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The U.S. Treasury yield curve: 1961 to the present   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The discount function, which determines the value of all future nominal payments, is the most basic building block of finance and is usually inferred from the Treasury yield curve. It is therefore surprising that researchers and practitioners do not have available to them a long history of high-frequency yield curve estimates. This paper fills that void by making public the Treasury yield curve estimates of the Federal Reserve Board at a daily frequency from 1961 to the present. We use a well-known and simple smoothing method that is shown to fit the data very well. The resulting estimates can be used to compute yields or forward rates for any horizon. We hope that the data, which are posted on the website http://www.federalreserve.gov/pubs/feds/2006 and which will be updated quarterly, will provide a benchmark yield curve that will be useful to applied economists.  相似文献   

We provide evidence of a significant change in the information content of the U.S. Treasury term structure of interest rates over the last 20 years. We apply a regression approach to measure the information in forward interest rates and introduce both a curve fitting method and an alternative data source. We find more information in the recent U.S. Treasury term structure about future interest rates than about expected holding period returns. These results document a significant departure from prior empirical findings.  相似文献   

The effects of asset liquidity on expected returns for assets with infinite maturities (stocks) are examined for bonds (Treasury notes and bills with matched maturities of less than 6 months). The yield to maturity is higher on notes, which have lower liquidity. The yield differential between notes and bills is a decreasing and convex function of the time to maturity. The results provide a robust confirmation of the liquidity effect in asset pricing.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the multiperiod forecasts of Moody's Aaa corporate and the 10-year Treasury bond rates from the Survey of Professional Forecasters (SPF). We show that the SPF forecasts are not rational since they fail to be unbiased and, in some cases, do not fully incorporate the information in the past actual rates. These forecasts, however, are useful, since they are able to accurately predict the direction of change in the actual series. We also formulate a model that utilizes the information in the SPF forecasts of the unemployment rate. Comparable four-quarter-ahead forecasts of the two interest rates from this model are shown to be significantly more accurate than the corresponding SPF forecasts for 2001.1-2004.4.  相似文献   

Variations in trend inflation are the main driver for variations in the nominal yield curve. According to empirical data, investors observe a set of empirical models that could all have generated the time-series for trend inflation. This set has been large and volatile during the 1970s and early 1980s and small during the 1990s. I show that log utility together with Knightian uncertainty about trend inflation can explain the term premium in U.S. Treasury bonds. The equilibrium has two inflation premiums, an inflation risk premium and a Knightian inflation ambiguity premium.  相似文献   

This article develops and empirically implements an arbitrage-free,dynamic term structure model with "priced" factor and regime-shiftrisks. The risk factors are assumed to follow a discrete-timeGaussian process, and regime shifts are governed by a discrete-timeMarkov process with state-dependent transition probabilities.This model gives closed-form solutions for zero-coupon bondprices, an analytic representation of the likelihood functionfor bond yields, and a natural decomposition of expected excessreturns to components corresponding to regime-shift and factorrisks. Using monthly data on U.S. Treasury zero-coupon bondyields, we show a critical role of priced, state-dependent regime-shiftrisks in capturing the time variations in expected excess returns,and document notable differences in the behaviors of the factorrisk component of the expected returns across high and low volatilityregimes. Additionally, the state dependence of the regime-switchingprobabilities is shown to capture an interesting asymmetry inthe cyclical behavior of interest rates. The shapes of the termstructure of volatility of bond yield changes are also verydifferent across regimes, with the well-known hump being largelya low-volatility regime phenomenon.  相似文献   

This paper uses a panel of state-level data to test whether changes in bank loan supply affect output. Since the U.S. states are small open economies with fixed exchange rates, state-specific shocks to money demand are automatically accommodated, leading to changes in lending if banks rely on deposits as a source of funding. Using these shocks as an instrumental variable, I find that shocks to money demand have large and statistically significant effects on the supply of bank loans, but loans have small, often negative and statistically insignificant effects on output.  相似文献   

To study the presence of a risk‐taking channel in the U.S., we build a comprehensive data set from the syndicated corporate loan market and measure monetary policy using different measures, most notably Taylor (1993) and Romer and Romer (2004) residuals. We identify a negative relation between monetary policy rates and bank risk‐taking, especially in the run up to the 2007 financial crisis. However, this effect is purely supply‐side driven only when using Taylor residuals and an ex ante measure of bank risk‐taking. Our results highlight the sensitivity of the potency of the risk‐taking channel to the measures of monetary policy innovations.  相似文献   

This paper generalizes the standard homoscedastic macro-finance model by allowing for stochastic volatility, using the "square root" specification of the mainstream finance literature. Empirically, this specification dominates the standard model because it is consistent with the square root volatility found in macroeconomic time series. Thus it establishes an important connection between the stochastic volatility of the mainstream finance model and macro-economic volatility of the Okun–Friedman type. This research opens the way to a richer specification of both macro-economic and term structure models, incorporating the best features of both macro-finance and mainstream finance models.  相似文献   

Foreign official holdings of U.S. Treasuries increased from $400 billion in January 1994 to about $3 trillion in June 2010. Most of this growth is accounted for by a handful of emerging market economies that have been running large current account surpluses. These countries are channeling their savings through the official sector, which is then acquiring foreign exchange reserves. Any shift in policy to reduce their current account surpluses or dampen the rate of reserves accumulation would likely slow the pace of foreign official purchases of U.S. Treasuries. Would such a slowing of foreign official purchases of Treasury notes and bonds affect long-term Treasury yields? Most likely yes, and the effects appear to be large. By our estimates, if foreign official inflows into U.S. Treasuries were to decrease in a given month by $100 billion, 5-year Treasury rates would rise by about 40–60 basis points in the short run. But once we allow foreign private investors to react to the yield change induced by the shock to foreign official inflows, the long-run effect is about 20 basis points.  相似文献   

Using different inflation measures produces economically significant differences in both the inflation record and inflation‐adjusted stock returns. We introduce a more consistent measure of the monthly Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation rate to better measure real returns over 1913–2004, for which the official CPI exists. We also extend the series backward to 1871 on a monthly basis, an important addition to the data series. We analyze the impact of inflation on the real standard deviation of stock returns and find that, in contrast to the results for geometric mean returns, inflation adjustments have little impact on estimates of return variability.  相似文献   

This study investigates the impact of first‐ and second‐moment exchange rate exposure on the daily returns of nine U.S. sectors from 1992 to 1998. In 17.8% of the cases we detect significant first‐moment exposure when contemporaneous exchange rates are used. Moreover, 25.0% of the significant exposures are asymmetric. When the model utilizes one‐day lags, 42.2% of the cases are significant and 79.0% are asymmetric. Regarding second‐moment exposure, the financial sector displays pervasive sensitivity to exchange rate volatility when using contemporaneous and lagged models. This result is reasonable, assuming that revenues from the sale of derivative products increase with currency volatility.  相似文献   

We evaluate the efficacy of price discovery in the round-the-clock U.S. Treasury market. Using a comprehensive intraday database, we explore informational role of trades over the 24-hour day. We find that information asymmetry is generally highest in the preopen period and lowest in the postclose period. Information asymmetry in the overnight period is comparable to that in the regular trading period. However, on days with macroeconomic announcements, information asymmetry peaks shortly after the news release at 8:30. Moreover, information asymmetry is higher on Monday morning and higher immediately before than after the open of U.S. Treasury futures trading. Although volume is low after hours and trading cost is relatively high, overnight trading generates significant price discovery. Results suggest that overnight trading activity is an important part of the Treasury price discovery process.  相似文献   

The characteristics and features of domestic, foreign, Eurobonds, and global bonds differ from one another, as do their regulation. We develop regression models to compare investor yield differences that should logically exist at issuance for these bond market segments for U.S. dollar denominated bonds. Our empirical results show that, ceteris paribus, both privately placed and Rule 144A Eurodollar issues yield more than publicly placed bonds; Yankee bonds yield insignificantly more than domestic bonds; and, the bearer feature common to Eurodollar bonds is not prized enough by institutional investors for them to accept a lower yield relative to domestic or Yankee bonds. We do not find a statistically significant difference between the investor yield spread on U.S. dollar global bonds and U.S. domestic bonds, or Yankee bonds, or Eurodollar bonds. We also study underwriting costs of publicly traded bonds and find, ceteris paribus, that Eurodollar bonds are far more costly for the firm to issue than domestic bonds, Yankee bonds, or global bonds; domestic and Yankee bonds are more expensive than global bonds; and, there is no significant cost difference between domestic and Yankee bonds.  相似文献   

Although oil price shocks have long been viewed as one of the leading candidates for explaining U.S. recessions, surprisingly little is known about the extent to which oil price shocks explain recessions. We provide a formal analysis of this question with special attention to the possible role of net oil price increases in amplifying the transmission of oil price shocks. We quantify the conditional effect of oil price shocks in the net oil price increase model for all episodes of net oil price increases since the mid‐1970s, analyze its determinants, and show that the linear model fits the data better.  相似文献   

We investigate how new information impacts quote clustering in the bond market. We find that clustering, along with quote activity, price volatility and bid-ask spreads, increases sharply in the minutes following releases of macroeconomic news. Each returns to near-normal levels within the hour. Effects are strongest for more liquid on-the-run notes and for the announcements typically associated with substantial information flow. The strong positive comovement of clustering, quote activity, price volatility, and bid-ask spreads supports the conclusion that innovations of these variables are endogenous to the arrival and incorporation of information into prices.  相似文献   

An apparent pricing anomaly exists in the market for U.S. Treasury strips: zero-coupon strips created from principal payments typically trade at significantly higher prices than otherwise identical zero-coupon strips created from coupon payments. In addition to documenting this phenomenon, this study demonstrates that differences in liquidity and differences in reconstitution characteristics explain much of this price variation.  相似文献   

In this article, we examine the order of integration of the U.S. long-term interest rate by means of using fractionally integrated techniques. Using annual data for the time period 1940-2000, the results based on the univariate tests of Robinson [Journal of American Statistical Association 84 (1994) 1420] support the hypothesis of a unit root. However, using a much longer span of the data (1798-2000), the order of integration seems to be smaller than one if the disturbances are white noise, while the unit root cannot be rejected if they are weakly autocorrelated.  相似文献   

We examine the correlations between unexpected market moves and unexpected equity portfolio moves conditional on market performance. We derive unexpected returns from a two-stage regime switching model. The model allows for time-varying expected returns where the market portfolio alone dictates the regime switching process. Portfolios exhibit a natural hedge where correlations during extreme unexpected market downturns are generally negative. During unexpected market upswings, correlations increase. Using the unconditional analysis would lead to overhedging during market downturns and underhedging during market upswings. The adjustments to the unconditional hedging strategy conditional on extreme market movements frequently exceed ±10%.  相似文献   

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