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据不完全统计,目前我国全年有一定规模和影响力的旅游节庆活动已经达到5000多个.但是,在数量规模的扩张中,我国旅游节庆中主题雷同僵化、活动程序化、市场吸引力薄弱等问题十分突出.因此,旅游节庆的可持续发展问题十分严峻,很多节庆是处于"一个开幕式、一个闭幕式、一些群众自娱自乐的活动"的简单状态,相当一部分举办不超过三届,有的甚至处于有第一届无第二届的尴尬境地.  相似文献   

刘庆余 《旅游学刊》2013,28(7):9-11
"旅游节事的国际化与本土化",看似"老生常谈",但确是永恒的话题。2011年9月30日,《中国旅游报》曾推出"旅游节庆的国际化打造"高端对话栏目,其中,"旅游节庆越是有特色,越是民族的,越容易走向国际","旅游节庆的国际化,要实现视野国际化、思维国际化、心态国际化"等观点颇具启发。成功的旅游节庆要同时兼顾"文化底蕴"的本土化与"运作视野、服务标准和发展方向"的国际化。而节庆主题策划的好坏程度,是决定其举办成功与否的关键因素。凡是已举办多年的旅游节庆,其承办方和主办方为了每一届都能够推陈出新,往往是绞尽脑汁地酝酿和策划主题活动。  相似文献   

始创于1991年的青岛国际啤酒节,每年在青岛的黄金旅游季节8月的第二个周末开幕,为期16天。是融旅游、文化、体育、经贸于一体的国家级大型节庆活动。经过18届的举办,青岛国际啤酒节已成为国内节会活动的典范,具有了相当的知名度和影响力。2008年第18届啤酒节期间,仅主会场(青岛国际啤酒城)就创下了单日接待游客36万人次、  相似文献   

本文通过查阅文献资料法、访谈等研究方法对贵州传统节庆文化与山地旅游发展路径进行了分析,通过对贵州传统节庆文化种类汇总分析,归纳山地旅游发展现状,从而实现二者互动式发展,特从二者发展的路径分析,研究其影响力进而提出相关探讨研究。  相似文献   

培育节庆活动 营销西部旅游目的地   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:18  
邓明艳 《旅游学刊》2002,17(6):32-35
随着旅游业的发展,旅游目的地竞争越来越激烈,目的地形象的塑和推广成为竞争的重要手段。节庆活动既是目的地形象的载体,又是形象传播最有效的方式之一,对西部旅游目的地营销有着特殊重要的意义。西部旅游目的地要从实际出发,培育有西部特色的节庆活动,同时要注意以下问题:节庆活动规模和参与度;节庆活动的形式和内容;国际体育旅游活动的开发;提高服务水平。  相似文献   

始创于1991年的青岛国际啤酒节,每年在青岛的黄金旅游季节8月的第二个周末开幕,为期16天.是融旅游、文化、体育、经贸于一体的国家级大型节庆活动.经过18届的举办,青岛国际啤酒节已成为国内节会活动的典范,具有了相当的知名度和影响力.2008年第18届啤酒节期间,仅主会场(青岛国际啤酒城)就创下了单日接待游客36万人次、消费啤酒95吨;其间接待旅游团队4000个,接待外国游客8万人,消费啤酒1060吨的新记录.青岛国际啤酒节的成功举办,主要得益于以下几点:  相似文献   

日本节庆活动对我国旅游节庆开发的启示   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
周永广 《旅游学刊》2005,20(2):66-69
节庆活动是市民对城市历史的年复一年的认同,是挖掘地方历史文化、创造城市特色的一个有显著成效的手段。日本的节庆活动有着全社会的影响,不仅促进了传统文化的保存和传播,而且促进了社区的形成和传统文化的认同,甚至塑造了当代的日本基层社会——社区的人际关系。本文开篇概括了我国各地建设正从“标准化”走向个性化发展的时代背景,阐述了日本旅游节庆的重要性,不仅在于经济效益重大(约占日本GDP的1%),曼在于保护传统文化,塑造城市特色。进而论述了旅游节庆和传统文化保护、社区建设的相互关系,挖掘出节庆活动开发的一些成功因素。即必须摒弃“政府主导、企业参与”、“旅游搭台、经贸唱戏”等陈腐思路,只有通过政府主导、企业营销、民众参与,进行有独创性的策划,节庆活动才能真正得到市民和市场的认同,城市也才能挖掘出自身的个性,树立自身的城市形象。  相似文献   

本文通过明清时期苏州山塘的历史文献,发现当时山塘地区的节会活动极其繁盛,既有官方节庆,也有民间节会,更有商贾集市.在分析明清时期苏州山塘节会繁盛表现的基础上,研究了苏州明清时期节庆旅游的成因、特征与影响,认为明清时期苏州节庆旅游的形成与发展,取决于苏州城市商业的繁荣、传统习俗的繁盛和旅游活动的繁华.明清时期苏州节庆旅游的发展对苏州经济社会的发展和城市生活的繁荣.以及对苏州城市旅游的发展具有深刻的影响.  相似文献   

青岛国际啤酒节是以啤酒为媒介,融旅游、文化、经贸为一体的大型节庆活动,是亚洲最大的啤酒盛会.经过22年的发展,青岛国际啤酒节已成我国节庆活动的典范,在节庆界声誉日隆,已连续第七年荣膺"中国十大节庆活动"称号,并位列榜首.同时还获得"中国高端旅游品牌TOP10"、"旅游市场营销创新奖"等多项荣誉.  相似文献   

杨苗  彭亮 《西部旅游》2024,(5):78-80
在大众旅游时代和全域旅游背景下,旅游业进入了蓬勃发展的新阶段,场景营造成为提升游客旅游体验的重要手段和重要影响因素,是带动区域旅游经济发展、提升旅游品牌影响力的着力点。基于此,文章以嘉绒藏族居住地区小众空间为研究对象,阐述了场景营造的必要性,并结合已有的场景营造相关研究,系统地分析了该区域独特的自然景观和人文资源,提出了场景营造的要素构成体系,明确了场景营造的基本原则和具体策略,以此助力嘉绒藏族居住地区旅游高质量发展。  相似文献   

Cultural tourism in the USA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  


The sustenance and institutionalization of local festivals hinge on the extent to which various stakeholders work together effectively. While all stakeholder relationships matter in this respect, research has often failed to focus on the various relationships between all stakeholders involved. This study uses the tenets of stakeholder theory (power, urgency, and legitimacy) to examine the differences between stakeholders in local festivals. It is based on a questionnaire survey of 1,092 festival stakeholders from eight groups in six local festivals in Ghana. The results indicate that festival organizers have the highest level of power, urgency, and legitimacy. The results also reveal varying levels of power, urgency, and legitimacy between government authorities, sponsors, vendors, volunteers, visitors, and the media. Given these differences, festival committees need to give the right priority each stakeholder group and properly respond to each based on their relationship with other stakeholders. Groups such as vendors with low legitimacy need to be actively included in planning committees and decision-making regarding the festivals. The involvement of the regional tourism offices, which is lacking, will help in providing training to festival organizers and other stakeholders in order to institutionalize the festivals.  相似文献   

Local festivals may leverage local specialties and various historical, cultural, and artistic resources throughout their respective regions to attract tourists, inducing positive economic impacts. In this study, this paper is a first attempt to analyze the relative efficiency of local festival tourism by using parametric and non-parametric approaches with the data from local festivals held in Korea from 2015 to 2018. We also deal with the efficiency determinants of each typology of festivals by employing a truncated regression with double bootstrapping. Results showed that the leading sources of inefficiency were primarily embedded in pure technology inefficiency, while the principal operational drivers posed different effects depending on the typology of festivals. These insights have important practical implications for the local festival organizing committees and operators in Korea and are helpful in developing tailored operational strategies to maximize the efficiency among different typologies of festivals.  相似文献   

This paper problematises the term ‘festival tourism’. It conceptualises festivals as socially sustaining devices and argues that while they frequently function as tourist attractions, their social significance extends far beyond tourism. Using empirical material gathered in two case study arts festivals in Ireland, the paper demonstrates how festivals can contribute to arts development by inter alia creating demand for the arts, enhancing venue infrastructures, encouraging local creativity and animating local involvement. The paper contends that arts festivals, irrespective of their initial objectives almost inevitably develop tourist profiles over time and it proceeds to examine how changing tourism priorities in the two festivals studied impact upon sustainable festival practices. The findings suggest that tourism emerged as a key force promoting festival growth and expansion. It was found to be associated with increased revenue flows but also with increased arts activity on a year-round basis and with an improved venue infrastructure in both places. However, problems were identified with respect to the quality of the relationship forged between the festivals and local populations in the respective places. The paper concludes by arguing that festivals’ engagement with tourism needs to be carefully managed in the interests of promoting the socially sustaining function of festivals and of encouraging sustainable approaches to tourism development.  相似文献   

制度增权:社区参与旅游发展之土地权利变革   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
左冰  保继刚 《旅游学刊》2012,27(2):23-31
社区参与旅游发展失败的原因可以归结为三个方面:权利失败、机会缺失与能力匮乏。对于后两者,研究者们已经开展了广泛的研究。而针对社区居民"无权"和"去权"的权利失败状况,学术界至今缺乏应有的关注。文章以马克思地租理论为起点,结合现代产权理论,通过对典型案例的研究,剖析了我国农村土地产权状态及其决定的旅游开发增值收益分配在理论上和现实中的矛盾性,提出了"吸引物权"这一新型的产权权利,并指出我国农村社区参与权利失败的制度性根源在于集体土地所有权受限制支配、所有权主体"虚位"和吸引物权"缺位",最后,在此基础上提出了推动中国农村社区参与旅游发展的土地权利变革之路。  相似文献   

Using a new type of discrete–continuous choice model, this paper simultaneously models two interrelated tourist choices, namely, tourism participation and tourism expenditure. For the analysis, we employ a scobit model, which includes a skewness parameter to relax the assumption that sensitivity to changes in the explanatory variables is highest among individuals with indifferent preferences concerning participation and non-participation in tourism. We undertake the empirical analysis using data collected in Japan. The results confirm the interdependency between tourism participation and tourism expenditure and that the scobit model is superior to the logit model in modelling these tourism-related decisions. We also discuss the main factors influencing both tourism participation and expenditure.  相似文献   

民族村寨社区参与旅游开发的利益保障机制   总被引:30,自引:1,他引:30  
罗永常 《旅游学刊》2006,21(10):45-48
民族村寨作为一类特殊社区,是我国乡村旅游开发的重要区域.社区参与是民族村寨旅游可持续发展的前提,而社区旅游利益的保障是社区有效参与的决定性因素.本文从旅游利益分配现状及其原因出发,基于开发的基本理念和目标提出了民族村寨社区参与旅游的利益保障机制.  相似文献   


This paper engages the “culture gap” in the sustainable tourism literature by addressing issues of cultural sustainability through an investigation of traditional festivals in Bhutan. Cultural sightseeing is the major motivation for tourism to Bhutan, and religious festivals are among the primary contexts within which local people and tourists interact. Tourism brings forces of modernization and globalization into contact with traditional practices, with various consequences. Based primarily on on-site observation of religious festivals, and interviews with Bhutanese monks and abbots, this paper explores the incursion of modernization into traditional festivals. Bauman's concept of "liquid modernity" is applied to articulate the intertwining of traditional and modern practices and frames of reference in constantly changing ways. This leads to a critical discussion of how the case of Bhutan’s festivals reveals the necessity of seeing cultural sustainability in fluid and evolutionary terms, especially in our “liquid modern” times. Foreign tourists and local youth are identified as particular agents of liquid modernism in the religious festivals, bringing perspectives and behaviors that diverge from those of the traditional society within which the meaning and practices of these festivals are rooted, which in turn affects the performance and performers of the dances.  相似文献   

As one of the key stakeholders in tourism development, residents' satisfaction with tourism development (RSTD) has an important effect on the alleviation of poverty. Despite its great significance, only limited research had been conducted by researchers to explore factors influencing RSTD in poor regions. To fill the void, this study built the proposed model of RSTD in poverty-stricken areas by structural equation modeling technique. The results indicated that (1) six key influencing factors, namely, perceived benefits of tourism development, perceived costs of tourism development, residents' participation in tourism development, distribution of personal benefits from tourism, residents' expectations for tourism development, and community attachment, were proved to be the antecedents of RSTD in poverty-stricken areas. (2) According to path coefficients between constructs, “distribution of personal benefits from tourism” was the most significant antecedent of RSTD in poverty-stricken regions. Furthermore, “residents’ participation in tourism development” also need to be paid more attention.  相似文献   

The Himalayan nation of Bhutan is known to embrace Gross National Happiness rather than Gross National Product as the measure of its people's well-being. Happiness, spirituality and cultural authenticity are prominent factors in Bhutan's tourism image, and these attributes are most clearly exhibited in the traditional festivals that are among the most popular attractions for many foreign tourists. This paper introduces the cultural practice of religious festivals in Bhutan and investigates how tourism may be affecting these festivals. Within this context, this paper reports on the findings of a survey of Bhutanese monks and lay people, regarding their impressions of the effects of tourists on one particular event – the Tsechu festival. With the Bhutanese government's aim to increase the number of annual tourists more than fourfold to 200,000 by 2018, this research provides a baseline study of the perceived impact of tourism on religious festivals and addresses the issue of whether such an increase in volume of tourists would pose a threat to the integrity and value of these festivals as perceived by Bhutanese people.  相似文献   

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