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This study examines the value that prior CEO experience has for the companies that hire such CEOs—as reflected in the firms’ subsequent market‐based performance—as well as its value for the CEO that possesses this experience—as reflected in his or her initial compensation. While we suggest that shareholders tend not to benefit from firms hiring experienced CEOs, we also argue that particular firm and industry contextual factors that shaped the prior CEO experience help ameliorate this detrimental effect. Regardless, we also suggest that prior CEO experience generally stands to benefit the CEOs, in that it brings them a compensation premium over those CEOs without such prior experience. We tested our hypotheses on a sample of 654 US CEO succession events that occurred between 2001 and 2004 and found broad support for our hypotheses. We close with a discussion of the implications of our findings for future research as well as what they mean for firms hiring experienced CEOs and for CEO careers more generally. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The present study proposes a trickle-down model of employee empowerment in which empowerment climate at the organization level is positively related to the empowering leadership of team leaders and ultimately to individual task performance. Importantly, we hypothesize that team leaders’ and members’ narcissism can respectively inhibit and enable the cross-level empowerment process by affecting the intended distribution of decision-making authority and resources between team leaders and members. The analysis of data from 834 team members of 189 teams in 46 organizations reveals that organizational empowerment climate is positively related to team leaders’ empowering leadership when they are less narcissistic. Empowering leadership is positively related to individual task performance when team members are highly narcissistic. Finally, we observe that the combination of less narcissistic leaders and more narcissistic members is a condition under which the indirect effect of organizational empowerment climate on individual task performance through empowering leadership is positive.  相似文献   

Do internal (administrative human capital) and external (social capital) resources work to reinforce the effects of each other? Work from multiple disciplines has approached this question, and we advance this literature with a theory of social and administrative resources as potential substitutes for each other in the production of public education outcomes. We argue that social capital benefits some groups more than others and that it interacts with management to improve performance. We therefore expect the benefits associated with social capital to be non-uniform across community groups. Using education as our area of study, we find that social capital offers the most direct and unconditional benefits to white students but that management can use human capital resources to compensate disadvantaged students who may lack support and resources outside of the classroom. We do not find support for the expectation that social capital and human administrative capital reinforce the benefits of each other, but we find evidence that the two resource types are substitutable. This implies that management may substitute human capital resources when social capital is low to benefit public program performance.  相似文献   

基于绩效管理的中小企业人力资本提升   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着经济发展,绩效与企业人力资本的关系已经得到人们认可。人力资本为企业带来的核心竞争力是企业长期竞争优势与长期绩效提高的源泉,是企业取得现实及长远良好绩效的根本保证。因此讨论绩效管理中各种因素如人力资源管理者的选拔、战略性绩效管理的实施、领导层的支持以及绩效沟通的效果,对中小企业人力资本提升具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

There has been much controversy concerning the relationship between outside CEO succession origin and firm performance. Some scholars take the organizational‐adaptation view to highlight the benefits of outside succession; yet others adopt the organizational‐disruption view to pose the selection of an outsider CEO as a disruptive and disadvantageous event for organizations. In this study, we develop an integrated multilevel framework that reconciles these opposing perspectives and examines the conditions under which the benefits of outside CEO succession outweigh the costs. Data from 109 CEO succession events in large international firms show that the performance advantages of outside succession materialize when the new CEO: (a) socio‐demographically resembles incumbent executives, (b) possesses a variety of experience, and (c) is hired by a well‐performing firm operating in a munificent industry. Overall, our research demonstrates that the performance implications of new CEO origin should not be considered in isolation, but in interaction with multilevel characteristics.  相似文献   

人力资本已成为企业绩效的利润杠杆,但不同类型的人力资本具有不同的特点,具有不同的投资价值,因此企业必须考虑不同的人力资本特点,采取适当的投资策略才能使企业获得更高的人力资本回报,实现可持续发展。  相似文献   

上市公司人力资本与公司绩效的实证分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王怀明  吴佩远 《价值工程》2007,26(8):138-140
选取IT行业和纺织行业上市公司作为研究对象,采用线性回归和独立样本T检验的方法,对上市公司人力资本与公司绩效的关系进行实证分析。分析结果表明,上市公司人力资本与公司绩效正相关,拥有高人力资本存量的公司的绩效优于拥有低人力资本存量的公司的绩效。  相似文献   

Recent research on management innovation, i.e. new managerial processes, practices, or structures that change the nature of managerial work, suggests it can be an important source of competitive advantage. In this study, we focus on management innovation at the organization level and investigate the role of leadership behaviour as a key antecedent. Due to its prominent role within organizations, top management has the ability to greatly influence management innovation. In particular, we focus on leadership behaviour and examine transformational and transactional leadership. Additionally, as contextual variables like organizational size may influence the impact of leadership, we investigate its moderating role. Findings show that both leadership behaviours contribute to management innovation. Interestingly, our study indicates that smaller, less complex, organizations benefit more from transactional leadership in realizing management innovation. On the other hand, larger organizations need to draw on transformational leaders to compensate for their complexity and allow management innovation to flourish.  相似文献   

Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal - This conceptual paper suggests that the distinction between an autocratic and democratic leadership orientation may serve as an important moderator of...  相似文献   

在当前日益激烈的竞争环境下,创新是一个企业获取核心竞争力的关键因素,而变革型领导风格和组织即兴对组织创新成果产出有着重要的影响。本文在梳理国内外相关文献的基础上探讨了变革型领导风格和组织即兴对组织创新的作用机理与机制。本文采用问卷调查法,选取了我国长三角和珠三角150家科技型中小企业作为实证研究对象,共发放问卷260份,收到有效问卷198份,并采用多元回归分析的方法来分析和定量探讨变革型领导风格和组织即兴对组织创新的影响关系。研究结果表明:总体而言,变革型领导和组织即兴对组织创新具有正向的影响,同时组织即兴在变革型领导与组织创新之间起着部分中介作用。  相似文献   

改革开放,特别是"十五"以来,中国民营经济取得了长足的发展,在不断扩大规模的同时,企业的管理质量也在提高,逐渐摆脱家长式的管理,处在一个过渡的时期。民营企业在其企业生命周期的不同阶段,其人力资源有着不同的特点,按照专有性和价值高低不同,分为四个层次,再结合领导力的匹配和相互作用问题,从魅力型的领导到参与型领导的过渡。本文从人力资源的角度,结合经典激励、动机理论做一个理论推演,在这样一个过程当中,需要变革型领导和交易型领导的综合作用,来推进中国民营企业管理模式和当代世界先进管理方法的接轨。  相似文献   

We examined whether a supervisor's coaching leadership style predicts the perception of organizational politics in performance appraisal (OPPA) reported by the collaborators. Additionally, we drew on social cognition and motivational life‐span development theories to hypothesize age‐related differences in perceived OPPA and its link with the coaching leadership style. Using hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) on a sample of 576 employees and 112 leaders, we found that coaching leaders are perceived as less manipulative in their performance ratings, especially by older employees. This article includes a discussion of the implications these results have for performance management of an age‐diverse workforce. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

宋沛军 《企业活力》2011,(12):67-71
代际传承是家族企业最重大的战略决策问题之一。纵观中外关于家族企业代际传承模式,"子承父业"仍是许多家族企业首选的交接班方式。为此,父辈应尽早让子女融入企业,承担企业发展的重任,通过实践和竞争适时传承家族企业所有权和经营管理权,保持家族企业的持续成长与生命延续、传承创业者的精神、理想和文化。  相似文献   

The current research attempts to revitalize contingency leadership theory. Instead of focusing on subordinate attributes as a substitute for leadership theory, this study examines leader's human capital attributes as a leadership contingency variable. This paper offers a fresh perspective to contingency leadership literature by exploring a new set of variables. Addressing leader-member exchange (LMX) rather than the conventional focus on leader's behaviors, this study examines previously untested contingency variables. Using a matched sample of leaders and employees from Portuguese firms, this study examines leader's education and leader's organizational tenure as alternatives for LMX with assessed job performance and organizational citizenship as dependent variables. Testing new independent variables sheds additional light on contingency approaches to leadership; as a result, this paper improves the current state of research on contingency leadership. Results seem to indicate that leader's education is an alternative for LMX as well as suggesting that the leader's organizational tenure improves LMX. This paper proposes that research focusing on the substitute for leadership may need to examine a different set of variables to determine the viability of contingency approaches to leadership.  相似文献   

While the construct of character is well grounded in philosophy, ethics, and more recently psychology, it lags in acceptance and legitimacy within management research and mainstream practice. Our research seeks to remedy this through four contributions. First, we offer a framework of leader character that provides rigor through a three‐phase, multi‐method approach involving 1817 leaders, and relevance by using an engaged scholarship epistemology to validate the framework with practicing leaders. This framework highlights the theoretical underpinnings of the leader character model and articulates the character dimensions and elements that operate in concert to promote effective leadership. Second, we bring leader character into mainstream management research, extending the traditional competency and interpersonal focus on leadership to embrace the foundational component of leader character. In doing this, we articulate how leader character complements and strengthens several existing theories of leadership. Third, we extend the virtues‐based approach to ethical decision making to the broader domain of judgement and decision making in support of pursuing individual and organization effectiveness. Finally, we offer promising directions for future research on leader character that will also serve the larger domain of leadership research.  相似文献   

This study compares the effect of printed recruitment advertisements and recruitment websites on applicant attraction and shows how these recruitment activities interact with one another. Our results indicate that websites have a significantly stronger impact on applicant attraction than printed advertisements. We show that websites and printed recruitment advertisements have an indirect effect on applicant attraction that is mediated by employer knowledge. Furthermore, printed advertisements supplement the positive effects of websites and, thus, the simultaneous use of multiple recruitment activities directly influences applicant attraction. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   


This article seeks to evaluate the effects of organizational context and teamworking activities on the performance outcomes of public sector workers. Ability, Motivation and Opportunity (AMO) theory is used as the basis of this study in which it is predicted that employees' ability, motivation and opportunities to participate will affect organizational performance. Procter and Mueller's (2000) framework is used to identify relevant HR contextual features, namely discretionary rewards, appraisal, training and development, industrial relations and organizational culture. Data based on the 2003 Local Government Workplace Survey (N = 3,165) were used to test six research hypotheses and related sub-hypotheses. The findings show that individually, the effects of organizational context and teamworking activities were as hypothesized and consistent with AMO theory. However, the interaction effects were far less pronounced in that they were either non-significant or negative, with the exception of the interaction term teamworking X appraisal, which positively predicted organizational commitment. However, the teamworking X appraisal interaction also led to increased stress, something we consider to be a ‘sting in the tail’ for workers. Thus we argue that even though the interaction effects of teamworking and organizational context are minimal, the individual effects contribute to enhanced worker attitudes and perceived organizational performance.  相似文献   

abstract Favourable organizational status and prestige has a substantial role in shaping constituents' attitudes and actions. The status and prestige of an organization is often a reflection of its achievements or performance. In the present study, we investigate the role of organizational performance or achievement (as assessed by organizational members) in evoking employees' identification, adjustment, and job performance. The results of this study indicate that two forms of organizational performance (labelled as perceived social responsibility and development and perceived market and financial performance) are associated with organizational identification. However, when compared to perceived market and financial performance, perceived social responsibility and development had a larger effect on organizational identification, which in turn resulted in enhanced employees' work outcomes – adjustment and job performance.  相似文献   

唐现杰  乔琳 《物流科技》2007,30(3):142-144
上世纪60年代兴起的人力资本投资研究取得了丰硕成果,为后续研究奠定了坚实的基础。但是,关于人力资本投资收益的计量方法、人力资本投资收益与成本计量范围等方面仍然存在需要深入钻研的问题。基于前人成果,本文提出了重新界定人力资本投资收益、完善人力资本投资成本内容、改进人力资本投资决策方法等方面的建议,以期为该领域的研究添砖加瓦。  相似文献   

臧静静 《价值工程》2010,29(32):13-14
本文首先对团队领导风格和团队学习能力的概念、构成与测度进行了分析和探讨,接着从理论上分析了团队领导风格对团队学习能力的影响,并得出相应的理论命题。  相似文献   

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