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Globalization and growth-maximizing governments may cause countries to converge toward a similar composition of government expenditures. These convergent forces may be even more intensive in the case of EU member states engaged in the European integration process. The results obtained, through calculation of a constructed dissimilarity index and by adapting the usual indicators of convergence (β, σ, and γ), reveal that there has been a harmonization process. In addition, this approximation of the structures of government expenditures has been greater in the EU than in the non-EU countries of the OECD. Nevertheless, EU member states are converging toward a different steady-state composition of government expenditures. (JEL H11, H50, H60 )  相似文献   

我国财政支出结构演进及其效率   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文在分权框架下实证描述了我国财政支出结构的过去与现在,并在此基础上,利用DEA方法对财政支出结构配置效率及其时空特征进行了研究。结果表明,在纵向配置上,由于财政支出责任的过度下移,财政支出纵向结构的相对效率呈不断下降趋势。在横向配置上,自1985年以来,我国财政支出横向结构效率基本上呈波浪式上升趋势,但上升幅度有限。在不同层级财政和不同地区之间,财政支出横向结构效率呈现出明显差异,地方财政支出结构效率的改进速度快于中央财政,经济发达地区,财政支出结构效率反而越低。但在整体趋势上,无论是中央财政还是地方财政,无论是经济发达地区还是经济欠发达地区,财政支出横向结构效率较1994年税改前都有一定幅度的改进。  相似文献   

Regional distribution of government expenditures is examined first in relation to other indicators of economic and social development. This shows both the magnitude of regional disparities and the degree of redistribution in the field of government expenditures brought about by the federal subsidy. The static aspect of regional disparities is analysed by decomposing per capita income into demographic, employment and productivity components. The time-dimension of disparities is analysed by introducing the concept of time-distance, which is a dynamic measure of disparity that is complementary rather than competitive with existing static measures.
Institutional aspects are explored next, along with some implications of the present system of federal subsidy as an instrument towards regional equalization of the budgetary resources available to lower levels of government. A few alternative technical solutions to improve the present system are discussed and a set of macro-variables is suggested as a framework within which the degree of equalization, which is basically a political decision, could be discussed in an explicit and systematic way. While the question of the appropriate degree of equalization remains a problem with many facets, it can be shown that government expenditures have been distributed much more equally than the corresponding levels of regional economic activity.  相似文献   

财政政策工具实际操作偏离最初设计将会降低政策工具的调控效果,导致宏观经济波动加剧。针对地方政府财政政策的逆周期性调控目标,本文关注财政分权深化和政府债务增发的逆周期性效应。研究发现:地方政府财政政策总体呈现顺周期特征。财政分权程度的提高放大了地方财政政策的顺周期性。地方政府债务增发使地方财政政策呈现逆周期特征。地方政府财政政策及其收入面、支出面均呈现顺周期性,由“顺”转“逆”的债务平衡点分别为0137,0113,0209。当前绝大部分地区的债务规模都在债务平衡点之下。驱动地方政府债务逆周期调控的内在因素是官员晋升激励。晋升激励的程度越高,地方债务逆周期调控的力度就越大。但外部市场融资环境的波动削弱了地方政府债务逆周期调控的力度。本文的政策主张是,不宜过度财政分权,应该扩大地方债发行规模,促使地方财政政策逆周期调节。  相似文献   

Lack of a conceptual basis for measuring human capital investment in health has hampered efforts to expand national accounting systems to include human capital investment. This paper presents a conceptual basis for developing estimates of this health investment, an estimation methodology consistent with the conceptual basis, and preliminary estimates for the United States for 1952-78. While much work remains to be done before comprehensive estimates of investment in health are achieved, it is clear that previous estimates based on answers to the question, “What improves health?” have included some inappropriate expenditures while excluding others that should be included. The conceptual basis presented here leads to a methodology for separating health care costs (not the costs of illness) into maintenance and gross investment. Gross investment can be further separated into net investment and the sum of damages and depreciation but empirical implementation of this step is not attempted here.  相似文献   

This paper examines the short-run effects of changing government expenditure on output, consumption and employment. It attempts to combine the Public-Finance and macroeconomic approaches to the analysis of fiscal policy by introducing government expenditure which is 'useful' in consumption into an ISLM-type macro model which is derived from the singleperiod maximizing decisions of households and firms and which includes a government budget constraint.
The principal conclusion is that the effects of fiscal policy on output and employment depend on the 'efficiency' of government expenditure. The more efficiently government expenditure meets consumption needs, the less effective is fiscal policy to the point where the fiscal-policy multiplier may be negative.  相似文献   

Market values of components of household sector wealth are important explanatory variables for aggregate consumer expenditure and household debt in macro-econometric models. We construct the first coherent set of the main elements of household-sector balance sheet estimates at market value for South Africa. Our quarterly estimates derive from published data on financial flows, and other capital market data, often at book value. Our methods rely, where relevant, on accumulating flow of funds data using appropriate benchmarks, and, where necessary, converting book to market values using appropriate asset price indices. Relating asset to income ratios for various asset classes to asset price movements and other features of the economic environment, throws light on the changing composition of household sector wealth. Most striking are the relative rise in the value of pension wealth and the trend decline of directly held securities, the decline and recent recovery of housing wealth, and the rise in household debt and concomitant decline of liquid assets from the early 1980s to the late 1990s.  相似文献   

This paper develops an econometric method based on the relationship between GDP and NMP to estimate an unknown Chinese GDP series of 1952–77 using recently available Chinese GDP data of 1978–90 and a reconstructed NMP series of 1952–90. In this manner, a long-term (1952–90) series of China's GDP has been obtained for long-term analyses. A reassessment of Chinese economic performance of 1952–90 using this series suggests that the paper's estimate provides a reasonable reflection of both the Chinese pre-and post-reform economic growth in terms of production structure, growth pattern and policy changes. A series of China's per capita GDP in U.S. dollars which is comparable to the World Bank's estimate for the early 1980s has also been obtained.  相似文献   

The paper builds on a method proposed by Geary and Stark for estimating regional incomes in Victorian Britain. This is modified by using tax data to allocate non‐wage income across regions. The results suggest that the coefficient of variation of regional GDP per head was rising rapidly prior to World War I in similar fashion to the late 20th century such that its level in 1901 and 2001 was about the same. In both episodes of globalization there were big winners and big losers among British regions.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new annual series for United Kingdom gross national product, at current and constant prices, calculated from the expenditure side. These results differ significantly from previous estimates in that they go back to the beginning of the railway age on an annual basis and also in that the constant price estimates involve a detailed deflation of the main components of expenditure on consumption and capital formation. The implications of the new results are summarised, with particular reference to rates of growth and relative price changes, and an appendix describes the sources of the estimates.  相似文献   

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