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In July 2005, the Chinese Government unpegged the RMB from the US dollar. As the RMB has followed a remarkably predictable appreciation over time, I examine the price of Chinese exports to the USA after unpegging the exchange rate. Results suggest that the Chinese industries with greater import market share were able to raise their prices after the removal of the pegged exchange rate regime; however, over time there is a significant deflationary trend. Chinese export prices tended to decrease under an unanticipated RMB appreciation; this effect was more pronounced for industries with more pricing flexibility. This suggests that Chinese exporters are consistently "pricing to market" and thus creating a significant foreign exchange policy implication. Specifically, a more flexible exchange rate regime will likely have little impact on the prices of Chinese exports to the USA but might increase the profit volatility of Chinese firms.  相似文献   

In this paper we find empirical evidence of bank lending channel for Colombia, using a balanced panel data of about four thousand non-financial firms. We find that increases in the interest rate, proxiing for the monetary policy instrument, lead to a reduction in the proportion of bank loans, out of total debt, of the firms. This bank lending channel amplifies the effect of the traditional interest rate channel, which leads to a reduction in total debt and spending when monetary policy tightens. Our evidence suggests that firm size matters in the transmission of monetary policy through the bank lending channel: Smaller firms have a higher probability of being credit rationed after a tightening of monetary policy than (otherwise identical) larger firms.  相似文献   

The volume of China’s high-technology exports has grown sharply since the implementation of its export promotion strategy "Revitalizing Trade through Science and Technology" in 1999.This paper investigates whether technology spillover effects are greater for hightechnology exports than for primary manufactured goods exports.We present a generalized multi-sector spillover model to identify both between spillover effects from exports towards non-exporters and within-spillover effects among export sectors.Using panel data for 31 provinces in China over the period from 1998 to 2005,we find that although high-technology export sectors have higher productivity compared with other sectors,this productivity advantage does not lead to technology spillover to both domestic sectors and other export sectors,and export technology spillover mainly derives from traditional export sectors rather than high-technology export sectors.As such findings can be largely attributed to the fact that China’s high-technology exports depend significantly on processing trade by foreign- invested firms,policy implications are discussed in relation to how to best promote the role of China’s high-technology exports during economic expansion.  相似文献   

Does foreign direct investment(FDI) into developing countries affect the growth of local firms in host countries? Using a dataset of 38 sectors in China’s electrical and electronics industry,in this paper,we analyze whether FDI has a positive effect on local firms,with technology spillovers,added value and increasing total factor productivity,or a negative, market stealing,effect.Estimating the relationship between growth of local firms and investment of foreign firms,our results show that FDI is likely to have a negative impact on the growth of local firms in sectors with large disparities in technology and less experience in business.Therefore,local firms lacking in technology need to find markets with no competition from foreign firms or determine strategies to compensate technology disparities.  相似文献   

The rapid growth of online shopping has led to inspire customer e-loyalty among Malaysians, especially living in this digital environment. Commitment-trust theory is applied as the theoretical base to explain the factors influencing customer e-loyalty. The primary objective of this study is to investigate the direct impact of customer interface quality, service quality (SERVQUAL), website quality, technology acceptance factors, and technology trust on customer e-loyalty. This study also aims to examine the indirect effect of independence variables on customer e-loyalty through the effects of trustworthiness. SmartPLS 2.0 (M3) is applied as analytical tool to study the impact. A survey is conducted with 395 respondents who had online purchase experience. The findings indicated that customer interface quality, SERVQUAL, website quality, technology acceptance factors, and technology trust have positive impact on customer e-loyalty. Additionally, trustworthiness is used as mediator exclusive of SERVQUAL. Several implications of the findings, limitations of the study, and recommendations for future research are highlighted.  相似文献   

Mandatory joint venture requirements have played an important role in many developing countries' foreign investment policies. However,such policies have been criticized in some of the economic literatures on the grounds that they deter investment and lead to the development of inefficient industries. A significant amount of foreign direct investment in Shanghai has been in the form of joint ventures. Yet,by many measures,Shanghai has benefited enormously. This article argues that there are three reasons to explain Shanghai's successful use of the joint venture for its industrial development. First,local firms and industries have had the capability and willingness to learn from joint ventures and other foreign invested firms. Second,the joint venture policy has been more likely than not to have "crowded in" local investment rather than crowd it out. Third,investment authorities in Shanghai have had sufficient bureaucratic capacity and political insulation to prevent the joint venture policy from being manipulated by rent seekers.  相似文献   

The debt crisis in the European Union (EU) and the U.S. has significant potential impact on the economy of Indonesia. U.S. sub-prime mortgage crisis in 2008 has a strong impact on Indonesian economy, that Indonesia's gross domestic product (GDP) slowed down to below 5% during 2009. Until October 2012, Indonesia's export growth is starting to grow negatively on some sectors when the crises in the EU and the U.S. have started or overall grew by -6%. Although the slowdown does not occur in all sectors, the impact spreads to other sectors as the existence of industrial linkage among sectors. The objective of the study is to look at the impact on the sector level on various indicators such as GDP (value added) and employment. Input-output analysis will be used in the simulation. Indonesia input-output table of 2005 is applied as the data base. The simulation results show that if exports decline occurs in the U.S., the economic growth will be -0.20%. Meanwhile, if it occurs in the EU, the growth of GDP will be -0.24%. If some Asian countries face the fall of demand of Indonesian export, GDP growth declines by 0.61%. The fall of exports demand from some Asian countries, EU countries and the U.S. will cause the GDP growth by -1.06%. The crisis occurring in both the US and the EU has decreased export demand from those countries and region including some Asian countries. The impact to employment seemed to be minimal, only -0.47% of total labour force.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to examine the effects of the introduction of 20% tax rebate in 2002 for certain firms on the dividend policy of firms potentially qualifying for this rebate in Bangladesh. A balanced panel data set of 63 non-financial firms of Bangladesh for 14 (1998-2011) years from the Dhaka stock exchange is used for this purpose Newey-West estimator is used to estimate a logit model and the specified model uses binary values of 0 and 1 to identify if it met the tax rebate threshold. The explanatory variables are finn size, log of market value to face value ratio and profitability. A dummy variable was used to separate the pre-rebate period (2003 and before) from post-rebate period (after 2003). The dummy variable turned out to be insignificant indicating that introduction of the tax rebate had no impact on dividend policy of qualifying firms.  相似文献   

China's foreign trade has entered a new stage, marked by some profound changes since 2003. After 5 years 'consecutive high growth, China's foreign trade experienced a significant slowdown in growth following the onset of the global financial crisis in 2008. The purpose of this article is to present a review of the development in China's foreign trade over the past l O years, and to explore important changes that have taken place during this period of time. A majorfinding of the presentpaper is that the traditional forces driving the high export growth in China, that is, low-cost labor, low-cost resources and low-cost money, have been disappearing. The policy implication is that over the next l O-15 years, the most important conditions for sustaining high export growth will be promoting the development and export of private enterprises in traditional heaw industries and high-technology industries, and relying on technological progress and high produc6vity to propel export expansion.  相似文献   

This study focuses on Medium-Sized Multinationals (MSMs) that belong to the sectors of mechanics and electronics, and that operate in dynamic international business markets. This work aims to investigate how international marketing strategies are based and maybe in some cases actually heavily dependent on the capacity to form and enhance skills in design, engineering, and production activities, and on the propensity to invest more resources in research and development (R&D) activities as well as in activities that are more strictly speaking production based (manufacturing). Undoubtedly, in a global and dynamic business, creative knowledge is one of the key resources that firms must possess in order to take up international strategies successfully. Creativity and innovation are strategic resources for all firms, including those of a medium size and even more for those that belong to the so-called "traditional sectors". This study also has the objective of examining the influence of the structure and composition of a technological MSMs international alliance portfolio in order to understand which forms of international collaboration are more opportunities for firms that aspire to increasing their know-how and taking up new and more sophisticated forms of exploratory innovation. The present work highlights the results of an empirical research that were carried out during the years 2000-2009. The research involved more than 80 firms of the mechanical and electronics department in the Marche region in Italy.  相似文献   

In this study the authors make efforts to survey the impact of foreign direct investment and trade on the economic growth of five East Asian countries, China, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines and Thailand. Using an augmented production function (APF) growth model, the authors apply panel data Method and data span is from1980 to 2006. The required data are extracted from World Development Indicator 2008. The result shows that a co-integration relationship between growth and its determinants in the APF model is supported. Firstly, the study shows that with the increasing the inflow of foreign direct investment, positive impact on growth in Thailand, Korea and China is proved. However, this impact is negative in Philippine and Malaysia. Also the impact of trade on economic growth has the same result with FDI impact in sign. Further, the impact of labor force on growth is not significant in these countries and the effect of gross fixed capital on growth is positive and has a very high impact on selected countries.  相似文献   

Since China introduced a new managed floating exchange rate regime in 2005, the persistent appreciation of the renminbi against the US dollar has led Chinese firms to reassess their choice of invoice currency among the dollar and other international alternatives to price their exports. The present paper performs a systematic invoice currency analysis by surveying the published literature, summarizing criteria for decision-making, and evaluating the choices available to Chinese exporters implementing currency invoicing strategies to maximize expected profits. This study finds that the euro could play an increasing role as the invoice currency of Chinese firms, although the US dollar will still play a dominant role. Chinese exporters might shift gradually from the dollar to the euro in the face of the falling dollar, balancing between the two by necessity.  相似文献   

With China's share in global trade increasing rapidly, some argued in 2002-2003 that China was exporting deflation to other countries as it was dumping cheap goods in mature markets. Later, others argued that China was causing sharp increases in global prices. This paper uses several econometric techniques to assess the extent of the link between inflation rates between China and the USA and Japan. Only limited empirical evidence at the aggregate level is found for consumer price inflation in China leading to price changes in the USA and Japan. However, there is some evidence that inflation in the USA has an impact on Chinese inflation. The results seem consistent with the Federal Reserve and the Bank of Japan being concerned about inflation and, hence, adjusting policy such that inflation shocks have no significant effect on overall inflation. Recent Chinese price rises are unlikely to have a material effect on the USA or Japan.  相似文献   

This study adds to the understanding of China "s innovation prospects by examining how variations in institutional quality within China impact on the R &D efforts of firms located in different provincial regions. In the process of identifying the effect of institutional quality, the roles of other factors such as ownership types and market structures are revealed, which provides interesting insight into firms " R&D behavior. The key findings suggest that institutional quality positively affects the decision offirms to engage in R&D activities. Once firms start to engage in R &D, the subsequent expansion of firm-level R &D intensity depends on factors such as market structure. Therefore, strengthening domestic institutional quality is the first critical step towards the goal of building a knowledge-intensive economy in China. Efforts to nurture market development are also important for achieving this goal.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to examine whether undergraduate business students who participated in a short term study abroad course and intercultural competence building coursework demonstrated a significant increase in intercultural competence over those who only enrolled in the study abroad course. The 20 participants attended a small liberal arts College in Midwestern United States. The Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI) was administered to the participating students before and after their study away experience. The IDI (v.3) is based on the theoretical framework of the Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity (DMIS) introduced by Milton Bennett. The DMIS is based on the assumption that intercultural competence can be strengthen through the development of intercultural knowledge and experience with people from other cultures. The IDI has been used in numerous scholarly studies and has demonstrated valid and reliable results. It is a self-administered 50-item series of statements in which participants are asked to rate the level of their agreement with statements that address their relationship to and evaluation of cultural difference. In the model, people progress in a linear developmental fashion through six stages: defense, denial, polarization, minimization, acceptance, and adaptation. This study was designed to determine if students who studied away and completed intercultural coursework (prior intercultural knowledge and an intercultural experience) would increase their level of intercultural competency more than those students who just studied away (intercultural experience only) as measured by the change in their IDI scores. The results of this small sample show that intercultural coursework in conjunction with a short term study away experience can have a positive impact on individual intercultural development.  相似文献   

On the background that Chinese government puts forward the strategy of Central Regional Development, this paper compares the current situation among central six provinces including quantity of registered trade marks and their proportion respectively, the quantity of China top brand products and their proportion respectively, the proportion of China famous brand and the current situation of patent. Together, based on these comparisons, the author compares the capacity for innovation among these six provinces. The conclusion is that the construction of intellectual property in Shanxi, which is one of important elements effecting the establishment of regional innovation system, is relatively backward. Therefore, setting up the platform of policy, economy and technology is the important foundation to realize Shanxi self-innovation.  相似文献   

China's recent surge in trade has been associated with its deepening but contrasting trade relations with its two groups of key trading partners. On the one hand, China' s trade surpluses with the USA and the EU have risen rapidly, reaching US$144bn and US$91bn in 2006, respectively. On the other hand, China is importing heavily from its Asian neighbors. This diverging pattern of trade relations between China and its main trading partners reflects the continuous expansion and intensification of a complex cross-border production network in Asia, particularly for consumer electronics. In the process of deepening manufacturing sharing, China serves as an essential export platform for firms headquartered in the more advanced economies. These firms export intermediate goods from the relatively more advanced Asian economies to their affiliates in China where these inputs are assembled and then shipped to key export markets, including primarily the USA and the EU. One apparent outcome of the growing processing and assembly trade is the increased interdependency among Asian economies, which are now more dependent on each other than ever. It has also led to substantial structural changes and technological upgrading in China' s traded goods.  相似文献   

In the study of the influence of knowledge capital on the performance of industry innovation , based on the perspective of absorptive capacity, this paper use the panel data of high-tech industry in 2003-2014 to make an empirical analysis. This result shows that knowledge capital has a significant effect on the performance of industrial innovation, but the ability to absorb knowledge is not prominent. From the perspective of composition of knowledge capital, R&D capital and R&D human capital play positive roles in promoting innovation performance; About different dimensions of absorptive capacity, both potential absorptive capacity and actual absorptive capacity can promote innovation performance,but the ability to absorb knowledge is lower,higher R&D intensity has a significant competitive advantage for innovation performance, R&D institutions help to enhance absorptive capacity. The research has an exploratory effect on how to improve the efficiency of knowledge capital is to be absorbed and transformed to improve the performance of innovation.  相似文献   

Since 1978, the bulk of foreign direct investment (FDI) has gone to the south-eastern coastal areas in China, with only a small portion received inland. With the launch of the Western Development Strategy in 2000 and the Central China Rising Strategy in 2004, the choice of investment locations has expanded to inland areas. Based on panel data covering 98 inland cities from 1999 to 2005, this study identifies location preference variables for FDI invested in China's inland areas, and finds that well-established factors such as natural resources and low labor costs are not important factors in determining FDI locations within China's inland. Instead, policy incentives and industrial agglomeration are the most important factors. The findings of the present study have policy implications for both host country authorities and multinational corporations.  相似文献   

Using panel data for 29 provinces in China during 1990-2004, the present paper attempts to explore a possible link between financial development and China's foreign trade. Three measures of comparative advantage in manufactured goods have been applied in our study, including Balassa's revealed comparative advantage, the net manufactured export index, and the Michaely index. We also use four indicators of financial development to identify the different functions of regional financial development, and to determine both size and efficiency features of financial institutions. The estimation results suggest that besides factor endowments, foreign firms and infrastructure, financial development has a quantitatively large and robust effect on China ' s manufactured goods trade. Therefore, further reform of China's financial system should be encouraged to fully exploit the comparative advantage of China's foreign trade.  相似文献   

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