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农村微型企业创业者创业能力的不足制约了农村微型企业的持续生存和发展扩大。其主要原因在于对农村微型企业创业支持不足。文章从农村微型企业创业的阶段性特征出发,提出了构建农村微型企业创业支持体系的基本思路,以帮助提升目前农村微型企业创业者创业能力的整体水平,从而促进农村微型企业持续健康发展。  相似文献   

运用"高阶理论"、"社会资本理论"探讨了云南省中小企业创业者人口背景特征和企业绩效的关系。研究发现、创业者年龄和企业绩效呈抛物线形状关系,创业者先前工作经验与企业绩效呈正相关关系。但是研究发现,云南地区创业者学历和企业绩效并没有呈现正相关关系。  相似文献   

<正> 前些年,新闻媒介频频传出中国将进入"微型轿车消费年代"的信息。有些企业对这一信息缺乏冷静的分析,纷纷上马生产微型轿车。如天津夏利、贵州云雀等等。然而,由于微型轿车市场的需求并没有出现媒介所预言的火爆局面,1997年需求量至多12万辆左右,而总供给力竟在26万辆以上,因而市场竞争,出现了白热化。有些企业便到了难  相似文献   

新创建企业的创业者往往将资源作为创业成功的最大制约因素.如果从创业视角看,创业不必等到将所有的资源准备齐全,创业需在把握机会的前提下通过整合资源实现.本文通过对资源需求、特征等分析,研究并提出了新创企业的资源整合机制.  相似文献   

<正>回乡路上飞驰的五菱之光,贸易市场交错的长安之光,劳动致富依靠的东风小康……一幕一幕回想那些辛勤工作的创业者、个体老板、普通员工、自由职业者,面对这些以微型客车当作谋生工具的崛起群体,我们顺理成章的认为,他们在挑选微型客车时,必然将功能需求放在情感需求前面,实用、性价比应该是他们追求的核心目标,而花最少的钱买最实用的车应该会是他们最  相似文献   

构建企业的营销故事是营销当中的重要环节,目前大学生创业者缺乏对营销故事的正确理解与构建方法,致使企业经济收益无法得到持续提升,规模增长速度较慢。目前大学生创业者的现存营销误区有:广告中传播的信息难以理解;企业在宣传时没有聚焦顾客的核心需求,并提出了利用SB7营销故事框架解决现有营销问题的三种方案:广告需要清晰地表述公司的产品优势以及能够解决顾客的何种困难;感知性法则——让品牌故事通俗易懂;为顾客打造获得公司产品服务后的幻想。  相似文献   

小型和微型企业主要有四种类型:微型企业,小型企业,家族企业以及个体企业。小微企业普遍具有如下特征:数量众多,广泛传播。拥有少量资金和小规模资产。少有保障措施符合保修要求,与银行没有信用关系。在大多数情况下,公司治理并不完美,信息不对称以及经营状况差异比较大。  相似文献   

近年来,杭州地区大学生创业者的规模不断扩大,取得不错成绩的同时也存在问题,尤其融资难问题。众筹,作为互联网金融的主要模式之一,近年来发展飞快,并以其融资门槛低、资金来源广、融资成本低等特征区别于传统融资模式。本文通过问卷调查,在杭州地区5家大学生创业园区,随机调查了143位大学生创业者,发现大学生创业者的资金需求特征恰恰与众筹特征相契合,众筹使用者肯定了众筹的优势,但认为公信力和审核力度是目前我国众筹平台急需改进的两个方面;未使用众筹融资的创业者,主要顾虑法律风险和筹资安全性。总体而言,大学生创业者对众筹的未来发展持有信心,但信心不强,短期内众筹仍难以成为大学生创业者的主要融资渠道。  相似文献   

罗莎 《商》2014,(5):121-121
小微型企业是我国企业形式的重要组成部分,近年来为我国的国民经济发展创造了巨大价值。微型企业不仅经济贡献显著,行业覆盖广泛,同时也有着十分旺盛的融资需求,但由于微型企业多为初期阶段的企业形式,财务管理水平偏弱,本文旨在通过从实际工作中总结出的经验,对我国小微型企业重要财务指标等进行分析,进而掌握小微型企业的财务及经营状况。  相似文献   

张丽琼 《商业会计》2012,(17):82-83
影响小微型企业的外部融资环境因素可以归结为政府、金融机构和中介机构三大类。研究发现:政府在政策资源的配置过程中,小微型企业被边缘化;当前金融机构不完善,占主导地位的金融机构的金融制度安排偏向大型、中型企业,而中、小、微型金融机构发育不全,不能完全满足小微型企业融资需求;各类市场中介机构针对小微型企业的中介服务做得不够,没有为小微型企业融资创造良好的条件。针对存在的问题,本文提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

As firms increase in size and complexities, the entrepreneurs managing them face a number of unique problems. Often the entrepreneurs lack the experience to address these challenges. Further, finding the best method to acquire the needed information has proven elusive for both entrepreneurs and educators.The existing entrepreneurship education literature related to teaching and/or learning skills to grow a business does not significantly address the problems brought on by growth. Most studies have examined students in an academic environment, away from realworld problems, in a relatively structured setting of a specific duration and with similar levels of competency and knowledge. Practicing entrepreneurs do not fit this educational mold.The results of this study show that entrepreneurs prefer learning experiences that are short, to the point, content oriented, and taught by practicing professionals. This study also identifies the priority learning needs and preferred delivery methods of fast growth entrepreneurs. These findings could be used to develop a series of courses or modules that could enhance the management efficiency and effectiveness of fast growth entrepreneurs.This study contributes to the general knowledge of entrepreneurship education in the following areas:
  • 1.1. It identifies the learning needs and preferred instructional methods of practicing, fast growth entrepreneurs.
  • 2.2. It provides market information on course offerings for executive education programs.
  • 3.3. It provides a model of curriculum content for universities that wish to bring their courses more in line with the needs of practicing entrepreneurs.
  • 4.4. It provides a teaching approach that can help bridge the gap between academe and the business world by focusing on learning needs common to both students and entrepreneurs.

There has been limited research on entrepreneurship in Turkey. Given the fact that globalization has rapidly been increasing, that foreign direct investment is spreading throughout the world, and that more and more foreign investors are seeking partners in emergent markets such as Turkey. One important reason for the interest in Turkish entrepreneurs is because they have many characteristics that are similar to entrepreneurs in Western markets. Even if there are many differences between Western entrepreneurs and Turkish entrepreneurs, it would be valuable to compare the characteristics of Turkish entrepreneurs with others. Moreover, a few cross-cultural studies have examined the similarities among entrepreneurs in various nations. Ireland and Turkey have many striking similarities despite varying cultural backgrounds. Hence, this empirical research was undertaken to investigate the characteristics and attributes of Turkish entrepreneurs and compare them to Irish entrepreneurs. The research design in this study focused on 161 Turkish entrepreneurs who were randomly selected from a list (obtained from local Chamber of Commerce) and interviewed using a structured questionnaire. The questions assessed relevant areas, such as demographic and business information, motivations, entrepreneurial characteristics, business problems, personality characteristics, and management skills. Information on the Irish entrepreneurs was incorporated from a published study. Overall, in terms of entrepreneurial characteristics, Turkish entrepreneurs displayed surprisingly similar characteristics to the Irish. The implications of this study are discussed along with some recommendations.  相似文献   

Information is a key resource for the new venture. Despite the importance of information search practices, little research has examined whether entrepreneurs show a tendency to search for more or less information under particular conditions.This article considers whether information search might be explained by concepts of bounded rationality. Such theories lead to the counterintuitive expectation that entrepreneurs with less experience or those entering unfamiliar fields would search less because of their more limited understanding of what is needed. In addition, entrepreneurs with higher levels of initial confidence would search less because their “entrepreneurial euphoria” may limit their ability to assess their own needs for additional information.This study examined the information search practices of 1176 entrepreneurs. It considered six sources of information that were widely used: accountants, friends or relatives, other business owners, bankers, lawyers, and generally available books and manuals. Three measures of search intensity were developed, with the first reflecting the relative importance of all six sources and the remaining two focusing upon the subcategories of professional and personal sources.It was found that those who had no entrepreneurial experience, on the average, sought more, not less, information. However, as expected, those who ventured into fields which were different and those who had higher levels of initial confidence sought less information. An interaction effect provides insight into these findings and reveals that inexperienced entrepreneurs varied their search depending upon whether they were in familiar or unfamiliar domains. In particular, novice entrepreneurs searched less extensively in unfamiliar domains, a behavior consistent with bounded rationality. By contrast, experienced entrepreneurs did not vary their search pattern. It was also found that entrepreneurs having high levels of confidence sought less information, as expected.The behavioral tendencies observed here appear to have clear implications for entrepreneurs and their advisors. We might expect that those venturing into fields they do not know would have more to learn and thus would search more aggressively. However, neither inexperienced nor experienced entrepreneurs acted in this way. In fact, inexperienced entrepreneurs lessened their search as they entered fields they did not know, consistent with the bounded-rationality model. Many prior studies have found that entrepreneurs entering unfamiliar fields are, on the average, less successful (Cooper and Gimeno-Gascon 1992). This certainly raises questions about whether entrepreneurs, both experienced and inexperienced, might benefit from greater emphasis upon gathering and utilizing external information as they enter fields that are new to them. Outside advisors (if the entrepreneur will utilize them) may be helpful in urging and assisting entrepreneurs who enter unfamiliar fields to engage in more extensive information search, even though they may have less developed networks of contacts and less of a feeling for what is needed in such fields. With respect to initial confidence, entrepreneurs and their advisors should recognize that high levels of confidence may lead to lower levels of information search. Recognizing this tendency, they should use care to ensure that entrepreneurial euphoria does not lead to blinders in the search for information.  相似文献   

区域性企业家集群(商帮)是具有社会网络特点的群体,网络联系、网络结构对企业家集群的形成、发展及其演进具有重要的影响。强关系有利于企业家网络的形成,弱关系有利于企业家网络的创新。网络规模和网络密度对企业家集群具有两面性,处于结构洞位置的网络节点拥有信息利益和控制利益。文章以温商为例,对企业家集群网络(温商网络)形成的外部条件、网络联系、网络结构、变迁现状及路径进行分析,得出社会网络对企业家集群演进具有重要作用。  相似文献   

A conceptual framework is extended to take into account differences between inexperienced novice entrepreneurs (that is, individuals with no prior private business ownership experience) and experienced serial and portfolio entrepreneurs. Some policymakers and practitioners are considering whether resources could be more effectively utilized if they were targeted toward serial and portfolio entrepreneurs, rather than in the form of additional initiatives to increase the pool of “pure” nascent entrepreneurs and novice entrepreneurs. To inform this policy debate, similarities and differences between novice, serial, and portfolio entrepreneurs are highlighted with regard to their decisions, actions, performance, and aspirations. We detected that portfolio entrepreneurs were more likely to express dimensions of entrepreneurial behavior. A case for targeted support tailored to the aspirations and needs of novice, serial, and portfolio entrepreneurs is presented.  相似文献   

The Panel Study of Entrepreneurial Dynamics (PSED) is a national longitudinal sample of 64,622 U.S. households that were contacted to find individuals who were actively engaged in starting new businesses. The PSED includes information on: the proportion and characteristics of the adult population involved in attempts to start new businesses, the kinds of activities nascent entrepreneurs undertake during the business startup process, and the proportion and characteristics of the start-up efforts that become infant firms. Prevalence rates for nascent entrepreneurs are reported by gender and ethnicity (whites, blacks and Hispanics) on such demographic variables as: age, education, household income, and urban context.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to measure the extent to which entrepreneurs adjust their beliefs in the light of new information, instead of relying on past experience to guide their decision making. We build a model in which entrepreneurs continually receive valuable but noisy market signals about the true but unobserved productivity of their effort, and use this information to update their expectations of unobserved productivity. The model is estimated using a sample of over 700 self-employed Britons interviewed in 1999 and 2000. It is found that on average, these individuals adjust their expectations of unobserved productivity in the light of new information by only 16%. This suggests that while entrepreneurs do exploit new information, they give much greater weight to their prior beliefs when forming their expectations. Also, there are no significant differences in terms of expectation formation between males and females, employers and non-employers, and experienced and less experienced entrepreneurs. However, younger entrepreneurs respond significantly more sensitively to new information than older entrepreneurs do, with adjustment rates of 21% compared with 14%, respectively. We go on to discuss some policy implications of these findings, and briefly discuss several features of entrepreneurship education programs that might help entrepreneurs improve this aspect of their business performance.  相似文献   

The globalization of business ventures and the parallel search for sources of international competitive advantage have stimulated research relating cultural differences to entrepreneurial and managerial behaviors. Recent work by McGrath, MacMillan, and Scheinberg (1992) encouraged studies of managers and entrepreneurs in different cultures, suggesting that these comparisons may “… shed additional light into the interrelations between social structure, wealth creation, and cultural beliefs” (McGrath el at. 1992, p. 116). This study follows that advice.Cultural differences are powerful determinants of behavior, and many studies support the notion that managerial behavior must adapt to the national cultural setting to achieve success. A growing stream of entrepreneurial behavior research has explored differences in motivational needs between entrepreneurs and non-entrepreneurs of different countries, and found parallel differences across cultures. Given these views, we might expect to find need differences between entrepreneurs and managers within countries however, some entrepreneurship researchers have concluded that U.S. managers and entrepreneurs are more alike than different.To better understand need profile differences between and within cultures, we use a theory that suggests that culture is an important determinant of work behavior. The process through which culture affects work behaviors is described in “Cultural Self-representation Theory” (Erez and Earley, 1993). Based upon this theory, inferences from the entrepreneurial archetype, and analysis of the contrast between the cultures of Israel and the U.S., we propose that: (1) entrepreneurs and managers have different motivational needs within some national cultures, and (2) across national cultures there are systematic differences in motivational needs. Based on these premises, an interaction hypothesis between work role and nationality is suggested because of the importance of both culture and work role in determining motivational need differences. Data are collected from over 370 Israeli and U.S. entrepreneurs and managers.Results support cultural self-representation theory for the Israeli-U.S. and entrepreneur-manager case, because interactions between nationality and work role are exposed for various needs. This finding suggests that cultural differences are indeed important for understanding management motivational needs in different nations, and that the effectiveness of entrepreneurial approaches to management may be culture-sensitive. The study illustrates work-role differences between Israeli managers and entrepreneurs. We confirm past conclusions about U.S. entrepreneur-manager need similarities, and suggest that these need similarities are supported by the individualistic culture within U.S. organizations.  相似文献   

单大明 《商业研究》2002,(3):104-106
现代社会是企业家社会。中国经济的发展需要企业家主导。中国企业家的成长问题主要是制度问题。深入研究企业家的成长问题,对于我国正在进行的市场经济建设有着十分重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of personal innovativeness and risk taking on online entrepreneurs’ satisfaction. Two types of online entrepreneurs (pure-play and click-and-mortar) are compared and contrasted. Specifically, our study investigates the effect of personal innovativeness and risk-taking propensity on the satisfaction of online entrepreneurs, and compares the similarities and differences among varying types of online entrepreneurs. A survey of online entrepreneurs conducted in Taiwan, a country characterized as good for small and medium enterprises entrepreneurship and as having substantial e-commerce development, indicates that personal general innovativeness has a significant positive effect on personal information technology innovativeness (the entrepreneur’s level of innovation regarding information technology), entrepreneurial satisfaction, and life satisfaction. Entrepreneurs’ life satisfaction also determined by their degrees of entrepreneurial satisfaction. Finally, risk-taking propensity significantly influences entrepreneurial satisfaction for pure-play entrepreneurs only. The results can be referenced by other countries in general, and Chinese regions in particular.  相似文献   

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