激励,而是由于在劳动力具有“异质性”的情况下,可变工资比固定工资能提供更有效的激励。  相似文献   

阿克洛夫的效率工资理论,通过吸收社会学、人类学的研究成果,将人的劳动行为看成基于公平出发的社会习俗。根据这一习俗,企业支付的工资不少于工人预期的公平工资,而工人根据企业支付的工资决定自己的努力程度,从而决定自己的边际产出。对于追求利润最大化的企业来说,并非支付的工资越高越好,支付工人的工资应等于工人的边际产出。当公平工资高于市场出清工资时,非自愿失业问题出现,工人技术程度与其失业率负相关。二元劳动力市场的现实与人类内生的行为规范,使得非自愿失业问题的解决前景十分悲观。  相似文献   

Attention to the implicit and explicit wage theories articulated by economic actors and embedded in public policy reveals the underlying social norms and values in specific historical and industrial contexts. The Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (FLSA), the first federal minimum wage legislation in the United States, legitimated and institutionalized the idea that living standards and workers' needs matter in setting wages. They matter not simply in generating labor supply, but as the basis for government intervention in market mechanisms. Rather than viewing market mechanisms and government regulations dichotomously, economic actors debating the FLSA treated both market mechanisms and socially defined living standards as legitimate elements of wage-setting. Wage regulations also, by necessity, must grapple with issues of identity, that is, which workers (especially as defined by class, gender, and race?–?ethnicity) are deserving of particular living standards. Debates over the language in the FLSA reveal the contested nature of masculinity during the period of economic crisis in the 1930s. Advocates responded by defining a multiplicity of living wages corresponding with different living standards, as well as a multiplicity of strategies for achieving them.  相似文献   

This paper examines the development of labour markets and the evolution of a structure of wages in China, using household surveys for 1988, 1995, 2002 and 2007. It finds evidence of both provincial and sectoral segmentation in labour markets, with eastern regions and the state-controlled sector enjoying high wage premiums in the early reform period. During the reform, China has progressed slowly towards an integrated labour market with convergence in incomes between the rural non-agriculture sector and the urban market-based sector by 1995, when industry flourished in the rural areas. The wage gap between the rural non-agriculture sector and other sectors increased and the urban state-controlled sector remained segmented with respect to all other sectors up to 2002. However, the data from 2007 show there has been increasing sectoral and spatial integration.  相似文献   

The “alternative”, “atypical” or “informal” workforce has grown in developed and developing countries alike. One of the more recent evolutions of informal employment has been of informal employment within formal enterprises. In the interest of flexibility and cost‐reduction, many formal firms increasingly resort to hiring workers on a temporary or informal basis. Alongside, and perhaps, as a result of the persistence and pervasiveness of informal employment, issues relating to inequality have come to the fore. This paper is motivated by these two intertwining aspects of Indian labor market—informality and wage inequality. Using nationally representative sample data, the paper examines trends in wage inequality among various forms of informal workers, overlaying these findings with broader trends in inequality. Using a regression based inequality decomposition, the paper compares the sources of wage inequality across different employment groups and the reasons for differences in wage inequality.  相似文献   

The author argues that the recent controversy over the effect of the minimum wage on employment offers an opportunity for teaching introductory economics. Research findings on the minimum wage could be used to motivate alternative models of the labor market, such as monopsony and search models, and to teach students how economists test hypotheses with data.  相似文献   

Fundamental to social provisioning is ensuring that community members have access to employment opportunities that pay living wages and sustain the environment. In a previous study, two of us (Underwood, Friesner and Cross 2014 Underwood, Daniel, Dan Friesner and Jason Cross. “Toward an Institutional Legitimation of Sustainability.Journal of Economic Issues 48, 3 (2014): 870885. [Google Scholar]) presented criteria for sustainable community economic development, a three-fold test to comparatively assess economic development policies: ecological holism, community centeredness, and institutional legitimacy. Applying this test generates an iterative, evolutionary process of economic development. Absent from these criteria is the concept of intention, as policy options are not “given,” but rather designed by self-interested groups to manipulate interpretations of these test criteria in advancement of their vested interests — outcomes which can be juxtaposed to the “interests of community.” Here, we integrate two additional principles: economic diversity and solidarity. Economic diversity emphasizes living wages in numerous industries to stabilize exogenous economic shocks. Solidarity, as a unit of socio-economic interdependence, stresses commonality of wellbeing within communities. Integrating solidarity and economic diversity into the criteria for sustainable community economic development improves policy design and outcomes that sustain the environment, while also providing living wage employment for community members.  相似文献   

This article focuses on Adam Smith's attitude toward wages as the natural price of labor. It argues that his subsistence wage had similarities with the medieval Schoolmen's notion of the just wage as being established through markets. He further agreed with them that the market wage had to be sufficient to nurture community standards of virtue. His application of the concept differed from theirsn due to his recognition of the problems caused by social distance. In a commercial society, impersonal relations added difficulties to the attainment of a just wage and could diminish virtue. As a result, sympathy from employers and from public

officials was needed as part of the Smithian standard of wages.  相似文献   

Real minimum wages increased by nearly 33 percent for adults and 123 percent for teenagers in New Zealand between 1999 and 2008. Where fewer than 2 percent of workers were being paid a minimum wage at the outset of this sample period, more than 8 percent of adult workers and 60 percent of teenage workers were receiving hourly earnings close to the minimum wage by the end of this period. These policy changes provide a unique opportunity to estimate the effects of the minimum wage on poverty. Although minimum wage workers are more likely to live in the poorest households, they are relatively widely dispersed throughout the income distribution. This is particularly true of teenage minimum wage workers. Furthermore, low‐income households often do not contain any working members. We estimate that a 10 percent increase in minimum wages, even without a loss in employment or hours of work, would lower the relative poverty rate by less than one‐tenth of a percentage point.  相似文献   

论第三方物流的经济性   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
第三方物流是一种专业化的物流组织,具有很强的经济性。随着第三方物流的发展,它的经济性会发挥的更加充分。第三方物流的经济性,主要包括规模经济性,价值创新性和外部经济性。规模经济性是它的基本特征,价值创新性是它的功能特性,而外部经济性则是它的社会效益的表现。全面理解第三方物流的经济性,有利于企业进行科学的物流决策,有利于政府制定有效的物流发展战略。  相似文献   

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