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国外石油公司成品油经营之道   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
国外石油公司的成品油经营之道体现在零售网络建设、营销策略制定、人力资源管理、油品配送体系的建立、加油站“标准化”、组织结构扁平化和企业文化特色等方面。为了更好地应对我国成品油市场进一步开放所带来的激烈的市场竞争,提高自身的竞争优势,我国成品油销售企业应该下大气力优化零售网络,制定有效的营销策略,完善人力资源管理策略,优化成品油配送体系,提高加油站的建设水平。同时,应创建精简高效的组织结构,营造与发展战略相适应的企业文化。  相似文献   

当前,油品市场形势依然复杂,竞争依然激烈。作为成品油市场的营销主体企业,若想快速适应市场,提高核心竞争力,必须创新营销思路,树立"大营销、大服务"的意识,探索和研究石油销售企业在新形势下市场营销的新途径。  相似文献   

中国成品油市场从卖方市场向买方市场的转变,为销售企业转变经营理念、改变经营模式提供了转型的好机会。对比国外成品油销售行业营销发展历程可以发现,整合营销是行业发展的必然阶段,是传统营销手段与加油站网络规模化经营和信息化手段的有机结合,是连锁零售商与个体加油站竞争的独特优势体现。中国石油、中国石化两大集团应在科学总结行业竞争发展规律的基础上,充分发挥自身的资源与规模优势,利用信息化建设的契机,适时导入整合营销,实现营销升级。整合营销是企业竞争实力发展到一定阶段的战略性需求,既是竞争思维的转变,也是竞争重点的改变,更是竞争规则的改变。两大集团的成品油零售业务不能仅局限于适应市场竞争的变化,更应积极引领市场竞争的趋势,改变和创新市场竞争的规则,从而保持可持续的竞争优势。在实施整体营销战略过程中,应本着“整体效益最大化”的原则,科学规划,统一部署,内外结合,油品与非油品联动,推拉并举,买卖互动,量效齐升,品牌制胜。  相似文献   

陕西省成品油市场资源供大于求,市场竞争十分激烈,市场主体多元,竞争方式多样,汽车“油改气”及新能源带来了新挑战.中国石油陕西销售公司结合企业特点,积极调整成品油营销策略,从产品推广、体验式营销、差异化服务等方面入手,积极探索成品油销售企业健康发展之路.  相似文献   

由于发达国家成品油零售行业转向混业经营,投资回报率低,成品油消费量和加油站数量持续下降,国际大石油公司加快战略转型,在全球范围内优化调整营销业务,通过产业链的分化和整合,确保自己的核心竞争优势:1)在竞争强度高的发达国家市场,将营销资产出售给区域合作伙伴,在成品油批发领域仍保持竞争优势。2)在竞争强度低的发达国家市场,通过资产互换、购买和出售等措施,继续提升自身一体化协调能力。3)在法规欠完善的不发达国家市场,选择性出售非核心资产给当地企业,保留潜力资产获得再进入的可能。4)在法规完备的发展中国家市场,采取各种可能的方式,加快拓展市场。国际大石油公司成品油营销业务战略调整启示我国石油企业,应抓住未来10~20年我国成品油销售行业发展的黄金期,扩大成品油零售市场份额;加强业务协同,塑造产业链一体化竞争优势;强化知识管理,打通外部人员进入渠道;坚持效益优先,择机进入海外成品油营销市场。  相似文献   

成品油物流配送运输优化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
讨论了成品油运输配送的数学模型,并结合我国成品油配送的现状,力求应用数学模型优化处理成品油的运输问题,使之配送费用最小,以达到节约的目的;分析了现有营销体系下成品油运输分配的弊端,提出了改善现有配送系统.增强成品油销售企业市场党争力的具体建议。  相似文献   

随着市场经济的发展,人们消费观念的转变,国内成品油市场竞争越来越激烈,终端销售网点已经基本饱和,布网点、抢资源、价格战等传统竞争模式已逐步淡化,竞争方式已由粗放式向精细化演变,由外延式向内涵式发展。开展特色营销,成为销售企业提高销量、巩固拓展市场的重要手段。  相似文献   

小额配送业务是成品油销售企业扩销增量的一项重要手段.目前我国成品油小额配送普遍存在车辆运行效率较低、实施多口管理、运力规模缺乏合理规划与控制等问题.建议各成品油销售企业尽快研究制定小额配送管理办法,建立健全相关制度,规范管理;科学测算销量与运量,提高车辆的运行效率;将运输环节剥离,推进小额配送车辆的第三方管理.  相似文献   

转变化工产品的营销方式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王彪 《中国石化》2004,(3):30-30
从目前石化企业销售的业务范围来看,由于成品油已经比较成功地在石化企业内部实现一体化配置,炼化企业主要是承担化工产品和化纤产品的销售,销售企业主要承担成品油销售业务。随着市场的日益开放,竞争也愈加激烈,而石化营销系统已经不能完全适应在新的竞争环境和管理体系下的需要,集团内没有实现集约前提  相似文献   

新疆成品油销售企业主要指"两桶油",即中石油、中石化两大销售公司。2015年之前,成品油市场处于供求基本平衡或供不应求状态,甚至一度出现供应偏紧、加油"限购"现象。但是2015年以来,新疆成品油市场呈现消费增量不足、资源严重过剩、竞争日益加剧的"新常态"。尤其是2018年市场出现了拐点,成品油销售遭遇前所未有的"寒冬",出现"旺季不旺,高油价低销量"的怪象。"如何把油卖出去"、"如何卖个好价钱"成为销售企业需要认真思考的问题。在这种新形势下,成品油销售企业必须要调整营销策略,加快转型,这样在激烈的市场竞争中才能经得起考验。文章通过分析新疆成品油销售市场环境的变化,运用波特的"五力"模型,提出新疆成品油销售企业营销策略如何调整。  相似文献   

The method preferred by the majority of carriers for revenue settlement in international telephony is the Accounting Revenue Division Procedure (ARDP). It was developed for a monopoly environment, and it is becoming less suitable in an increasingly competitive global environment. This paper presents a model to relate the ARDP to revenue settlement in a free economy. We conclude that, in general, cost-oriented accounting rates cannot exist, that symmetrical settlement rates are likely to benefit carriers of developed countries, and that policies intended to adapt the ARDP to a competitive environment, cannot succeed unless it is recognized that accounting rate reductions must go hand in hand with the modification of the 50/50 revenue sharing principle of the ARDP.  相似文献   

在深入调研基础上,对大连软件园"官助民办"的经营模式进行解析,指出基于制度创新的差别化经营策略不仅是软件园吸引服务外包企业集聚、提升园区管理水平的重要途径,而且成为服务企业和科技园区竞争优势的主要来源。实行差别化策略的园区,其规模化发展及经营模式的移植将产生两方面的影响。一方面,随着DLSP多园区运营,其独特的管理模式得以在更大范围内实践,从而获得规模效益;另一方面,由学习和模仿产生的外部效应将在一定程度上削弱差别化运营模式的独特性,并对软件园区竞争优势的可持续性构成威胁。  相似文献   

The paper examines the regulatory issues raised by technological convergence between telecommunications and other media. Market uncertainty for broadband services has gone hand in hand with both uncertainty over how to supply those services and a regulatory framework that will facilitate growth in the sector, ensure a competitive market and provide the necessary protections for consumers and the public. Development of the information market should be determined primarily by market forces. Intervention may be justified but a clear distinction needs to be drawn between regulation in the public interest and regulation to protect against market failure.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of a study designed to investigate the effective strategic responses to environmental hostility among small manufacturing firms. Data on environmental hostility, organization structure, strategic posture, competitive tactics, and financial performance were collected from 161 small manufacturers. Findings indicate that performance among small firms in hostile environments was positively related to an organic structure, an entrepreneurial strategic posture, and a competitive profile characterized by a long-term orientation, high product prices, and a concern for predicting industry trends. In benign environments, on the other hand, performance was positively related to a mechanistic structure, a conservative strategic posture, and a competitive profile characterized by conservative financial management and a short-term financial orientation, an emphasis on product refinement, and a willingness to rely heavily on single customers.  相似文献   

European countries are currently exploring strategies to ensure a strong level of security of energy supply while decreasing its reliance on natural gas imports. With the strong surge in shale gas developments in the USA, similar ambitions have been the ongoing subject of inquiry in Europe. Detailed knowledge about extraction costs is a key issue in determining future shale gas investments in Europe. The paper at hand analyses the potential of European shale gas resources, highlighting their competitiveness against conventional natural gas. It examines the current volume of shale gas resources in Europe and performs a detailed cost calculation to provide an estimation of shale gas production costs. The results indicate that under current market conditions the repetition of the US shale gas boom is by all measures improbable in Europe. Furthermore, in the case that natural prices were to return to historically higher levels, only a few highly productive shale gas formations would be economically competitive.  相似文献   

New ventures (companies eight years or younger) face an important choice in attempting to achieve growth: Should they follow “strategic simplicity” by relying on a few similar competitive actions, or emphasize “strategic variety” by implementing multiple different competitive actions? Data from 140 new ventures in Spain suggest that new ventures benefit from pursuing strategic variety, especially when their industries are highly dynamic. Further, although new ventures in general gain from strategic variety in highly dynamic industries, independently owned ventures achieve higher growth rates than their corporate counterparts. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

It is a well‐accepted notion that to respond to competitive attacks firms need the necessary resources to do so. However, the presence of resources may not be a sufficient condition to enhance competitive responsiveness. Following a managerial decision‐making approach, the present paper investigates how the availability of resources affects decision makers' assessment of a competitor's new product and their subsequent reaction to it. This study posits that competitive reaction follows from a decision maker's assessment of a competitive action. This assessment contains a motivation dimension and an ability dimension. The effect of three types of resources—financial, marketing, and technological—are examined. A quasi‐experiment with the Markstrat business game as an empirical setting provided 339 questionnaires containing information on 29 different new product introductions. The motivation and ability dimensions are confirmed as important antecedents explaining reaction behavior. The results show that resources possess a dual, and opposing, role in influencing competitive reaction to new products. On the one hand, resources enhance decision makers' belief that they are able to react effectively to competitive attacks, but the presence of resources also makes them less motivated to react. The paper introduces two explanations for this: the liability‐of‐wealth hypothesis and the strong‐competitor hypothesis. The addition of competitor orientation as a moderator allows us to discern between the two competing rationales for the existence of a negative effect of resources on the expected likelihood of success of a competitive new product introduction, supporting the liability‐of‐wealth hypothesis. The paper demonstrates the key role of competitor orientation and formulates implications from that.  相似文献   

While withstanding a highly competitive environment, an increasing number of firms have recognized that intangible assets rather than tangible ones are vital to achieving competitive advantages. Intellectual capital has replaced physical capital as the primary basis of value creation. Although the importance of intellectual capital in ensuring superior competitive advantages is well accepted, exactly how these two constructs are related has seldom been investigated, particularly for the high-technology industry. Taking a sample of 39 Taiwanese IC design companies, this study adopted data envelopment analysis and the Malmquist productivity index to evaluate the impact of intellectual capital on competitive advantage. The analytical results revealed that approximately one third of the companies sampled had excellent efficiency in intellectual capital management, while the others still had considerable room to improve their intellectual capital management. The results of this study provide a valuable reference for future studies in alternative contexts.  相似文献   

This article describes how a sales group in a highly competitive business transformed itself—and its business volume and profits—with the help of a new marketing strategy and a results-focused training and development process.  相似文献   

In this research we consider the interrelationships between professional interests and strategic flexibility. We specifically consider how the relative power of professional and managerial interests facilitate or constrain organizational contracting with external suppliers and providers. We explore these issues by focusing on hospitals competing in the health care industry during a period of heightened competitive and regulatory change. Our findings suggest that professional interests significantly influence the degree of external contracting. These findings have important implications for maintaining strategic flexibility in highly competitive environments.  相似文献   

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