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现阶段我国外汇储备资产管理政策优化的对策分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国外汇储备规模的增加,如何优化我国外汇储备的资产结构和经营布局,成为一个重要问题。结合中国实际,参考国外对外汇储备管理的经验,本文提出了优化我国储备资产的管理的对策建议。为了优化我国外汇储备资产的管理,首先是抑制外汇储备的不合理增长;其次是对现有的外汇储备进行币种与资产结构的渐进式调整;再次是对新增的外汇储备探索多元化的经营管理模式,提高外汇储备收益。  相似文献   

《China Economic Review》2007,18(1):87-111
This paper examines whether institutional changes have affected the interaction between the real economy and monetary policy in China. We find evidence that structural changes in the financial and real sectors over the period of our study did influence the way in which monetary policy affected the real economy. There were an increasing influence of interest rates on output over 1984 to 1997 and non-state owned enterprises were increasingly reacting to monetary policy changes, suggesting that banking sector reforms were having effects, despite the fact that most credit was allocated to the loss-making State sector.  相似文献   

This paper estimates a fixed effects tariff model to study the impact of the tariff reform provisions of international agreements on domestic tariffs, using a sample of eight Sub-Saharan African countries. The structure of the model explaining domestic tariff changed from the preagreement period to the postagreement period. However, the results indicate that for the most part, efforts by governments to adhere to tariff agreements failed in all but a few countries. Even for the countries in which the agreements appeared to be successful, the significance of the results is relatively weak.  相似文献   

We examine the effectiveness of fiscal and monetary policy in mitigating the impact of COVID-19 in India using the NK-DSGE framework. In terms of policy effectiveness, our findings imply that expansionary monetary policy is effective in reviving economic growth both from the demand side and supply side. In contrast, expansionary fiscal policy is effective only from the supply side. Our findings recommend the implementation of optimal policy mix in a coordinated and staggered framework for effective mitigation of ill-effects of the COVID-19, such as reviving employment and capacity utilization to its pre-pandemic level with minimal inflationary effects.  相似文献   

Conclusion Printed on the back cover of this volume is a summary of its contents that includes the statement that the book “…is perhaps best seen not as the end-product of a recent research agenda but as a roadmap for future research on unresolved issues in monetary theory and policy.” This certainly is truth in advertising. Although the roadmap provided in this book is not unflawed, it is brilliantly colored and well marked and should be widely read by students and practitioners alike.  相似文献   

Conclusion Garcia and Plautz have provided a real service to the profession by illuminating the important issues concerning the Federal Reserve System as lender of last resort. At one point in the book [p. 97] the authors refer to the preference by most economists to discuss the LLR concept via “...a practical, intuitive, rather than a theoretical, approach” that is in contrast to use of a “...formal theory of liquidity assistance...based on a mathematical framework, which is often the preferred approach among academic economists.” They imply here that the former is to be preferred to the latter, given the complexity of the LLR concept and the related public policy issues. After reading the book, this reviewer reaches the opposite conclusion. There are so many interrelated issues associated with the conduct of LLR policy that what is needed are more concrete analyses of the problem by academic and non-academic economists. Formal theories, such as those provided by Kanatas [1986] and by Waller [1990], are sorely needed as policymakers continue to search for the appropriate LLR Policy structure. Garcia and Plautz have taken the practical, intuitive approach just about as far as it can go. Hopefully, their work will stimulate new attempts to provide theoretical guidance toward a welfare-maximizing LLR policy. This review has benefited from very helpful comments by an anonymous referee.  相似文献   

The lack of access to formal bank credit is one of the important problems faced by South African micro-entrepreneurs in the informal sector. Although the government has addressed this issue, private banks are still not interested in serving micro-enterprises. This article presents an analysis of the policies implemented by the government, as well as policies followed in other countries, to reach a conclusion with regard to the path to follow for solving this problem.  相似文献   

In a speech before the Mont Pelerin Society, William E. Simon recommended that the U.S. government adopt five rules to achieve stability and economic growth. Two of these rules deal with the budget posture. The rules were based upon Simon's belief that excessive government spending and recurring federal budget deficits significantly contributed to the economic instabilities of the 1970s and 1980s, namely, high inflation, high unemployment, and decreasing rates of production and private capital accumulation. This paper seeks to explore the extent to which fiscal action in these two decades had departed from Simon's recommendations and presents evidence on the link between federal budget deficits and economic growth.The proposals to limit spending and balance the budget are sometimes discussed as alternatives, but in my mind, they are not.William E. Simon. Speech before the Mont Pelerin Society. Hoover Institution, 1980, p. 30.  相似文献   

Summary Internal and external economic targets which a monetary authority tries to achieve make its interest rate policy partly endogenous. This article analyses the Bundesbank's interest rate policy since 1975, the year the Bundesbank published its first intermediate money growth target based on estimates of an inevitable inflation rate and expectations about economic development. Estimation of a discount rate reaction function suggests that German monetary policy responds primarily to the final objective of price level stability and to a smaller extent, to the intermediate money supply target. Moreover, cyclical movements and balance-of payments equilibria are found to significantly influence the Bundesbank's discount rate policy. Both the inflation rate and the current account enter the reaction function in a non-linear way. When inflation is above the targeted rate or when there is a current account deficit, discount rate responses are much stronger than in the case of below target inflation or a current account surplus. Internationally, the Bundesbank discount rate policy is limited by US short-term interest rate movements.  相似文献   

This paper examines the residential demand for electricity in Japan, excluding Okinawa-prefecture, from 1975 to 2005 as a function of the disposable income per household and the overall unit price of electricity for general consumers, by using the empirical panel analysis techniques of a panel unit root test, a panel cointegration test, and group-mean dynamic ordinary least squares (DOLS) estimators to determine whether or not each variable is stationary. This study's contribution is twofold. First, for a more accurate empirical economic analysis, it divides Japan into a number of regions so that the estimation of coefficients becomes more powerful due to the increased degree of freedom from the utilization of the panel data. Second, the study chose Japan for this analysis on the basis of discussions regarding the deregulation of the residential electric power supply that is scheduled for the near future. All variables—sales per household, price, and income per household—can be assumed to have a unit root and cointegration relationship. The results determine that the price effect is negative and elastic and that the income effect is inelastic. These results correspond to other such studies on developed countries that are significant economic powers.  相似文献   

西部大开发政策演进分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实施西部大开发战略需要一系列强有力的政策措施支持.其中包括增加资金投入,改善投资环境,扩大对内对外开放,吸引人才、发展科技教育几个方面.在实施西部大开发的过程中,这些政策的倾斜,为西部地区的开发和发展提供了有力的制度支持.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Das Streben nach staatlich gesicherten Privilegien (rent-seeking) und Handelspolitik: Ein Industrie-Ansatz. - Das Streben nach einer ?konomischen Rente in der speziellen Form von Einkünften infolge von Staatsinterventionen wird hier in einem Modell dargestellt, das mit der Beobachtung übereinstimmt, daΒ Arbeitnehmer und Management innerhalb eines Industriezweigs fast immer die gleiche Haltung einnehmen, wenn es um die Frage: “Importschutz oder Handelsliberalisierung?” geht. Der Aufsatz diskutiert auch die H?he der Ertr?ge des Strebens nach staatlich gesicherten Privilegien und Pfründen im Verh?ltnis zu den Lobby-Kosten, ferner die Faktoren, die die von Industriezweigen erwünschte Regierungshilfe beeinflussen, und schlieΒlich M?glichkeiten, mit denen die Vor-und Nachteile der Protektion sowohl den jeweiligen Industrien als auch der breiten ?ffentlichkeit deutlicher vor Augen geführt werden k?nnen.
Résumé ?Rent-seeking? et la politique commerciale: une approche d’industrie. - Le modèle de ?rent-seeking? présenté dans cet article est consistant avec l’observation que les travailleurs et le management dans une industrie adoptent presque toujours la méme position si l’on doit choisir entre la protection d’importation et la libéralisation commerciale. L’article discute aussi la dimension des rendements de ?rent-seeking? en relation aux frais de lobby, ensuite des facteurs qui influencent le type de l’assistance gouvernementale aspirée par une industrie, et enfin des possibilités avec lesquelles on peut faire comprendre clairement les bénéfices et les coüts de la protection aux industries concernées et au public général.

Resumen ?Rent-seeking? y politica comercial: un análisis a nivel sectorial. - El modelo de ?rent-seeking? presentado en este trabajo es consistente con la observation de que trabajadores y ejecutivos de un sector industrial casi siempre adoptan la misma position tanto frente a medidas de restriction a las importaciones como a medidas de liberalization del comercio. Esta ponencia también analiza el nivel de los beneficios del ?rent-seeking? en comparaci?n con los costos de ?lobbying?, los factures que influencian el tipo de apoyo estatal que el sector industrial desea lograr y las formas en las cuales se pueden dar a conocer los beneficios y los costos de la protection a las industrias afectadas y al público en general.

The People's Bank of China (PBC) has employed a range of different instruments in the implementation of its monetary policy over the past decades, so perhaps no single instrument would constitute an adequate representation of the monetary policy stance. We thus develop a new policy stance index, and examine it in an ordered probit model, which follows the studies by Gerlach (2004) and He and Pauwels (2008). The empirical results show that in a backward-looking model, monetary policy reacts to actual output growth; one the other hand, when deviations from trend levels are considered, the PBC concerns inflation most seriously. In a forward-looking model, when we examine the PBC's statements in its quarterly Monetary Policy Executive Report from 2001Q1 to 2010Q3, it seems that the PBC's assessment of the prospects for inflation plays a key role determining the PBC's monetary policy stance. Our conclusions suggest that the PBC is informally targeting inflation, although no explicit target has ever been announced to the public by the PBC.  相似文献   

The assessment: macroeconomic policy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper describes the emerging consensus about the 'reactionfunction' approach to macroeconomic policy. The first sectionof the paper describes the historical emergence of this consensus,as a synthesis of pre-Keynesian, Keynesian, and monetarist ideas.The theoretical part of the paper presents the basic frameworkof the approach and explains a number of extensions, including:finding the optimal reaction function, avoiding the problemof inflation bias, the relevance of the Taylor rule, forward-lookingexpectations, extensions to the open economy, and the interconnectionsbetween monetary and fiscal policy. The later parts of the papercontain a detailed discussion of some of the practical and institutionalissues involved in the implementation of this new framework.  相似文献   

The effects of monetary policy on the aggregate economy is an important issue that has been addressed mainly in the time domain, and relatively little is known about how monetary policy affects the macroeconomy in the time-frequency space. With a continuous wavelet multiple coherency and partial coherency approach, this paper contributes to the literature by characterizing the macroeconomic effects of monetary policy across frequencies and over time using a monthly dataset from Japan, which is in the vanguard in the practice of unconventional monetary policy. The empirical results show that: First, interest rate changes could be largely captured by inflation fluctuations across frequencies before 1999 but only at low frequencies after 1999. Second, movements of M1 could well reflect the variations of industrial production at the scale of 2–4 years before 1999, but this relationship was reversed at the same scale after 1999. Third, changes in M2 could roughly mirror the fluctuations of inflation at the scale of 3–4 years between 1966 and 1969, and this relationship was reversed at the scale of 1–3 years between 2003 and 2007. This study indicates that in Japan conventional and unconventional monetary policy generate heterogeneous effects on the aggregate economy and the level of heterogeneity partially depends on the chosen instrument.  相似文献   

国际合作从贸易政策走向竞争政策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张倩 《亚太经济》2002,(1):22-24
理论上,自由贸易政策与竞争政策的目标大体一致;实践中,两者规范的对象越来越交织在一起,越来越多的贸易问题带有竞争性的一面,竞争政策越来越影响贸易政策的效果,而且,这种现象会随着服务贸易比重的上升,全球化趋势的加强进一步增多,但是与贸易政策不同的是,竞争政策没有如WTO这样的多边体制的管辖,各国竞争管理机构各行其是必然会引起国家间的争议。尽管目前建立全球性的统一的竞争规则条件尚不成熟,但是在WTO与各国竞争管理机构的合作下,对于竞争政策的统一化问题会有积极帮助。  相似文献   

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