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人力资源管理外包是指企业把一些重复的、事务性的、不涉及企业机密的人力资源管理工作外包给从事该项业务的专业机构,并向对方支付相应服务报酬的一种生产经营战略。人力资源管理外包的工作内容一般包括员工招聘、员工培训、人事档案及薪资福利代理等。作为一种新兴的和发展最快的外包方式,人力资源管理外包在现代企业管理中正发挥着越来越重要的作用。  相似文献   

企业人力资源外包动因及风险规避策略浅析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
企业人力资源管理外包日益受到广泛关注,将企业中"非核心"业务外包给专业的服务商,为企业人力资源管理的科学化、专业化提供了有效途径,而这一外包过程必然会给企业带来一定的风险.文章对企业人力资源外包的动因以及可能会遇到的风险进行了探讨,并提出了基于风险控制的人力资源管理外包策略.  相似文献   

人力资源管理外包作为社会分工专业化的产物,已成为现代企业经营管理中的新型选择,并逐渐成为中小企业在市场竞争中取得有核心优势和竞争能力的重要手段.企业在实施人力资源管理外包的同时,也面临着诸如核心业务被外包、经营价值外溢、管理文化冲突等方面的风险.全面识别并规避人力资源外包风险是许多中小企业面临的重要课题.  相似文献   

未来的人力资源管理将实现外包化、分散化、信息化和国际化。外包化未来的企业可能更多地将招聘、培训、绩效考核等技术性、操作性层次的人力资源管理外包给专门的人力资源顾问公司 ,而自身的人力资源职能仅留下很小的一部分 ,而另一部分主要是关注于员工行为心理层次的激励职能。分散化人力资源部的很多职能将分散到具有更大的自主权的一线团队队手中 ,由团队来完成诸多人力资源管理职能 ,这是人力资源向传统的一种回归 :早期的人力资源管理是融合在其他管理职能中的 ,并不存在独立的人力资源管理。团队将以以下形式来行使这些职能 :招聘 :…  相似文献   

未来的人力资源管理将实现外包化、分散化、信息化和国际化。外包化未来的企业可能更多地将招聘、培训、绩效考核等技术性、操作性层次的人力资源管理外包给专门的人力资源顾问公司,而自身的人力资源职能仅留下很小的一部分。这一部分主要是关注于员工行为心理层次的激励职能。分散化人力资源部的很多职能将分散到具有更大自主权的一线团队手中,由团队来完成诸多人力资源管理职能,这是人力资源向传统的一种回归:早期的人力资源管理是融合在其他管理职能中的,并不存在独立的人力资源管理。团队将以以下形式来行使这些职能:招聘:团队将…  相似文献   

戴孝悌 《化工管理》2006,(10):31-33
<正>随着国际分工的发展和细化、企业经营全球化的推进、信息技术迅猛发展和网络经济的兴起,自上世纪80年代末开始,人力资源管理外包在世界范围内渐成风潮。据统计,目前世界五百强公司中有95%以上通过实施人力资源管理外包降低了人力资源管理成本,提高了人力资源管理水平和工作效率,促进了企业的发展。今天,人力资源管理信息系统  相似文献   

对金融危机给社会经济和企业带来的持续影响进行了分析,对企业危机管理中的人力资源对策进行了探讨,指出:企业可通过缩减招聘成本、进行人力资源结构整合、人力资源外包、建立科学的绩效考核体系、提升人力资源管理的信息化程度和裁减员工等方式来应对危机。  相似文献   

随着经济环境的加速变化 ,组织的管理方式也发生了很大变化。一方面 ,组织的管理功能越来越细化 ,例如过去组织中的人事部门已经分化成专门负责招聘培训、绩效管理、薪酬管理、人才储备等各个不同的人力资源管理部门 ,人们在工作中对他人的依赖性越来越强 ;另一方面 ,组织的管理功能越来越具有外向性 ,很多功能都可以实行外包 ,不但人力资源管理可以外包 ,甚至生产和财务也可以外包 ,结果一个公司可以不具备许多的管理功能而正常运行 ,但是与其他相关单位合作的好坏就成为企业成功与否的关键。一、合作行为的影响因素1 影响合作行为的外部因…  相似文献   

在近年来的人力资源管理研究中,针对服务业实际的人力资源管理理论和文献非常有限。本文拟介绍西方服务业管理研究的一个学派——新服务管理学派的基本思想,并从理论和实践两方面进行评价,以期对我国服务业战略性人力资源开发与管理提供一些理论支持。  相似文献   

人力资源外包,无疑是快速提高企业人力资源管理水平的一个捷径,但外包的风险也显而易见。  相似文献   

The dominant view is that outsourcing is driven by efficiency considerations. We demonstrate that a different path to outsourcing originates from critical internal resource shortages. These shortages pose a critical dilemma; on the one hand outsourcing is a reasonably durable approach to solving resource shortages. On the other hand, the same resource shortages complicate the management of outsourcing and may create knowledge and evaluation problems. We empirically examine this dilemma and thereby add to the limited work on the enabling effects of outsourcing under resource constraints. We employ two rich and unique panel datasets of Australian firms observed over five-year periods, to test dynamic change models if firm-level financial and competence constraints induce outsourcing, and if this in turn enables internal process improvement. The results show that outsourcing indeed is associated with both financial and competence constraints, although the impact of these constraints differs over time. In turn, we find that increased outsourcing relates positively to contemporaneous and future process improvement. These findings thus shed a positive light on how outsourcing can enable firms to overcome constraints and realize internal process improvement.  相似文献   

人们普遍认为,泰罗的科学管理理论只见事不见人,这种看法其实是对泰罗及其科学管理理论的误解。笔者认为泰罗的科学管理理论中已隐伏了大量朴素的人力资源管理思想,至今仍有很强的现实意义,本文从三个方面对此观点进行了阐述。  相似文献   

Increasing globalization and the rapid growth of information technologies, including the Internet, have resulted in drastic changes in international activities of companies. Once limited to manufactured goods, currently, global outsourcing encompasses a wide variety of knowledge‐based services, such as accounting, financial services, taxation, customer service, information technology, engineering drawings, human resources, research and development (R&D), data processing, and sales. The domain of outsourcing knowledge‐based services is the focus of this paper. Moving beyond the inevitability of global outsourcing, this research takes the perspective of the outsourcer and focuses on managing its transition to providers in the context of innovation. In addition to delivering projected cost benefits to outsourcers, effective transition management can facilitate the generation of innovations. This research attempts to extend the current academic research on global outsourcing in three ways: (1) It offers a framework for understanding the transition process in outsourcing and its relationship to innovation; (2) it takes a broader perspective of outsourcing, including globalization, knowledge‐based services, and core activities of the firm; and (3) using a parsimonious set of theoretical concepts based on control theory, it develops several research propositions to clarify the linkages between variables. Based on our theorizing, outsourcing top management should ask two questions when planning outsourcing of knowledge‐based services to generate innovations in a globalized world. These two questions are: (1) How close is the task to our core competence? And (2) how much tacit knowledge is involved in doing the outsourced task? Next, managers must identify global providers and then spend considerable thought in operational execution of the transition of the task for that is the only time that both complete teams will work together. For tasks that are close to core competence, rigid‐explicit behavioral controls should be put in place; however, for tasks that have high tacit knowledge content, high norms‐based relational control would be more effective. These different types of controls would lead to different innovation outcomes. Rigid‐explicit behavioral controls would produce incremental innovation while relational norms‐based controls would encourage radical innovation.  相似文献   

Outsourcing has become increasingly popular in the contemporary business context. This study aims to develop the understanding of outsourcing by addressing the management of integration in the outsourcing relationship between buyers and contract manufacturers. Specifically, we address the effect of strategic priorities of cost and quality on how different modes of integration are used both before and in the early phase of production. The paper elaborates the strategic contingency argument by analyzing qualitative data from eight cases in the food and electronics industries. The results indicate that managing the outsourcing relationship requires considerable resources after the decision to outsource has been made. The results show that integration in the outsourcing relationship evolves over time and the use of integration modes is contingent on the strategic priority. The study provides an understanding of the contextual nature of integration in the outsourcing relationship, as well as a contextualized understanding of buyer-supplier relationships. It also provides an illustration of theory elaboration research.  相似文献   

Building off the resource‐based view and the knowledge‐based view, our study aims to examine determinants of firms’ R&D outsourcing, using annually‐conducted firm‐level survey data of Japanese R&D companies from 1984–2012. This survey allows us to measure strategic R&D outsourcing, isolated from those more for cost‐reducing, such as prototyping, testing and inspecting. The results corroborate the argument of complementarity in scale between internal R&D and R&D outsourcing. We also find that firms employing more doctorate holders and diversifying in knowledge spaces tend to make more use of R&D outsourcing. This study sheds light on firms’ absorptive capacity, associated both with higher‐order R&D human capital and diversified knowledge spaces, as determinants of R&D outsourcing.  相似文献   

提出了企业业务外包风险管理的新模式,即利用价值网战略来管理业务外包风险,使企业习惯于较多地从利益保障的角度思考风险管理问题,转变为通过关注所有参与者的价值实现来有效地规避外包风险,构建业务外包的风险管理体系。  相似文献   

Manufacturers often outsource headquarters selling task to sales and marketing agencies. Headquarters selling task is one of the most outsourced sales and marketing functions and it entails all the activities that a manufacturer conducts in order to sell its product line to the headquarters of a retailer. Thus, effective management of headquarters selling task has a strategic importance for the manufacturer. This study examines the role of absorptive capabilities in outsourcing headquarters selling task. Using resource-advantage theory, this study proposes a theoretical model to link the resources and absorptive capabilities of the outsourcer (manufacturer) and the outsourcee (sales and marketing agency) to performance outcomes. Using data from field interviews of managers an empirical model was tested. The results showed that resources of both the outsourcer and the outsourcee are important in turning potential complementarities into higher outsourcing performance. Contrary to the common belief that outsourcing is a one-sided transaction where only the outsourcee is responsible from the performance outcomes, this study suggests that both parties involved need to combine their resource assortments in the accomplishment of the task.  相似文献   

Business-to-business marketing literature acknowledges the value firms, including business process outsourcing firms, realise through their supplier networks. Such value realisation is often possible through a dynamic exchange of complementary organisational capabilities between a firm and its network partners. However, little is known about how outsourcing firms develop these capabilities and thus realise value. This paper addresses an unexplored theoretical gap of developing market-based organisational learning capabilities in business process outsourcing firms. Using a capabilities lens, this study assesses the impact of quality management capabilities in developing market-based organisational learning capability. Findings from a case study of four business process outsourcing firms in India suggest that effective knowledge transfer, diffusion and the development of market-based organisational learning capabilities are contingent upon the strength of a firm's quality management capabilities. Implications for theory and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

This study seeks to explain the differential effects of workforce flexibility on incremental and major new product development (NPD). Drawing on the resource‐based theory of the firm, human resource management research, and innovation management literature, the authors distinguish two types of workforce flexibility, functional and numerical, and hypothesize differential effects on NPD outcomes. A large‐scale sample of 284 Dutch firms across various manufacturing goods and business services industries serves to test these hypotheses. The results suggest that functional flexibility positively influences incremental NPD only, internal numerical flexibility negatively influences incremental NPD only, and external numerical flexibility positively influences major NPD only. Thus, differences between major and incremental NPD are grounded in the human resource flexibility of the firm. This complements research that found that such differences lie in critical development activities, learning processes, and capabilities. It also complements product innovation research on flexibility in NPD processes and on flexibility in organizational structures and routines. It extends the resource‐based theory of the firm suggesting that human resource flexibility is part of the dynamic capabilities that allow firms to reconfigure existing competencies. The conclusions imply that managers of manufacturing and service firms may use training and education and create a functional flexible workforce that can progressively enhance incremental NPD outcomes. They may want to avoid paying overtime, because such internal numerical flexibility hampers incremental NPD, but use fixed‐term contracts to expand external numerical flexibility to enhance major NPD.  相似文献   

随着电力体制改革的深化,发电厂的市场主体地位逐渐明朗,市场经济的原则、规则正在改变传统管理事项的内容和范围,并成为其有机的组成部分.合同文本内容的技术性要求不再是唯一的,经济性、法律性日益突出.文中仅以发电机组计划检修外包为例,分析了发电机组外包合同的性质,提出了发电机计划检修外包合同应当具备的条款,并列举了当前发电机组计划检修外包过程中实际存在的几个问题.  相似文献   

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