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词汇(预制)语块是一种兼具词汇与语法特点、出现频率较高、形式和意义较固定的大于单词的语言结构,它具有特定的话语功能,是词汇教学的最小单位。运用语块结构教学法,再结合学习者认知能力的发展规律来开展双语教学不仅可行而且有效,这也为大量的教学实践所证实。  相似文献   

何帆 《商》2014,(19):186-186
预制语块在商务英语中的应用较为广泛,其包括多个方面且具有语言规范规则,同时体现了商务英语语用功能的作用。也是现代商务英语交际灵活性,原则性等的具体体现。文章讨论了预制语块的相关概念,并且分析了其在商务英语中的语用功能。  相似文献   

长期以来,英语词汇教学一直是热点也是难点,传统的词汇教学法只是把脱离语境的词汇单独作为一个记忆单位,然而,学生在学习和使用过程中,遇到了很多问题。本文从语块理论入手,总结了学生在现有词汇教学法下所遇到的突出问题,并对语块理论在词汇教学中的优势进行简要分析,最后对语块理论在实际教学中的运用给出几点建议,以推广语块理论在英语词汇教学中的应用。  相似文献   

王娜 《中国电子商务》2014,(16):139-140
第二语言的学习已经成为在当今语言研究中的热点问题.本文从语块的角度出发,介绍了语块的分类及特点,针对我国英语词汇教学中存在的问题,重点介绍了语块理论在英语教学中的应用及体会和语块理论在英语词汇教学中的现实意义.  相似文献   

采用语块教学法对我校2011级部分非英语专业学生进行实验教学,以求证如下假设:1)语块教学法对学生英语水平的提高有一定促进作用;2)语块教学法对学生听力、阅读、完型、翻译、写作提高作用的显著性有差异。在此基础上进一步完善原有语块教学法提高学生的英语水平。  相似文献   

在英语专业教学中,口译教学一直是教学中的难点,也是学生二语习得中的薄弱环节.语块理论为英语专业口译教学开辟了一条新途径,为英语专业口译教学提供了理论指导.实践证明,语块理论在教学中的应用对提高学生口译的准确性有显著影响.  相似文献   

本文通过介绍Levelt的语言产出模式的各个功能机制,同时分析影响二语口语产出的主要因素,以及将Levelt的理论架构应用在第二语言习得并指出提高二语口语注意细节。  相似文献   

现代汉语股市语植根于市场经济的土壤,伴随股市经济的发展,具有独特的言语功能.股语缺乏独立的语音、词汇和语法系统,是语言的功能变体.股语由三个不同层次语汇组成,各司其职又相互联系,和母语保持亲缘联系.股市语兼容相关科技语汇和生活语汇,形成了严谨规范又开放活泼的语言特点.  相似文献   

张贵林 《现代商贸工业》2012,24(16):140-142
一直以来,许多英语教师和教学法专家试着用不同的方法来提高学生英语写作水平,但目前写作状况还不是特别尽如人意。大部分学生掌握了语法,记忆了大量单词,学习了文章构思,仍不能在规定时间内很好地完成写作任务。从语块的定义分类出发,讨论了语块教学的重要性并提出相关对策及建议,希望对以后的写作教学有新的启示。  相似文献   

沈金根 《现代商业》2012,(33):220-221
现代汉语会计语植根于社会经济的土壤,伴随股市经济的发展,具有独特的言语功能。会计语缺乏独立的语音、词汇和语法系统,是语言的功能变体。会计语由三个不同层次语汇组成,各司其职又相互联系,和母语保持亲缘联系。会计语兼容相关科技语汇和生活语汇,形成了严谨规范的语言特点。  相似文献   

印度是一个历史悠久的语言博物馆。国家的官方语言是用天城体书写的印地语,英语是辅助的官方语言。英语在印度的推广,已有400多年的历史。对印度的语言状况、印度独立后所采取的语言政策及英语在印度的历史和现状的分析,可以为我国的语言政策和语言教育提供一个可资借鉴的对象,从而正确处理母语教育与英语教育的关系。  相似文献   

Using two languages within an advertisement is increasing across many markets, throughout the world. By investigating code-switching effects between the Korean and English languages, this study is the first to directly test the Markedness Model perspective in the Korean marketplace. Furthermore, this study introduces a new type of code-switching (transliterated code-switching) between two alphabetic languages and assesses the impact of code-switching on advertising effectiveness across the different types. The results of Study 1 indicate that Korean–English (KE) code-switching and transliterated Korean–English (TL-KE) code-switching were significantly higher in attitude toward the slogan and product evaluation than English–Korean (EK) code-switching. However, there was no significant difference in the dependent variables between TL-KE and KE slogans. Study 2 tested the role of the perceived difficulty of the English words as a moderating variable. It was found that the KE slogan was more effective than the TL-KE slogan when difficult English words were embedded in the slogans, whereas no difference was found between the two slogans when the English words were perceived as easy. Implications for advertisers are presented and future research areas are discussed.  相似文献   

跨境电商的飞速发展离不开跨境电商英语沟通质量的提升,跨境电商英语沟通是在交流过程中,买卖双方传递、共享信息和感情的过程。运用语用学的移情理论,结合跨境电商英语沟通特点,从礼貌语、委婉语、模糊语和幽默语等方面,建构语用移情策略,有助于缩短买卖双方的心理距离,达到预期的语用效果,推动畅通有效地跨境电商沟通。  相似文献   


Despite the extensive research conducted on language standardization in advertising across several countries, little attention has been given to the use of English versus Spanish and code-switching when advertising to Latin American bilingual consumers. We propose that stereotypes about English speakers and code-switching have potential to help determine which language is most effective in print advertising. The results of experiments conducted in Chile, Ecuador, and Mexico show that the effects of language-related stereotypes on the persuasiveness of English ads vary across different countries. In the case of Chile, English may be persuasively superior, depending on the favourableness of the stereotype of individuals that code-switch. Differently, print ads in English are functionally equivalent, in terms of ad attitudes, to Spanish and code-switching ads in Mexico, and superior in Ecuador, regardless of the favourability of the language-related stereotypes. Suggestions for advertising practice and future research are offered.  相似文献   

The Hispanic market in the USA is a rapidly growing demographic segment that receives considerable attention from marketers. In addition, there is a considerable amount of literature on the Hispanic consumer's attitude towards advertising. Prior research has focused on the Hispanic audience's preference for English language versus Spanish language advertisements and provided normative guidelines for advertisers. This paper analyses the content from advertisements in a Spanish language magazine and dual language (English–Spanish) magazine in order to determine whether they adhere to these normative guidelines. The findings suggest that media vehicle selection does play a part in determining the language content of an advertisement as well as the amount of copy used in English language and Spanish language advertisements. The results also suggest that the amount of advertisements that use a bilingual approach remains small, with advertisers preferring an either/or approach to language selection.  相似文献   

知识是生命的宝库和源泉.语言科学在知识获取中具有非常的意义和价值.英语作为一种途径在语言习得中必不可少.它在不同国家文化与跨文化语言交际中都起到很总要的作用.就英语学习而言,要向熟练掌握各项技能,我们应重点学习听、说、读、写和翻译.相对而言,口语技能更具挑战和影响力.  相似文献   

In this study, we attempted to separate the effects of culture and language on imagery generation. By asking subjects from China, Singapore and the US to read Chinese and/or English messages, we found that culture, as opposed to language of the message, drives Chinese people's imagery‐generation capabilities. Indeed, people from mainland China generated more images than both Singaporean Chinese people and Americans, even when tested in English. This is because their dominant way of thinking is concrete. Bilingual Singaporean Chinese subjects generated the same number of images when exposed to English and Chinese stimuli because they are equally adept at abstract and concrete thinking. However, their imagery‐generation ability could be manipulated by priming abstract or concrete thinking.  相似文献   

The 21st century is an era when people tend to have more and more communication and cooperation with each other.English as the essential ability of international exchanges has become a basic requirement to everybody.In recent years,employers have added an oral English test to those employees who have certificate of CET4 and CET6 to test their comprehensive ability of English,so college students are eager to improve their English practical ability,but the present college English teaching could not meet the n...  相似文献   

The process of globalization has led to a considerable number of expatriates working abroad. In this article, we investigate whether those with a higher level of English proficiency are more willing to accept international assignments. To examine our hypotheses, we conducted a time-lagged survey of 239 employees from Chinese multinational corporations (MNCs). The results reveal that employees’ English language proficiency is positively related to their willingness to accept international assignments, and that their openness to corporate globalization mediates this relationship. In addition, employees’ foreign language anxiety (FLA) moderates the mediating effect of English language proficiency on willingness to accept international assignments via openness to corporate globalization. Implications and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

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