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It is known that a government can implement the optimal complete-market Ramsey allocations by issuing non-contingent bonds of different maturities. The implied optimal maturity structure is time- and state-invariant—i.e. it is not actively managed. I construct a model where the Ramsey allocations can be implemented with active management of the maturity structure. In a numerical example that reflects the time-series properties of the British government's expenditure during the 18th century, its historic pattern of maturity management is replicated.  相似文献   

In this paper we analyze the optimal response of the current account and the government debt to real disturbances, permanent and temporary. Lumpsum taxes are not feasible and the government income is raised according to the Ramsey rule for optimum taxation. We show that permanent disturbances have no effects on either the private or the government current account if initially there are no deficits. Starting off from the same initial situation both the private sector and the government develop a deficit on current account in response to a temporary disturbance.  相似文献   

The problem of expectations formation has been either ignored or treated with very restrictive assumptions in traditional dividend adjustment models. Since these models are typically used to explain the dividend decisions of individual firms, a more satisfactory treatment of the process of expectations formation is needed. In order to analyze the dynamic dividend adjustment process, this article proposes a model, more general than previous ones, that is consistent with the rational expectations hypothesis. A nonlinear regression method is used to estimate the parameters of the model and to test the validity of the rational expectations hypothesis in dividend decisions making. The partial adjustment model with rational expectations explains dividend adjustments reasonably well. The overall results suggest that firms make use of available earnings information to form optimal future earnings forecasts; specifically, a firm's dividend adjustment process is completed in about two and a half quarters. This article also finds that the fourth-order serial correlation problem disappears after a generalized Tobit model is used for the parameter estimation.  相似文献   

Can eliminating the stock of government bonds reduce welfare? When the government must raise revenue to pay interest on its bonds, the social value of government debt hinges on whether the benefits from greater portfolio diversification outweigh the costs of the revenue-raising efforts. A positive stock of debt is optimal only if interest payments are financed by an inflation tax, agents are not too risk averse, there is a government budget deficit, and the economy is on the bad side of the Laffer curve. Welfare is higher on the good side of the Laffer curve without bonds.  相似文献   

This paper measures “debt disputes” between governments and foreign private creditors in periods of sovereign debt crises. We construct an index of government coerciveness, consisting of 9 objective sub-indicators. Each of these sub-indicators captures unilateral government actions imposed on foreign banks and bondholders. The results provide the first systematic account of debt crises that goes beyond a binary categorization of default versus non-default. Overall, government behavior and rhetoric show a strong variability, ranging from highly confrontational to very smooth crisis resolution processes. In a preliminary analysis on the determinants of coercive behavior, we find political institutions to be significant, while economic and financial factors play a lesser role. These results open up an agenda for future research.  相似文献   

This paper tests the joint hypothesis of rational expectations model of the term structure for three- and six-month Treasury bills. Previous studies are extended in two main directions. First, the joint hypothesis is tested using weekly data for Treasury bills maturing in exactly 13 and 26 weeks beginning in 1970 and ending in 1979. In contrast, previous studies using comparable data have typically discarded 12/13 of the sample to a form a nonoverlapping data set. Second, a more complete set of possible determinants of time-varying premiums is tested.  相似文献   

We consider a government that can only raise funds by levying distortionary taxes. We allow the government to collect taxes in a given period that are based on incomes earned in previous periods. We show that once we do so, given any debt path, the government can adjust its tax policy so as to attain that debt path without affecting equilibrium allocations or prices.  相似文献   

This paper puts forward a method of policy simulation with an existing macroeconometric model under the maintained assumption that individuals form their expectations rationally. This new simulation technique grows out of Lucas' criticism that standard econometric policy evaluation permits policy rules to change but doesn't allow expectations mechanisms to respond as economic theory predicts they will. The technique is applied to versions of the St. Louis Federal Reserve model and the Federal Reserve-MIT-Penn (FMP) model to simulate the effects of different constant money growth policies. The results of these simulations indicate that the problem identified by Lucas may be of great quantitative importance in the econometric analysis of policy alternatives.  相似文献   

This paper formulates and estimates a dynamic rational expectations equilibrium model of inventories of finished goods and employment of labor. The view that the primary role of inventories of finished goods is to act as a buffer stock in the face of fluctuating demand is examined. Both the model and estimation results indicate that this is the case because of differences in the costs involved for firms in changing their inventory stocks and labor force. In addition to providing some new evidence on the behavior of inventories of finished goods and employment, the paper illustrates a technology for maximum-likelihood estimation of structural parameters under the hypothesis of rational expectations.  相似文献   

This paper shows that state contingent debt can be synthetically constructed using non-contingent debt of different maturities. A main policy implication of this principle is that the Ramsey allocation with complete markets can be sustained with non-contingent debt only by properly managing its maturity structure. The numerical experiments, however, suggest that this policy implication ought to be taken with care. We find that the debt positions that sustain the Ramsey allocation are very high (on the order of a few hundred times total GDP for a very simple four state economy) and increasing in the number of states. In addition, they are very sensitive to small variations in the parameters of the model.  相似文献   

地方债的发展与一国的城市化、工业化进程密不可分,由于社会发展和人口增加,社会对公共物品的需求激增,政府在提供公共物品过程中的资金需求与资金供给的不匹配也越来越明显,政府财政收支缺口不断扩大,产生经常性的融资需求。与其他融资工具相比,地方债为政府在贷款之外提供了长期、低成本的直接融资机会,因而在发达国家及一些发展中国家受到重视。研究发达国家地方债制度,对建立我国的地方债管理制度能提供很好的经验与启示。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effects of introducing the following two alterations into a multimarket, partial information, rational expectations model; (1) individuals in any market may sample currently more prices than just the current price on their own market; (2) they choose the amount of their current information so as to minimize the sum of the costs of getting information and of being off their full information demand and supply curves. Under those circumstances any change in the variance of aggregate excess demand shocks (whether caused by real or monetary elements) affects the equilibrium level of information in the economy, in addition to its other direct effects previously recognized in the literature. Among the issues dealt with are the implications of these alterations for the following: (1) the Lucas hypothesis on the slope of the Phillips curve; (2) the optimal monetary variance and the optimal money feedback rule; (3) the effect of the level of information and of aggregate variance on the distribution of relative prices and related issues.  相似文献   

This article discusses the facts associated with US government deficits and the national debt. The growing problem of government debt is unsustainable and timely action is needed to avert serious economic problems in the future. While the current picture and forecast in the future are sobering, positive change that will restore fiscal balance is possible. Government spending and national debt are significant societal problems and the solutions can be facilitated by objective, non-partisan expertise from financial professionals such as accounting educators. We have an opportunity and responsibility to educate our students and others about the significance of our nation’s financial problems. The article also encourages accounting educators to be more active in researching and discussing these issues in a broader public context. Having faculty focus on federal spending in their teaching and research is consistent with recommendations by the Pathways Commission that encourage accounting faculty to focus on issues that matter to the profession and to society. The article suggests alternative methods for sharing the issues with various student audiences.  相似文献   

This paper introduces uncertainty regarding the proportion of informed traders in a rational expectation equilibrium model with asymmetric information. The proportion uncertainty dramatically changes the properties of the resulting equilibrium. First, it may generate multiple nonlinear rational expectations equilibria, which can help explain the excessive volatility of stock prices. Second, the expected price informativeness is a non-monotonic function of the proportion of informed traders, which suggests that the traders will have more incentive to become informed as the proportion of informed traders gets larger.  相似文献   

Several new series on the market value of outstanding government debt are reported and their methods of construction described. The new series on Federal debt are compared with other existing estimates and are shown to be markedly superior to them.  相似文献   

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