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This study investigates compound basket options, which are options on portfolios of options. Although they may be new to financial markets, they are available as equity basket options, equity spread options, stocks of holding companies, and collateralized debt obligations. Using moments of portfolio values, we provide formulas for pricing compound basket options. According to numerical analysis, a lower bound and a weighted average of bounds yield relatively small errors. Additionally, ignoring the compound feature increases the pricing error of equity basket options because the feature captures the capital structure and leverage effect of stock prices.  相似文献   

Pricing Discrete European Barrier Options Using Lattice Random Walks   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Per  Hörfelt 《Mathematical Finance》2003,13(4):503-524
This paper designs a numerical procedure to price discrete European barrier options in Black-Scholes model. The pricing problem is divided into a series of initial value problems, one for each monitoring time. Each initial value problem is solved by replacing the driving Brownian motion by a lattice random walk. Some results from the theory of Besov spaces show that the convergence rate of lattice methods for initial value problems depends on two factors, namely the smoothness of the initial value (or the value function) and the moments for the increments of the lattice random walk. This fact is used to obtain an efficient method to price discrete European barrier options. Numerical examples and comparisons with other methods are carried out to show that the proposed method yields fast and accurate results.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the application of Monte Carlo simulation technology to the valuation of securities that contain many (buying or selling) rights, but for which a limited number can be exercised per period, and penalties if a minimum quantity is not exercised before maturity. These securities combine the characteristics of American options, with the additional constraint that only a few rights can be exercised per period and therefore their price depends also on the number of living rights (i.e., American-Asian-style payoffs), and forward securities. These securities give flexibility-of-delivery options and are common in energy markets (e.g., take-or-pay or swing options) and as real options (e.g., the development of a mine). First, we derive a series of properties for the price and the optimal exercise frontier of these securities. Second, we price them by simulation, extending the Ibáñez and Zapatero (2004) method to this problem.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the replication of options in security markets X with a finite number of states. Specifically, we prove that in security markets without binary vectors, for any portfolio, at most m ? 3 options can be replicated where m is the number of states. This is an essential improvement of the result of Baptista where it is proved that the set of replicated options is of measure zero. Additionally, we extend the results of Aliprantis and Tourky on the nonreplication of options by generalizing their condition that markets are strongly resolving. Our results are based on the theory of lattice‐subspaces and positive bases.  相似文献   

We study shortfall risk minimization for American options with path‐dependent payoffs under proportional transaction costs in the Black–Scholes (BS) model. We show that for this case the shortfall risk is a limit of similar terms in an appropriate sequence of binomial models. We also prove that in the continuous time BS model, for a given initial capital, there exists a portfolio strategy which minimizes the shortfall risk. In the absence of transactions costs (complete markets) similar limit theorems were obtained by Dolinsky and Kifer for game options. In the presence of transaction costs the markets are no longer complete and additional machinery is required. Shortfall risk minimization for American options under transaction costs was not studied before.  相似文献   

Today's business world is facing a plethora of managerial and technological changes beyond the capacity of any firm to control and absorb them. Customer satisfaction, development of new products, and introduction of new technologies are well-known driving forces, but their fast mutation and turmoil are making them unpredictable. Business process reengineering (BPR) is considered the most disruptive approach for designing organizations that can thrive in this turbulent environment. Although there is an increasing number of experiences that testify to its positive results, at present it is used mainly in large companies, and small and medium firms consider it as a risky and expensive activity. Within this framework, this article discusses a methodology for designing and implementing BPR, developed to overcome most of the limits that still bind its diffusion. This methodology supports firms in embedding reengineered processes knowledge owned by organizational units and in integrating available software and hardware, The focus of this article is on linking business and software modeling to allow the development of ad hoc new business processes while reducing risk of wasting time and money for useless requirements or for stiff solutions. The proposed methodology, starting from organizational requirements derived from business modeling, supports the analysis of costs, lead time, and quality or completeness trade-off of developed solutions. The phases of the methodology are discussed in detail together with an application example and results obtained from existing successful applications.  相似文献   

Maintenance operations cover a great number of occupations. Most small and medium-sized enterprises lack the appropriate information to conduct risk assessments of maintenance operations. The objective of this research is to provide a method based on the concepts of task and accident mechanisms for an initial risk assessment by taking into consideration the prevalence and severity of the maintenance accidents reported. Data were gathered from 11,190 reported accidents in maintenance operations in the manufacturing sector of Andalusia from 2003 to 2012. By using a semi-quantitative methodology, likelihood and severity were evaluated based on the actual distribution of accident mechanisms in each of the tasks. Accident mechanisms and tasks were identified by using those variables included in the European Statistics of Accidents at Work methodology. As main results, the estimated risk of the most frequent accident mechanisms identified for each of the analysed tasks is low and the only accident mechanisms with medium risk are accidents when lifting or pushing with physical stress on the musculoskeletal system in tasks involving carrying, and impacts against objects after slipping or stumbling for tasks involving movements. The prioritisation of public preventive actions for the accident mechanisms with a higher estimated risk is highly recommended.  相似文献   

The paper proposes a semi-nonparametric methodology consistent with dynamic conditional correlations and high-order moments to jointly estimate transmissions in volatility, skewness and kurtosis in highly volatile scenarios among developed and emerging markets. As a by-product of the SNP-VSK model, we measure co-movements between conditional correlations and high-order moments, and tail dependence. Our results depict European markets as full receivers and North American and Asia-Pacific as transmitters of high-order moments' risk. The analyses also indicate that conditional correlation is positively correlated to volatility and kurtosis and negatively correlated to skewness, and that conditional kurtosis between markets is high and positive.  相似文献   

Using Bessel processes, one can solve several open problems involving the integral of an exponential of Brownian motion. This point will be illustrated with three examples. The first one is a formula for the Laplace transform of an Asian option which is "out of the money." The second example concerns volatility misspecification in portfolio insurance strategies, when the stochastic volatility is represented by the Hull and White model. The third one is the valuation of perpetuities or annuities under stochastic interest rates within the Cox-Ingersoll-Ross framework. Moreover, without using time changes or Bessel processes, but only simple probabilistic methods, we obtain further results about Asian options: the computation of the moments of all orders of an arithmetic average of geometric Brownian motion; the property that, in contrast with most of what has been written so far, the Asian option may be more expensive than the standard option (e.g., options on currencies or oil spreads); and a simple, closed-form expression of the Asian option price when the option is "in the money," thereby illuminating the impact on the Asian option price of the revealed underlying asset price as time goes by. This formula has an interesting resemblance with the Black-Scholes formula, even though the comparison cannot be carried too far.  相似文献   

Although the hypothesis that small firms create the majority of net new jobs is widely believed, a number of researchers have attacked this using empirical data. Since these attacks have been presented as corrections of past methodological errors, their authors may influence policy makers. This paper argues that the substance of these attacks is a difference in theoretical perspectives even though the researchers claim to focus on methodological differences. This paper explains the two underlying economic theories and then reviews the job creation research to demonstrate the relationship between theory and methodology.The theory discussion and methodological results demonstrates that all methodologies used to calculate small firms share of net new jobs are incorrect for analyzing the dynamics of capitalism. The appropriate methodology for understanding economic growth is analysis of new employment created over time by cohorts of newly formed firms. Recognition of this fact, combined with describing the empirical research supporting this approach, reinforces the use of economic development policies designed to promote entrepreneurship.  相似文献   

We derive general analytic approximations for pricing European basket and rainbow options on N assets. The key idea is to express the option’s price as a sum of prices of various compound exchange options, each with different pairs of subordinate multi‐ or single‐asset options. The underlying asset prices are assumed to follow lognormal processes, although our results can be extended to certain other price processes for the underlying. For some multi‐asset options a strong condition holds, whereby each compound exchange option is equivalent to a standard single‐asset option under a modified measure, and in such cases an almost exact analytic price exists. More generally, approximate analytic prices for multi‐asset options are derived using a weak lognormality condition, where the approximation stems from making constant volatility assumptions on the price processes that drive the prices of the subordinate basket options. The analytic formulae for multi‐asset option prices, and their Greeks, are defined in a recursive framework. For instance, the option delta is defined in terms of the delta relative to subordinate multi‐asset options, and the deltas of these subordinate options with respect to the underlying assets. Simulations test the accuracy of our approximations, given some assumed values for the asset volatilities and correlations. Finally, a calibration algorithm is proposed and illustrated.  相似文献   

We consider a modeling setup where the volatility index (VIX) dynamics are explicitly computable as a smooth transformation of a purely diffusive, multidimensional Markov process. The framework is general enough to embed many popular stochastic volatility models. We develop closed‐form expansions and sharp error bounds for VIX futures, options, and implied volatilities. In particular, we derive exact asymptotic results for VIX‐implied volatilities, and their sensitivities, in the joint limit of short time‐to‐maturity and small log‐moneyness. The expansions obtained are explicit based on elementary functions and they neatly uncover how the VIX skew depends on the specific choice of the volatility and the vol‐of‐vol processes. Our results are based on perturbation techniques applied to the infinitesimal generator of the underlying process. This methodology has previously been adopted to derive approximations of equity (SPX) options. However, the generalizations needed to cover the case of VIX options are by no means straightforward as the dynamics of the underlying VIX futures are not explicitly known. To illustrate the accuracy of our technique, we provide numerical implementations for a selection of model specifications.  相似文献   

The observed discrepancies of derivative prices from their theoretical, arbitrage-free values are examined in the presence of transaction costs. Analytic upper and lower bounds on the reservation write and purchase prices, respectively, are obtained when an investor's preferences exhibit constant relative risk aversion between zero and one. The economy consists of multiple primary securities with stationary returns, a constant rate of interest, and any number of American or European derivatives with, possibly, path-dependent arbitrary payoffs.  相似文献   

This paper shows that, under some regularity conditions, the method of simulated moments estimator of European option pricing models developed by Bossaerts and Hillion (1993) can be extended to the case where the prices of the underlying asset follow Lévy processes, which allow for jumps, with no losses on their asymptotic properties, still allowing for the joint test of the model.  相似文献   

We provide general results for the dependence structure of running maxima (minima) of sets of variables in a model based on (i) Markov dynamics; (ii) no Granger causality; (iii) cross-section dependence. At the time series level, we derive recursive formulas for running minima and maxima. These formulas enable to use a "bootstrapping" technique to recursively recover the pricing kernels of barrier options from those of the corresponding European options. We also show that the dependence formulas for running maxima (minima) are completely defined from the copula function representing dependence among levels at the terminal date. The result is applied to multivariate discrete barrier digital products. Barrier Altiplanos are simply priced by (i) bootstrapping the price of univariate barrier products; (ii) evaluating a European Altiplano with these values.  相似文献   

We consider the optimal exercise of a portfolio of American call options in an incomplete market. Options are written on a single underlying asset but may have different characteristics of strikes, maturities, and vesting dates. Our motivation is to model the decision faced by an employee who is granted options periodically on the stock of her company, and who is not permitted to trade this stock. The first part of our study considers the optimal exercise of single options. We prove results under minimal assumptions and give several counterexamples where these assumptions fail—describing the shape and nesting properties of the exercise regions. The second part of the study considers portfolios of options with differing characteristics. The main result is that options with comonotonic strike, maturity, and vesting date should be exercised in order of increasing strike. It is true under weak assumptions on preferences and requires no assumptions on prices. Potentially the exercise ordering result can significantly reduce the complexity of computations in a particular example. This is illustrated by solving the resulting dynamic programming problem in a constant absolute risk aversion utility indifference model.  相似文献   

This paper provides a general valuation method for the European options whose payoff is restricted by curved boundaries contractually set on the underlying asset price process when it follows the geometric Brownian motion. Our result is based on the generalization of the Levy formula on the Brownian motion by T. W. Anderson in sequential analysis. We give the explicit probability formula that the geometric Brownian motion reaches in an interval at the maturity date without hitting either the lower or the upper curved boundaries. Although the general pricing formulae for options with boundaries are expressed as infinite series in the general case, our numerical study suggests that the convergence of the series is rapid. Our results include the formulae for options with a lower boundary by Merton (1973), for path-dependent options by Goldman, Sossin, and Gatto (1979), and for some corporate securities as special cases.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of finding optimal exercise policies for American options, both under constant and stochastic volatility settings. Rather than work with the usual equations that characterize the price exclusively, we derive and use boundary evolution equations that characterize the evolution of the optimal exercise boundary. Using these boundary evolution equations we show how one can construct very efficient computational methods for pricing American options that avoid common sources of error. First, we detail a methodology for standard static grids and then describe an improvement that defines a grid that evolves dynamically while solving the problem. When integral representations are available, as in the Black–Scholes setting, we also describe a modified integral method that leverages on the representation to solve the boundary evolution equations. Finally we compare runtime and accuracy to other popular numerical methods. The ideas and methodology presented herein can easily be extended to other optimal stopping problems.  相似文献   

The numerical quantization method is a grid method that relies on the approximation of the solution to a nonlinear problem by piecewise constant functions. Its purpose is to compute a large number of conditional expectations along the path of the associated diffusion process. We give here an improvement of this method by describing a first-order scheme based on piecewise linear approximations. Main ingredients are correction terms in the transition probability weights. We emphasize the fact that in the case of optimal quantization, many of these correcting terms vanish. We think that this is a strong argument to use it. The problem of pricing and hedging American options is investigated and a priori estimates of the errors are proposed.  相似文献   

This paper studies the implied volatility (IV) smirks in four commodity markets by adopting Zhang and Xiang's methodology. First, we document the term structure and dynamics of IV smirks. Overall, the commodity IV curves are negatively skewed with a positive curvature. Then we analyze the commodity and S&P 500 returns' predictability based on in‐sample and out‐of‐sample tests and find that the information embedded in IV smirks can significantly predict monthly commodity and S&P 500 returns. For example, the risk‐neutral fourth cumulant (FC) from the crude oil market outperforms all of the standard predictors in predicting the S&P 500 returns.  相似文献   

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