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胡浩 《资本市场》2008,(5):72-75
对冲基金是金融市场发展到一定阶段的产物,它与共同基金等共同构成资产管理业务的一部分。尽管外部制度亟待完善、金融工具亟待丰富,但是,金融机构强烈的创新需求与投资者旺盛的投资和理财需求成为对冲基金发展最坚实的基础。随着金融机构开展另类投资策略的研究以及业务,我们相信,国内对冲基金的时代已经临近。  相似文献   

随着全球金融业的发展和金融创新,对冲基金已经成为全球金融领域的一种快速成长的力量,并已进入主流投资行业.本文介绍了对冲基金的历史、运作原理,以及此次金融危机对对冲基金的影响,并讨论了中国引进对冲基金的可能性和引入策略,希望可以为中国金融业的发展提供参考.  相似文献   

对冲基金属于另类投资,最早诞生于美国华尔街,当前主要流行于发达金融市场。中国在2010年批准了股指期货与融资融券交易业务,这意味着中国金融市场具备了发展对冲基金的基础。由于中国对冲基金发展较晚,国外关于此行业的研究对中国正在兴起的另类投资产业具有重要的理论与现实意义。文章回顾了对冲基金的国外文献内容,主要涉及对冲基金的界定、风险与收益、影响性,尤其是对近几年最新的国外文献进行了梳理,研究发现对冲基金有平缓股指的作用。  相似文献   

成熟的海外市场中,股指期货不仅在共同基金、对冲基金和投行等机构投资者中得到广泛的应用,也在各类新型的相关基金产品设计中大显身手。利用股指期货等衍生品和包括做空在内的各种交易策略以对冲风险和获取超额收益将成为证券市场参与者未来的发展方向。本文还介绍了海外对冲基金的各种交易策略及其风险收益、业绩表现和使用衍生工具等情况,并以美国的共同基金为例,分享了股指期贷在海外机构投资者中的应用经验,为国内的公募基金等机构投资者提供参考。  相似文献   

货币市场基金给我们带来了什么   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
程怡  李波 《经济师》2003,(11):226-226
目前 ,我国第一只货币市场基金正在筹备之中 ,货币市场基金的出现将会在不同的层面给投资者、投资机构以至整个金融市场带来不同的影响。货币市场基金将为中小投资者提供一个新的投资渠道 ;增加基金投资组合品种、减少投资风险 ;促进我国货币市场本身的健全和发展 ;但同时它也会给我国现有的金融体系和监管体系带来相应的挑战。  相似文献   

本文拓展了RodriguezandSbuelz(2006)模型,引入稳健性偏好来研究中国股市的惯性投资策略和对冲投资策略.稳健性投资者对惯性投资策略反应不足,部分执行反转投资策略,从而印证了实证研究所发现的中国股市在中短期内惯性效应夹杂着反转效应的情况;稳健性投资者对对冲投资策略反应过度,并且随着投资周期的变长,其与一般投资者的对冲投资策略差异拉大;风险规避系数大和存在稳健性偏好的投资者能够把投资策略控制在合理的区间内.  相似文献   

随着金融市场的加速创新和结构性调整,对冲基金的规模也快速扩张,成为中国金融市场活动的重要参与者。然而,在给金融市场增加流动性和市场效率的情况下,对冲基金也给中国金融市场带来了新的不稳定因素,因此,对对冲基金进行监管,减少其对中国金融体系的负面影响,也就成了中国金融管理部门不得不面对的新课题。  相似文献   

穷则思变,在这个人心惶惶的弱市之中,创新成为了很多私募的选择。纵观2012这一年,凯丰和颉昂基金凭借期货对冲的策略遥遥领先于传统策略的非结构化私募产品。2012年的私募江湖之中,对冲策略的私募产品开始层出不穷,全球宏观对冲策略基金在悄悄萌芽。放眼海外市场,全球宏观策略获得明显的超额收益,更兼有索罗斯这样的金融大鳄的传奇,使得这个策略基金在众多对冲策略中熠熠生辉。  相似文献   

国际资本自由流动是宏观型对冲基金的温床。尽管国际上受美金融危机发生的具体原因千差万别,但共同的特点是有意、无意地扩大宏观经济基本面的失衡,然后借助金融市场的瞬间强制调整,获取巨额利润。宏观型对冲基金作为盈利组织无可厚非,关键是要避免宏观经济的严重失衡。  相似文献   

翟光宇  王超  郑鸽 《经济评论》2024,(2):140-151
人口年龄结构是影响金融市场风险结构的重要因素。本文从投资者的效用函数出发,通过引入不同年龄投资者收入和消费等因素的变化,建立风险规避系数的动态模型,发现决策者的年龄对风险偏好有显著影响。通过微观和宏观两个维度的实证分析,研究结论表明:微观层面投资者的年龄与市场参与及投资组合风险偏好负相关,且投资者性别与受教育程度起到一定调节作用。宏观层面15-64岁人口占比越高,风险偏好和投资偏好越高;0-14岁和65岁及以上人口占比则对风险偏好和投资偏好有负向影响。本文从人口学视角为研究长期金融稳定提供了新思路,同时为中国金融市场供需平衡、良性发展提供参考和建议。  相似文献   

"热钱"进入的状况和影响目前正在受到国内各界的广泛关注。文章借用以指数收益推算要素敞口的方法,研究了"热钱"的典型代表———国际对冲基金在中国金融市场上的投资活动和资产分布。从全球对冲基金行业来看,尚不存在大规模投资于中国大陆市场的迹象。全球对冲基金业绩仅与中国股票市场存在较微弱的正相关关系。就大中华区而言,大陆股票、香港股票和台湾股票市场是这一地区对冲基金的主要活动场所。没有发现对冲基金在行业意义上进入中国债券、期货和房地产市场的证据。文章还分析了国际对冲基金进入中国的主要渠道和目前国内对对冲基金的监管现状,并提出有关政策建议。  相似文献   

从美国次级贷危机看国际对冲基金监管的必要性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对冲基金在操作中存在着大量的场外交易,常常脱离监管的控制范围。随着其规模的不断扩大,对冲基金对全球金融稳定的影响与日俱增。本文从对冲基金的发展现状入手,通过分析对冲基金在美国次级贷危机中的作用,尝试对对冲基金监管提出建议。这些建议包括增大对冲基金的透明度,促进资金流动的有序性以及加强国际金融监管合作等。  相似文献   

Astrid Ayala 《Applied economics》2018,50(37):4005-4023
In this article, we study the time-varying market neutrality of equity market neutral hedge funds. We use data from the Hedge Fund Research? Equity Market Neutral Index (HFRX EH), which represents the performance of a portfolio of individual equity market neutral hedge funds. For each day, we measure different levels of association of the Standard and Poor’s 500 (S&;P 500) index and the HFRX EH. We use non-linear dynamic conditional score models of location, scale and copula that, to the best of our knowledge, have not yet been applied in the body of literature on hedge funds. We study whether the neutrality of the HFRX EH that is evidenced in the body of literature for the period of April 1993–April 2003 also holds for the following decade, for the period of May 2003–December 2016. We estimate different average levels of association for the pre-, during- and post-periods of the US financial crisis of 2008. We find that the association of the S&;P 500 and the HFRX EH, on average, is significantly positive for the pre- and post-periods of the financial crisis, and it is significantly negative for the period during the financial crisis.  相似文献   

《European Economic Review》2002,46(4-5):809-820
The autumn of 1998 provides a setting in which to test the performance of the interbank market during a potential financial crisis. This period witnessed Russia's effective default on its sovereign bonds and the near collapse of the hedge fund Long-Term Capital Management. Despite these negative shocks to bank capital and increased uncertainty in financial markets, the federal funds market still effectively channeled liquidity to those institutions in need at rates consistent with Federal Reserve intentions. Further, risk premiums on overnight lending were largely unaffected and lending volumes increased, suggesting that the federal funds market performed well during this period.  相似文献   

This article investigates the characteristics of US and Canadian pension funds that allocate assets to hedge funds. The typical pension fund that invests in hedge funds is a large sophisticated pension fund that diversifies its portfolio across numerous classes of investments, private equity in particular, uses a core-satellite organization and has access to low delegation costs for alternative assets. Moreover, we find that pension funds investing in hedge funds significantly obtained higher global returns.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the risk and return characteristics of a wide universe of hedge funds in the period 1990–2000. Most major categories of hedge funds are found to have outperformed (often by a considerable margin) the performance of traditional asset classes. The potential impact of hedge fund trading on market spreads and volatilities is examined especially in the period 1998, so as to provide some guidelines in terms of regulation of such funds. It is shown, however, that despite hedge fund difficulties in that period, the inclusion of hedge funds in investor portfolios definitely moves the efficiency frontier outwards, and allows significantly higher levels of returns for given levels of risk. This is primarily because of the low level of correlation of certain hedge fund styles, especially arbitrage strategies, with other hedge fund styles and with traditional assets.
(J.E.L.: G10, G11, G14, G23).  相似文献   

Countercyclical investment strategies of large institutional investors such as insurance companies and pension funds can support financial stability, while procyclical investment behaviour is considered as destabilizing at a macro level. Yet, there is limited understanding of how insurance companies and pension funds invest during market shocks, such as the global financial crisis. Investigating the equity and fixed income portfolios of Dutch non-life insurers, life insurers and pension funds, we find evidence for procyclical behaviour by insurance companies (both life and non-life). For pension funds, we find evidence for countercyclical behaviour during market upturns.  相似文献   

Alternative investments, such as hedge funds, have, in last years, become an integral part of the investment portfolios of the wealthy. The article’s goal is also to answer the following research question: Does the global wealth of the world have impact on the global value of the hedge funds’ assets? We also try to forecast the value of the hedge funds’ assets for the next years 2015–2017. The results from this study would also be valuable to investors and other stakeholders, such as the regulators and the creditors of the hedge funds.  相似文献   

Although the standing of Anglo-American capitalism has been badly damaged by the global economic crisis, the return of the state in emerging markets is by no means assured. Over the past decade, financial processes originating in Anglo-American markets, such as derivatives, hedge funds and mergers and acquisitions (M&A), have made quiet headway in emerging markets. One of the transmission channels is financial returnees, defined as elites returning to domestic finance from either global finance abroad or from foreign financial institutions in their home countries. Many financial returnees pursue business agendas that parallel the Anglo-American model, while portraying themselves as local for domestic constituencies. These actions are now especially visible in the rise of private equity funds in emerging markets. This article defines the concept of a financial returnee and charts the impact of these individuals in importing the Anglo-American private equity model to Asia with Korea as the primary case study. Once foreign-controlled, the private equity industry in Korea is now domestically-run and financial returnees have been integral in this sector's short but important history.  相似文献   

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