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基于文献分析与理论推演,本文通过建构一个有调节的中介模型,来探究个体人格特质与差异追随行为之间的机理关系.该研究模型反映出:(1)个体人格特质与差异追随行为,即主动性人格与积极追随行为;传统性人格与被动追随行为均为正性相关的间接关系.(2)个体的促进型追随动机调节焦点、防御型追随动机调节焦点分别中介主动性人格与积极追随行为、传统性人格与被动追随行为的间接关系.(3)在关系与权力导向的本土组织文化情境下,个体的追随动机调节焦点会受到LMX和员工组织公平感知等情境因素的调节而呈现差异,即LMX和组织公平感知正向强化主动性人格与促进型追随动机焦点调节的关系;反向弱化传统性人格与防御型追随动机调节焦点的关系,LMX和组织公平感知愈强,其正向强化和反向弱化的调节效应愈强;反之则愈弱.  相似文献   

员工个人企业家行为是一个新兴的组织行为学变量,环境干预和个体特征对其的影响有待进一步研究。调查样本来自西安高新技术和文化服务产业企业中的基层员工。研究结果表明:情感性支持(AS)、物质支持(MS)、关系支持(RS)、工作发展支持(JDS)等四个维度均对员工个人企业家行为中的个人创新行为维度有显著的正向促进作用;除AS外,MS、RS、JDS等维度均对营造创新氛围这一维度有显著的正向促进作用;内部动机对员工企业家行为有显著的正向促进作用;内部工作动机在POS中的AS、RS、JDS这三个维度与员工企业家行为中的两个维度之间起到部分中介作用。该结论证实了自我决定机制在环境因素影响个体内部动机从而影响个体行为中的作用,揭示了组织支持感影响员工个人企业家行为的心理一行为路径。  相似文献   

员工创新行为是工作情境因素和个性特征因素交互作用的结果.以中国企业员工为对象,通过引入组织情境与个性特征——组织创新氛围与员工创新效能感,深入探讨了工作特征与员工创新行为的权变关系及作用机制.通过对近300名企业员工进行问卷调查,采用回归分析处理数据.研究结果表明:工作特征显著正向影响员工创新行为.组织创新氛围显著调节工作特征与员工创新行为间关系:组织创新氛围有利于创新时,工作特征正向影响员工创新行为,且影响较大;组织创新氛围不利于创新时,工作特征负向影响员工创新行为,但影响较小.组织创新氛围的调节效应部分通过创新自我效能感的中介作用实现.  相似文献   

文章采用调查问卷的方式,以工作压力的二维结构为出发点,结合以往相关研究成果,选择员工沉默行为作为结果变量,重点探讨了组织认同这一变量在两者关系中的调节效应。研究结果表明:1挑战性压力源、阻碍性压力源都与员工沉默行为之间呈显著的正相关关系;2面临挑战性压力时,个人对组织认同感高的员工,其沉默行为明显低于组织认同感低的员工;3组织认同对阻碍性压力与员工沉默行为之间的正向关系没有显著的调节作用。  相似文献   

在数字化与信息化的时代背景下,越来越多的企业领导者通过构建数字平台以适应动态复杂环境。员工在此环境下投入主动变革行为时往往带有一定的未知性与风险性,而平台型领导具备平台搭建、变革规划以及包容等特征,能在一定程度上减少员工产生变革行为时潜在的不安全感,因此如何在平台型领导下激发员工主动变革行为值得探究。本文基于社会信息加工理论,构建了数字信息环境下平台型领导对员工主动变革行为的激发路径模型,探究与检验中国情境下平台型领导对员工主动变革行为的中介机制,考察传统性与价值观匹配的交互调节作用。基于对北京、上海等地9家互联网公司的270份两阶段追踪调查数据进行实证分析表明:平台型领导对员工主动变革行为具有显著的正向影响;组织支持感在两者之间起部分中介作用;传统性和价值观匹配均正向调节了组织支持感与员工主动变革行为的关系;传统性与价值观匹配的交互项调节了组织支持感与员工主动变革行为之间的关系,并进一步调节了组织支持感的间接效应。本研究对企业平台型领导者应对中国情境下数字化变革、激发员工主动变革行为具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

领导对员工专业知识和行为表现的依赖不仅能让领导把精力投入到更重要的工作中去,还能有效提升人际关系、降低组织成本、提高团队效率。然而,员工在感知被领导依赖后对其自身以及组织整体并不一定总是有利的。本文基于情绪认知评价理论,从被依赖者视角构建中国组织情境下感知领导依赖通过角色负荷与职场焦虑影响亲组织不道德行为的链式多重中介模型,探讨二者间作用机制边界条件。对406份员工两阶段配对数据进行分析发现:第一,感知领导依赖对员工亲组织不道德行为有正向影响;第二,角色负荷在感知领导依赖与亲组织不道德行为之间起中介作用;第三,感知领导依赖通过角色负荷与职场焦虑的链式中介作用正向影响亲组织不道德行为;第四,个体传统性通过强化感知领导依赖对角色负荷的正向影响,进而调节角色负荷与职场焦虑的链式中介作用。  相似文献   

本文基于“工作要求-资源模型”和社会交换理论探讨工作投入在教练型领导激发员工创新行为过程中发挥的中介作用机制,依据自我损耗理论分析当前职场中普遍存在的午间工作活动发挥的调节作用机制,并基于计划行为理论探析建设性变革责任感的调节效应,从而构建一个双调节模型。通过对来自中国多个相对发达地区科技型企业的504份样本进行实证分析,结果表明,教练型领导对员工创新行为会产生积极影响,其内在作用机制部分来自工作投入的中介效应,午间工作活动对这一中介效应发挥负向调节作用,建设性变革责任感发挥正向调节作用,而且午间工作活动的调节效应强度大于建设性变革责任感。研究结论表明,“张弛有度”的管理策略更有利于教练型领导的创新激励效应。  相似文献   

文章以我国西部、中部、东部三地的453名知识型员工为例,探究组织政治知觉对知识型员工组织承诺的影响,以及首次检验组织公平感在它们之间是否存在调节效应。结果表明,组织政治知觉对知识型员工组织承诺有显著负向影响,组织公平感却对其有显著正向影响;良好的组织公平感将有助于减弱组织政治知觉对知识型员工组织承诺的负向影响。  相似文献   

研究基于职业建构理论和情景交互理论,探讨职业适应力作为中介变量,工作自主性作为调节变量在前瞻性人格影响个体职业成长(内在职业成长与外在职业成长)过程中的作用.通过对问卷数据的分层回归分析,研究结果表明:前瞻性人格对个体的内外在职业成长有显著正向影响;职业适应力在前瞻性人格与内在职业成长间表现出部分中介作用;工作自主性在前瞻性人格与外在职业成长关系间的调节作用更为显著.  相似文献   

如何有效利用领导反馈帮助员工完成角色任务,甚至激发员工主动参与到角色外活动中,始终是组织一线管理者面临的难题。本研究基于调节焦点理论,以情境型调节焦点为中介,探讨了中国情境下领导反馈对员工绩效的影响。研究结果发现:正向反馈对角色内绩效与角色外绩效均具有积极影响;负向反馈对角色内绩效具有积极影响,对角色外绩效具有消极影响;促进型焦点在正向反馈影响角色内绩效与角色外绩效的过程中具有中介作用;防御型焦点则在负向反馈影响角色内绩效与角色外绩效的过程中具有中介作用。因此,管理者应采取积极正向的方式对员工进行反馈,密切关注员工对反馈的感知与评价,注重培养和塑造员工的情境型调节焦点。  相似文献   

复杂环境下的员工主动性行为正成为管理学者关注的新焦点。本文在介绍员工主动性行为概念与结构维度的基础上,剖析了员工主动性行为对于复杂环境下的组织的重要价值,并结合所提出的员工主动性行为驱动的整合模型,详细分析了个体特征、组织背景以及个体内部认知——情感因素对于员工主动性行为的驱动机制。最后指出了员工主动性行为的未来研究方向。  相似文献   

Although working long hours is a common practice, scholars still know little about what really causes employees to work long hours. Drawing on social information processing and social learning theory, this study examines the role of social contextual antecedents (i.e. supervisor working hours and the perceived overtime climate of one’s workgroup) in influencing employee working hours, after controlling for individual background and job characteristics. Further, we examine whether such relationships are contingent on employees’ individual differences in their identification with leader and a collectivist tendency. A field study of 200 supervisor-subordinate dyads in South Korea revealed a strong positive relationship between the contextual antecedents and employees’ working hours, as well as the moderating effects of the two individual difference variables. Specifically, we found that the relationship between supervisor working hours and employee working hours was more positive for low identifiers than for high identifiers, while the relationship between the perceived overtime climate and employee working hours was more positive for those low in collectivism than for those high in collectivism. Finally, we found that working long hours was associated with lower job satisfaction, higher psychological distress, lower in-role performance, but not with organizational citizenship behavior.  相似文献   

Previous research has established that relationships with authority figures and procedural justice perceptions are important in terms of the way in which employees react to organizational procedures that affect them. What is less clear are the reasons why exchange quality with authorities is related to perceptions of process fairness and the role of procedural justice climate in this process. Results indicate that individual‐level perceptions of procedural justice, but not performance ratings, partially mediate the relationship between exchange quality and reactions to performance appraisals, and that procedural justice climate is positively related to perceptions of procedural justice and appraisal reactions. These results support a more relational than instrumental view of justice perceptions in organizational procedures bound by exchange quality with an authority figure. Our study suggests that it is essential for managers to actively monitor and manage employee perceptions of process fairness at the group and individual levels. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

abstract    Drawing from the organizational behaviour and services marketing literature, we develop a conceptual model of self-managing team (SMT) service climate, taking into account characteristics of the organizational context, the SMT, and the individual employee. In order to assess the impact of SMT service climate, we include a number of internal consequences (i.e., in-company performance data) and external service performance outcomes (i.e., customer-perceived service quality). As a result of the hierarchically nested data-structure (i.e., groups and individuals), we investigate the antecedents of SMT service climate in service groups using a multi-level approach. Our results reveal that organizational and group factors have a significant cross-level influence on individual employee perceptions of SMT service climate. Furthermore, we demonstrate that employee perceptions of SMT service climate are positively related to customer-perceived service quality, while there is no relationship with service productivity measures.  相似文献   

Managers are responsible for creating and enforcing company policies governing organizational practices, and one practice that is on the rise in organizations involves monitoring of employees for security purposes. The research literature on security behaviors has focused almost exclusively on compliance with or obedience to such policies; however, compliance with prescribed behaviors is not complete in terms of organizational performance. People may comply with policies with which they disagree, but harbor resentments and exhibit counterproductive and even destructive behaviors in protest. We conducted a field study of organizational monitoring policies and practices using factors from the threat control model and found that perceptions of threat, self-efficacy, and trust in the organization were key factors in attitudes about monitoring, and that these factors interacted with employee perceptions of organizational procedural justice such that high perceptions of organizational procedural justice moderated negative attitudes toward corporate monitoring, and better attitudes about monitoring was found to associate with reduced employee absences from the job.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to assess how management level as a contextual factor interacts with personal characteristics in predicting expatriate performance. In particular, we focused on proactive personality (the individual’s disposition to change the organizational environment) and self-control (the individual’s disposition to change oneself to fit the organizational environment). Surveying 307 business expatriate managers in China, we hypothesized that in relation to work outcomes, the effect of proactive personality would be stronger for CEOs while the effect of self-control would be stronger for non-CEOs. We found both proactive personality and self-control to have favorable effects on our performance indicators: job performance, effectiveness, and time to proficiency. In line with our prediction, we also found the effect of proactive personality on job performance to be stronger for CEO expatriates while the effect of self-control on performance was stronger for non-CEO expatriate managers.  相似文献   

This study investigated the role of psychological contract breach, procedural justice, and interactional justice in influencing employees' anticitizenship behaviors. It was posited that the association between contract breach and these negative employee outcomes would be moderated by perceptions of both procedural and interactional justice. In particular, employees' anticitizenship behaviors are hypothesized to be higher following a breach when both procedural and interactional justice are low. One hundred and sixty-five employees from a variety of organizational settings completed measures of contract breach, procedural justice, and interactional justice whereas their respective supervisors completed a measure of anticitizenship behavior. Results revealed a 3-way interaction between contract breach, procedural justice, and interactional justice on anticitizenship behavior. The nature of the interaction was further investigated through simple slope analyses. Consistent with the study's propositions, anticitizenship behavior was higher following a contract breach when both procedural and interactional justice were low. Theoretical and practical implications as well as directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   


Organizational justice research tends to focus on the effects of fair treatment from organizations or supervisors on employee attitudes and behaviors. Thus, there is a dearth of research on the effects of fair treatment attributable to other parties that employees interact with at work such as coworkers and clients. Controlling for organization-focused and supervisor-focused justice, results from our field study of employees working in a healthcare organization demonstrate that perceptions of client-focused fairness uniquely predicts supervisor ratings of employees organizational citizenship behavior toward clients and that perceptions of workgroup-focused justice uniquely predicts organizational citizenship behavior toward workgroups. Further, we find that client-focused justice perceptions uniquely predict employee turnover intention.  相似文献   

Socialization has crucial outcomes for both the employee and the employer. Through an exploratory qualitative study conducted in India, we examined how people with disabilities (PWD) viewed various aspects of their socialization process. Specifically, we looked at the role of coworkers, supervisors, organizational practices, and employee proactive behaviors in influencing organizational integration. We found that integration was most influenced by coworkers and supervisors. Organizational practices and employee proactive behaviors were less important. Respondent gender and tenure also influenced certain findings. Specifically, PWD with less tenure sought and accepted more help from coworkers and supervisors. Further, more men with disabilities than women with disabilities indicated that they were proactive in terms of obtaining training to make themselves employable, and more men with disabilities indicated that having coworkers with a disability helped them during socialization. We discuss both theoretical and practical implications as well as future research directions based on our findings. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Proactive strategic scanning is an important aspect of employee proactivity and contributes to engaging employees in the organisation‐wide strategy process. It also contributes to strategic renewal and innovation by helping to identify potential strategic opportunities and threats. However, little is known about its antecedents and how HRM may support this valuable resource. To address this gap, we develop and test a model of individual and contextual antecedents of proactive strategic scanning. We hypothesise and find a positive effect of future‐focused personality on strategic scanning which is mediated by promotion‐focused self‐regulation at work. Moreover, we investigate how work design functions as a contextual boundary condition of this mediated effect. The effect is strengthened under high social support but is not influenced by the level of decision‐making autonomy. Our findings point to specific variables which can be targeted by HRM to enhance employees' strategic engagement and innovative behaviour.  相似文献   

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