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在当今严峻的就业形势下,研究生就业也面临着更加激烈的竞争。本文从提升研究生科研能力、夯实研究生专业知识基础、改善研究生职业认知和提高研究生就业竞争能力等四个方面入手,提出了优化和改进研究生就业能力的对策。  相似文献   

吴跃赛 《现代商业》2014,(30):278-279
本文主要就当前我国研究生就业现状进行了探讨,首先从研究生就业过程中出现的就业率偏低、就业层次不高及就业"扎堆"现象严重等问题出发,分析了造成当前研究生就业困境的原因,并在此基础上,从国家、高校及研究生自身三个层面来试图找出解决当前研究生就业问题的对策与建议。  相似文献   

王颖 《华商》2008,(6):75-76
研究生教育是实施科教兴国战略的重要力量。但这几年,由于各高校对研究生及本科生的扩招导致就业市场逐步趋于饱和,就业形势大不如前,研究生就业存在诸多急待解决的问题。本文从当前硕士研究生就业存在的一些现实问题,关注女硕士研究生的就业困惑,利用SWOT模型分析女研究生就业的优势、劣势、机遇及威胁,并为女硕士研究生就业提供相应策略。  相似文献   

随着大学生毕业人数的逐年增多,社会就业形势的日益严峻,研究生就业问题日益突出。针对新疆生源的研究生而言,就业竞争力更是严重不足。为提高研究生就业水平,笔者从社会、学校、研究生等各方面因素分析新疆财经类高校研究生的就业现状,给出提高硕士研究生就业水平的具体举措:完善运营环境,在刺激经济活力上下功夫;增加教育投入,在提高研究生素质上下功夫;严格出口控制,把好研究生毕业质量关;增强就业指导,提高研究生就业竞争力;开展创业教育,激发研究生创业热情。  相似文献   

受金融危机的影响,我国研究生就业问题凸显,使得全社会更加关注研究生就业,从供需、价值及结构性失衡的角度来分析了研究生就业问题,探讨解决措施。  相似文献   

随着硕士研究生就业问题的日益突出,硕士研究生就业已经成为社会关注的焦点.本文分析了影响硕士研究生就业的主要因素,并且提出了解决其就业问题的对策和建议.  相似文献   

冯闯 《商场现代化》2010,(15):109-109
随着研究生教育规模的扩大,研究生就业工作面临越来越严峻的形势。但是教育部出台相关政策,增加全日制专业学位研究生的数目。我们从现状入手,分析医学专业学位研究生就业总体状况、影响就业因素的深层原因,找出适合的方式和策略,促进研究生就业。  相似文献   

硕士研究生在全国范围内的不断扩大招生,使得研究生的就业形势也出现了"供给>需求"的状况发生,这种就业形势改变了硕士研究生在面试双选会的地位、局面,许多以往硕士研究生从来未考虑的单位现在也要求必须为硕士学历才能进入。据统计,全国有55.6%的硕士研究生对自己的职业生涯规划没有信心,因此,从心理学的角度对硕士研究生进行职业生涯规划团体心理辅导,消除就业恐惧,树立就业信心显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

浅析研究生就业问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着研究生招生规模的扩大,研究生的就业问题开始凸显.本文在对研究生就业的影响因素分析的基础上,提出研究生就业的对策.  相似文献   

薛娈立 《消费导刊》2010,(6):184-184
本文结合目前研究生就业的趋势和研究生就业工作的内容,以实例来说明研究生就业工作如何将理论运用到实践中。  相似文献   

我国现行的研究生培养制度、培养模式不能完全适合于人才的个性发展和实践能力的培养,缺乏社会实践的有效教学体制和机制。同时,严峻的就业压力和研究生迫切的就业意愿使研究生实践能力的培养成为高校应该重新加以考虑的因素。我国应改革研究生培养模式及体制,完善研究生实践能力培养体系,重视对创新实践基地的建设,加大实践项目投资力度,提高研究生导师的实践创新能力,改革传统单一导师制度,可以采用双导师制,甚至采用多导师制。  相似文献   

Drawing on the conservation of resource theory, this study investigates the mediating effects of self-efficacy and academic engagement in the relationship between servant supervision and postgraduates’ employability. We conducted a field study with 598 postgraduates (students for the research-based master's degree and PhD candidates) enrolled in universities in China to test our hypotheses. We developed and tested a model contending that servant supervisors propagate servant supervision among postgraduates through postgraduates’ self-efficacy and academic engagement, which indirectly influences postgraduates’ employability. The results support the mediating effects of both self-efficacy and academic engagement on the relationship between servant supervision and postgraduates’ employability. Finally, the theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

服务业能承担转移我国农村剩余劳动力的重任吗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
魏作磊 《财贸经济》2006,(11):68-72,77
服务业就业比重的提高难用一个统一的理论基础来解释.发达国家服务业就业结构的变迁表明,服务业就业比重的提高实质上是以商务服务业为主的生产者服务业和以教育、医疗卫生业为主的社会服务业就业比重的提高.从目前来看,短期内我国服务业难以承担大规模转移农村剩余劳动力的任务.但通过发展劳动密集型制造业转移农村剩余劳动力不仅是可行的,也是必要的.  相似文献   


Theoretically, fluctuations in oil prices are expected to affect production costs and may force businesses to delay their investment decisions, triggering pressures on employment. Following these theoretical notions, this paper investigates the asymmetric impact of oil prices on employment (measured as total employment, male employment, and female employment), in a nonlinear cointegration structure for the U.S. market. In doing so, this paper adopts the nonlinear autoregressive distributed lags (NARDL) model to shed light on such asymmetric association, as the NARDL model recently emerged as a new direction in examining nonlinear cointegration and asymmetry. The empirical findings document a long-run asymmetric effect in case of total employment and male employment only. Furthermore, the short-run asymmetric effect was detected for all three employment categories. As a final point, the Granger Causality test documents a unidirectional causality running from oil price decrease to both total employment and male employment.  相似文献   

Small firms are often seen to be the engines of growth. There are two main sources of empirical evidence that are adduced to support this conclusion. The first is that job creation has been coming mainly from small firms. The second is that the share of employment accounted for by small firms has increased in the past two decades. Both of these sources rely on a simple metric-employment. This paper asks whether changes in this metric affect the view of the role that small firms play in the growth process.The first section of the paper maintains employment as the measure that is used to evaluate the importance of small firms but modifies the raw measure of employment to correct for the fact that small firms pay lower wages than large firms. When this is done, small producers are no longer found to outperform large producers in terms of job creation over the 1970s and 1980s in the Canadian manufacturing sector.The second section of the paper changes the metric used to evaluate relative performance by moving from employment to output and labour productivity. The paper demonstrates that while small producers have increased their employment share dramatically, they have barely changed their output share. Small firms have been falling behind large firms both with respect to wages paid and labour productivity.  相似文献   

This paper offers insight into the “jobless recovery” phenomenon recently experienced in the U.S. economy by examining industry-sector employment responsiveness to the long-term real GDP expansion occurring during 1991- 2001. Two employment models are specified—one using real GDP as the only explanatory variable and the other using real GDP, five additional macroeconomic performance variables, and a time trend as explanatory variables. Monthly data for April 1991–March 2001, and OLSQ regressions are used to derive industry-sector elasticities of employment with respect to real GDP. Empirical results highlight the importance of controlling for non-real GDP macro variables when determining relationships between employment and real GDP. The results identify five industries exhibiting “jobless recovery” characteristics (having negative employment elasticities) and a broad range of employment elasticities across industry categories. The findings may be helpful to business economists modeling their own industry employment and suggest that even during extended periods of real GDP expansion, there may be a case for using industry-specific labor market transition initiatives to assist employment growth. JEL Classification C82,R31  相似文献   

This paper studies how firm performance is influenced by the strength of the industrial cluster (or industrial district) in which it is located. The paper presents estimates of firm-level employment and patent growth models for a range of '5-digit' aerospace industries in the UK. In these models, employment in the firm's own sector and employment in other sectors is taken as a measure of the strength of the cluster. Strong positive clustering effects are found in many sectors, but nevertheless some clustering effects are negative. Entry into clusters of this industry is also examined and some sectors are found to attract new entry while others are only attracted.  相似文献   

The increasing demands placed on private welfare services and calls for business to fulfil its social responsibilities have heightened interest in corporate charitable donations in the United Kingdom. Adjustments to the corporation tax system have been made to encourage companies to give more. The article outlines the legal and fiscal background to company giving, examines its magnitude and reports on a survey of company practice.Christopher J. Cowton is a Research Fellow of Templeton College, The Oxford Centre for Management Studies. His main research interests are in accounting, which he teaches on the College's executive programs and to Oxford University undergraduates and postgraduates. He is the author of a recent research monograph on the disclosure of corporate charitable donations.  相似文献   

刘以兵 《北方经贸》2010,(8):118-120
本文以高职院校建筑工程技术专业毕业生近三年来的就业情况为案例,对其就业率、就业去向、就业单位性质、岗位类型、就业区域、就业稳定性等特征进行了初步分析,提出了加强高职院校土建类专业毕业生就业工作的若干建议。  相似文献   

近年来,我国经济在飞速增长的同时面临着失业量上升的巨大压力,尤其在国际金融危机的影响下,我国的就业形势日益严峻。影响就业量的因素很多,既有宏观因素和微观因素,也有可量化的因素和不可量化的因素。资本、技术、工资、劳动力均是决定产出的投入要素,充分就业是宏观经济目标之一,研究相关投入要素对于就业量的影响具有现实意义。本文运用1995~2010年的数据,分析资本、技术、工资三个投入要素对就业量的影响,并建立长短期模型,寻求影响我国就业效应的深层次原因。  相似文献   

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