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阿熊 《西藏旅游》2009,(6):80-81
相识,缘于法国式的热情 再次见到浩布利斯的时候.他正在他的Hapny咖啡屋里忙着招待前来拜访的朋友。香港的咖啡和幽暗的灯光,让Happy咖啡屋依旧散发着那种熟悉的气息。法布利斯的握手依旧热情有力.他的中文却越来越好了,一句“好久不见”让我惊讶许久。  相似文献   

我出生于20世纪80年代,我们有一个广为人知的响亮名号—80后。80后是伴随改革开放一同成长的一代人,也是计划生育政策出台后的第一代人。没有了众多兄弟姐妹的陪伴和潜在竞争。我们独享着上两辈人的宠爱,再加上日渐富裕、宽松和开放的生活环境,让我们拥有了单纯、幸福而又丰富多彩的快乐童年。  相似文献   

周光强,1997年驾车环绕地球,获中国环球第一人及环球车手称号:1998年在无路情况下驾重型卡车登上唐古拉山5600米,创下登高世界纪录:在《西藏旅游》与四川新体育旅游有限公司即将联合推出的“越野青藏高原”之“重走川藏路”活动中,被任命为开路先锋。周光强前后十几次自驾车进入西藏,在他的印象中,冬天的拉萨是“世界上最美的城市”。  相似文献   

中学毕业那年,鲍鹤群在志愿表上填了上海市卢湾区职业教育中心地铁驾驶班,“当时主要是觉得很新鲜,很有兴趣。”而今,当年的兴趣成就了一位年轻的80后全国劳模。  相似文献   

青藏铁路格尔木至拉萨段修建后运芝管理的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
借鉴青藏铁路格尔木至拉萨段段多年运营的经验,面对格尔木至拉萨段特殊的生态环境,提出了运输组织模式,运营管理体制、设备维修和建设的标准等的设想。  相似文献   

青藏铁路是世界上海拔最高的铁路,也是线路最长的高原铁路,是中国铁路建设史上的伟大壮举,也是世界铁路建设史上的一大奇迹.介绍青藏铁路格尔木至拉萨段建设的线路概况、主要技术标准、工程建设情况,在青藏铁路格拉段多年冻土、高寒缺氧、生态脆弱"三大难题"方面取得的重大成果,工程质量、技术装备、运输组织准备等各方面情况.  相似文献   

多产品发布向市场打出组合拳 2020年的疫情就像是一次暴雪,只不过这暴雪稍微比平时更猛烈了些.疫情"寒冬"之下的物流装备业虽被大雪阻隔,无法第一时间将企业思考呈现给市场、用户,但参与其中的每一家企业都在积蓄,等待着一次厚积薄发.  相似文献   

二战后,台湾在美国大力支援和第三次科技革命浪潮的带动下,利用岛内自身有利条件,发展台湾本土经济。在半世纪时间内,台湾经济取得了令人惊叹的经济业绩,成为亚洲四小龙之一。笔者认为台湾经济发展得益于适时调整经济发展战略。  相似文献   

Chinese Post-80s (the Chinese equivalent of Generation Y) are a distinct generation that emerged during a period of rapid political, social and economic change under Deng Xiaoping’s policy exploration with capitalism. Chinese Post-80s demonstrate higher levels of both complexity and sophistication in their tourist behaviours when compared with earlier generations of Chinese tourists yet their distinctiveness has been largely ignored in tourism research. Underpinned by generational cohort theory, this study explores the formative experiences of Chinese Post-80s and provides insights into the way these experiences have shaped this generation and their outbound travel. These formative experiences include Reform and Open Policy, One Child Policy and Education Reforms. Two discrete groups: “made in China” and transnational Chinese Post-80s tourists have been identified. We argue that while Chinese Post-80s tourists may share many aspects in common with their Western counterparts, this generation presents its distinctiveness due to its emergence from a specific sets of events with China’s rapid change that make Chinese Post-80s different from any generation in the global environment, creating new academic inquiries for established theories of generational studies. This nuanced understanding of Chinese Post-80s tourists has profound implications for theory and practice in the context of Chinese outbound travel.  相似文献   

离天最近,注定拉萨不是一座普通的城市. 去西藏之前,常听人说拉萨的好.去过西藏,觉得拉萨没有我想象的那么好.为什么,因为它比我想象的要好太多太多.  相似文献   


王雷 《西藏旅游》2011,(11):82-115
这辈子,是否在某个莫名的瞬间,你会相信命运的指引?今年是我的本命年。我决定骑自行车走完从重庆到拉萨的全程,我暗暗对自己发誓,路途中间无论碰到什么样的困难,都绝不放弃!  相似文献   

The Irish tourism industry has experienced unprecedented growth since the mid‐1980s through a benign combination of good luck, favourable external and internal conditions and supportive government policies aided by resource transfers from the European Union (EU) This paper reviews the policy developments in Irish tourism over this period, examines the EU contributions and discusses performance outcomes. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

列车在通过曲线时,提高列车速度意味着增加了离心加速度,随之而来的是一系列的运行安全和运营费用等问题.采用摆式列车技术可使问题迎刃而解.8°的车辆倾摆角可以使列车在通过曲线时速度提高30%,而旅客所感受到的横向未补偿加速度与普通列车的程度是一样的.  相似文献   

An excess of hotel rooms in cities preparing to host a mega-event such as the FIFA Soccer World Cup is not a new occurrence. Between 2007 and 2010 the number of five-star hotel rooms in Cape Town increased by 50% and four-star hotel rooms by 20%. A spatial database of three-, four- and five-star hotels was compiled for the hotel sector of Cape Town. This paper reveals the global–local nexus of luxury hotel development in Cape Town (South Africa) and three different contexts in which the oversupply of hotel rooms must be understood. First is South Africa as a developing country engaged in hosting a hallmark event and engrossed in concomitant inflated tourism-related expectations. Second is the vulnerability of Cape Town's hotel sector with its overdependence on long-haul holiday tourists from a narrow northern-hemisphere market experiencing the worst economic recession since the 1930s. Third is the favourable economic trends in South Africa from 1999 to 2007 that have trapped hotel developers in a ‘fallacy of composition’.  相似文献   

Geography causes African countries to experience a ‘proximity gap’. To overcome this gap requires regional cooperation in four main areas: transport infrastructure, trade facilitation, decentralization and local economic development, and migration – each with implications for transport. Because incentives for regional cooperation in these aspects may not be symmetrical, commitments made may not be credible. Therefore, transport infrastructure at least should be bound in World Trade Organisation rules on trade facilitation to provide third party enforcement. Incentives for cooperation could also be improved with transport corridor design and collective peer pressure by landlocked countries. Regional cooperation could be supported by the international community with aid, the assurance of full implementation and adherence to international law on the rights of landlocked countries to transport to the sea, the extension of appropriate trade preferences to African regions and ensuring consistency of international agreements and trade preferences with current regional integration initiatives.  相似文献   

Using the private journals of George Augustus Robinson as a lens, this paper is concerned with generating insights into the emergence of tourism in colonial Victoria, during what Towner calls its ‘tourism era of discovery’. Robinson was the Chief Protector of Aborigines and is generally regarded as the most travelled man in Victoria in the 1840s. Robinson was reconstructed as a ‘nascent tourist’ whose gaze was mediated by British conventions of the picturesque and panoramic, confirming that new world tourism in Australia in the nineteenth century is rendered in old world paradigms. The role played by private landholders in creating ‘nascent private tourism’ and the nexus between explorers, travellers and tourists were also highlighted. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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