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Ethics in Business organizations is a multidimensional process involving decision-making, leadership and institution building. The relatively simpler ethics of day-to-day decisions has to be reflected upon in the context of corporate desire for continuity, embedded in the values of a progressive society. At the operating level, the multivalence of decision situations is emphasized in place of the simple good — bad or cost — benefit dichotomies. A decision tree framework is presented to reflect the richness of the decisions. At the corporate level, the concept of responsive strategy as a synthesis of vision, power, and responsibility is proposed. In this, the crucial role of leaders cannot be over-emphasized. Finally, at the societal level, the evolution of capitalism and its corporate forms is seen as a milestone in people's search for enlightened ways to achieve refined ends. As more businesses assert their rightful roles in society, progressive institutional forms more in tune with the values of the twenty-first century should emerge.L. L. Jayaraman is Associate Professor of Management at Montclair State College, New Jersey, U.S.A. He holds a Ph.D. and a Post-graduate Diploma in Management. His research interests include Corporate Strategy and Business Ethics. Recent publications includeHow to Compete in the Global Economy: A Fresh Look at Business Strategy, in the January 1993 issue of theAmerican Business Review. During the Summer of 1992, he was a visiting professor at the School of Management, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovak Federal Republic.Byung K. Min is Associate Professor of Management and Chairman of the Department of Management at Montclair State College, New Jersey, U.S.A. He holds a Ph.D. His research interests cover Corporate Strategy, Business Ethics, Organizational Behavior and Management Information Systems. His article has appeaed in theJournal of Applied Psychology.  相似文献   

In the wake of the prevailing world oil glut which has affected the revenue earning powers of OPEC (Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries) members, there are serious proposals and arguments in favour of Nigeria's withdrawal from OPEC.The mission of this paper is to question the ethical basis of this proposed strategy after she has benefited from OPEC membership for over a decade. This paper postulates that it would be ethically wrong to do so and suggests a strategy that would boost the petrochemical industry for agriculture, building, pharmaceuticals, automative industry, etc. Dr. Bedford A. Fubara is Senior Lecturer and Head of the Department at the Rivers State University of Science and Technology in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. He was awarded the Columbia University Fellowship 1970–1972 and he received the Unesco Research Award in 1981/1982. His most important publications are: Negative Profitability Performances of Public Enterprises in Developing Countries: A Business Policy Anatomy, 1984, Public Enterprise 4; Government in Business, 1983, Management in Nigeria; Corporate Planning Art in Nigeria: The Experiental Evidence of Corporate Executive, Long Range Planning (forthcoming).This research was financed by the Rivers State University of Science and Technology under Project No. SRPC/014 dated 11th June, 1984.  相似文献   

In light of the increasing interest in understanding the behavioral side of competitive decision making, this paper examines how the price-cutting momentum (PCM) created by other competiors' reactions to an initiator's price cut influences pricing decisions. We explore the PCM construct and present the results of a study examining the effect of PCM on the price recommendations of retail grocery pricing executives. We find that PCM influences pricing reactions inboth low-search and high-search markets. Competing explanations of the results are considered.The authors acknowledge the financial support of the Department of Sponsored Programs and Research at the University of South Carolina and the Crane Professorship at the Ohio State University.  相似文献   

Although there are many conceptions of Justice, these different perceptions can provide many interesting insights into a business person's ethical standards as well as that person's decision-making processes. Using the Bishops' Pastoral Letter on the U.S. Economy as the basis for asking questions about justice, twenty-four business executives were interviewed about their conception of justice. An analysis of these interviews reveals that this group of businesspeople operated under very different conceptions of Justice at the Macroenvironmental and Microenvironmental levels. This result has some interesting implications not only for those scholars concerned with business ethics but for everyone who has a stake in business education.Men are called good, chiefly on account of their Justice. Cicero, 56 B.C. Ideology is applied philosophy. Lodge, 1986 Richard McGowan, S. J. is an Assistant Professor of Operations and Strategic Management at Boston College. His research focus involves examining both the rationale behind business and public policy decisions as well as determining the effectiveness of these policy measures. Some of his recent publications include Deciphering the Japanese Import Quota, Policy Studies Journal (1988) and Public Policy Measures and Cigarette Sales: An ARIMA Intervention Analysis Study JAI Social Issues Management Volume (1989).  相似文献   

This article studies the idea of Corporate Social Performance (CSP) from a critical perspective using empirical elements derived from analysis of year 2000 ARESE data. ARESE is the French first mover social rating agency providing quantified data about the Social Performance of French companies. The paper starts out by reviewing leading CSP models and discussing problems inherent to the measurement of this construct before going on to present and analyse ARESE data - whose suitability for existing models will be discussed.  相似文献   

Some have argued that because of weaknesses in corporate democracy, there is widespread abuse of shareholders' rights in American securities markets. I describe a number of horror stories that shareholders might tell to support this claim. Then I argue that despite appearances to the contrary, there is not widespread abuse of shareholders' rights in American securities markets. This is because (i) corporations, when doing things that look abusive, are generally violating neither the legal rights nor the charter rights of shareholders and (ii) shareholders — in their role as shareholders — have no other rights than these. William B. Irvine is Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Wright State University. He is the author of The Ethics of Investing, Journal of Business Ethics, vol. 6, no. 3.  相似文献   

This study reports the results of a survey designed to assess the impact of education on the perceptions of ethical beliefs of students. The study examines the beliefs of students from selected colleges in an eastern university. The results indicate that beliefs which students perceive are required to succeed in the university differ among colleges. Business and economics students consistently perceive a greater need for unethical beliefs than students from other colleges. Michael S. Lane is an Associate Professor of Management at West Virginia University. He is the coauthor of Corporate Goal structures and Business students: A Comparative Study of Values, Journal of Business Ethics (1989). Dietrich L. Schaupp is Professor of Management at West Virginia University. He is the coauthor of Pygmalion Effect: An Issue for Business Education and Ethics, Journal of Business Ethics (1988).  相似文献   

As an example of applied social science, the field of human resource management is used to show that ethical problems are not only those of carrying out research, of professional conduct, and of the distribution fairness of social science knowledge. A largely overlooked ethical issue is also the implicit choices that are made as an integral part of research and implementation. First, an analysis is undertaken of the implicit assumptions, values and goals that derive from the conception of human problems in work organizations as managing human resources. Secondly, it is argued that such a conception is in fact a socially constructed reality with real consequences and not a reflection of objective states of human and social nature with which we have to live. Thirdly, to the extent that our implicit assumptions are in part based upon conceptual choices that are made by individuals or as a collective act of a discipline or work organization, the development of an ethical framework that could guide such choices becomes a crucial challenge for business ethics.H. Peter Dachler currently holds the chair for organizational psychology at the University of St. Gall, Switzerland. He received his graduate training in industrial/organizational psychology at the University of Illinois at Urbana and subsequently taught in the Department of Psychology at the University of Maryland, College Park. He was a fellow for two years at the International Institute of Management in the Science Center, Berlin, and is on the editorial boards of various international and American scientific journals. He has published mainly in the areas of motivation, leadership, organization theory, and the theoretical and practical implications of a constructionist epistemology for employee assessment, participation and leadership. Georges Enderle is a senior lecturer for business ethics at the University of St. Gall, Switzerland. Since 1983 he has been Director of the Institute for Business Ethics. He is the author of Sicherung des Existenzminimums im nationalen und internationalen Kontext — eine wirtschaftsethische Studie [Securing the minimal standard of living in the national and international context: A business ethics perspective]. He has written various articles on business ethics.  相似文献   

This article describes the European Corporate Sustainability Framework (ECSF). This framework addresses complex issues such as Corporate Sustainability, Corporate Responsibility and Corporate Change. It is a conceptual framework based on the tradition of the quality management approach and the concept of phase-wise development. The framework is based on several theories and models, all proven individually over several decades. These theories are the Emergent Cyclical Levels of Existence Theory (ECLET) of Professor Graves, The Four Phase Model© (Hardjono), EFQM's Business Excellence Model, Kaplan and Norton's Business Balanced scorecard, the research deliverables of the project The European Way to Excellence and the SqEME® methodology. All these models, theories and/or studies belong to the interpretative sociology (Milwax Burell and Morgan, 1992). The aim of the ECSF is to support organizations in their implementation of Corporate Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility (CS-R) by addressing the ambiguity and complexity of these issues.  相似文献   

While the notion of establishing a value for human life may be uncomfortable for some, we argue that it is a fundamental requirement for many aspects of public policy. We compare a number of approaches which have been traditionally relied on to make estimations. Also, we provide an exercise which provides an unusual, but we hope provocative, perspective on the evaluation of human life. Richard A. Cosier is Associate Dean for Academics and Professor of Business Administration at Indiana University. Dr Cosier's research has focused largely on managerial decision-making, organizational responses to external forces, and participative management. His work has been published in Behavioral Science, Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, Management Science, Strategic Management Journal, Decision Sciences, Personnel Psychology, and other journals. Dan R. Dalton is Professor of Management and Director of Graduate Programs, Graduate School of Business, Indiana University. Widely published in business and psychology, his articles have appeared in the Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Business Ethics, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Business Strategy, Behavioral Science, and Human Relations, as well as many others.  相似文献   

Yogoslav socialist society has applied the system of self-management also to the protection of consumers. Social compacts as guaranteed by the Constitution of 1974 and the Law of Associated Labour of 1976 may be negotiated among organizations of producers, trade, and consumers. A system of specific consumer codexes containing standards of quality, price, advertising, claim-handling, etc., has spread in Yugoslav society. A new draft consumer code is available for adoption by all consumer and associated labour organizations as from 1977.
Zusammenfassung Die jugoslawische sozialistische Gesellschaft hat das System der Selbstverwaltung auch zum Schutz des Verbrauchers entwickelt. Kollektivverträge, wie sie in der Verfassung von 1974 und dem Gesetz über die selbstverwaltete Arbeit von 1976 zugrundegelegt sind, können zwischen Organisationen der Produzenten, des Handels und der Verbraucher abgeschlossen werden. Ein System spezieller »Verbraucherkodizes«, die Regeln über Qualität, Preis und Werbung enthalten sowie die Behandlung von Verbraucherbeschwerden vorsehen, überzieht die jugoslawische Gesellschaft. Ein neuer Muster-»Verbraucherkodex« steht seit 1977 allen Konsumentenorganisationen und Vereinigungen der assoziierten Arbeit offen.

Jelena Vilus is Professor of Law at the Institute of Comparative Law, Terazije 41, 11000 Beograd, Yugoslavia.  相似文献   

Women are making a substantial impact on the employment market, both in terms of overall numbers as well as by appointment to male-dominated organizational roles. Research on women in leadership positions within organizations has concentrated on two main foci. Firstly, the identification of relevant individual and organizational characteristics and secondly, on the impact of these variables on the women in management roles. This paper presents the findings from a series of studies in relation to these broad dimensions. Dr. Rowney was the chairperson of the Management of Organizations and Human Resources Area from 1978 to 1980 and until recently held the position of Associate Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies. During 1988 she was a Visiting Professor to the Jiatong University in Xi'an and to the Australian Management College in Mount Eliza, Victoria, Australia. Commencing in January 1990 she will be at the International Management Center in Budapest, Hungary. Consultative activities have included such organizations as the Alberta Wheat Pool, Alberta Gas Ethylene, Gulf Canada and Technology Systems International. Research papers have been published in numerous journals including the Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology, Canadian Personnel and Industrial Relations Journal, Canadian Psychological Review and Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science. Her more recent publications include A Comparison of Burnout Across Public/Private Sector Managers and The Relationships Between Risk Propensity, and Individual and Job Environment Variables, Journal of Health and Human Administration; and A Preliminary Investigation of Burnout Dimensions in Intact Work Groups, Proceedings XXIV International Congress of Psychology. Currently, Dr. Rowney is involved in a major cross-cultural study of the environmental context of management and personnel in several countries. This research is an extension of projects involving women in management, stress, burnout and the public/private sector. Dr. Rowney is also a registered O.D. consultant and member of the International Advisory Board of the O.D. Institute. Dr. Cahoon has published numerous articles in journals such as Academy of Management Review, Canadian Public Administration, Journal of Health and Human Resource Administration Organization Development Journal, Canadian Journal of Petroleum Technology, and Leadership and Organization Development Journal. He has served as a member of the National Executive of IPAC and on the editorial board of the International Journal of Public Administration. Dr. Cahoon was a member of the Directing Staff of the Australian Administrative Staff College in Mount Eliza, Victoria, Australia from September 1, 1986 to July 1987. Some of his more recent publications include the chapter Overcoming Resistance to Affirmative Action in R. Rentschler's, T. Tullock's and K. Cole's (Eds) Affirmative Action in Action: A Guide to Implementation, JPMA (Inc.), Melbourne, Australia, 1987; and the article Management Development: A Competency Based Approach, The Practicing Manager, Vol. 8, No. 3, April 1987. His conference papers include: The Interaction Between Worksite Variables and Personal Characteristics for Female Managers (with Julie Rowney, JIA), presented at the Third International Interdisciplinary Congress on Women, Dublin, Ireland, July 1987; and The Challenge of Human Resource Management: Maximizing the Human Asset Potential, presented at the Annual Conference of the Victoria Council for Educational Administration, Melbourne, Australia, June 1987. He is currently involved in a longitudinal study on the status of women as managers, stress and burnout. He is completing a text on Public Management in Canada and looking at the organizational and human resource implications of downsizing.  相似文献   

Within the American context, the term Corporate Good Citizenship, a rather vague and somewhat dated notion, bears little relationship to the concept of Business Ethics. Whereas the latter refers to systematic reflection on the moral significance of the institutions, policies and behavior of business actors in the normal course of their business operations, the former is a subset of the broader notion of Corporate Social Responsibility and denotes, generally, discretionary, possibly altruistic, non-business relationships between business organizations and diverse community stakeholders. A newer concept, the Corporate Social Policy Process, which focuses on the institutionalization within business organizations of processes facilitating individual and organizational reflection and choice regarding the moral significance of personal and organizational action together with a consideration of the likely consequences of such action, provides analytical linkages between Business Ethics and Corporate Good Citizenship which can be useful to business scholars and operating managers alike. Specific aspects of Corporate Good Citizenship, including corporate community involvements, are examined and particular attention is paid to current trends in corporate donations, including an increasing emphasis on strategic philanthropy which explicitly mixes practical and benevolent motives in company giving policies and practices.Edwin M. Epstein is Professor of Business Administration at the University of California at Berkeley. A former chair of the Social Issues in Management Division of the Academy of Management, he has lectured and published extensively in the field of Business and Public Policy with a particular emphasis on the Social Role of the Corporation in the United States and other Advanced Industrial Societies.Bryan W. Husted, Esq., a doctoral student in the Business and Public Policy Program at the Berkeley Business School, University of California at Berkeley, rendered useful research assistance and Mary Ann Huisman for the Program in Business and Social Policy, Center For Research in Management, Berkeley Business School, University of California at Berkeley, provided helpful technical services which I gratefully acknowledge.  相似文献   

This paper presents a succinct review of the movement for moral genesis in business that arose in the 1970s. The moral genesis movement is characterized by: (a) the rejection of the premise that business and ethics are antagonistic; (b) the rise of the Issues Management approach, which stresses the social responsibility of the corporation: (c) disdain of government regulation as a means of business moralization, and (d) a search for control measures aimed at improving organization moral behavior. This movement now begins to give rise to a new organizational model, the Self-Moralizing Corporation, which transcends existing paradigms of corporate rectitude. The tenets of the Self-Moralizing Corporation are that: (a) the moral behavior of members is a requisite to the attainment of organization goals; (b) individual moral behavior is an asset which must be managed and developed by the corporation; (c) individual moral development is a collectively and individually shared responsibility; and, (d) the maintenance of moral values is more important than the preservation of organization structure.Simcha B. Werner has published in Israeli, British and American professional journals in the areas of government ethics, administrative reform and public enterprise.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how condom manufacturers and their marketers have failed to adequately promote their product to the male homosexual population (gays). Inasmuch as the AIDS syndrome constitutes a major life-threatening danger and that gays appear to be particularly vulnerable, failure to aggressively promote a known preventive such as condoms to gays constitutes negligent homicide.The method used here defines what is traditionally viewed as a viable target market, analyzes the major elements of marketing with regard to gays, and examines the neglect of condom promotion by their manufacturers.It is concluded that condom marketers have failed to promote a known protection against AIDS to a highly susceptible group. That group would normally be seen as a highly attractive market for condoms and were it not for homophobia, marketers would zealously pursue more aggressive promotion of condoms to gays.Franklin B. Krohn is a Professor of Marketing in the Department of Business Administration at State University of New York (SUNY) College at Fredonia.Laura M. Milner is an Assistant Professor of Marketing in the School of Management at the University of Alaska at Fairbanks.  相似文献   

A study of 513 executives researched decisions involving ethics, relationships and results. Analyzing personal values, organization role and level, career stage, gender and sex role with decisions in ten scenarios produced conclusions about both the role of gender, subjective values, and the other study variables and about situational relativity, gender stereotypes, career stages, and future research opportunities. John H. Barnett is Associate Professor at the University of New Hampshire, has an extensive background in international business and management consulting, and is co-founder of the Circle for Executive Experential Development. His publications include: A Business Model of Enlightenment, (1985) JBE, Personal Values and Business Decisions, (1987); Strategic Management Concepts and Cases 1988; Strategic Management Text and Concepts, 1989 and Cases in Strategic Management, 1989.Marvin J. Karson is Professor of Business Statistics and James R. Carter Professor of Management at the University of New Hampshire. He was formerly Professor of Statistics at the University of Alabama. His work has been published in a number of professional journals.  相似文献   

Confidence in Australian business was severely shaken by the corporate scandals and collapses of the 1980s. Many commentators called for more emphasis on ethics education. This paper surveys the initiatives of Australian business schools and professional bodies and finds them superficial and ineffective. It then presents a case study in Quality Improvement which highlights the need to take a strategic and integrated approach to the development of core values such as quality, trust, ethics and social responsibility. In exploring the process of cultural change, the paper identifies a number of key leadership roles, responsibilities and competencies which are distinguished from the more traditional management functions.John Milton-Smith has been Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Curtin Business School, since 1990. He is currently conducting the Australian Business Ethics Project, part of which is reported in this paper. His other research interests include The Strategic Management of Corporate Culture, Global Business Strategy and International Trade Diplomacy.  相似文献   

This paper both responds to Economides analysis and attempts to address the Microsoft case from a broader than U.S. perspective. The importance of the roles played by disloyalty payments, compatibility requirements, information asymmetry and the rather static nature of market definition, particularly in the context of allegations of tying, in the Microsoft case are highlighted. In contrast to the position in the U.S., the European Commission acts for all EU member states and has its disposal the possibility of imposing large fines. However, structural remedies are not available to the European Commission. Comity procedures, by allowing for the inclusion of foreign surplus in domestic welfare functions, offer a model for international co-operation in the future application of competition laws.  相似文献   

The paper develops value based management guidelines from the famous Indian treatise on management, Kautilya's Arthashastra. Guidelines are given for individual components of a total framework in detail, which include guidelines for organizational philosophy, value based leadership, internal corporate culture, accomplishment of corporate purpose and feedback from stakeholders.N. Siva Kumar finished his M.B.A. in 1989 and is at present a lecturer having completed research under the title Value Based Management — Historical Roots in India and Current Practices.Prof. U. S. Rao is presently the Dean of School of Business Management, Accounting and Finance in Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning. He has over 20 years of academic and industrial experience in various organizations. He has published papers in the areas of Corporate Planning, MIS and Industrial Engineering.  相似文献   

Executive speechwriting is a common practice in most large organizations. This activity, however, raises a number of ethical questions about responsibility and about audience deception. This essay explores the ethics of speechwriting from three perspectives and offers some general guidelines for maintaining ethical standards when using speechwriters.Matthew W. Seeger is an Associate Professor of Speech Communication and Director of Graduate Studies at Wayne State University in Detroit. His major research interests lie in the area of organizational communication including crisis communication, leadership and ethics. His article Free Speech and Institutional Constraint was published in theFree Speech Yearbook and won the 1986 Wichelns Award for Research in Free Speech and Law.  相似文献   

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