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本文以湖北省为例研究我国中部地区创新方法推广应用现状,在分析总结湖北省创新方法工作主要经验和现有问题基础上,从政策导向、示范推广、市场运营、基础研究 4 个方面提出针对性建设建议,以期为中部地区的创新方法推广应用工作提供政策参考。  相似文献   

文章根据湖北省最严格水资源管理制度,结合近年来湖北省水环境监测中心水质监测评价工作,分析了湖北省水质监测和评价中存在的问题,并提出了一些完善建议,对更好的实施湖北省最严格水资源管理制度有一定积极意义。  相似文献   

农村气化对提升我国农村居民生活质量、治理大气污染起到重要作用.以气化任丘项目为例,大规模推进气化农村工程可以助推天然气消费、改善京津冀地区能源结构,但因当地冬夏季用气峰谷差高达30比1,这将加剧天然气供应企业的调峰压力,气化项目本身的经济性将面临较大考验,同时民用和非民用天然气价格“双轨制”下会加剧供气企业的亏损.建议国家和省市地方政府多方筹措,加大气化农村财税支持力度;尽快出台政策,明确农村居民用气定价办法,建立长效定价机制和燃料费补贴机制,让各方有章可循;同时,理清调峰责任,多方共担加快调峰储备设施建设,多措并举保障农村居民安全平稳用气.还应因地制宜制定小型LNG气化站设计规范,简化优化项目审批流程,确保气化农村项目快速高效推进.  相似文献   

目前,各地被征地农民的养老保障情况各异。“一地一政”和“碎片化”的制度会带来管理上的混乱。将被征地农民统一纳入新农保制度具有诸多优越性。因此,建议按照分类指导、不重不漏的原则,整合现有的被征地农民养老保障制度;完善新农保政策,提高被征地农民养老待遇水平;建立多方筹资机制,确保资金落实到位;完善被征地农民参加新农保的相关配套措施。  相似文献   

环境污染问题日益突出,农村整体生态环境亟待治理。尤其是建设社会主义新农村必须突出抓好农村环境卫生问题。  相似文献   

本文通过对借壳上市模式有关理论的阐述,以绿地集团借壳金丰投资股份有限公司上市为案例研究对象,并且对绿地集团借壳金丰投资成功上市的效果进行全面分析,从而对企业借壳上市的模式、借壳上市的效果评价,以及借壳上市应当注意的方面进行了系统的分析和总结。  相似文献   

以广东省山区德庆县为例,从定性角度分析了影响社会保障模式选择的影响因素,从定量角度分析了社会保障水平的发展现状,最终对广东省山区德庆县的社会保障进行模式选择.  相似文献   

我国粗放型的经济增长方式,迫切需要通过转型升级来提升竞争力。通过国际比较可知,我国经济自改革开放以来发展较快.但近年来存在较为明显的相对困境。文章从制造业与生产性服务业两方面分析了我国的产业发展现状,指出了我国经济和产业在发展中存在的难题.进而从挖掘政策红利、改变发展方式、加快制造业转型、提速服务业升级、促进产业融合等方面提出了破除我国产业发展困境的措施安排。  相似文献   

进入90年代以来,工业的发展速度加快。河北省在“八五”期间工业增长率的平均值比全国的平均水平高出O.65个百分点,由于受波动的影响,河北工业的年均增长速度却低于全国的平均水平。可见周期波动对河北工业发展的影响程度远远超过全国。因此,对河北工业的波动进行个案研究,对于减弱工业波动的危害,实现工业经济的持续稳定发展是很有意义的。自1956年至今,河北工业共经历了四个半中周期波动,其中第一个中周期为1956~1962年,1958年到达高峰,周期长度7年;第二个中周期为1963~1974年,1967年到达高峰,周期长度12年;第三个中周…  相似文献   

我国炼油工业应实行改造与新建并举的方针   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前我国炼油工业的生产能力,特别是加工中东含硫油的能力严重不足,为适应国民经济发展的需要,扩大炼油能力十分必要,根据测算,2010年我国炼油工业的加工量应达到3亿吨,2020年达到4.5亿吨,若按开工率90%计,则2010年我国炼油能力应达到3.3亿吨,2020年达到5亿吨,因此,从现在开始的10年内,需新增炼油能力1亿吨左右,在下一个10年,即2010至2020年,还需新增能力1.5亿吨,根据我国国情,因地制宜,充分利用现有装置潜力通过技术改造来发展炼油工业是十分必要的,但是大型,先进,一体化是我国炼油工业今后发展的主要方向,兴建新厂可采用先进的工艺技术和新的管理机制,取得较高的经济效益,因此,我国炼油工业的发展实行技术改造与兴建新厂并举的“两条腿走路”的方针。  相似文献   

针对1号高压聚乙烯在役老装置生产规模小,工艺技术条件陈旧等状况,通过与后续建成投产的2号高压聚乙烯装置进行比较,剖析了其与先进装置存在综合能耗差距的原因;从节电和节约蒸汽等方面,提出了该装置节能降耗的对策;通过实施优化改造,使装置综合能耗(标油)减少70.81kg/t,取得良好的经济效益。  相似文献   

山东省作为国家新旧动能转换的综合试验区,现阶段主要存在企业淘汰旧动能、提升、替代传统动能所需资金成本较高,企业发展压力较大和研发投入不够,技术创新带来的企业新动能动力不足的问题,从税改政策角度考虑,建议从深化结构性减税降负,利用税收优惠政策鼓励企业加大研发投资,促进产业结构升级方面助力新旧动能转换。  相似文献   

Homeowners do not diversify their risky home equity because of fixed costs of issuing securities and information costs. An asset pricing model is developed for homeowners with the undiversifiable home equity asset. Homeowner value and house value to diversified landlords are compared, and a tenure choice equation is developed. We demonstrate the existence of a rational expectations equilibrium under appropriate conditions.  相似文献   

Housing Finance in a Stochastic Economy: Contract Pricing and Choice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An empirical analysis of macroeconomic time series from the mortgage, housing, capital and labor markets is based on life-cycle consumption and mortgage option pricing considerations. Vector autoregression techniques characterize the long-run equilibrium and short-run dynamics of the mortgage market as it relates to the other sectoral markets. A simultaneous-equations model characterizes the partial equilibrium in the differentiated products market for fixed- and adjustablerate mortgage contracts. The empirical results reveal the impacts that market conditions have on mortgage volumes and prices, and they generally support the implications of the consumption and pricing theories.  相似文献   

The paper considers the choice of mortgage instrument when the rate of interest is fixed for a short duration, with reversion to a variable (bullet) rate mortgage contract. The research is the first direct test for regressive interest rate expectations using United Kingdom data while testing for wealth and portfolio effects. The econometric modeling uses a variety of nonparametric and parametric techniques to control for classification error in the dependent variable. There is evidence that households adopt regressive interest rate expectations. The lack of statistical significance of wealth and portfolio effects confirms the short run cash flow perspective of United Kingdom mortgage choices.  相似文献   

This article compares the homeownership rates of young households in Australia and the United States and evaluates the impacts of the two countries' different approaches to subsidizing homeownership. Since about 1950, Australia's rate of homeownership has consistently been higher than that of the United States. The homeownership rate for young adults is also significantly higher in Australia. While the United States allows mortgage interest and property taxes to be deducted from income for tax purposes, Australia has provided cash subsidies for down payments and mortgage payments. We conclude that differences in housing costs and household characteristics do not explain differences in ownership rates. We also conclude that differences in subsidy policies have only a minor impact on ownership rates.  相似文献   

会计造假一直是社会关注的敏感问题,本文对会计造假的根本原因,直接原因,间接原因以及自身原因进行了分析,并提出加强内部控制、建立会计信息量化考核指标体系、加大惩罚力度等问题的相应对策。  相似文献   

Housing prices vary widely from market to market in the United States. The purpose of this study is to (1) construct new place-to-place indexes of the price of housing, using the 1990 Census, and (2) analyze the determinants of housing prices, with a particular focus on the supply side determinants—regulatory and natural constraint—as well as the usual demand determinants.  相似文献   

Why have academic concerns and priorities within the old industrial relations paradigm seemingly wilted before the ideas of a new, more business oriented paradigm? I suggest that the answer lies partly in the relative appeal of their respective root metaphors. The metaphor of the old tends to be closed, static and pessimistic — industrial relations as trench war. The new offers a more hopeful, essentially American pioneering metaphor that conveys challenge and progress and makes a fetish of change. However, while I accept the inevitability of metaphorical devices in disseminating and even generating ideas in social science, the article warns against being seduced by the attractiveness of the metaphor rather than the robustness of the idea.  相似文献   

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