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对高程测量目前的方法有普通水准测量、经纬仪、全站仪三角高程测量.利用全站仪精确测距的优势进行三角高程测量与普通水准测量高差,二者的精度或误差大小如何呢?如果全站仪三角高程测量能代替水准测量,不但可大大减轻高程测量的重负,也可相应提高高程测量速度.  相似文献   

三角高程测量是高程测量中最常用的一种测量方法,影响其精度的有环境因素、仪器因素、测量方法等一系列内外因素。本文通过分析在山丘地带进行三角高程测量时可能导致误差的几个方面,从而探讨出一种精度更高、更适合在山区地带利用全站仪进行三角高程测量的方法。  相似文献   

随着全站仪的普及传统的三角高程测量方法已经显示出局限性,经过长期摸索,对传统三角高程测量进行分析,通过同形变换,形成了同形三角高程测量.它既结合了水准测量的任一置站的特点,减少三角高程的误差来源,不必考虑仪器高、棱镜高,使三角高程测量精度进一步提高,施测速度更快.  相似文献   

本文结合延安市南沟门水库工程马家河引水枢纽及输水隧洞施工贯通控制网的建立,详细叙述了坐标系统的选取、平面控制网GPS为主,精密全站仪测量地面边为辅的联合网方案的应用及质量验证; 壑纵深地区高程控制采用光电测距三角高程网替代水准的实施效果,对类似工程具有参考作用。  相似文献   

使用棱镜配合全站议测量高程的方法越来越普及,使用传统的三角高程测量方法已经显示出了他的局限性.经过长期摸索,总结出一种新的方法进行三角高程测量.这种方法既结合了水准测量的任一置站的特点,又减少了三角高程的误差来源,同时每次测量时还不必量取仪器高、棱镜高.使三角高程测量精度进一步提高,施测速度更快.  相似文献   

全站仪是指能自动地测量角度和距离,并能按一定程序和格式将测量数据传送给相应的数据采集器,它具有自动化程度高、功能多、精度好、速度快等优点,能大大提高劳动效率,有较高的经济效益,将其应用于工程测量中使得测量工作更为方便。本文首先论述了全站仪的工作特点及其在使用时应注意的事项,进而论述了全站仪在工程测量的应用,及全站仪在导线测量、轴线放样中及高程测量中的应用,最后指出两点全站仪在操作时要注意的关键点,以供参考。  相似文献   

对于地面高低起伏较大地区采用水准测量的方法测定地面点的高程会显得十分不便。而采用三角高程测量的方法进行高程传递时,又会导致测量结果的精度不高。为了做到既不受地形起伏条件的限制又能够保证测得的高程值有相对较高精度,将结合工作实践来谈一谈水准测量原理在三角高程测量中的应用。  相似文献   

我们从事公路建设的人士都知道,任何一个项目、一个工程都离不开高程控制,都需要进行高程测量.根据工程需要和对高程精度的要求,工程技术人员通常采用水准测量和三角高程测量两种方法对工程进行高程控制,对于公路行业,比较用多的是水准测量.  相似文献   

全站仪是一种集光电测距仪、电子经纬仪及数据处理系统融为一体的电子速测仪,能自动地测量角度、距离,并通过内部计算得出测点高程,可使原始测量数据直接进入计算机进行数据处理或进入自动化绘图系统。  相似文献   

输电线路测量工作包括选线测量、定线测量、平断面测量、交叉跨越测量和定位测量。这些测量工作常使用经纬仪或全站仪采集必要的观测数据,然后通过数据处理得到所需结果。本文就测量工作必须采用的技术与方法做一简要探讨。  相似文献   

This paper examines whether the human capital of first-time venture capital fund management teams can predict fund performance and finds that it can. I find that fund management teams with more task-specific human capital, as measured by more managers having past experience as venture capitalists and by more managers having past experience as executives at start-up companies, manage funds with greater fractions of portfolio company exits. I also find that fund management teams with more industry-specific human capital in strategy and management consulting and, to a lesser extent, engineering and non-venture finance manage funds with greater fractions of portfolio company exits. Perhaps counter-intuitively, I find that fund management teams that have more general human capital in business administration, as measured by more managers having MBAs, manage funds with lower fractions of portfolio company exits. Overall, measures of task- and industry-specific human capital are stronger predictors of fund performance than are measures of general human capital.  相似文献   

Venture Capital in Spain by Stage of Development   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper examines the investment decisions of 51 Spanish venture capital firms by stage of development. The results showed that venture capitalists ranked evaluation criteria related to the characteristics of the entrepreneurs, manager background, and management team experience as more important than market and product characteristics. Factors affecting the required rate of return were more important for the early-stage firms than for late-stage firms. Discounted cash flow analysis is the most frequently used valuation method. Private venture capital firms invest more during late development stages, while public venture capital firms invest more during the early stages. The results can be used by firms seeking venture capital, venture capital firms, consultants, and support agencies that provide capital-acquisition assistance. By gaining insight into decision criteria and processes, firms can develop better and more targeted materials to attract capital. Venture capital firms can use the information from this study to better understand their decision processes, individually and relative to competitors. Consultants and support agencies can use the information to provide better advice to both firms and venture capital firms. Information is this study could easily be built into training programs for both new and existing businesses. Finally, the results can also be incorporated directly into university courses that include material related to venture capital.  相似文献   

解密环境媒体的创意法则   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
胡文财 《中国广告》2009,(4):137-140
在广告媒介策划中,环境媒体创意的价值越来越凸显。环境媒体创意是一种将媒介的物理属性融进广告创意的思维形式,它具有传统媒介策划无法达到的广告效果。那么,环境媒体创意有无规律可循?笔者研究发现,要保证环境媒体创意的质量,找到合适的接触环境是关键,促成广告与环境的联动以吸引受众体验是前提,用创新思维突破环境限制是保障。  相似文献   

The network surrounding a firm's foreign clients has large influence on its ability to act in the market. How firms can utilize the knowledge supplied by client networks is therefore of great importance to their business with clients. Many studies show the usefulness of foreign clients and suppliers, whereas less attention has been given to the usefulness of knowledge supplied by clients’ network, such as clients’ clients, clients’ supplementary suppliers and competitors to the firm. This study contributes to international business research on networks by investigating the knowledge supplied by client networks for a firm doing business with a specific foreign client on a sample of 494 firms. A LISREL analysis demonstrates that knowledge supplied by client networks is more useful the more experienced the firm. Client networks are also more useful the more knowledge the firm has of its client, the more the firm needs knowledge of its clients and suppliers, the higher the cost of the client relationship, and the more standardized the product. A major conclusion is that the client network knowledge is more useful the further a firm's collaboration with the client, presumably as a result of the new, and more embedded business that the firm develops with the client. Implications are that client networks are resources that can be important competitive advantages for the internationalizing firm.  相似文献   

Online retailers are likely to try to influence consumers’ shopping behavior through atmospherics and service, just as physical stores do. The impact of online atmospherics can be measured by the degree of stimulation and pleasure that is provided by a website. It is suggested that the characteristics of products and websites that are encountered early in online browsing can significantly influence the level of arousal and pleasure that consumers experience, and thereby can influence their later shopping behavior. Two experiments show that if the initial experiences encountered in a simulated Internet shopping trip are higher in pleasure, then there is a positive impact on approach behaviors and subjects engage in more arousing activities (e.g., more exploration, more tendencies to examine novel products and stores, higher response to promotional incentives). Further, if higher stimulation or information load is provided by the initial Internet experience, then consumers subsequently tend to engage in less arousing activities.  相似文献   

Previous research has established that interpersonal similarity can influence knowledge sharing in such a way that similar people are more likely to share knowledge than those who are dissimilar. We contribute to the literature by showing that in the MNC context, cultural and functional similarity can become more powerful sources of bias than more commonly assumed demographic characteristics such as gender or seniority. This may be driven by the salience of such boundaries in the MNC: while demographic characteristics are more broadly distributed, cultural and functional barriers create more defined and observable faultlines, often coinciding with unit boundaries. We further argue that it may not be similarity as such that matters but rather its positive impact on different dimensions of social capital, which mediate the relationship between similarity and knowledge sharing. These microfoundations of inter-unit knowledge exchange point to important theoretical and practical implications for international management.  相似文献   

零售企业自有品牌问题的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
尚慧丽 《商业研究》2005,(24):158-160
自有品牌,是零售企业通过搜集、整理、分析消费者对于某类商品的需求信息而开发出来的新产品的品牌。零售企业在功能、价格、造型等方面提出设计要求,自设生产基地或者选择合适的生产企业进行加工生产,最终用自己的商标注册该产品,并在本商店销售该品牌。由于自有品牌能够给零售企业带来更多的利润,赢得顾客的忠诚,因而受到越来越多零售企业的青睐,开发、销售自有品牌产品已成为零售企业广泛采用的营销策略。  相似文献   


Household food waste originates in three predictable stages – when shopping, storing, and serving. That is, food can be purchased and never prepared, prepared and never served, or served and never eaten. Building on behavioral economics insights, this framework focuses on why consumers waste food in these three stages and how marketers can help consumers reduce food waste and thereby help them get more value from their products by enjoying them more and wasting them less. For cost-conscious consumers, wasting less means saving more. For profit-conscious marketers, wasting less means making more profit.  相似文献   

我国知识产权贸易存在的问题及对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李浩 《国际贸易问题》2005,(11):118-122
知识产权并非一个国家的天然禀赋,而是人类创造出来的。知识产权作为一种生产要素,能改变一国的比较优势和提升一国的竞争优势。知识产权贸易在国际贸易中所占的比重日益增大和作用日益显著,培育我们自己的知识产权对我国改善贸易环境也越发重要。  相似文献   

Designing an effective return policy is a difficult task for retailers. A very restrictive return policy can keep logistic costs down and prevent fraudulent returns but it can also have a negative effect on consumer behavior. Two experiments explore the role of assortment-related information in moderating consumers׳ negative reactions to more restrictive product return policies. The results demonstrate that consumers will view an assortment characterized by a more restrictive return policy as attractive to the extent that the assortment supports the information processing strategy triggered by the return policy.  相似文献   

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