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中国悠久的酒文化人类文化的历史长河中,酒不仅仅是客观的物质存在,而且是一种文化象征。酒文化,不仅是文化符号,更是一种精神象征。中国是酒的王国,中华民族的酒文化渊源流长,整个中华五千年的文明史中,从文学艺术创作、文化娱乐、饮食烹饪、养生保健等在中国人生活中都占有重要位置。而今天伴随着社会经济文化的繁荣发展,大众交往益发频繁,每  相似文献   

有这样一部历史名著,对中国革命影响非常之大。毛泽东从中汲取了许多有益的营养,灵活运用于革命理论与实践活动,终使星星之火得以燎原;蒋介石忽视了这部小说的社会影响力,忽视了其蕴藏在民众中巨大的生命力与感召力,从而导致其剿匪越剿越多,最终黯然告别大陆。  相似文献   

阎连科对"乡土中国"有着自己独特的见解,他的乡土小说为我们去理解当代中国社会提供了窗口。他在叙写乡土人民的生命时,笔下漫步死亡、苦难、艰辛与绝望,但又流淌着生命的气息。  相似文献   

随着社会的进步和时代的不断发展,中国的志愿服务组织已经成倍增长。高校的志愿服务机构是最具活力和最年轻的力量,在志愿社会服务机构中占有重要地位,在建立一个和谐社会和发展社会企业方面发挥着独特的作用。本文章简要介绍了高校的志愿服务的基本原则,然后提出了具体的措施,从认证与激励、骨干培训、项目开发运作、争取社会力量等几个方面来健全完善高校志愿服务工作体系。  相似文献   

白亮 《旅游时代》2011,(8):36-37
悲剧的爱情,往往不是由家庭的阻碍和社会的压迫造成,而是来源于男女自身。天下最悲情的爱情莫属一方矢志不渝,而另一方则轻情寡义,这等爱情对坚贞的一方伤害甚大。中国历代爱情传奇中白娘子和许仙的故事就算的上最悲情的了。  相似文献   

刘继兴 《旅游时代》2011,(12):78-79
山西省闻喜县礼元镇裴柏村有中国"宰相村"之称,这个村子的裴氏家族堪称史上第一望族。裴氏家族自秦汉,历魏晋,至隋唐而极盛,五代以后,余芳犹存。其家族人物之盛、德业文章之隆,在中外历史上极为罕见。据清代编修的《裴氏世谱》统计,裴氏家族在历史上曾先后出过宰相59人,大将军59人,中书侍郎14人,  相似文献   

中国传统文化是中华文明演化而汇集成的一种反映民族特质和风貌的民族文化,是民族历史上各种思想文化、观念形态的总体表征,为中华民族世世代代所继承发展的的优良文化.而婚俗文化是中华传统文化的一个重要内容.中国传统文化中的鞋具有几千年的历史,在华夏婚俗文化中占有重要的地位.因此鞋不仅是一种服饰,更重要的是承载了一个民族的文化精神,如社会意识形态、审美倾向、民俗风尚等,这充分体现了鞋的综合文化性.以"鞋"为媒介从传统文化、传统表现形式、现代审美艺术和社会文化等若干方面浅析了中国传统文化对现代婚庆礼品设计的影响.  相似文献   

游记文学是中国文学史上不可忽视的一个重要组成部分,是受中国文人特别青睐的一种文学体裁,基于"天人合一"的哲学理念,以构建人与自然审美关系为核心的游记文学在中国渊源流长。本文分别介绍了中国游记的六个发展时期:魏晋诞生期,唐代成熟期,宋代高峰期,元明复兴期,清代衰变期,现当代新生期。同时,本文也详细介绍了徐霞客作为中国游记发展史上的重要人物的成就与功绩。  相似文献   

关羽字云长,三国蜀汉大将。《三国志》记载为河东解州人即今山西省运城市解州镇常平村人,关羽生于东汉延熹三年(公元160年),卒于建安26年(公元219年)。他与刘备、张飞二人结拜,共匡汉室建立蜀汉政权,功绩显赫。生前封汉寿亭侯,卒谥壮缪候。关公一生,好读《左氏春秋》。为人英勇仗义,他的故事,自魏晋以来,  相似文献   

随着近年来我国经济发展速度越来越快,连锁经营已经成为了一种主要商业模式,在整个中国经济市场中占有重要的份额。为了向社会培养出更多专业对口的高素质人才,许多高校纷纷开设了连锁经营管理教学课程,希望能够切实提高学生专业素养,但是由于我国缺乏相关教学经验,导致在实际教学过程中存在各种各样的因素阻碍了教学质量和及教学效率的进一步提高,往往无法达到预期教学目标。基于此,本文重点提出了互动教学的教学理念,希望通过把互动教学运用到连锁经营管理教学中,切实提高课堂效率,激发学生学习积极性。  相似文献   

The paper seeks to address two specific questions. First, does the existence of polluted waters impact on the levels of satisfaction experienced by visitors to Chinese lakes? Second, does the local tourism industry (represented by a sample of hotel managers) correctly assess the importance of place attributes as assessed by visitors? The data presented are obtained from a sample of 913 visitors to four polluted lakes that are holiday or day visit locations and from 121 managers of hotels in those same areas. The evidence suggests that polluted areas can still function successfully as tourist locations because visitors in these instances view the lakescapes as part of a wider attraction that includes a built environment but that the hotel industry over-emphasises the importance of that built structure as a contributor to tourist place experience. Limitations to the research include the role played by an aesthetic gaze, which may have more importance within a Chinese culture than among Western counterparts because, particularly for the older Chinese, concepts of harmonization with nature are directed through the visual senses and references to classical literature rather than physical participation in water-based sports.  相似文献   

近年来中国的制造业位于世界第四,对外出口位于世界第六。中国在世界经济中的比重和其经济增长的力度已可以改变工业产品的价格并带动世界经济。中国IT产业的发展这些年来一直是中国经济发展的关键。但我国信息产业的许多领域在国际上并没有竞争力,其原因主要是核心技术依赖进口和缺少国际化的品牌。  相似文献   

The importance of Chinese students in Australia has been largely neglected in the tourism development and place branding of Australia. This study explores the factors that influence Chinese students’ word-of-mouth behaviors, as well as other behaviors influencing Australia as a tourism destination. Following a literature review, a taxonomy of word-of-mouth behaviours is proposed in terms of the way information is communicated. “Place attachment to Australia”, “place attachment to China”, and “place satisfaction in Australia”, are proposed as the key factors that influence such behaviors. Using structural equation modelling, the authors find that “place attachment to Australia” and “satisfaction” with Australia are positively related to different behavior outcomes including Chinese students’ word-of-mouth, intentions to recommend Australia as a tourism destination, and willingness to help Chinese tourists to create satisfying experiences in Australia. Based on these findings, the theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This article investigates the constructs of tourists’ place attachment to a traditional Chinese urban destination as well as the differences of these constructs across tourists with different cultural backgrounds. Results of a confirmatory factor analysis show that place attachment consists of four major factors: place identity, place dependence, affective attachment, and social bonding. Estimation results also reveal differences in the importance of place attachment constructs between Chinese and Western tourists. In addition, tourists’ socio-demographic and travel characteristics are found to be associated with their attachment to places in the urban destination. Based on the empirical results, policy implications are provided.  相似文献   

场所依赖(place attachment):一种游憩行为现象的研究框架   总被引:21,自引:4,他引:17  
"场所依赖"理论是解释"某些地方与人之间似乎存在着一种特殊的依赖关系"这个客观现象的有效理论工具,并已成为西方休闲和游憩研究的一个热点,而在我国仍然处于空白状态.本文讨论了场所和场所依赖的概念及其发展,介绍了西方场所依赖研究的最新进展.文章的主要贡献包括:(1)首次将以游憩为角度开展研究的场所依赖理论引进我国;(2)用数学方法示意理解场所依赖的结构;(3)构建了场所依赖理论的CDEEM研究框架.文章还探讨了场所依赖理论的应用前景.  相似文献   

This study aims to shed light on the effect of international students’ lifelong learning and dining experience during the trip in a host country on their psychological adaptation, place attachment, and sharing of tourism experience. Employing responses from 247 Chinese students in South Korea, a SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) technique was used for the analysis. The study found that lifelong learning positively influences dining-out flow experience, which in turn placed positive effects on psychological adaptation, place attachment, and sharing of tourism experience, whereas place attachment mediates the relationship between flow experience and both sharing of tourism experience and psychological adaptation.  相似文献   

This paper examines the role played by tourism in affecting cultural identity and place attachment among members of the North American Chinese diaspora who travel to China. Previous literature portrays diaspora tourists as homogeneous and suggests that home return travel engenders broadly similar impacts on the individual. This study reveals diasporic communities are quite diverse and complex. Five types of diaspora tourist are identified, each having distinct travel motives, experiences, migration backgrounds, cultural identities and place attachments. The consequences of diaspora tourism particularly in terms of place attachment and cultural identity are further discussed, as home return travel induces positive, neutral and negative reactions.  相似文献   

客观地呈现中国消费者在全球旅游市场中的特性及形象   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
蔡利平 《旅游学刊》2007,22(1):16-18
本文在对一位西方学者的新书进行简单评论的基础上,指出了对中国旅游消费者,尤其是中国出境游客进行研究的紧迫性和必要性.在这本出版于2006年的新书中,中国旅游者被描述成一个被动、无知的群体,而且这个群体在文化上受中国政府左右,缺少像西方游客一般的行为准则,缺乏欣赏西方景观的能力.该书集中代表了西方国家中对中国旅游业及中国旅游者普遍存在的偏见,以及对迅速发展的中国出境游的否定和不安.本文指出,作为扎根于这一崭新的消费群体的中国旅游研究者,是有责任而且有自身的优势向全世界客观地呈现中国旅游消费者的特征和形象的.为此,本文建议对3个迫在眉睫的研究课题,即对中国旅游者的出游动机、中国旅游者的组成成分及中国出境游客的需求进行多方位高层次的分析和研究.  相似文献   

This study adopts a mixed method to examine Chinese diaspora tourists' ancestral hometown emotional experiences. A qualitative approach was used to establish a conceptual framework of emotional experience, and quantitative research was performed to evaluate the effects of respondents' emotional experiences on their ancestral hometown attachment with diaspora tourism. Results show that diaspora tourists' emotional hometown experiences included nostalgic memory and affective arousal, which influenced diaspora tourists' hometown attachment. Specifically, nostalgic memory positively influenced place dependence, place identity and affective attachment; affective arousal positively influenced place identity and social bonding. Diaspora tourists' emotional experiences and hometown attachment also differed demographically. These findings provide practical implications for the construction of diaspora ancestral hometowns.  相似文献   

Classical poetry is an important part of Chinese culture. This study explores its roles in contemporary Chinese tourism based on participant observation of tourist destinations in the Three Gorges and surrounding area along the Yangtze River and content analysis of tourism guidebooks. Classical poetry is used to guide Chinese tourists in terms of what to gaze at and how to gaze. Specifically, first, poets and their poems create historical and cultural value for a place, which forms an essential foundation for its attractiveness as an object for Chinese tourists gaze. Second, poems may be used to enhance tourists' aesthetic appreciation of a landscape along the spatial and temporal dimensions, creating transcending poetic experiences. Such influence of classical poetry exemplifies the cultural continuity in China that should be well understood and considered in contemporary tourism. Implications in tourism development and marketing, aesthetic experience creation, environmental interpretation, and literary tourism are discussed.  相似文献   

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