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美国高等教育资助体系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
二战后,美国高等教育发展迅猛,高等教育成本节节攀升且学费不断上涨,但高等教育入学率并没有因此而下降,一直稳居世界前列。通过对美国高等教育资助体系进行研究,发现高效运行的高等教育资助体系在其中发挥了巨大作用。  相似文献   

This paper re-examines the savings displacement hypothesis. It uses a new dataset that disaggregates aid into project aid, financial programme aid, technical assistance grants and programme food aid. When considering the whole sample of 97 countries, results obtained from estimating a savings function using the GMM-System approach to dynamic panel suggest that project aid flows are the only type of aid exerting a negative effect on domestic savings. The results also show that the effects of the different categories of aid on domestic savings vary across regions, thus highlighting the importance of regional disaggregation in cross-country studies. The author would like to thank Jean-Louis Grolleau at the OECD Credit Reporting System for his helpful advice and his encouragements during the construction of the disaggregated aid database used in this paper.  相似文献   

This article studies how aid for trade (AfT) affects the quality of recipient countries’ exports. It shows that the quality effect is most discernible for AfT for assistance in trade policy: a 50% increase in the value of AfT received in this category is associated with a 0.5–1% increase in the quality of exports to the donor and other OECD countries. On average, the actual AfT received for assistance in trade policy leads to a 2% upgrade of the recipient country in the quality ladder of all developing countries. Around half of this quality effect is driven by the quality improvement of continued products in continued markets (intensive margin), and the other half by the quality upgrading of new products in continued markets and existing products in new markets (extensive margin).  相似文献   

We examine how the bilateral aid flows from an individual donor to a recipient depend on the aid flows from all other bilateral and multilateral donors to that recipient. Thereby, we assess to what extent issues including donor coordination, free‐riding, selectivity, specialization, and common donor interests drive bilateral aid allocations. We find that others’ bilateral flows lead to a significant increase in aid flows from a particular donor, but primarily within a given year. The effects are particularly pronounced for large donors and so‐called “darling” recipients. Overall, the results suggest that herding is a dominant feature of aid inter‐relationships.  相似文献   

We show that there was a negative correlation between pro-poor aid and inequality in the period before the mid-2000s. This article provides an explanation for this observed relationship. Using panel data on 34 countries for the period 1996–2014, we test the hypothesis that pro-poor aid has an inequality-reducing effect. To demonstrate that the negative correlation is not spurious, we use dynamic panel techniques with alternative specifications. We show that the share of pro-poor aid has a negative effect on inequality. In addition, we show that the interaction term between the poverty rate and the change in pro-poor aid has a significant effect. These empirical results are consistent with our theoretical predictions. The results imply that aid can reduce inequality by altering the allocation of aid, rather than by increasing the amount of aid.  相似文献   

During the last decade international aid flows diminished while Africa’s relative share of global foreign direct investment (FDI) declined. This went together with lacklustre growth and low human development levels. In 2005, the G8 countries announced that they would increase aid to Africa by some $25 billion per annum. The pledge for increasing aid seems to have triggered an extensive debate about the role of aid and other international capital flows in the development of poorer countries. This study contributes to this debate. Specifically it addresses the role of foreign direct investment and aid to growth and human development. Panel estimations are used to determine the relationships between aid, FDI and growth in the Southern Africa region from 1990 to 2005. Negative relationships are found between FDI and growth while aid and growth turned out to be unrelated.
Henri BezuidenhoutEmail:

This paper shows that even untied aid is Pareto-improving if and only if the marginal propensity to consume the polluting good in the donor country is sufficiently larger than in the recipient country.  相似文献   

Using a model of probabilistic voting, we analyze the impact of aid on the political equilibrium in the recipient country or region. We consider politicians with mixed motives: they are interested in promoting social welfare but also value the benefit of holding office. We label as clientelistic the politician who most values the benefit of being in power. We find that the impact of aid on the political equilibrium and therefore on the quality of policy in the recipient country (using utilitarian social welfare as a benchmark) ultimately depends on the value of the elasticity of the marginal utility of consumption. When elasticity is low, the expected policy outcome gets further away from the socially desirable policy set. This substitution of policy quality for aid can help to explain the poor performance of aid in improving policy. Perhaps more surprising is the opposite case, which arises for high values of elasticity of marginal utility: an increase in aid tilts the equilibrium policy towards the welfare-maximizing policy set.  相似文献   

Donor countries have been using international aid in the field of energy for at least three decades. The stated objective of this policy is to reduce emissions and promote sustainable development in the global South. In spite of the widespread use of this policy tool, very little is known about its effect on emissions. In this paper we perform an empirical audit of the effectiveness of energy‐related aid in tackling CO2 and SO2 emissions. Using a global panel dataset covering 128 countries over the period 1971–2011 and estimating a parsimonious model using the Anderson and Hsiao estimator, we do not find any evidence of a systematic effect of energy‐related aid on emissions. We also find that the non‐effect is not conditional on institutional quality or level of income. Countries located in Europe and Central Asia do better than others in utilizing this aid to reduce CO2 emissions. Our results are robust after controlling for the environmental Kuznets curve, country fixed effects, country‐specific trends, and time‐varying common shocks.  相似文献   

Background: Multiple sclerosis (MS) causes significant disability and diminished quality-of-life. Delayed-release dimethyl fumarate (DMF; also known as gastro-resistant DMF) is a new oral treatment for relapsing-remitting MS (RRMS) approved in the US, Australia, Canada, and Europe. Objectives: A cost-effectiveness model was developed to compare the health economic impact of DMF against other disease-modifying therapies (DMTs) as first-line RRMS treatment from a Canadian Ministry of Health perspective. Methods: A Markov cohort model was developed to simulate patients’ progression through health states based on the Kurtzke Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) over a life-time horizon. Patients entered the model based on a distribution of baseline EDSS scores, from which they could progress to higher or regress to lower EDSS state, or remain in the same state. Relapses could occur at any EDSS score. Results from a mixed-treatment comparison were used to inform model inputs for disease progression and relapse rates per treatment. Costs included direct medical costs stratified by EDSS score. Utilities were accrued based on time spent in each EDSS state. Results: Compared with glatiramer acetate, DMF yielded 0.528 incremental quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs) at an incremental cost of $23 338 Canadian dollars (CAD), resulting in an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) of CAD $44 118/QALY. The ICER for DMF compared with Rebif 44?mcg was CAD $10 672. Results were consistent across a wide range of one-way and probabilistic sensitivity analyses. Conclusions: Based on traditional cost-effectiveness thresholds in Canada (CAD $50 000–60 000), DMF can be considered a cost-effective option compared to other first-line DMTs.  相似文献   

兽药工艺学是动物医学专业的专业选修课之一,通过在兽药工艺学中采用多种媒体组合的教学研究方法,使现代教学媒体与传统教学有机地结合在一起,互为补充,相辅相承,达到优化教学效果的目标。  相似文献   

The vast increase in China’s aid projects has raised mounting concerns about the effectiveness of Chinese aid. To assess Chinese development assistance in Africa from the perspective of local residents’ attitude toward Chinese projects, we geographically match Chinese aid projects in Africa from 2000 to 2012 to the respondents of the Afrobarometer survey. By comparing the attitudes toward China reported by individuals who live close to ongoing Chinese projects at the time of the interview to those of individuals who live near sites where Chinese projects will be implemented in the future, this study establishes that the presence of Chinese projects induces a positive view of Chinese aid within the local population. Our mechanism analysis shows that people from all statuses can benefit from economic infrastructure projects, while the advantaged tend to have a better view of Chinese aid. In contrast, social infrastructure aid inspires a more positive view among disadvantaged people. We thus demonstrate that aid can have a differential impact on local attitudes, depending on aid types and statuses of recipients.  相似文献   

This paper studies an aid allocation rule used by major development agencies, and investigates optimal allocations when recipients are neoclassical economies undergoing transition dynamics. When recipients face aid absorption constraints, allocations that favor poorer recipients are not always optimal, contrary to what is assumed in assessments of donor performance. The most quantitatively significant factors that determine the optimal sensitivity to recipient characteristics are the generosity of the aid budget and the extent of absorption constraints. In neoclassical recipients, aid can only accelerate growth where there is already growth, so the optimal rule places little weight on growth and optimality is largely a matter of balancing recipient need against absorption constraints.  相似文献   


This study estimates the long-term cost effectiveness of Betaferon®, (interferon beta-1b) in the treatment of relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS). Clinical trial data, natural disease history information, and costs and quality of life (EQ-5D) data, are linked using disease severity levels, via a model that accounts for the number, severity and duration of relapses, and the probability and speed of disease progression. Previous attempts at modeling the cost effectiveness of beta interferon have produced very estimates of costs per QALY gained (CQG). Increasing data availability enables the modification or replacement of many of the assumptions underlying these models. In particular, longer term modeling and the consideration of wider societal costs is appropriate in the context of this chronic disease. The evidence presented here provides much lower, and more precise, estimates of CQG. The base case 20-year model estimates a CQG of £8,100. These new estimates are in line with other recent estimates and demonstrate the cost effectiveness of beta interferon.  相似文献   

Well-meaning national and international bureaucracies dispense foreign aid under conditions in which bureaucracy fails. The environment that created aid bureaucracies led those organizations to (a) define their output as money disbursed rather than service delivered, (b) produce many low-return observable outputs (glossy reports and "frameworks") and few high-return less observable activities like ex - post evaluation, (c) engage in obfuscation, spin control, and amnesia (always describing aid efforts as "new and improved") exhibiting little learning from the past, (d) put enormous demands on scarce administrative skills in poor countries. To change this unhappy equilibrium, policymakers in rich and poor countries should experiment with decentralized markets, matching those who want to help the poor with the poor themselves freely expressing their needs and aspirations.  相似文献   

Aim: We review clinical evidence of therapeutic efficacy and effectiveness of omega-3 fatty acids (omega-3s) in keratoconjunctivitis sicca, colloquially known as dry eye disease. In doing so, we identify relevant literature to address the following questions: (1) What definitive guidance can clinical evidence offer eye physicians and their patients? (2) What aspects of omega-3 supplementation lack definitive evidence, and how might economic assessments help?

Methods: A targeted and systematic search strategy based on PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) was designed in this study for refereed clinical trials of omega-3s in dry eye treatment. Four key databases were accessed. Records were filtered through a three-step process using predetermined inclusion criteria. Data was extracted for experimental design, sample population characteristics, content of test and control groups, symptoms and associated opthalmologic conditions, diagnostic measures, patient health outcomes, adverse events, and model time horizon.

Results: A total of 219 records were initially identified, of which 21 prospective clinical trials, with a total of 2,973 participants, were admitted for review. Clinical evidence indicates that daily oral supplementation with omega-3s statistically correlates with dry eye treatment in the general symptomatic population as well as induced sub-populations. Reported adverse events are minimal. These trials nonetheless exhibit considerable heterogeneity in clinical endpoints, particularly as a result of the multi-factorial character of dry eye as well as continuous advances in scientific knowledge and technology. Their findings and recommendations appear to be of limited external validity. And causal inferences are needed, but difficult to establish. These have encouraged and sustained wide variations in ophthalmologic practice and normative decision-making.

Conclusions: Comparability of omega-3 therapeutic efficacy and effectiveness remains a major challenge in dry eye disease management. Notwithstanding its multi-factorial character, addressing prevailing methodological and empirical issues in clinical trials will help reduce knowledge gaps and normative choices among eye physicians and patients alike. In this regard, pharmacoeconomics offers a useful and robust toolset through which analysis of cost-minimization, cost-effectiveness, and cost-utility as well as meta-analysis can be comparatively pursued. Blending measures of costs and outcomes puts in perspective the heterogeneity of clinical endpoints in keratoconjunctivitis sicca.  相似文献   


The value of a health technology can be measured in terms of cost and benefit on two-dimensional co-ordinates. This study is to quantitatively analyze the correlation and to conduct a regression on the X-Y plane constituted by cost and QALYs (quality-adjusted life years) associated with the first line treatment, the maintenance treatment, and the second line treatment for non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).


The cost-effectiveness data of the cost and QALYs were extracted, with respect to the three categories of the NSCLC treatment, from the CEA Registry at Tufts Medical Center, regarding the literature published from 2000–2011. As a result, 44 QALY-cost ratios were identified.


Based on those extracted data, the correlation and regression analyses were performed by mathematical model using log and square-root functions. The plotted ratios stratified by the three stages for the NSCLC treatment were visually grouped into three clusters. There were statistically significant differences among the correlation coefficients of the cluster. In regression, the log model was found to be better fitted than the square-root model; formulating QALY?=??1.12?+?0.16 log(Cost), ?1.99?+?0.28 log(Cost), and ?0.69?+?0.10 log(Cost) for the first line, the maintenance, and the second line treatment, respectively. Monetary units were standardized to 2008 US dollars.


A good methodological potential was confirmed so as to assess the Incremental Cost Effectiveness Ratio (ICER) variations, considering stratification by multiple factors such as disease and treatment categories. This study has certain limitations, such as the small number of included articles and the stratification, not reflecting a factor of new genetic findings.  相似文献   


Despite the diversity of advanced approaches, the concept of ‘financial integration’ couldn’t be explicitly analyzed. Indeed, empirical studies have shown that the measures of international financial integration are one-dimensional analysis. Due to the ambiguity of the concept and its multiple determinants, it must be analyzed in multidimensional levels. The interest of this research is a proposal of a decision aid by a multicriteria approach (ELECTRE TRI) for determining the ranking of 47 countries according to the links between their degree of international and financial dependencies and the behavior of financial actors (trying to make governance decisions or diversification strategies of international portfolio).

Abbreviations: MCDA – Multi-Criteria Decision Approach  相似文献   

Aid allocation and poverty reduction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper derives a poverty-efficient allocation of aid and compares it with actual aid allocations. The allocation of aid that has the maximum effect on poverty depends on the level of poverty and the quality of policies. Using the headcount, poverty-gap, and squared poverty gap measures of poverty, alternatively, all yield similar poverty-efficient allocations. Finally, we find that the actual allocation of aid is radically different from the poverty-efficient allocation. With the present allocation, aid lifts around 10 million people annually out of poverty in our sample of countries. With a poverty-efficient allocation, the productivity of aid would nearly double.  相似文献   

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