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We provide a rationale for the mixed relationship between product market competition and unionized wage, and more importantly, for a generally unexplained empirical evidence of a positive relationship between product market competition and unionized wage. We show that a higher product market competition decreases (increases) unionized wage if the external scale economies are weak (strong). However, a higher product market competition may decrease or increase the unionized wage if the external scale economies are moderate.


Recent economic theories find industrial structure to be an important determinant of the pattern of trade. In the motion picture industry, economies of scale and imperfect competition, in addition to cultural sovereignty, are conditions sometimes used to justify protectionist policies. This paper examines the significance of the capital-labor ratio, VCRs, market share, tariffs, domestic market size, taste similarities, stars and domestically popular films on international trade in the industry. The results indicate that stars and blockbusters in the domestic market do not seem to influence consumption of films overseas, however, external economies of scale are present in the industry, tariffs are effective trade barriers in the industry, and VCRs increase the chances of piracy.  相似文献   

<正>创意产业作为一个新兴产业,在学界、政府和社会组织之间对创意产业内涵和覆盖范围的理解还存在较大的分歧。本文认为,创意产业是一个内涵丰富的产业,它需要其他产业的支持,有着明显的产业融合特性,是一个即融合又独立的复杂产业体系。它可以通过与其他产业紧密合作,衍生产业价值链;也可以成为独立的以知识产权为核心的知识创新型产业。  相似文献   

保险经营中的大数法则与规模经济性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张艳辉 《财贸研究》2003,14(3):36-38
大数法则是保险业经营的一个重要数理基础。大数法则对同质风险在大量保险单位之间的分摊类似于厂商理论中的规模经济性。规模经济是对生产经营成本的分摊,大数法则是对风险的分散。保险经营的规模要求是保持保险公司财务稳定性的重要条件。  相似文献   

徐松  李金良 《财贸研究》2002,13(2):11-13
直到20世纪70年代,许多国际经济学家对规模经济理论知之甚少,然而早在1933年俄林就在《地区间贸易和国际贸易》一书中阐述过规模经济,认为规模经济是国际贸易产生的原因之一。俄林的规模经济内容是什么呢?为什么这一理论被人们遗忘了呢?本文试对此作一些浅显的分析。  相似文献   

文章利用超越对数成本函数建立了第三方物流业规模经济问题的计量模型,并运用SUR法估计了中国部分第三方物流企业(1999-2007年)的规模经济和技术进步效应.实证结果显示,被研究的中国第三方物流企业在总体上存在轻微的规模不经济,而从三种不同运输方式的第三方物流企业来看,海运和铁路企业存在规模经济,航空企业却不存在规模经济.同时,将反映技术进步的T引入模型,结果表明技术进步能降低第三方物流企业尤其是铁路物流企业的成本.  相似文献   

入世对我国工农业产品的挑战,实质是对城乡资源配置的挑战,相同资源在不同的配置及组合下所产生的效果是大不相同的。所以,要提高我国的产品竞争优势,就必须首先提高资源配置优势,克服优势产区形不成优势产业生产不出优势产品的现状。本文从有效整合城乡经济资源的角度,探讨了入世后城乡经济一体化的途径问题,并提出了相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

外部经济导致高新技术产业以集群方式发展 ,集群是集群单元、集群模式和集群环境构成的开放式系统 ,有其自身的生命周期 ,对外直接投资作为当前国际经济联系最重要的工具对高新技术产业集群有全面而深刻的影响。  相似文献   


This article focuses on the impact of fiscal and regulatory measures, at various levels of government, on the establishment of new businesses. We are interested in finding out whether, and to what extent, the existing rules and regulations (in particular the fiscal and regulatory frameworks) have impeded the entry of new firms in the early stages of transition. We are also interested in comparing the impact of such impediments amongst countries in different stages of transition. The paper is based on a survey of nearly 400 newly set up (de novo) firms in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Albania and Lithuania, all established in the 1992-94 period. We concentrate on four specific areas of regulation: registration and licensing of new businesses, rules governing the purchase or lease of commercial real estate, labour and employment laws, and the fiscal rules (taxes and contributions) to which new enterprises are subjected.  相似文献   

第三方物流的规模经济性和发展策略研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
规模经济是社会化大生产的产物。第三方物流作为一种专业化的社会物流组织,具有很强的规模经济性。本文在分析了第三方物流的规模经济含义的基础上,深入探讨了第三方物流规模经济的内外部支撑条件,认为内部支撑条件包括生产技术、资本和管理组织能力,外部支撑条件包括市场需求规模、市场范围和市场交易效率。从解决支撑条件的途径提出我国第三方物流实现规模经济的发展策略。  相似文献   

The Italian water sector is characterized by the presence of several water companies, with different ownership types; Fabbri and Fraquelli (Empirica 27:65–82, 2000) and Antonioli and Filippini (Util Policy 10:181–187, 2001) have analyzed the presence of economies of scale and scope in the sector while Abrate et al. (Journal of Productivity Analysis 35:227–242, 2011) have assessed the role of the heterogeneity in this sector. In recent years, the Italian water sector has been subject to a large reorganization, following the implementation of the EC Directive 60/00 for the harmonization of the pricing rules and polluting principles of the Member States. However, the reorganization of the sector is far from being accomplished, and the Italian water companies still face strong regulatory uncertainty associated with the absence of an independent authority. The lack of clear regulatory principles and the presence of almost 100 different companies managed differently across the territory requires the re-analysis of the possible sources of inefficiencies, in order to understand what kind of policy measures might be implemented to improve the performance of the water utilities and take them into account when the final tariff is fixed. This paper estimates a stochastic frontier to empirically investigate the main sources of inefficiency for a sample of 65 Italian water companies. First, this paper investigates whether a positive relationship exists between the firm’s ownership type and efficiency by using different estimation methods; second, this paper investigates whether the presence of economies of scale in the Italian water sector still exist after the merging process that recently took place as part of the sector reorganization. The estimation results show that ownership is not related to the firm’s performance and that the Italian water sector is still characterized by the presence of economies of scale. This result indicates that local communities may benefit from merging into larger water districts.  相似文献   

采用超越对数成本函数模型及确定时点SUR法,对山西省15个县市70家果蔬农民专业合作社调研分析,以资产规模小于(大于)200万元为准,将筛选出的44家合作社分成两组,分别计算其规模经济和适宜社员人数。结论为:资产规模小于200万元的合作社总体上不具有规模经济,资产规模大于200万元的合作社具有轻微规模经济。资产规模小于200万和大于200万元的合作社适宜社员人数分别为66~113人和157~176人。  相似文献   

基于规模经济的产业内国际贸易研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈伟  杨柳 《商业研究》2006,(11):127-129
随着世界各国国际贸易的发展,基于规模经济的产业内贸易已成为当今国际贸易的主要形式。为此,必须对我国产业内贸易进行理论研究,分析我国产业内贸易现状,结合我国实际从国际经济视角,制定出促进我国产业内贸易发展的对策。  相似文献   

新疆的一二产业发展不完善、市场容量有限、资本技术都比较匮乏,使其服务业发展受到制约。新疆应结合国家当前的政策形式及本土的实际发展情况,合理的利用地缘优势,资源优势,结合零散的经济单位,短期内形成有力的行业外部规模经济,在继续加大一二产业投入步伐拉大内需解决服务业发展瓶颈束缚的同时,进行有特色的服务业规模化整合,走一条有新疆特色的服务业发展之路。  相似文献   

Previous research on how cultural distance impacts the choice of entry mode shows contradictory findings. This study uses a strategic fit perspective to examine the impact of distinct cultural factors as predictors of equity entry scale of Chinese firms. Findings from a sample of 667 Chinese firms demonstrate that the effects of cultural fit on equity entry scale vary across cultural dimensions. Whereas a collectivism cultural fit motivates Chinese investors to secure a high-equity entry scale in foreign firms, a lower power distance cultural fit (“misfit”) leads to higher entry involvement.  相似文献   

本文分析了加入 WTO 以来我国国内贸易环境的变化以及我国面临的国际贸易环境的变化,并针对国际贸易保护主义提出了一些对策。  相似文献   

本文利用一个三种投入一三种产出的傅立叶弹性成本函数检验我国银行业在2002~2011年的成本效率、规模经济与技术进步。实证分析表明,尽管金融市场化改革使我国银行业的非效率在样本期间呈下降趋势.但仍存在比较显著的非效率问题。分析结果也表明所有类型的商业银行在样本期内都存在显著规模经济和技术进步。  相似文献   

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