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A considerable body of theoretical and empirical literature has developed seeking to explain the timing, magnitude, and mechanics of speculative attacks against currencies. This paper extends the empirical specification of the traditional speculative attack model by developing a random coefficient (RC) model which, as we show, encompasses a variety of fixed-coefficient models as special cases. Two classes of models (fixed- and random-coefficient models) are estimated for the case of Mexican peso over the period January 1988 to Novemeber 1994, while forecasts of the peso/U.S. dollar exchange rate are generated for the period December 1994 through December 1995. The comparison of forecast errors generated by five model specifications indicates that forecasts based on the RC procedures are superior to those based on the fixed-coefficient estimation. It is also shown that there are good theoretical reasons why the RC procedure performs better in prediction than the fixed-coefficient procedure.  相似文献   

This paper uses demographic data drawn from Wrigley et al.'s (1997) family reconstitutions of 26 English parishes to adjust Allen's (2001) real wages to the changing demography of early modern England. Using parity progression ratios (a fertility measure) and age specific mortality for children and parents, model families are predicted in two reference periods 1650–1700 and 1750–1800. These models yield two levels of interesting results. At the individual family level, we can measure how different families' real wages changed over the family life cycle as additional children were born. At the aggregate level, we can predict thousands of families using Monte Carlo simulation, creating a realistic distribution of median family real wages in the economy. There are two main findings. First, pregnancy and lactation do not create cyclical effects in the family's income. Instead, most families' welfare ratios decline steadily across the family life cycle until children begin to leave the household, increasing the welfare ratios. Second, Allen's real wages understate or match the median of the predicted demography-adjusted distributions.  相似文献   

This article examines Judy Stephenson's claim that institutional wage series such as those of Greenwich Hospital overstate the earnings of building workers by 20 to 30 per cent, and it is argued here that the conclusion is unpersuasive. Whatever adjustments to existing wage series are necessary in view of her new evidence would have no significant implications for real wages in England compared to the rest of the world. Consequently, Stephenson's findings do not call into question the high wage explanation for the industrial revolution.  相似文献   

This article responds to Robert C. Allen's reply to my new wage evidence for London, 1650–1800. The day rates Allen relies upon are not ‘wages’, and the evidence clearly points to a large difference between existing estimates and actual wages earned. His use of the piece rate in understanding earnings is significant, but cannot support a ‘high wage’ thesis. International comparisons that take new evidence into account do not show English wages to be any higher than elsewhere in Europe.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Realer Wechselkurs, Kapitalimporte und Inflation: Sri Lanka 1970–1982. - Der Aufsatz unterscheidet zwischen effektiven Kaufkraftparit?ten und realen Wechselkursen. Die Bedeutung der letzteren als ein diagnostisches Werkzeug wird hervorgehoben, indem der Kapitalverkehr einbezogen und das Salter-Modell auf eine offene Volkswirtschaft mit Zolltarifen ausgedehnt wird. Bei Anwendung des Modells auf Sri Lanka stellt sich heraus, da\ die Inflation der Jahre 1977–1982, die mit der unvermeidlichen Erh?hung des realen Wechselkurses infolge massiver Kapitalimporte verbunden war, aus der Erh?hung der Preise von nicht-handelbaren Gütern herrührte und nicht so sehr aus einer exzessiven Geldmengenausweitung. Der Autor meint, eine nicht-inflation?re und wirksame Absorption von sozial erwünschten Kapitalzuflüssen erfordere, da\ die notwendige Erh?hung des realen Wechselkurses durch eine Senkung der Z?lle - also der heimischen Preise handelbarer Güter- herbeizuführen ist und nicht durch eine Erh?hung der Preise nicht-handelbarer Güter oder durch nominale Wechselkursbewegungen. Eine Verringerung der Protektion würde auch den Kaufkraftparit?tenwechselkurs senken, was erforderlich ist, damit die Wettbewerbsf?higkeit auf den Exportm?rkten erhalten bleibt.
Resumen El tipo de cambio real, importaciones de capital e inflación: Sri Lanka entre 1970 y 1982. - El trabajo distingue entre tipo de cambio real y tipo de cambio efectivo PPA y enfatiza la importancia de este último como instrumenta de diagnóstico integrando la cuenta de capital y extendiendo el modelo de Salter a la economía abierta distorsionada por aranceles. Se aplica el modelo a Sri Lanka resultando que la inflación entre 1977 y 1982, que acompa?ó al inevitable aumento del tipo de cambio real, a raíz de la importación masiva de capital, fue debida más bien al aumento de los precios nomínales de los bienes no comerciados que a la expansión monetaria excesiva. Se arguye que la absorción eficiente y no inflacionaria de importaciones de capital socialmente deseadas requiere que la revaluación necesaria del tipo de cambio sea producto de una reducción de aranceles, o sea, del precio nacional de los bienes comerciados, y no de aumentos en los precios de los bienes no comerciados o de movimientos nominales del tipo de cambio. Reducir la protección significaría también devaluar el tipo de cambio PPA necesario para mantener la competitividad de las exportaciones.

Résumé Le taux de change réel, afflux des capitaux et inflation: Sri Lanka 1970–1982. — L’article distingue les taux de change PPA effectifs et réels et souligne l’importance du dernier taux comme instrument diagnostique en intégrant la balance des capitaux et étendant le modèle de Salter à une économie ouverte aux tarifs douaniers. L’auteur applique le modèle à Sri Lanka et trouve comme résultat que l’inflation en 1977–1982 qui accompagnait l’augmentation inévitable du taux de change réel incitée par des afflux massifs des capitaux était due à l’augmentation du prix monétare des biens non-commercés au lieu de l’expansion monétaire excessive. Il argue que l’absorption non-inflationniste et efficiente des afflux des capitaux qui sont désirables d’un point de vue social rend nécessaire la révaluation du taux de change réel qui devrait être accomplie par une réduction tarifaire et des restrictions quantitatives et ainsi par la réduction des prix locaux des biens commercés au lieu des augmentations des prix des biens non-commercés ou des mouvements en taux de change nominal. Une réduction de la protection dévaluerait le taux de change PPA ce qui est nécessaire pour maintenir la capacité concurrentielle des exportations.

Review of World Economics - Offshoring, either as FDI or offshore outsourcing, is a phenomenon of increasing importance that has been widely studied in the economics literature. Studies analysing...  相似文献   

This paper uses a set of plausible long-run identifying restrictionson a three-variable system, including output growth, real wagegrowth, and the unemployment rate, to isolate three independentstructural shocks which drive fluctuations in those variablesin a sample of 16 OECD countries during 1950-96. These shocksare interpreted as aggregate demand, productivity, and laboursupply disturbances. As a by-product of the previous analysis,the cyclical behaviour of real wages in response to a demandshock is re-examined and two indices of real wage rigidity arederived.  相似文献   

This study investigates the impact of mergers on employment and employees’ wages in Japan, based on 111 mergers between listed firms observed between 1990 and 2003. Typically, the number of employees decreases by 4.45% three years after a merger, even after changes in sales and other variables are controlled. Firms that experience related mergers, and rescue mergers are more likely to decrease the number of workers. At the same time, wages increase by 5.46% per employee. These results suggest that the main motivation behind mergers is not to divest employees of their wealth.  相似文献   

Peter Kee 《De Economist》1993,141(1):96-111
Summary This article presents an empirical analysis of the wages of male immigrants from The Netherlands Antilles, Surinam, Turkey and Morocco living in The Netherlands. The principal findings of the study are the following. Educational attainment before and after immigration is equally productive for the Antilleans and the Surinamese only. Among Mediterraneans, only Dutch school years of Moroccans exert significant wage effects. The Dutch labour market rewards experience accumulated after immigration at a higher rate than foreign experience. Of the differences in observed characteristics, that in the number of Dutch school years is most important in explaining wage inequality across immigrant groups.Earlier versions of this paper were presented at the ECOZOEK-dag 1989, Landbouwuniversiteit Wageningen, and at the 1989 Econometric Society European Meeting, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. I appreciate comments from Christian Mulder at the latter meeting. I would also like to thank Joop Hartog, Hessel Oosterbeek and a referee of this journal for their comments on earlier drafts. This research was financed by NWO-Stichting ECOZOEK.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the role of economic geography in explaining regional wages in China. It investigates the extent to which market proximity can explain the evolution of wages, and through which channels. We construct a complete indicator of market access at the provincial level from data on domestic and international trade flows; this is introduced in a simultaneous-equations system to identify the direct and indirect effect of market access on wages. The estimation results for 29 Chinese provinces over 1995–2002 suggest that access to sources of demand is indeed an important factor shaping regional wage dynamics in China. We investigate three channels through which market access might influence wages beside direct transport-cost savings: export performance, and human and physical capital accumulation. A fair share of benefits seems to come from enhanced export performance and greater accumulation of physical capital. The main source of influence of market access remains direct transport costs.  相似文献   

企业二次创业的战略转变:从实体经营到虚拟经营   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
电力技术与工业技术对应的是实体经营,虚拟技术与信息技术对应的是虚拟经营。面对个性化互动式的微观供求市场,企业二次创业可以借鉴虚拟经营这种运作模式的思路,实现从追求企业规模经济的实体经营向以内敛借力与契约经营为特征的旨在追求企业与顾客双重规模经济的虚拟经营的  相似文献   

This survey of the ‘adulting’ of national and family economies argues that understanding of the segmentation of labour markets and of the male breadwinner has been impoverished by a failure to consider age alongside gender, and that we are at best in a situation where contextualized studies may provide some insight into reasons for the decline of child labour. With respect to family economies, there has been very little study of the timing or cause of the diminution of children's contributions, or of how, if at all, that decline is related to the rise in married women's participation in the labour force.  相似文献   

This article mobilizes and integrates both existing and new time series data on real wages, physical heights and age-heaping to examine the long-term trend of living standards and human capital for China during the eighteenth to twentieth centuries. Our findings confirm the existence of a substantial gap in living standards between China and North-western Europe in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. They also reveal a sustained decline in living standards and human capital at least in South China from the mid-nineteenth century followed by a recovery in the early twentieth century. However, comparative examination of age-heaping data shows that the level of Chinese human capital was relatively high by world standard during this period. We make a preliminary exploration of the historical implication of our findings.  相似文献   

This study examines some aspects of rural urban migration in Botswana, focusing in particular on Gaborone, the capital. Models are specified that relate age grouping, sectoral income differential, government employment and time to male and female migration. Econometric models were based on published data. The study indicates that there is a positive relationship between migration and central government employment, expressed as a proportion of total formal employment. The differential between agricultural and average non‐agricultural income, especially for male migrants, is also positively related to migration. The results show that with time, male and female migration to Gaborone is likely to increase. Male migration is positively related to arable crop cultivation, whereas female migration has an adverse effect on it. Neither has any significant influence on harvested crop area in Botswana  相似文献   

A theoretical view of the real rate of interest, such as isprovided by models of economic growth, is presented. That questionis of compelling interest, even though the issues are so long-runas to be of little practical importance. Models reviewed includethe Solow model, and its disaggregated extension by Stiglitz;endogenous growth models; the Ramsey model; and the Diamondcapital model. All these models are less than fully adequateto answer key questions. Solow-type models are good at demonstratingthe influence of grand changes, such as alterations in savingrates, or demographic changes. However key variables - particularlythe saving rate - are treated as constants. The Ramsey model,on the other hand, assumes in effect that a major influenceon the real rate is a given impatience parameter. The Diamondmodel is ideal for economies dominated by pension fund saving,but does not describe any actual economy.  相似文献   

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