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时间过去了7年,但这些老外关于西藏的文字依然散发着旅途上的迷人魅力。西方人眼中的西藏或者说整个东方文化是个什么模样,大部头的书看得太多,但依然让人难以捉摸,不过这些作为游客的老外,却从他们的常识中作出了可爱的判断。  相似文献   

纳木措,西藏境内最大的湖泊,西藏风景最美的地方这一,摄影爱好者的天堂。途经念静唐古拉雪山和羊八井地热景点,冲击5190米的海拔高度,美景和挑战并存。  相似文献   

拉萨,以圣城的名义伫立在青藏高原。当阳光洒下金缕,覆盖拉萨这片土地时,每个人都会以最纯粹、最纯净的心灵去感受它的美丽——不管你是默默无闻的凡人还是灿烂耀眼的明星。  相似文献   

离天最近,注定拉萨不是一座普通的城市. 去西藏之前,常听人说拉萨的好.去过西藏,觉得拉萨没有我想象的那么好.为什么,因为它比我想象的要好太多太多.  相似文献   

地处太行山的河北省阜平县,是一个远近闻名的煤炭集散地。沿阜平县境内的382省道两侧,煤场几乎一家挨一家。阜平县本不产煤,这些煤炭都是从山西省的代县和繁峙县一带运过来的。一支由大货车组成的运煤大军,源源不断地把山西的煤炭运到这里,再从这里转运到河北、山东各地。 2004年3月13日下午2时,记者在阜平县搭上一辆去代县的运煤车,看看路上的状况如何。 记者发现,包括搭乘的这辆  相似文献   

在都市中郁闷的时候,一耐心血来潮.给自己一个假期。直奔雪域高原骑行游西藏,经雪山过草甸、从寺庙到雪山。从热闹的城到下一个陌生的镇。沿途遇见不同的风景.感受不同的心境。随性所至,随遇而安,不计较舒适亦不论人性凉薄职场刀枪棍棒。有一颗随时准备好上路的心。或骑车游拉萨,或独自在色拉寺昕辩经,不发一语,再回家去.这才叫生活:  相似文献   

2005年10月底,青藏铁路格拉段铺轨架梁全线贯通。届时,铁路将直抵拉萨。2005年是青藏铁路建设决战年,全线计划投资55亿元,站前工程要全部完成,站后工程将统筹安排,全面推进,完成电力、通信、房建、给排水等工程。2006年,青藏铁路要试运营,各项准备工作也将在2005年着手安排。目  相似文献   

可以慢行也可以疾驰的两个轮子,创造过历史也遭遇过淘汰的两个轮子,骑上它们出行——摩托车——遇见出其不意和无可限量。  相似文献   

随着社会的进步和经济的发展,社会道路运输需求不断增加,我国交通基础建设事业迅猛发展,高速公路遍及全国各地,从而使城市间距离拉近,差距缩  相似文献   

随着我国公路建设的飞速发展和公路等级的普遍提高,特别是西部大开发战略进一步实施,广大中西部地区、边远山区公路建设蒸蒸日上,里程快速增长,公路的畅通已成为地区经济发展和人民生活水平提高的先决条件。但是,由于自然环境的恶化、全球气候变暖以及人类活动范围的延伸,雨季多发的公路水毁等自然灾害不仅毁坏交通基础设施,而且直接影响到交通运输的安全与畅通,约束着公路建设的进度、广度和力度,严重制约了公路交通发展和全面建设小康社会的前进步伐。  相似文献   

山区沿河公路路基水毁原因及防治措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,我国西部地区公路建设迅速发展,在当地乃至全国公路网中发挥着日益重要的作用,山区公路抗水灾能力也有所提高。但是,雨季多发的水毁是造成公路损坏、影响公路畅通的自然灾害之一。据有关资料统计,陕西省等西部地区公路水毁损失呈逐年上升趋势,所面临的水毁防治形势仍很严峻。特别是陕南秦巴山区,水文、地质条件复杂,气候多变,公路建设标准总体较低,许多路段水毁灾害频发,每年汛期因洪水造成公路水毁的经济损失数以亿计。沿河公路路基水毁是山区公路水毁的主要类型之一。陕南山区公路大部分路段沿河谷或沟谷布线,每年雨季都发生不同程度的水毁灾害,极大地影响了公路通行能力、增加了养护费用的投入,成为制约城市间经济交流及区域经济发展的因素。因此,充分了解山区沿河公路路基水毁的环境特点及成因,对于加强陕南秦巴山区等地公路水毁的预防和治理,具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

小妖 《西藏旅游》2007,(5):104-121
这是世界上海拔最高的一块土地,自南向北几乎是平行分布着东西走向的四大山脉--喜马拉雅山、冈底斯山、喀喇昆仑山和昆仑山,在30多万平方公里的土地上,平均海拔高达4500米,说它是"屋脊上的屋脊""高原上的高原"也不过分;  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine representations of hosts to tourist destinations covered in journalistic travel reports published in the Travel Section of the Saturday edition of the British broadsheet newspaper The Guardian in 1997. Methodologically, the paper is anchored within the constructionist view of discourse, i.e. we assume that in the linguistic representation of people, places, or events, discursive choices not only describe the reality but also construct its ideologically preferred version. We demonstrate that in the travel reports examined here, local people tend to be represented in three principal categories: (1) homogeneous ethnic or social group; (2) observed bearers of the 'national' or 'community' characteristics; or (3) as 'featureless' helpers to the travellers. Arguing that these representations are constitutive of Foucauldian regimes of truth we propose that the reports are a means of constructing a known and tamed reality that is safe for the readers/prospective tourists to travel to.  相似文献   

Using data from the National Travel Survey in England, this study investigates which factors lead to experiencing travel difficulties amongst people aged 60 years old and above. The ability to be mobile is one of the key factors enabling older people to maintain their wellbeing and independence while ageing. Given the shift towards an ageing population that our society is experiencing, providing an age-friendly transportation environment becomes necessary to allow older people to be able to fulfil their travel needs and keep involved in societal participation. By employing a conceptual framework based on five interrelated domains shaping mobility during later life, this paper explores older people's difficulties in accessing transport resources, mode usage and undertaking out-of-home activities. Poor health and wellbeing conditions, lack of access to transport resources and gender are identified as the main predictors to experiencing travel difficulties in later life, while activities more affected in this sense are medical appointments, visiting family or friends and social ones. The findings have implications for policies, planning and interventions targeting age-friendly and inclusive transport and environment and show the need to move beyond the transport domain and employ a more holistic and intersectionality-based approach to understand what affects and shapes mobility in later life.  相似文献   

Tourist identity is an important component of the postmodern identity. This review paper unveils the role of travel guidebooks as identity construction agents at a time when tourism has become an important postmodern phenomenon. The review offers a processual look at roles played by guidebooks in tourist information gathering and formation of cultural tastes and preferences, and portrays the influence of guidebooks on social change. The review points especially to the lack of a broad theoretical perspective in the research of the role of guidebooks in tourist identity formation as well as tourist motivation and consumer behaviour formation. Consequently, the paper suggests that future studies of tourist identity should adopt a socio-historical and cultural interdisciplinary approach focusing on travel guidebooks, using both quantitative and qualitative methodologies. Based on this proposed framework, the article suggests several further research directions for the study of social construction of tourist identity within a spatio-temporal context.  相似文献   

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