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现代物流已被公认为是企业除降低物资消耗、提高劳动生产率之外的“第三利润源”。显然,三人利润源中的降低物耗和现代物流这两者均与物资采购关系紧密,因此用最可能小的总采购成本(包括最小可能的采购价格、库存占用和内部管理的潜在成本、早付款的利息损失、劣质品和迟交付的成本、由供应商的失误或  相似文献   

近几年来经济发展中买方市场的特征越来越明显,绝大部分行业出现了生产过剩,市场竞争越来越激烈,社会大环境基本实现了市场化,给整个物资流通行业搞活流通创造了有利条件。但是由于我国尚处于由计划经济向市场经济的转轨时期,有关法律法规还不健全,市场运行机制还不够完善等,在行业内部和企业内部还没有实现真正意义的市场化经营,仍存在着管理粗放、市场信息不灵敏、采购规模较小、盲目采购、重复采购等问题。笔者认为,规范物资集中采购供应与市场接轨,是深化物资体制改革、实现市场化经营的关键所在。一、发展目标适应市场经济需求,引入市…  相似文献   

首先,本文对石油企业物资采购现状和存在的问题进行了分析,指出其存在着供应物资质量参差不齐、传统采购模式难以应付市场变化以及采购部门机构设置不合理等问题;接下来,较为详细地论证了石油物资集中采购模式的优越性,包括赢得议价主动权,实现价格优势、形成稳定可靠的主力供应商体系,规避风险、减少库存,提高采购效率以及避免暗箱操作,防止腐败,因此集中采购应成为油田企业的最佳选择。  相似文献   

浅谈物资采购管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
加强物资采购管理,是深化企业改革的重要内容,是降低企业支出、提高经济效益、从源头上预防和治理腐败的一项重要举措。在物资采购管理工作中,不断完善管理制度,加强内部管理和监督,实施公开招标采购,能降低采购费用和管理成本,取得明显的经济效益。  相似文献   

3月31日,中国石油集团公司召开一级物资授权集中采购工作会议。按照“集中采购、分散操作”的原则,集团公司由总部管理的25大类一级物资将采取授权集中采购的形式。会议为获得授权的19个单位颁发授权证书,标志着集团公司一级物资授权集中采购正式启动。获得授权的19个单位是:采购中心、大庆油田、辽河油田、长庆油田、新疆油田、华北油田、西南油气田、大港油田、长城钻探、川庆钻探、  相似文献   

许桂秋 《冶金财会》2000,(6):42-43,32
<正> 当前,国有企业摆脱困境、走出低谷的一个重要突破口就是强化内部管理,而物资采购就是企业管理中的重要环节,柳钢物资供应公司(下称供应公司),从1998年7月物资采购采用公开招标办法,取得了显著经济效果。1998~1999年底累计降低采购成本9653.20万元,采购成本降低率为19.52%。本文拟就如何规范物资采购行为,完善物资的公开招标采购,谈点个人体会。  相似文献   

曹忠宇 《中国石化》1998,(10):32-33
企业要进行生产,就需要消耗各种物资,为了使企业的生产不间断,就必须不间断地对生产过程中的消耗进行补充,这种以新的物资补充生产消耗的过程就称为物资供应。随着我国经济体制改革的不断深入,社会主义市场经济的不断发展,企业所面临的竞争愈来愈激烈,企业物资采购...  相似文献   

伴随我国企业的快速发展,对物资采购与招标提出了更高要求和标准,物资的比价采购与招标采购对企业发展至关重要,在比价采购与招标采购方面,我国大部分国有大型企业虽然取得一些成效,但是仍然存在很多缺陷,制约比价采购与招标采购效率,因此,现阶段,为不断提高物资采购与招标效率,相关管理人员应制定科学、合理的物资采购与招标对策,进而不断强化国有大型企业经营管理效率。本文主要阐述了比价采购与招标采购的基本概念,以及比价采购与招标采购的主要作用,进而使我国企业朝向更好、更快的方向发展。  相似文献   

孙志刚 《工业会计》2001,(11):43-44
陕西汽车齿轮总厂主要生产重型汽车变速器、分动箱、汽车齿轮及汽车锻件产品,产品中外购材料成本占有相当大的比重,因此,控制好采购成本并使之不断降低是企业增加效益的重要手段。为此我厂借鉴“亚星”经验,制定了加强采购价格管理的制度和相关措施。1998年,制定了《陕西汽车齿轮总厂物资进厂价格管理办法》,执行过程中不断完善,形成了一套较为完整的、行之有效的管理制度,取得了明显效果。两年来工厂生产在大幅度上升的同时,产品成本大幅度下降。销售收入从1999年的13654万元,2000年增加到20458万元,今年1-5月达到12392万元,较上年同期增长53.67%。销售成本率2000年较1999年下降9.53个百分点,今年1-5月较上年同期又下降5.83个百分点,预计可为工厂增加效益1200万元。具体做法如下。  相似文献   

准能公司实行集中采购管理的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了准能公司实行集中采购的主要做法和下一步设想。  相似文献   

集团公司资金集中管理的原则是将整个集团的资金集中到财务总部.由财务总部与财务公司统一安排、管理和运用资金.通过资金的集中管理,企业可以实现整个集团内的资金资源整合与宏观调配,提高资金使用效率,降低融资成本和风险损失.资金集中管理有利于企业决策者及时、准确、全面掌握资金信息,了解资金动向,确保资金的安全高效.  相似文献   

One of the key elements of a total quality management (TQM) policy is the assurance of an adequate supply of materials and components. The objective of this paper is twofold. Firstly, it analyses the relationship between different purchasing system variables and supplier quality assurance practices. Secondly, it explores both the connections between supplier quality assurance practices and other quality assurance practices used for internal processes, and examines the relationship of such practices with supply operational results. Different hypotheses are tested using data obtained from a sample of 152 Spanish automotive component suppliers. This data show clear evidence of the importance of product, supplier and company characteristics and highlights the importance of a company-wide commitment to the application of quality assurance principles.  相似文献   

在煤炭企业生产经营管理中,物资采购管理是一项重要内容,其使命就是按照客观经济规律和煤炭生产发展的要求,快速、高效、节约地做好物资的计划、采购、运输、保管、发放、使用和核算等工作,达到供应好、周转快、费用省的目标,保证整个煤炭企业生产经营持续有效地进行,从而取得良好的经济效益。因此,物资采购管理是保证企业生产发展和提高经济效益的重要环节。  相似文献   

This study aims to analyze and understand the benefits that acquiring raw materials through the application of reverse logistics can generate, especially in developing countries. An empirical study has been carried out in the handmade sector of five municipalities in the state of Mérida, Venezuela, into the contingency factors of reverse logistics (information and communication systems, total ownership costs and life cycle of products), as well as the effect of uncertainty. A case study methodology was used to test the effect of the independent variables on the “raw materials purchasing” variable, and involved the technique of stepwise multiple regression. The results reveal that the preference for purchasing raw materials through reverse logistics is mainly determined by the “uncertainty” variable, contingency factors of “information and communication systems” and the “life cycle of products”. According to the results, firms in the handmade sector should implement an information system and be in constant communication with their customers, who play a dual role as buyers of their products and as input suppliers, therefore, greater contact can help reduce uncertainty. Handmade sector workers make products with a long average life cycle and, therefore, with greater chances of being reused, restored, repaired and to finally be subjected to recycling. National and local authorities should encourage the application of reverse logistics in other productive sectors, such as manufacturing, agriculture, services, as it can reduce the problem of acquisition of production inputs and mitigate environmental damage caused by the production of raw materials.  相似文献   

杨扬 《化工管理》2002,(5):46-47
目前世界上经营得比较成功的企业通常有向专业化或多元化发展的两种生存之道。一方面,随着全球化大市场的逐步形成及市场分工的日益细化,一部分企业会越来越专、精、尖、深,以占据局部市场(指某个区域或行业,甚至一条生产链上的某个环节)的决定性优势份额为立足之地;另一方面,则是对理论“不要把所有鸡蛋放在一个篮子里”的实践,一部分企业为降低风险而寻求相关多元化,其中多元化的涵义又是多样的,如资本的、产品的、产业结构的或者经营方式等。无论企业选择哪个方向都有其来自实践的理由。因此这个发展道路的选择问题并没有过多…  相似文献   

通过对零库存管理模式以及某气矿的零库存管理实践的分析,认为实施零库存管理模式,主要在于实施供应链管理,加强基础管理,采用定额管理、年度框架、代储代销等多种管理模式,充分利用社会资源,逐步建立适合企业自身发展的零库存管理模式.  相似文献   

This research aims to evaluate the state of the art of Purchasing and Supply Management (PSM). This is carried out through a wide, in-depth, and structured examination of published works. More than one thousand papers (i.e., 1055) published in 20 peer-reviewed journals were collected and analyzed to provide a snapshot of PSM research, including the extent of the overall production, the background theory used, the unit of analysis, the research method, and the main topics investigated. Other literature reviews related to PSM have been conducted in the past but have focused primarily on specific topics and/or considering a narrower set of publications. Furthermore, the authors define a framework useful for analyzing the PSM literature and outline the state of the art of PSM research from a content-specific perspective, including an evaluation of the maturity of PSM research as a discipline.  相似文献   

石油石化企业往往由于涉密、抢险、专利技术、特许经营、功能配套、原厂备件、集中采购、战略合作等原因采用独家采购模式,导致采购价格可能偏离市场价格,存在较大的采购风险.采购人员需要制定完善的谈判方案,运用成本分析法、横向对比法、代理权限类比法、博弈与心理战等谈判策略,合理控制采购成本.  相似文献   

A considerable part of firms' marketing services are supplied by external providers, e.g. advertisement agencies, printing houses, trade fair exhibition builders. Although a large spend category, low involvement of purchasing departments prevails during the procurement decision process. This paper develops a conceptual model of purchasing departments' involvement in marketing service procurement along the dimensions “breadth along process” and “depth of integration”, thus contributing to the measurement of purchasing departments' involvement. Drawing on the findings of a case study, we further propose that the impact of purchasing departments' involvement on procurement success is moderated by procurement complexity, and the duration of the relationship between the purchasing and marketing employees. In addition, barriers to purchasing departments' involvement are conceptualized as lack of skills, lack of motivation, and lack of opportunity.  相似文献   

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