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李青原  王露萌 《经济管理》2020,42(5):173-194
现有信息披露对资本市场影响的实证研究主要集中研究公司信息披露与自身股价之间的关系。本文对我国上市公司2007—2017年发布的业绩预告的信息外溢效应进行了检验,发现上市公司业绩预告对行业内其他公司的市场反应具有显著解释力,表明我国资本市场业绩预告存在信息外溢现象。并且,公司间会计信息可比性越高,外溢效应越显著,表明会计信息可比性促进了公司间的信息传递,对投资者股票交易具有决策参考意义。进一步检验发现,可比性对信息外溢效应的促进作用在市场竞争更激烈的公司中更为显著。此外,预告公司和非预告公司的信息环境对信息传递的影响有所差异。本文研究结论为我国资本市场外部性现象提供经验证据,对于信息披露质量要求以及披露监管政策研究具有启示意义。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the trading activities of two distinct classes of shareholders, namely, the Chinese domestic investors and the foreign investors in the segmented Chinese A- and B-share markets, respectively. We conduct an event study on the annual earnings announcements based on two different accounting standards: International accounting standards (IAS) and PRC generally accepted accounting principles (PRC GAAP). The earnings announcements based on IAS and PRC GAAP are value relevant. The investors in the B-share market react to both the IAS and PRC GAAP earnings announcements, while the investors in the A-share market pay more attention to the PRC GAAP earnings reports. In the B-share market, positive abnormal returns are associated with positive earnings surprise and negative abnormal returns go with negative earnings surprise. We find preevent abnormal trading volumes without significant price changes for the A shares, which may be due to existing information in the A-share market prior to earnings announcements. The postevent abnormal trading volumes last for a longer period in the A-share market than in the B-share market.  相似文献   

在有效市场假说下,股票价格总能及时、准确、充分地反映所有相关信息。也就说,股票价格是绝大多数投资者对各种信息进行综合分析判断的均衡值,反映了资本市场上绝大多数投资者根据已有信息对公司价值的总体预期。有效市场假说对信息与价格的关系认知,推动了对会计信息作用的再认识,促进了决策有用性目标的确立,促使会计研究由规范研究转向实证研究,实证检验会计信息的有用性。  相似文献   

投资者对上市公司会计信息需求的调查分析   总被引:104,自引:4,他引:100  
股票市场的有效是投资者在信息的引导下发生或改变投资行为而实现的。会计信息是投资者所需要信息中具有专业特点、不易为广大投资者所理解的一种信息。本文运用问卷调查的方法就投资者对上市公司会计信息的需求进行统计分析 ,并将调查结果与上市公司向投资者披露会计信息的现状进行比较 ,最后认为我国上市公司应在主要指标、分部信息、人力资源信息和财务预测信息等方面改进或加强会计信息的披露 ,同时建议我国上市公司目前不披露物价变动影响信息。  相似文献   

This study examines the impact from the COVID-19 pandemic on the association between Chinese firms' SEO announcements and market reaction afterwards. Our findings indicate that market investors would respond more negatively to the SEO announcements and undergo more SEO underpricing for firms from regions significantly affected by the pandemic than those from the less-affected regions. Furthermore, higher CSR scores and more involvements in accounting conservatism could mitigate these effects. The main mechanism of the moderating effect from CSR performance and accounting conservatism is that CSR investment and accounting conservatism could lessen information asymmetry between the SEO announced firms and outside investors. Finally, we document that the main motivation of SEO issuance during the pandemic is market timing.  相似文献   

会计信息是管理者、投资者、社会公众及政府管理部门改善经营管理、评价财务状况、做出投资决策的重要依据,在微观管理、宏观调控、促进现代经济发展等方面都发挥着巨大的作用。会计信息的真实与否,直接关系到使用者的经济决策是否合理有效,因此,必须通过分析研究会计信息失真的表现形式及其成因,从而找出有效的解决办法,以便提高会计信息质量和规范会计市场。  相似文献   

财务分析在证券投资中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在证券市场上,投资者通过对其所关注企业信息进行分析,对未来拟投资企业的前景和内在价值的判断发生变化,并通过投资者的交易,可能导致股价发生改变。证券投资分析的信息来源包括宏观信息、行业信息和企业信息,而会计信息是证券投资决策的基础。会计信息最终通过财务报表的形式来体现,在决策分析中,相关财务指标的分析起着至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

证券立法的首要目标是保护投资者合法权益,公开、公平、公正原则是实现这一目标的根本保证,信息披露制度是实现这一目标的制度基础,也是证券市场监管制度的基石。在资本市场中,公司信息披露不仅对降低信息不对称和交易成本具有重要意义,而且是保护投资者和实现资源优化配置的关键所在。对投资者利益的保护,是通过公司的信息披露,投资者可以了解到被投资公司的经营状况,保障他们合法地获得上市公司、政府证券监管部门及其他市场主体可能影响证券价格变化的各种信息的权利。当前我国证券市场的信息披露还存在许多问题:诸如虚假信息披露、隐瞒信息披露、延迟信息披露,导致这些问题的原因很多,最为突出的原因是:我国公司股权结构不合理、会计准则与制度的缺陷、监管力度不够、法律法规不健全等。因此,完善我国证券市场信息披露,必须多管齐下。  相似文献   

R&D信息披露的市场反应研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘斌  李翔 《技术经济》2010,29(3):5-12
本文分析了新会计准则实施后我国上市公司R&D支出的信息披露现状,并实证检验了其长期和短期市场反应。研究发现:长期市场反应下,股价对R&D支出的信息披露存在选择性吸收,投资者能区分其会计处理、披露的规范程度以及是否是高科技公司的公司性质;短期市场反应中也存在股价对R&D信息的选择性吸收,并且投资者能区分高科技公司的会计处理和披露的规范程度,但对于非高科技公司则无明显反应。  相似文献   

随着现代企业制度和证券市场的不断发展与完善,使得会计信息披露成为企业经营机制的重要组成部分,同时也为企业和投资者决策有用性提供了巨大的参考作用。但是,外部信息披露机制要求与企业内部实际成本效益之间会发生一定的冲突。要化解会计信息披露的冲突,应从横向上,采用强制披露与资源披露相结合;从纵向上,采用多层次信息披露制度:从技术上,加大网络会计的推广。  相似文献   


This paper presents the comparison of how financial market and accounting data affect stock prices and returns. The goal was to ascertain whether financial information or accounting data dominate in evaluating stock prices. Most valuation techniques used by firms are based on models using either accounting variables (earnings, book value, cash flows, research and development expenses) or financial market data (e.g. beta, market value, interest). The answer is of great importance for valuators and investors as it will help them focus on the most important variables and make better valuations and choices. This answer is also important for accounting standard setters as the preferred method will serve as an indicator for the quality of financial statements and their importance to users. The paper contributes to the existing literature in the fields of value relevance of accounting information and firm valuation and accounting standards (e.g. International Financial Reporting Standards, United States General Accepted Accounting Principles). To answer this question, share prices were estimated based on financial data using the capital asset pricing model and for accounting data, using Ohlson’s model. The results were tested for both methodologies by comparing estimated share prices with actual ones. The greater the correlation between the two variables the better the explanatory power of the model. The focus was on S&P 500 firms for the period 2002–2017.


我国股市周期与企业会计稳健性的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业会计政策的稳健性选择是不断变化的,文章从动态的角度分析了我国证券市场波动如何影响企业的投融资行为,进而如何影响企业会计政策选择中的稳健性程度。通过实证检验发现,中国股票市场的周期性波动导致企业选择不同的会计政策,进而表现出随股市周期变化的稳健性特征,即在股市上行周期,企业会计政策的稳健性减弱,而在股市下行周期,企业会计政策的稳健性增强。文章的结论为投资者及监管部门加深理解企业会计政策选择行为提供了有力的基础。  相似文献   

Yuri Biondi 《Applied economics》2015,47(34-35):3651-3672
This article develops a heterogeneous agents-based model to examine the emergent dynamic properties of share market price formation over time, with a view on financial market stability under alternative accounting regimes. In the model, individual heterogeneous investors interact with each other and with institutional devices which are an accounting system (related to the business firm) and a price system (related to the Share Exchange). These interactions provide mechanisms for transmission through which firm-specific (accounting signal) and market-driven (aggregate price) factors can act. A baseline simulation analysis assesses the financial market stability under three alternative accounting designs, namely two kinds of historical cost accounting regime and one kind of fair-value (mark-to-market) accounting regime. The former prove to better stabilize the financial system in terms of market volatility and exuberance in perfectly balanced conditions between speculative and fundamentalist beliefs and intentions. An evolutionary analysis is then developed by varying the relative degree of speculative attitudes between the two sides of the market. Historical cost accounting regimes further prove to make the financial system more resilient to speculative waves occurring at inter-individual level. Baseline findings are further corroborated through experimental analysis in twelve artificial financial systems. This mathematical institutional economic analysis has general implications for both designing accounting systems aimed at enhancing financial market stability and preventing procyclicality, and the study of accounting information process in the formation of share market prices over time.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effect of asymmetry information and illiquidity related to cluster trading on information integration efficiency in the Chinese stock market. The results show that information asymmetry and illiquidity related to cluster trading both negatively affect market efficiency in the Chinese stock market. While the effect of information asymmetry on market efficiency dominates in the informational period, the effect of illiquidity related to cluster trading dominates in other periods, when trading is less concentrated. Noise trading has a positive effect on market efficiency by greatly reducing the illiquidity related to cluster trading; however, its effect on information asymmetry is not significant. Our results provide insight into investors’ trading strategies.  相似文献   

基于我国证券市场羊群行为的宏观与微观策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
证券市场的羊群行为是指投资者在证券投资中模仿其他投资者决策,在股票价格波动中追涨杀跌的行为.导致我国证券市场羊群行为的原因包括宏观和微观两个层面.为此,本文从宏观和微观两个层面提出抑制羊群行为的相应策略,即培育市场理性与培育理性投资主体两项对策.具体包括:完善信息披露制度;改善证券市场供求关系;完善合理的交易制度;规范证券公司"信息串联"行为;培育理性投资者等.以此来实现改善上市公司的信息披露质量,促进证券市场效率,以减轻羊群行为之害.  相似文献   

冯晓晴  文雯 《经济管理》2022,44(1):65-84
具有国资背景的机构投资者,对于资本市场平稳发展具有重要意义。本文基于我国2015—2019年A股上市公司样本,考察持股对企业投资效率的影响。研究发现,持股显著提升了企业投资效率,并且该影响在代理冲突更严重和所处信息环境更不透明的公司中更加显著。机制检验表明,降低企业内外部信息不对称和代理成本是持股提升企业投资效率的重要渠道。进一步研究发现,国有机构投资者持股时间越长,对企业非效率投资的治理效果越好;细分国有机构投资者类型后发现,致力于长期维护资本市场稳定和上市公司长期健康发展的证金公司和汇金公司对企业投资效率的提升作用显著,但没有发现“救市”基金和外管局旗下的投资平台对企业投资效率有提升作用。研究结论从企业投资效率视角为国有机构投资者持股在微观企业日常经营中发挥的治理作用提供了新颖的经验证据,对进一步提高我国上市公司质量具有启示意义。  相似文献   

B股向境内居民开放对A、B股市场分割的影响   总被引:27,自引:1,他引:27  
从信息流动的角度 ,研究了B股向境内居民开放前后的A、B股两个市场之间的分割程度 ,并与同期的A股和H股市场的分割程度作比较。实证结果显示 ,在B股向境内居民开放之前 ,A、B股市场之间基本上处于完全分割状态 ,而开放之后两个市场趋于半分割状态 ;A股和H股之间一直处于完全分割状态。研究结论表明 ,投资主体的不同是造成A、B股市场分割的关键因素 ,B股向境内居民开放一定程度上缓和了两个市场的分割局面 ,但离一体化还有相当差距。  相似文献   

We consider a closed economy where a risk neutral bank competes with a competitive bond market. Firms can finance a risky project either by a bank credit or by issuing a bond which is directly sold to risk averse investors who also hold safe deposits at the bank. We show that the bank tends to allocate more capital to lower quality projects but there are some interesting qualifications. If the asymmetric information concerns only the success probability, then we observe adverse selection while if it concerns only the expected return, bad types are driven out of the market.  相似文献   

文章从公允价值会计制度的两重功能--反映资产负债现有的公平交易价格和向投资者传递信号影响其行为出发,构建均衡模型,并利用美国市场的实证数据分析了公允价值会计制度的缺陷:内生的共振效应、加剧市场波动.在市场繁荣时,公允价值会计制度会促进资产价格的进一步上升,而在危机时期,公允价值会计制度与资本金监管要求共同作用所产生的共振效应会使危机进一步恶化.  相似文献   

This study investigates the value relevance of earnings in the emerging capital market of China by examining the information content of accounting earnings measured under the People's Republic of China Accounting Standards (PRC-GAAP). Based on the A-shares of listed Chinese firms during 1994–97, a significant association is observed between annual market-adjusted stock return and the change of earnings. Also documented is a significant price reaction to the annual earnings announcement in a three-day window centered around the announcement date. Overall, the empirical results suggest that earnings reported in China are value-relevant to A-share investors.  相似文献   

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