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成艳平 《生产力研究》2002,(4):85-86,139
经济一体化已经成为当代世界经济的主流,欧盟(EU)、北美自由贸易区(NAFTA)和亚太经合组织(APEC)是当今世界范围内最具有代表性的三大一体化经济组织,他们属于地区性的经贸组织。无论是区域经济集团还是WTO都是世界经济一体化的实现途径和形式,二者有着共同的目标,只是手段不同。三大组织在世界贸易组织(WTO)的框架下进行区域性的经贸活动,在实行对内自由贸易的同时,也促进了世界贸易组织(WTO)在全球范围内的贸易自由化。  相似文献   

世界双边自由贸易发展趋势与我国应对策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨春梅 《现代财经》2005,25(12):62-65
随着世界经济全球化进程的加快,世界经济区域化、一体化进入了以双边自由贸易为主的新阶段。作为贸易与自由化的一种现实选择,双边自由贸易的发展,既是对区域经济一体化的补充和推动,也是世界经济一体化的新动力。为此,我国就要在逐步兑现加入WTO的承诺,降低关税的同时,积极加强双边自由贸易合作,以持续保持我国对外贸易发展的优势。  相似文献   

目前,自由贸易协定(Free Trade Agreement)在全世界范围内蓬勃发展。FTAs将和世界贸易组织(WTO)一道,推动世界贸易走向完全自由化,并将对全球经济和政治进程产生深远影响。一、FTAs的基本目的及其与WTO之间的关系FTA的最初表现和基础模式是区域贸易协定(Regional Trade A-greement)。有时,FTA和RTA也表示基于相应贸易协定的自由贸易区或准自由贸易区。世界RTAs和FTAs的基本目的都是推动不同关税区之间的贸易自由化。众所周知,WTO的基本使命也是推动世界贸易自由化,而贸易自由化的核心内容就是关税税率降减,WTO促使关税税率…  相似文献   

贸易自由化推动了世界范围内国际经济贸易的发展,促进了各国经济的发展。WTO自由贸易原则强调以共同规则为基础,实质性削减关税和减少非关税壁垒,不断增加服务部门的开放。WTO自由贸易原则也允许WTO成员采用必要措施,消除或减轻贸易自由化带来的负面影响。我国改革开放以来,特别是在加入WTO谈判过程中,承诺并采取了一系列重要措施,融入经济全球化并推动了贸易自由化的发展。2001年中国正式加入WTO后,继续采取措施与WTO规则接轨,为贸易自由化进一步发展作出贡献。加入WTO不啻是被动适应规则,也包括主动运用规则,在WTO框架内有效维护正当的、合法的经济权益。这对于今天世界上发展中国家或WTO发展中成员来说,意义十分重大。  相似文献   

关于建立中日韩自由贸易区的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全球经济化背景下的区域经济合作作为一种有效解决各种经济贸易摩擦和矛盾并被WTO规则所确认的发展模式正在世界范围内全面推进.寻找东亚区域内各经济体合作的基础,确立符合东亚经济发展目标的发展模式和路径,尽快实现东亚经济一体化将为亚洲乃至与世界贸易和投资自由化的实现产生深刻的影响.  相似文献   

WTO 作为世界上唯一的全球性的永久性多边贸易组织,被形象地称为"经济联合国",它以互惠互利的多边、诸边贸易协定和协议为基础,通过市场开放、非歧视性和公平贸易等原则,实现世界贸易自由化的目标。而我国一旦加入 WTO,该组织的各种协定和协议则立即对我国产生法律效力。这种情况,势必影响到我国的经济立法。本文就我国加入 WTO 与我国经济立法问题谈一些初步看法。  相似文献   

董咚  赵昊 《经济师》2010,(1):61-62
贸易自由化是经济全球化的重要表现,也是经济全球化的驱动器,对全球贸易和经济增长发挥着引擎作用。然而,国际贸易中存在贸易自由化与保护主义、多边贸易体制与区域自由贸易安排、世界贸易组织内部各成员既相互需要又相互排斥等一系列既共存又互逆的现象,贸易自由化面临着新贸易保护主义、WTO治理困境和区域经济合作三大挑战。因此,作为贸易自由化的主要受益者,我国应采取适当的措施来应对这三大挑战带来的危害,保持我国在国际市场上的优势与利益。  相似文献   

世界经济一体化 ,全球贸易自由化是当代世界经济发展的主流和必然趋势。本文论述了 WTO下的贸易自由化框架、中国外贸体制与 WTO要求之间的主要差距 ,提出了建立中国开放型外贸体制的对策建议。在我国加快“入世”的步伐后 ,如何化解 WTO下的贸易自由化对我国经济贸易的冲击 ,抓住机遇 ,迎接挑战 ,深化改革 ,促进发展有着现实意义  相似文献   

朱智强 《时代经贸》2007,5(9):73-74
从历史渊源上来看,历史上存在着自由贸易关税和保护贸易关税理论的分歧、争论甚至是对立.但就长期的动态利益而言,贸易自由化符合各国的利益,必然成为各国经济发展的主流趋势.所以,WTO原则约束下公平和贸易自由化是对外贸易税收调整的主流方向,但各国对GATT/WTO的实践中不乏"例外"和"灵活性",这决定了公平和贸易自由化只能是相对的、渐进的.  相似文献   

自从我国2001年底加入世界贸易组织以来10多年以来,国内外形势发生了巨大变化。WTO框架下的全球自由贸易体制受到了挑战,自由化进程进展缓慢。而区域经济一体化在全球范围内如火如荼,一体化内容不断扩大,层次不断提高。  相似文献   

探析绿色壁垒对我国对外贸易影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着越来越多的国家加入世界贸易组织,贸易自由化进一步深入,为了维护自身的经济利益,保护本国市场,各国纷纷利用世界贸易组织的有关规定,制订贸易壁垒,实施变相的贸易保护,对当代世界贸易产生了广泛而深刻的影响.本文就绿色壁垒对我国外贸出口的影响及应对的措施进行了深入的探析.  相似文献   

Trade policy in East Asia has switched from non-discriminatory unilateral liberalization, reinforced by General Agreements on Tariffs and Trade/World Trade Organization (GATT/WTO) commitments, to discriminatory free trade agreements (FTA). The paper surveys the FTA activity of the major regional players: China, the ASEAN countries, Japan, and South Korea. It concludes that emerging FTAs are weak and partial. A hub-and-spoke pattern of dirty FTAs will not drive regional economic integration or further integration with the global economy. Rather, it could be a force of regional economic disintegration – especially if the multilateral trading system weakens further. At the same time, FTA activity is distracting attention from the WTO, and, more fundamentally, from unilateral liberalization and domestic structural reforms. Hence, East Asian trade policies need to be rebalanced, with better-quality FTAs and more focus on the WTO. However, more important than the WTO and FTAs is a fresh spurt of unilateral liberalization and structural reform outside trade negotiations.  相似文献   

Abstract.  We quantitatively evaluate the effects different paths have on East Asian Regional Trade Agreements (RTA), which include expansionary, duplicate and overlapping RTAs. By applying a computable general equilibrium model analysis, we find that the static effect of existing, proposed and negotiating East Asian RTAs on world and members' welfare is sufficiently positive. It will lead to non-discriminatory global free trade, by triggering the domino effect of regionalism if the RTAs take an expansionary path by cooperating with each other, in contrast to competing to achieve the first mover advantage, or hub self-interest.  相似文献   

Abstract.  This paper provides estimates of the potential gains to the Asia Pacific region from completely freeing merchandise trade globally and from partial liberalizations that might emerge from the Doha Round. Particular attention is given to agriculture, where the majority of the gains would arise. The results suggest that moving to free global merchandise trade would boost real incomes in the Western Pacific proportionately more than in other regions. The Doha partial liberalization scenarios considered would move the world only a small way towards complete free trade, but inreasingly so the more developing countries themselves are willing to open up.  相似文献   

In this paper, we address an empirical question: is there evidence to substantiate the assumption that the post-war liberalization of world trade has actually led to a significant increase in the world GDP? In our attempt to answer that question, time series data in the Penn World Table 6.1 are aggregated across countries to obtain a measure of world trade and output, and the total number of GATT/WTO member countries is employed as an explanatory variable to account for the impact of multilateral trade agreements, such as the Kennedy Round, Tokyo Round, and the Uruguay Round, on the trade-growth nexus. We then examine the relationship between world trade and the post-war GDP per worker across the world through the multivariate cointegration and error correction modeling and the Granger causality test. The results suggest that, at the global level, the post-war liberalization of multilateral trade has promoted both GDP and trade activities. There is also evidence that supports the export-led growth hypothesis in the world economy.  相似文献   

This study develops a world spatial equilibrium softwood lumber model comprised of the major importing and exporting countries/regions to analyse the impacts of global trade reform on the world softwood lumber market. The results show that free trade leads to an increase in lumber trade, and Canadian producers and US consumers are the biggest beneficiaries. Trade liberalization improves the overall world welfare as world producer and consumer surpluses increase. The result highlights the importance of moving towards free trade in the global softwood lumber market.  相似文献   

区域贸易协定(Regional Trade Agreements RTAs)作为WTO最惠国待遇原则的例外,早在GATT时代就确立了其合法地位,制定了相关的规则,以规范引导此类协议的签订和发展。但由于受各种因素的影响,GATT/WTO相关规则并未能发挥其应有的作用。目前RTAs的迅猛发展,将在今后相当长一段时期内和经济全球化一起成为影响世界经济格局变化的主导因素和重要潮流。  相似文献   

随着全球环境问题的影响范围逐渐扩张,国际社会开始关注全球环境变迁,目前各种国际环境议题开始通过协商与谈判,制订国际公约加以规范以达成环境治理目标。而WTO以贸易自由化为主要目标,它与多边环境协定之间的竞合关系成为值得深入探讨的议题。文章通过分析WTO的环保立场、WTO有关多边环境协定的谈判内容及多哈回合谈判暂停对WTO贸易与环境谈判的影响阐述WTO与多边环境保护协定的关系。  相似文献   

The current study evaluates the economy wide impact of trade liberalization in the ASEAN region along with China, Japan and Korea (ASEAN + 3) by the year 2020 using the GTAP framework. The study also assesses the environmental impact of the trade liberalization in the region focusing on the seven environmental indicators (CO2, CH4, N2O, BOD, COD, Suspended Solid and Industrial Waste). The result shows that the countries under agreement (ASEAN + 3) will benefit with increased output, expansion of trade and welfare due to trade reforms. Further, the integration will increase the global welfare, although the regions not under agreement in the world will show a decline in output growth. Vietnam will be gaining with the highest output growth among the ASEAN region; however, the impact on the environment would not be favourable. The environmental impact reveals a mixed outcome for participating countries under the agreement. The paper provides useful insight in pursuing greater trade liberalization among the countries under the study.  相似文献   

Many historians argue that the main goal of European trade integration was the preservation of peace. This paper investigates whether this reasoning is relevant for the EU and other regional trade agreements (RTAs). I provide empirical evidence that customs unions and common markets (deep RTAs) do reduce the probability of war between members. Partial scope and free trade agreements (shallow RTAs) however have no effect on war probabilities. Accordingly, international insecurity has a differential impact on incentives to create RTAs. Deep RTAs are signed between countries that are involved in many interstate disputes and that have low trade costs with the rest of the world, whereas the opposite is true for shallow RTAs.  相似文献   

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