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遗产保护与旅游发展之间存在着较为突出的矛盾,如何看待和处理二者的关系,笔者从分析遗产对集安市发展旅游的重要意义入手,从规划与管理等方面对正确处理遗产保护与发展旅游的关系的可行措施作了尝试性的探讨.  相似文献   

河北省旅游业在十三五规划中,提出京津冀协同战略下共同建成以旅游为主导的"一周美丽生活圈"和世界级旅游目的地的发展目标。乡村游作为重要的发展战略,乡村公共厕所作为重要的公共服务设施与卫生设施,是体现乡村文明的窗口。本文从乡村公共厕所革命的管理着手,针对公共厕所建设以后的管理问题进行分析,由以往的关注厕所革命的数量向质量改变,提出建设新型乡村厕所等解决方法与管理措施。  相似文献   

海洋旅游是重要的海洋经济类型,加强海洋旅游相关研究是服务中国海洋强国战略的基础性任务。本研究选取中国学术期刊网络出版总库收录的619篇中文文献为样本,系统分析中国海洋旅游研究脉络。研究发现,1992—2021年中国海洋旅游相关研究成果数量呈“起步探索、陡状攀升、波动回落”的变化特征,经历了以海洋旅游环境要素和资源价值评估为主的资源导向与孕育探索阶段(1992—2002年),以多元议题拓展和集成方法创新并重的产业导向与全面推进阶段(2003—2010年),以及同国家发展需求联系紧密、实践应用不断丰富的战略导向与深化拓展阶段(2011—2021年);研究热点集中在海洋旅游理论内涵与研究范畴、资源开发与评价、社会与经济影响、资源环境与可持续发展、目的地开发与管理等5个方面。立足新时期中国海洋旅游理论发展与实践需求,未来应重视学科交互融合、技术手段集成和数据平台建设,提升理论研究同国家战略驱动、地方现实需求和行业实践发展的适配性,为推动中国海洋旅游高质量发展提供理论与决策指导。  相似文献   

目前,我国旅游高等教育在规模扩展的同时,存在专业设置、人才培养模式等多方面的问题.这些问题的产生与我国旅游高等教育发展的准确定位与创新方向有关,而旅游高等教育的定位与创新又是一个战略管理问题,因此,需要运用战略管理理论进行思考解决.  相似文献   

旅游市场分类研究及其意义--以佛山市这例   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
彭华  钟韵  梁明珠  卓庆 《旅游学刊》2002,17(3):49-54
我们在佛山市旅游研究中使用了"市场分类研究法"和"产品-需求对应分析法",对不同的旅游吸引物所对应的旅游市场进行分类调研和分类处理,发现景点旅游者市场与城市过夜旅游者市场存在着明显的差异.认识这些差异,对于分析区域旅游发展的主导旅游吸引,分析旅游需求趋势和需求预测,对确定区域旅游发展的主动力模型和旅游发展动力机制,制定产品战略和市场战略具有重要的意义.  相似文献   

旅游业是中国的战略性支柱产业,建设旅游强国是中华崛起的重要方面。本文从世界旅游强国的经验分析入手,考察了中国旅游发展的现实基础和机遇与挑战,提出了中国特色世界旅游强国的内涵、目标和战略举措。中国具有超大地域与超多样性自然景观、超长历史与超多样化文化景观、超大人口规模与经济总量、越来越好的社会外向度与人文环境以及逐渐成熟且已进入良性循环状态的旅游业,建设世界旅游强国现实可行。但也面临巨大挑战,需要政界、业界和学界乃至社会的共同努力:积极借鉴旅游强国经验,完善涉旅法律法规;建设高效有力的旅游业发展机制,加强文旅融合,做强"旅游+",做大"+旅游";坚持产城互动和区域协同;用数字技术手段发展智慧旅游;充分调动海内外有利因素打造大中华旅游品牌;尽快遴选和建设一批世界级旅游景区、旅游度假区和世界旅游城市,确保国家"十四五"旅游规划目标的顺利实现。  相似文献   

随着我国经济的发展,旅游行业发展十分迅速,相应的旅游管理随之发展起来,旅游管理比起其他行业管理,其与我国传统文化密切相关,也就是说中国传统文化对旅游管理有着很大影响。本文主要对中国传统文化对旅游管理的影响进行了研究分析。  相似文献   

朱华 《旅游学刊》2006,21(5):22-27
乡村旅游的兴起和发展,对我国改变农村二元结构,推动城乡一体化战略产生了积极的推动作用.但是,我们应当注意到,乡村旅游的利益主体复杂,随着乡村旅游数量和规模的不断发展,不同利益主体之间的矛盾也日渐显现.因此,只有从战略的眼光审视、规划和管理乡村旅游,加强利益主体的协调与合作,寻求利益主体更多、更广泛的利益共同点,走旅游可持续发展的道路,我国乡村旅游才可能深入持久发展,城乡一体化、构建和谐社会的战略目标才能实现.  相似文献   

从理念到实践——重视以科技创新推动落实全域旅游发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、以科技创新推动落实全域旅游发展的意义 自2015年年初全域旅游发展战略提出以来,因其具有战略全局性、方向引领性、问题针对性、普遍指导性、国际规律性和现实可行性,很快成为各地促进旅游业全面发展以及整体提升区域发展水平的战略选择.与此同时,不少专家学者纷纷对全域旅游进行了全面解读和分析.在明确全域旅游发展思路、重点、措施,厘清全域旅游发展认识误区的基础上,也应顺应当代社会进步趋势,结合科学技术这一促进社会经济发展的“第一生产力”,融入由技术进步、制度变革、模式突破共同作用所催生的新经济中,进一步重视强调科技创新在全域旅游推进落实中的重大意义、主要路径等问题,更科学有效、可持续地推进全域旅游发展.  相似文献   

中国游客赴欧旅游组织机构的发展与未来任务   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
冯革群 《旅游学刊》2007,22(5):40-45
本文试图从全新思维角度阐明全球背景下中国出境旅游,特别是赴欧洲的出境旅游的特征.通过系统分析中国游客在不同文化情境下的旅游行为、中国游客赴欧旅游的动机和不同游客群体、中国和欧洲游客之间的知识鸿沟以及跨文化差异等基础上,提出中国与欧洲旅游组织机构的未来发展任务,并进一步指出从事中国出境游的经销商和企业应以顾客为定向,发展适合中国游客市场的旅游产品和营销战略.  相似文献   

There is little doubt that skills in the language of another country are invaluable when communicating with people from that country. This is nowhere more apposite than in the context of the cross-cultural interface between tourism enterprises and visitors. However, the need for such skills in the UK has gained little attention, even in the key area of tourism. UK-based research that has been undertaken reinforces this view and also established the attitudes and perceptions of tourism students to the study and development of foreign language (FL) skills. In contrast, other EU countries reputedly have a greater awareness of the need for these skills and commitment to developing them which leads to speculation that tourism students in continental Europe would have contrasting attitudes to their UK counterparts. Subsequent to review of the importance of FL skills in the tourism sector the findings of research undertaken to investigate this hypothesis are presented. Significant variations between UK and non-UK students are identified not the least of which is the comparatively weak attention given to FL skills development in the UK. In concluding, the implications of the findings are discussed and concerns raised over the need to address evident weaknesses in order to enhance career options and tourism management in the UK.  相似文献   

Airey and Middleton provide a review of the syllabi and content of tourism courses currently offered in the UK, based on research undertaken by them for the UK Tourism Society during 1981. The article comments on the main themes in the development of tourism education and provides a bibliography of recent contributions on the subject. Also the background and findings of a survey of tourism course provision are discussed and some tentative conclusions are drawn.  相似文献   


Although China's tourism has become a vital part in the world tourism market, little is known internationally about tourism and hospitality research in China. This study reviewed 500 articles published from 2000 to 2005 in China's leading tourism research journal, Tourism Tribune, and provided an overview of China's recent tourism and hospitality research. Content analysis results showed that tourism research themes in China primarily focused on tourism attraction/resources development and management, tourism planning, and tourism industry development issues. Most research under review used a qualitative approach, while 15% of the articles employed some quantitative methods. Articles using advanced statistical techniques were scarce.  相似文献   


The teaching of tourism at a higher education level has become well established in British universities, but in the UK, as elsewhere in the world, the place of tourism studies within the academic curricula remains uncertain. The paper considers the diversity and complexities of tourism studies through a categorisation of journal articles, and through an investigation of the underlying debates that have influenced the design of academic curricula in the UK. The paper concludes that tourism, at least at present, should not be regarded as discipline but as a field and that the most common approach in the UK has been to emphasise the business studies subjects. The University of Northumbria's established undergraduate travel and tourism management course is presented as a case study of this approach to the subject field.  相似文献   


Increasingly, regional tourism development initiatives are utilizing locally-produced foodstuffs and beverages to: strengthen areas' tourism products; enhance visitors' experiences; and help maintain and enhance the viability of local food production and processing sectors. This paper examines the ways in which food and tourism are being drawn together at a theoretical level by academics, at a strategic level by policy makers, and at an applied level by developers and practitioners. While the marketing philosophy provides a useful framework for the planning and management of food-related tourism initiatives, adopting such an approach is problematic owing to a shortfall in our understanding of consumer behavior with regard to food in the context of leisure and tourism. In the absence of such knowledge, and in the light of the positive economic and social benefits which such initiatives can create, this paper examines the ways in which food-related tourism initiatives are being promoted using the World Wide Web. The research highlights inadequacies in the web-based promotion of food-related tourism initiatives in the UK and suggests that, while this type of tourism is at an early stage in the product life-cycle (in the UK), these shortcomings are also due in part to the fragmented infrastructure for regional tourism development and promotion in the UK. Additionally, practical recommendations are made as regards design factors for the provision of web-based tourism information.  相似文献   

The need to demonstrate the value of research to non-academic audiences is an increasingly prominent feature of the research policy landscape in many parts of the world. Yet, little is understood about the factors that differentiate academic researchers in terms of their relative influence on non-academic actors. Following a review of the literature, this study uses novel digital methods to undertake a detailed study of the non-academic impact of UK based tourism academics. The findings suggest that non-academic impact is strikingly lower in tourism than in the social sciences more generally. The multiple regression analyses used reveal that researchers who score highly using a range of academic metrics are also cited more by policy-makers and other practitioners. On the basis of the findings, research impact in tourism is theorized. This has implications for individual and institutional tourism research strategies beyond the geographical limitations of the study.  相似文献   

Robert Maitland   《Tourism Management》2006,27(6):1262-1273
This paper draws on research into 25 years of tourism planning and management in Cambridge, UK, to explore the long-term effect that tourism strategies can have in managing the development of tourism in historic cities. It focuses particularly on strategic aims and the policies designed to implement them through regulating the city. It finds that five successive Tourism Strategies from 1978 onward have had consistent aims, strongly influenced by the locality characteristics of Cambridge. It explores how strategic aims are derived, focusing on the balance between local and external influences, and how policies to implement the aims are developed. It argues that locality factors, and the role of local regimes and policy communities are more important than national government policy in accounting for aims and policies. It suggests that tourism management issues are rarely finally resolved, and questions whether true ‘tourism management is currently achievable in a historic city.  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of the historical development of the Cambodian political economy and the role of tourism in shaping it since the early 1990s when Cambodia opened its door to the world. The paper provides a general overview of tourism products and the government's policies in tourism development in Cambodia and then examines the perceived impacts of tourism on socio-economic development. It is argued that tourism plays an important role in socio-economic development and national identity promotion, but that proper management of tourism is required to control the spread of HIV/AIDS and child sex tourism.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the development constraints which confine The Gambia to being one of the poorest countries in the world. The programmes designed to reduce these constraints are outlined. In particular, tourism is identified as an appropriate development strategy. Using primary data, tourism in The Gambia, its development and administration are described in some detail. Althoiugh a prima facie case can be made extolling the virtues of tourism in that country, the industry is beset by a range of problems. The juxtaposition of the country's growing reliance on tourism against increasing stagnation in the sector is a focus of particular concern. Constraints in the tourism sector are identified in the spheres of policy formulation and implementation, capital investment, human resource endowment, existing and potential tourist markets, seasonality issues and product resource base. For each constraint identified, a management strategy is proposed. In essence, the article is an advocation of sustainable tourism development for The Gambia based on long-term holistic planning, including appropriate resource development, community involvement, education and training.  相似文献   


The annual tourism growth rate in Cambodia is among the highest in the world; however, tourist industry impact on Cambodian's economy is quite low. The purpose of our study is to analyse the strengths and weaknesses of the Cambodian tourism market so that a framework can be established to help the country's policy-makers formulate strategies to use its resources effectively to create sustainable tourism competitiveness. This study used the perspective of tourism experts in the industry and Ministry of Tourism in Cambodia, and academia in the tourism field to evaluate Cambodian tourism competitiveness relative to its major competitors in ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) based on nine categories: endowed resources, created resources, supporting factors, destination management, situational conditions, demand condition, technology, openness and market performance indicators benchmarked from previous research. The results showed that Cambodia has a lot of endowed resources, but lacks supporting resources and factors to achieve tourism competitiveness.  相似文献   

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