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This paper studies the domestic and international effects of “public competition policies” aimed at improving the efficiency of public spending. Such measures are modeled as an increase in the price elasticity of public consumption. The paper finds that public competition policies significantly affect macroeconomic interdependence across countries, both through the impact of the international elasticity of substitution and of mark-up effects. The paper also develops an extension in which fiscal shocks are stochastic. In welfare terms, countries with a larger government sector have an incentive to promote global public competition policies regardless of whether fiscal policy is modeled as deterministic or stochastic.
Giovanni GanelliEmail:

This paper provides a perspective on the causes of the current financial crisis by comparing it to the international debt crisis of the early 1980s. It argues that competition and innovation can lead to unsustainable debt build-ups as risk is consistently underestimated and underpriced. This has important implications for policies for crisis prevention.  相似文献   

张颖  胡树华  陈波 《特区经济》2012,(9):260-262
在构建了国家高新区竞争力"四力"模型的基础上,从基础支撑力、自主创新力、社会贡献力和国际竞争力四个方面系统地分析国家高新区竞争力内部和外部影响因素,运用DEMATEL方法定量地对影响因素进行分析,揭示产业集群、人才投入、政策环境、园区开放度和R&D投入是影响高新区竞争力的核心要素,指出自主创新力和国际竞争力是高新区竞争力提升的关键,并提出提升国家高新区竞争力的对策建议。  相似文献   

This paper examines the evolution of the industrial structure of global financial firms since the 1970s, during which time, free market policies dominated theoretical and practical policy discussion. It examines the logic behind and evidence on consolidation in the international financial services industry. It analyses the impact of Washington Consensus policies upon the expansion of global banks in developing and transition economies. It contrasts the evolution of the international banking structure during the era of modern globalisation with that in China, which has followed a fundamentally different path. Although Chinese banks have large profits and market capitalisation, their international competitiveness is still limited. Global banks have only a small role in the Chinese economy and Chinese banks have a small role in the international economy. The contrast between the two systems is of central importance for the way in which competition and regulation develops in the global financial sector.  相似文献   

在菲利普斯模型的理论基础上,本文结合中国油价形成机制改革的具体情况,构建了国际油价和中国物价之间的实证模型。实证结果发现,油价冲击对中国CPI的影响有限,但位于油价传导中端的PPI对国际油价变动较为敏感,特别是油价改革之后油价对PPI的传导系数得到了显著的提升。研究表明,油价冲击在中国的传导极大地受到政府政策的影响,价格管制和激烈的市场竞争共同降低了中国下游生产厂商的成本转嫁能力,使中国的厂商在面临油价冲击时处于弱势地位。  相似文献   

魏浩 《改革》2004,(5):86-91
外资优惠政策的主要目的就是吸引外资。我国现行外资优惠政策存在不少问题:与跨国公司的投资实力不符;与跨国公司的投资战略不符;与跨国公司的投资区位不符;与跨国公司的投资方式不符。因此,我国现行的外资优惠政策应进行战略性调整:依据聚集经济的原则,产业政策和区域政策相结合培育各具特色的大都市经济圈;依据可持续发展的原则,培育我国具有自主核心技术的国际大型跨国公司;依据公平竞争的原则,最终形成基于规则型的竞争政策。  相似文献   

In this paper we argue that the bowhead whale stock resident off the east coast of Greenland was hunted to the brink of extinction by 1828 due to the rapid increase in British productivity levels after 1750. A delay-difference recruitment model is used to reconstruct the size of the whale population and establish the chronology of its demise. A simulation model is used to determine the role played by subsidy policies, climate change, and international competition in the extinction.  相似文献   

This paper initially presents Stabilization and Association Agreements (SAAs) provisions in terms of trade openness to the EC competition. It also makes reference to Europe Agreements (EUs) provision in this matter. It aims more precisely at specifying the impact of public procurement provisions of those Agreements to five Western Balkan public procurement markets. Combining the extent of “Buy National” policies within these countries, with information on the current international competitiveness, the paper identifies those industries that are likely to be particularly sensitive to the abolition of “Buy National” practices due to the provisions of the SAAs. These results can help national authorities overcome part of the negative impacts due to the EU competition.  相似文献   

在对日实地考察的基础上,首先从历史的视角分析日本经济发展中的中小企业对国际竞争的参与,之后对日本促进中小企业参与国际竞争的主要政策进行了总结。最后,结合日本的经验教训,从政策的出台和落实等方面提出建议。  相似文献   

在Bjorvatn和Eckel(2006)研究的基础上,本文引入技术获取因素,通过建立一个垄断市场模型,在不同政策背景下,比较了技术获取和市场大小对FDI区位选择的影响。研究表明,无论是否存在政策竞争,FDI均能提高东道国的收益。与Bjorvatn和Eckel(2006)的研究相比,仅当两国市场容量差距较大时,政策竞争将导致较大市场容量的国家对FDI更具有吸引力。同时,从两国整体来看,政策竞争改善了FDI所引致的两国整体福利,从某种程度上起到了一种优化资源配置的作用。  相似文献   

宣晓伟 《改革》2012,(8):59-67
近年来,随着一系列促进区域协调发展战略和政策的实施,我国区域经济格局出现了一些积极的变化,在推进区域协调发展方面取得了显著的成绩。在区域竞争模式的主导下,现阶段,区域发展在效率、公平、可持续方面的问题依然突出。推进区域协调发展,要准确把握区域发展的国际经验和客观规律,明确界定各级政府间的权责、改变GDP至上的地方竞争模式。就具体策略而言,要消除各种限制要素流动的体制和政策,推进基本公共服务均等化,严格环境生态等方面的社会性规制,改变区域政策碎片化趋势。  相似文献   

Abstract: Despite the global financial and economic crisis, China has continued to experience strong export‐driven growth and, indeed, became the world's largest exporting country in 2009. This rise of China in international markets presents African countries with growing competition in their home and export markets, but also with new opportunities. This paper focuses on the impacts of these developments on countries in North Africa, which are directly affected by the prominence of Chinese manufacturing. In particular, the analysis addresses two policy questions: First, is competition from China leading to substantial displacement of resources that incur significant adjustment costs while moving to new activities, or are there opportunities to exploit finer patterns of specialization that entail less disruption? And second, will policies that mitigate the impact of competition from China limit the longer‐term capacity to exploit new opportunities in the global market? The findings from the empirical analysis suggest that policy makers can support North African producers in the increasingly fierce competition with China by reviewing the regulatory and incentives environment, reducing trade logistics costs, and broadening trade promotion efforts to non‐traditional markets.  相似文献   

This paper reports some of the results of research conducted at the Instituto de Economia Industrial of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro on the pattern of development of two industries of the ‘electronics complex’ — electronic data processing equipment (EDPE) and electronic semiconductor components (SCC). The industries were selected because of their technological and economic importance and for their potential inter-relatedness, as well as for policy-related reasons.The research focused on the analysis of the international characteristics of the two industries (based mainly on secondary sources) and an empirical investigation of their pattern of competition in Brazil. Following a brief characterization of the ‘electronics complex,’ the next section of this paper describes the evolution of imports, local production and exports and the pattern of competition in the Brazilian market. The third section analyzes in more detail the inter-relations between consumers, international firms, local producers and Government policies, focusing mainly on the EDPE industry ‘infant-industry’ experience. The last section focuses on the intended policy for the SCC industry, exploring the implications of industrial interdependence and drawing from the experience of the EDPE industry. The article concludes by presenting some requisite characteristics of policy for fostering an ‘electronics complex’, which may be useful not only for Brazil, but for other LDCs as well.  相似文献   

运用显示比较优势指数对新疆出口农产品的国际竞争力进行研究,分析结果显示新疆出口农产品竞争力正在逐渐减弱,在此基础上提出新疆出口农产品需要按照比较优势原理调整农业的产业结构、吸引国际投资加强国际间的交流与合作等对策建议。  相似文献   

This paper surveys competition policy in the APEC countries. It covers competition-promoting policies such as free trade but focuses on competition law. Fourteen of the 21 APEC countries have comprehensive national competition laws but in some the coverage is limited and the enforcement is weak. After reviewing national, bilateral and regional competition laws, the paper discusses the problems of devising competition law in developing countries with a weak tradition of promoting competition.  相似文献   

Free Trade or Protection? Belgian Textile and Clothing Firms' Trade Preferences. -This paper examines the positions of Belgian textile and clothing firms on trade policies. Observations on positions are generated by a survey. Along the lines of the political economy of protection and anti-protection we test whether firm-specific characteristics influence textile and clothing firms' trade policy preferences. The results show that international competition and having foreign establishments significantly determine firms' positions, but that product differentiation does not. A Chow test indicates no significant difference between firms' sensitivities in the textile and clothing industries. This suggests that the two professional organizations should co-operate on trade issues.  相似文献   

经济危机下新贸易保护主义盛行及应对措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
封媛嫄 《特区经济》2010,(1):206-208
新贸易保护主义的主要目的是适应本国政治、经济需要,维护在国际竞争中的支配地位;其理论依据、政策手段、目标对象和实施效果都与传统的贸易保护主义有着显著的区别。在经济全球化的时代,特别是当今世界经济危机下的特定时代,发达国家,特别是美国,频频采取表面与国际贸易规则不直接冲突的所谓的"公平贸易"面目出现的各种保护措施,使经济危机下本已严峻的经济形势更加困难,延缓了全球贸易自由化的进程。新贸易保护主义的盛行,不利于我国外贸的长期稳定发展,增加了我国经济运行的外部风险。突破新贸易保护主义的障碍,已成为中国外贸出口的当务之急。  相似文献   

产业政策的诞生、演进、转型、创新和发展受政府职能转变、国际规则对接、时代发展变化、企业需求调整等因素的影响。在构建新发展格局背景下,这些因素也在发生变化,要求产业政策进行适应性调整和升级。从全球范围来看,产业政策制定正在成为一项不可忽视的全球现象,国际产业竞争正在从产品竞争升级到产业链群之间的竞争,主要经济体纷纷出台政策措施加强对产业链供应链的“国家干预”,产业链成为世界各国战略竞争主战场。我国在推动产业政策转型创新的同时,需要更加关注实施产业链政策,增强产业政策制定的“链式思维”和系统思维,尽快制定更具系统性和更有针对性的产业链政策方案,“强基、韧链、优企、提效”,统筹推进产业基础高级化、产业链安全稳定、竞争力提升和现代化升级。  相似文献   

中国汽车工业国际竞争力评价模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国汽车工业经过半个世纪的发展,形成了比较全面的生产工业基地和健全的产品体系,在国民经济中处于重要的地位。在WTO的加入及经济全球一体化的时代背景下,我国汽车工业面临着激烈的国际竞争。本文通过建立汽车工业的国际竞争力评价模型,实证研究中国汽车工业国际竞争能力,指出中国汽车工业在规模经济、研发能力等方面存在很大的差距,并从政府制定最小经济规模标准、加大研发经费投入、促进民族品牌开发等方面提出对策建议。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the impact of market liberalization on gender earnings differentials and discrimination against women in urban China at the beginning of the 1990s. The observed stability in the overall gender earnings gap between 1988 and 1995 is shown to result from a complex set of evolutions across enterprises, earnings distributions, and time. Our results highlight the interplay of opposing forces, with economic reforms contributing to changes in managers’ behaviors in different dimensions. On the one hand, by bringing more competition, liberalization favored a reduction in discriminating behaviors in both urban collectives and foreign‐invested enterprises; on the other hand, by relaxing institutional rules, it led to a loosening of the government's egalitarian wage‐setting policies, leaving more space for discrimination in state‐owned enterprises.  相似文献   

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