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The Oldman River flows 440 km from its headwaters in south-western Alberta, through mountains, foothills and plains into the South Saskatchewan River. Peak flows occur in May and June. Three major reservoirs, together with more than a dozen other structures, supply water to nine irrigation districts and other water users in the Oldman basin. Human activity in the basin includes forestry, recreation, oil and gas development, and agriculture, including a large number of confined livestock feeding operations. Based on the perception of basin residents that water quality was declining and of human health concern, the Oldman River Basin Water Quality Initiative was formed in 1997 to address the concerns. There was limited factual information, and at the time there was a desire for finger pointing. Results (1998-2002) show that mainstem water quality remains good whereas tributary water quality is more of a challenge. Key variables of concern are nutrients, bacteria and pesticides. Point source discharges are better understood and better regulated, whereas non-point source runoff requires more attention. Recent data on Cryptosporidium and Giardia species are providing benefit for focusing watershed management activities. The water quality data collected is providing a foundation to implement community-supported urban and rural better management practices to improve water quality.  相似文献   

海河流域水资源和水生态环境问题刍议   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在简要介绍海河流域水资源过度开发利用和水生态环境严重恶化状况的基础上,提出了修复水资源利用的可持续性和水生态环境的目标,建议采取建设节水型社会、加快水污染防治、抓紧南水北调工程建设、提高调控洪涝水能力和加强管理等对策和措施。  相似文献   

在宁夏回族自治区和内蒙古自治区率先开展的水权转换试点工作中,取得了一些进展,存在一些亟待改进的方法和问题。通过对问题的分析,提出了进一步完善初始水权分配、建立健全水权制度、编制总体可研、严格控制水权转换额度以及加强基础工作研究等建议。  相似文献   

塔里木河流域水权制度建设的特点及问题分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
塔里木河流域水权制度建设,围绕流域初始水权分配、水权保障机制建设和水权实时管理能力建设逐步展开,并实施了“三层一体”的管理协调体制,对水量实行年计划、月调节、旬调度的实时调度,在水权制度建设方面取得了重要成果,但也存在一些问题,在今后的水权制度建设中有待进一步完善。  相似文献   

历经5年时间,《松花江流域综合规划》于2013年3月获国务院正式批复。对松花江流域规划编制过程中涉及的流域水资源配置、灌溉发展思路、如何处理发展与保护的关系、调整丰满水电站任务、利用洪水资源及推广水稻控制灌溉技术等重大问题进行了分析和探讨,为进一步理解和贯彻规划提供参考。  相似文献   

把生态用水价值作为环境水价的价格形成机制和计价依据,基于不同生态环境保护目标,确定塔河流域环境水价的计价内容和方法,构建环境水价的计价模型和纳入农业水价中的环境水价调整模型。利用塔河流域的相关数据资料,基于上述模型,确定在维护生态环境用水目标下塔河流域环境水价为0.083 0元/m3;在恢复重建生态环境用水目标下环境水价为2.828 0元/m3;纳入农业水价的环境水价为0.026 1元/m3。提出了农业水价调整的农户承受力与水价补偿的问题及相关水权制度建设问题。  相似文献   

长江流域水利规划回顾与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王新才 《人民长江》2008,39(20):1-4
改革开放30年来,长江流域水利规划工作取得了丰硕成果,为指导和推进长江治理开发和保护,从而有效支撑长江流域社会经济快速发展,发挥了重要作用。随着经济社会的不断发展和人们认识水平的不断提高,长江流域水利规划新理念也逐步形成和发展,新理念指导下的水利规划编制工作将逐步得到完善,从而为维护健康长江、促进人水和谐,保障资源可持续利用和支撑社会经济可持续协调发展奠定了基础。总结了改革开放30年来长江流域水利规划重要成就及其在水利发展中所发挥的重要作用,对流域水利规划编制中规划理念的拓展和创新进行了归纳和总结,对长江流域水利规划进行了展望。  相似文献   

This article analyzes key factors affecting transboundary water cooperation in the Brahmaputra River basin at multiple scales. The analysis of multi-track diplomacy reaffirms the potential of actor-inclusive approaches, arguing for a need to go beyond purely focusing on formal legal norms and consider the possibilities of cultural norms of informal processes of cooperation. Various ‘windows of opportunity’ exist in the current phase of the Brahmaputra basin’s development, leading to exploration of a Zone of Possible Effective Cooperation, arising from the effort to scale up multi-track initiatives as well as broader geo-political-economic changes happening across and beyond the basin.  相似文献   

淮河流域未来情景描绘   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
淮河流域位于我国气候过渡带,是"大雨大灾、小雨小灾、无雨旱灾"的洪、涝、旱灾害频繁发生的地区.在分析现有防洪减灾策略存在的不足基础上,提出了以流域为单元的国土综合整治防洪策略,协调人口和经济发展与流域资源、环境、生态承载力之间的关系,提出了蓄滞洪区功能调整和产业结构调整的具体措施,以及新的管理思路,描绘了处于困境的淮河流域和蓄滞洪区发展的未来情景.  相似文献   

未来气候变化对长江流域水资源影响分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
全球气候变化问题愈来愈引起社会各界的关注。气候变化将影响水文循环的变化,加剧一些地区的水资源分配不均,导致旱涝问题日趋严重,因此,如何应对气候变化对水资源变化带来的影响,在流域规划和水资源管理中越来越有必要。通过建立大尺度统计和概念水文模型,收集IPCC第4次评估报告中分析使用的24个全球气候模式在不同排放情景下对长江流域的气温、降水输出值,对长江流域及其分区域未来100 a的径流量进行了估算,对径流量的变化趋势进行了初步分析。结果表明:在不同排放情景下,受气候变化影响,长江流域地表径流在未来20~30 a间呈略微减小趋势,之后呈明显增大趋势。  相似文献   

The potential effects of climate change on the hydrodynamic and sediment transport regime of the lower Athabasca River (LAR) in Alberta, Canada, is investigated. Future climate projections for the region suggest a potential increase in mean air temperature and precipitation by about 2.8–7.1 °C and 8–25%, respectively, by the end of this century. Implications of these climatic changes on the hydrologic regime of the LAR are found to be significant with spring flows expected to increase by about 11–62% and 26–71% by the end of the century for a moderate and high emissions scenarios respectively with corresponding decreases in summer flows. The effects of such changes are examined using the MIKE‐11 hydrodynamic and sediment transport modelling system with inflow boundary conditions corresponding to the changing hydro‐climatic regime. The results suggest that there will be an overall increase in flow velocity, water level, and suspended sediment concentration and transport for most seasons except in the summer months when there may be some decreases. The projected changes in suspended sediment concentration will result in an overall increase in mean annual sediment load in the LAR and to the Peace Athabasca Delta by over 50% towards the latter part of this century (2080s) compared with the 1980s base‐line period. Implications of such potential changes in the transport characteristics of the river system to the mobilization and transport of various chemical constituents and their effects on the region's aquatic ecosystems are subjects of other ongoing investigations.  相似文献   

黄河水资源管理调度现状与展望   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
安新代 《中国水利》2007,(13):16-19
从黄河来水、用水、时空分布、下垫面对水资源的影响等方面,分析了黄河流域水资源的特点及开发利用情况.提出了存在的问题,并阐述了应对措施。据统计,黄河水资源开发远远高于国际公认的河流开发利用率40%的警戒线。黄河河道内生态和输沙用水大量被挤占。1987年,国务院批准了黄河可供水量分配方案,黄河率先实施了以流域为单元的取水许可总量控制管理,1999年开始正式实施黄河水量统一调度。  相似文献   

The city of Calgary has been one of fastest growing cities in Canada in recent years. Rapid population growth and a warming climate trend have raised concerns about sustainable water supply. In this study, historic climate, stream flow and population data are analyzed in order to develop models of future climate trends and river-water resource availability. Daily water demands for the next 60 years were projected using the relationship between daily maximum temperature and water demand under simulated climate and population growth scenarios. To maintain sustainable growth Calgary will require water conservation efforts that reduce per capita water use to less than half of the current level over the next 60 years, an interval when the civic population is expected to be doubled.  相似文献   

This study examines the evolution of Alberta's water management framework in response to changing demands, national policy and global paradigms. The South Saskatchewan River basin is presented as the crucible for Albertan water policy, given the severity of droughts, over-allocation, and environmental degradation. The analysis finds a distinct trend in the past two decades towards integration and sustainable management, as affirmed by the globally dominant integrated water resource management paradigm. The concept of path dependency offers valuable insight into the barriers posed by past policy frameworks to water management systems, particularly in relation to the prior-allocation system of water rights.  相似文献   

Bruce Mitchell 《国际水》2013,38(4):146-153

River basin planning is falling into disrepute because of a frequent failure to make the transition from planning to implementation. Four reasons have contributed to this problem. First, it appears that comprehensive plans m y not be required for all basins. Second, recommendations often are too numerous, ambiguous or abstract to help implementing agencies. Third, lengthy periods of time, needed to facilitate public participation and accountability, are used during planning. Fourth, adequate institutional arrangements do not exist to facilitate coordination of management functions and activities during both planning and implementation. Examples of these problems are presented from river basin management experiences across Canada.  相似文献   

A three-year study that started solely as an industrial pollution reduction effort in Dong Nai Province of Vietnam expanded into an ongoing regional river basin water quality management effort. The project was a cooperative effort between the United Nations (UNDP and UNIDO) and the Federal and Provincial governments in Vietnam. A comprehensive approach was used to assess the impacts and strategies for reducing industrial, municipal and agricultural pollution to the water, air and land. The strategy was based upon use of knowledge in four subject areas, economics, ecology, technology and institutions, integrated within a framework for regional environmental quality management, sometimes called Areawide Environmental Quality Management (AEQM). Dong Nal Province encompasses a major developing area immediately north of Ho Chi Minh City. The land area chosen for the AEQM study is the 1,400 square kilometre region in and around Bien Hoa that drains into the Dong Nai River. The Dong Nai River serves many purposes including navigation, fisheries and a water supply for both the Province and Ho Chi Minh City. Extensive industrial and residential development was underway and was projected to increase in the coming decade. A strategy for the control of pollution from liquid, gaseous and solid wastes for the period 1998 to 2010 in Dong Nai Province was developed.  相似文献   

围绕海河流域生态恢复主题,依次介绍了海河流域的生态环境现状、生态恢复水平的考虑因素、生态恢复水平的确定、生态恢复的可能性、生态恢复的对策和措施。特别是,针对城市生态区、农村生态区、湿地和洼淀生态区及地下水4个功能区的实际,分别制定了相应的生态恢复水平,提出了南水北调是基础、节水是必由之路、污水回用是第一步、管理体制是关键的生态恢复措施。  相似文献   

Increasing population and income and a wheat self-sufficiency policy are already stressing Iran's strategic Karkeh River Basin. Examining three scenarios to the year 2025, the authors of this study find: (1) business as usual leads to an aggravation of groundwater overdraft and may jeopardize the ecosystem services provided by the Hawr Al Azim marsh area; (2) giving priority to environmental flow requirements and restoring groundwater tables leads to a shortfall in wheat production; but (3) reducing agricultural water demand could maintain a certain level of food production. Appropriate policy could minimize the tradeoffs between food self-sufficiency, sustainable water use and farmers' income.  相似文献   

国内外水权交易现状及黄河水权转换特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对国外水权交易及水市场状况以及国内水权交易的分析,提出黄河水权转换必须根据黄河的特点,结合黄河流域的实际情况进行不断的探索和创新,形成具有黄河特色的水权转换体系。  相似文献   

在已有研究的基础上,对水资源费的种类进行了进一步细分,将水资源费分为:绝对水租、级差水租、水资源稀缺价值、水资源选择价值和超定额用水的水资源费价值,对未来塔里木河流域水资源费价格形成机制进行分析,构建了塔里木河流域未来农业水价进一步调整中水资源费的计价模型,这些研究将成为未来塔里木河流域农业水价调整的理论基础和农业水资源经济配置的重要经济手段之一。  相似文献   

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