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In order to solve the problem of optimal discrete hedging of American options, this paper utilizes an integrated approach in which the writer’s decisions (including hedging decisions) and the holder’s decisions are treated on equal footing. From basic principles expressed in the language of acceptance sets we derive a general pricing and hedging formula and apply it to American options. The result combines the important aspects of the problem into one price. It finds the optimal compromise between risk reduction and transaction costs, i.e. optimally placed rebalancing times. Moreover, it accounts for the interplay between the early exercise and hedging decisions. We then perform a numerical calculation to compare the price of an agent who has exponential preferences and uses our method of optimal hedging against a delta hedger. The results show that the optimal hedging strategy is influenced by the early exercise boundary and that the worst case holder behavior for a sub-optimal hedger significantly deviates from the classical Black–Scholes exercise boundary.  相似文献   

We study the destabilizing effect of hedging strategies under Markovian dynamics with transaction costs. Once transaction costs are taken into account, continuous portfolio rehedging is no longer an optimal strategy. Using a non-optimizing (local in time) strategy for portfolio rebalancing, explicit dynamics for the price of the underlying asset are derived, focusing in particular on excess volatility and feedback effects of these portfolio insurance strategies. Moreover, it is shown how these latter depend on the heterogeneity of the insured payoffs. Finally, conditions are derived under which it may be still reasonable, from a practical viewpoint, to implement Black–Scholes strategies.  相似文献   

This paper highlights a framework for analysing dynamic hedging strategies under transaction costs. First, self-financing portfolio dynamics under transaction costs are modelled as being portfolio affine. An algorithm for computing the moments of the hedging error on a lattice under portfolio affine dynamics is then presented. In a number of circumstances, this provides an efficient approach to analysing the performance of hedging strategies under transaction costs through moments. As an example, this approach is applied to the hedging of a European call option with a Black–Scholes delta hedge and Leland's adjustment for transaction costs. Results are presented that demonstrate the range of analysis possible within the presented framework.  相似文献   

Option valuation models are based on an arbitrage strategy—hedging the option against the underlying asset and rebalancing continuously until expiration—that is only possible in a frictionless market. This paper simulates the impact of market imperfections and other problems with the “standard” arbitrage trade, including uncertain volatility, transactions costs, indivisibilities, and rebalancing only at discrete intervals. We find that, in an actual market such as that for stock index options, the standard arbitrage is exposed to such large risk and transactions costs that it can only establish very wide bounds on equilibrium options prices. This has important implications for price determination in options markets, as well as for testing of valuation models.  相似文献   

We study the constant rebalancing strategy for multi-period portfolio optimization via conditional value-at-risk (CVaR) when there are nonlinear transaction costs. This problem is difficult to solve because of its nonconvexity. The nonlinear transaction costs and CVaR constraints make things worse; state-of-the-art nonlinear programming (NLP) solvers have trouble in reaching even locally optimal solutions. As a practical solution, we develop a local search algorithm in which linear approximation problems and nonlinear equations are iteratively solved. Computational results are presented, showing that the algorithm attains a good solution in a practical time. It is better than the revised version of an existing global optimization. We also assess the performance of the constant rebalancing strategy in comparison with the buy-and-hold strategy.  相似文献   


Closeout procedures enable central counterparties (CCPs) to respond to events that challenge the continuity of their normal operations, most frequently triggered by the default of one or more clearing members. The procedures typically entail three main phases: splitting, hedging, and liquidation. Together, these ensure the regularity of the settlement process through the prudent and orderly liquidation of the defaulters’ portfolios. Traditional approaches to CCPs’ margin requirements typically assume a simple closeout profile, not accounting for the ‘real life’ constraints embedded in the management of a default. The paper proposes an approach to assess how distinct closeout strategies may expose a CCP to different sets of risks and costs taking into account real-life frictions. The proposed approach enables the evaluation of a full spectrum of hedging strategies and the assessment of the trade-offs between the risk-reducing benefits of hedging and the transaction costs associated with it. Using an unexplored set of transactional level data, the proposed framework is evaluated assuming the hypothetical default of a real CCP clearing member. We consider the worst-case loss of a large interest rate swap portfolio observed over the past 10 years (i.e. 2005–2015) and show that an efficient hedging strategy which minimises risk may not be optimal when transaction costs are taken into account. The empirical analysis suggests that transaction costs are a significant factor and should be accounted for when designing a hedging strategy. Specifically, it is shown that the risk-reducing benefits arising from more tailored hedging strategies may introduce higher transaction costs, and therefore may change the effectiveness of the strategies.  相似文献   

We consider the dynamic hedging of a European option under a general local volatility model with small proportional transaction costs. Extending the approach of Leland, we introduce a class of continuous strategies of finite cost that asymptotically (super-)replicate the payoff. An associated central limit theorem for the hedging error is proved. We also obtain an explicit trading strategy minimizing the asymptotic error variance.  相似文献   

The commodity pricing literature advocates the design of long-short portfolios based on equal weights. Relaxing the assumption of naive diversification, this article studies the benefits of applying sophisticated weighting schemes to the construction of long-short momentum and term structure portfolios. Weighting schemes based on risk minimization and risk timing are found to dominate the naive allocation and the weighting schemes based on utility maximization. This conclusion is not challenged by concerns pertaining to transaction costs, illiquidity, data mining, sub-periods, and model parameters and robustly persists when we consider as sorting signals hedging pressure, speculative pressure and, to a lower extent, basis-momentum.  相似文献   

A duality for robust hedging with proportional transaction costs of path-dependent European options is obtained in a discrete-time financial market with one risky asset. The investor’s portfolio consists of a dynamically traded stock and a static position in vanilla options, which can be exercised at maturity. Trading of both options and stock is subject to proportional transaction costs. The main theorem is a duality between hedging and a Monge–Kantorovich-type optimization problem. In this dual transport problem, the optimization is over all probability measures that satisfy an approximate martingale condition related to consistent price systems, in addition to an approximate marginal constraint.  相似文献   

We test alternative models of yield curve risk by hedging US Treasury bond portfolios through note/bond futures. We show that traditional implementations of models based on principal component analysis, duration vectors and key rate duration lead to high exposure to model errors and to sizable transaction costs, thus lowering the hedging quality. Also, this quality randomly varies from one model and hedging problem to the other. We show that accounting for the variance of modeling errors substantially reduces both hedging errors and transaction costs for all considered models. Additionally, it leads to much more stable weights in the hedging portfolios and – as a result – to more homogeneous hedging quality. On this basis, error-adjusted principal component analysis is found to systematically and significantly outperform alternative models.  相似文献   

When a portfolio consists of a large number of assets, it generally incorporates too many small and illiquid positions and needs a large amount of rebalancing, which can involve large transaction costs. For financial index tracking, it is desirable to avoid such atomized, unstable portfolios, which are difficult to realize and manage. A natural way of achieving this goal is to build a tracking portfolio that is sparse with only a small number of assets in practice. The cardinality constraint approach, by directly restricting the number of assets held in the tracking portfolio, is a natural idea. However, it requires the pre-specification of the maximum number of assets selected, which is rarely practicable. Moreover, the cardinality constrained optimization problem is shown to be NP-hard. Solving such a problem will be computationally expensive, especially in high-dimensional settings. Motivated by this, this paper employs a regularization approach based on the adaptive elastic-net (Aenet) model for high-dimensional index tracking. The proposed method represents a family of convex regularization methods, which nests the traditional Lasso, adaptive Lasso (Alasso), and elastic-net (Enet) as special cases. To make the formulation more practical and general, we also take the full investment condition and turnover restrictions (or transaction costs) into account. An efficient algorithm based on coordinate descent with closed-form updates is derived to tackle the resulting optimization problem. Empirical results show that the proposed method is computationally efficient and has competitive out-of-sample performance, especially in high-dimensional settings.  相似文献   

The hedging effectiveness for bank futures and CNX nifty are evaluated in this study. The study is based on 9,569 observations of the daily data for these index futures. For evaluation ordinary least square, co-integrated ordinary least square, generalized auto-regressive conditional heteroscedasticity (1, 1), and constant correlation generalized auto-regressive conditional heteroscedasticity (1, 1) hedging methods are estimated and compared. Result shows that constant correlation generalized auto-regressive conditional heteroscedasticity (1, 1) is an efficient hedging method that maximizes investors’ utility function considering transaction costs. Therefore, investors can rely on this constant correlation generalized auto-regressive conditional heteroscedasticity (1, 1) hedging method.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the reported relative mispricing of primes and scores to the underlying stock. Given transaction costs, we establish arbitrage-based bounds on prime and score prices. We then develop a new nonparametric statistical technique to test whether prime and score prices violate these bounds. We find that prime and score prices do exceed stock prices, and often by a considerable amount. We demonstrate that this increased value is most likely due to the score's ability to save on the costs of dynamic hedging. We also show how short sale and trust size constraints impede the ability to arbitrage price disparities.  相似文献   

张金清  尹亦闻 《金融研究》2022,503(5):170-188
投资者对股指期货与现货有着不同的模糊厌恶,本文首先将此假设条件引入带交易成本的Garleanu and Pederson (2013)投资模型中,并以指数基金对冲策略为例,构建了一个股指期货动态对冲的理论模型。与非对冲策略相比,基于上述模型设计的对冲策略投资绩效更好,动态最优成交额占目标交易额的比例更小,目标成交额对收益率预测因子的敏感性更大。借助上述模型,本文选取2010年4月至2021年6月的中国ETF指数基金和股指期货数据,并以2015年9月股指期货管理措施实施为界进行区间划分,实证研究发现:(1)中国A股市场的ETF投资组合进行股指期货对冲显著提升了投资绩效,但股指期货管理会削弱该作用;(2)投资绩效改善主要来源于交易成本的下降与目标成交额因子敏感性的提升,该机制受到股指期货管理的约束;(3)与Garleanu and Pederson (2013)、Zhang et al. (2017)相比,本文对冲策略保留“抗跌”特点的同时增加了“易涨”特性。本文研究结果表明,在当前大力发展机构投资者的背景下应不断丰富股指期货、股指期权产品谱系,降低股指期货交易成本并完善持仓约束。  相似文献   

This paper provides a tractable, parsimonious model for assessing basis risk in longevity and its effect on the hedging strategies of Pension Funds and annuity providers. Basis risk is captured by a single parameter, that measures the co-movement between the portfolio and the reference population’s longevity. The paper sets out the static, full and customized swap-hedge for an annuity, and compares it with a dynamic, partial, and index-based hedge. We calibrate our model to the UK and Scottish populations. The effectiveness of static versus dynamic strategies depends on the rebalancing frequency of the second, on the relative costs, and on basis risk, which does not affect fully-customized, static hedges. We show that appropriately calibrated dynamic hedging strategies can still be reasonably effective, even at low rebalancing frequencies.  相似文献   

One crucial assumption in modern portfolio theory of continuous-time models is the no transaction cost assumption. This assumption normally leads to trading strategies with infinite variation. However, following such a strategy in the presence of transaction costs will lead to immediate ruin. We present an impulse control approach where the investor can change his portfolio only finitely often in finite time intervals. Further, we consider transaction costs including a fixed and a proportional cost component. For the solution of the resulting control problems we present a formal optimal stopping approach and an approach using quasi-variational inequalities. As an application we derive a nontrivial asymptotically optimal solution for the problem of exponential utility maximisation.  相似文献   

We develop an approach to optimal hedging of a contingent claim under proportional transaction costs in a discrete time financial market model which extends the binomial market model with transaction costs. Our model relaxes the binomial assumption on the stock price ratios to the case where the stock price ratio distribution has bounded support. Non-self-financing hedging strategies are studied to construct an optimal hedge for an investor who takes a short position in a European contingent claim settled by delivery. We develop the theoretical basis for our optimal hedging approach, extending results obtained in our previous work. Specifically, we derive a no-arbitrage option price interval and establish properties of the non-self-financing strategies and their residuals. Based on the theoretical foundation, we develop a computational algorithm for optimizing an investor relevant criterion over the set of admissible non-self-financing hedging strategies. We demonstrate the applicability of our approach using both simulated data and real market data.  相似文献   

The efficiency of the U.S. market for stock purchase rights is empirically analyzed in an options framework, in which prices of rights, given the prices of underlying stock, are examined with regard to the possibilities of actually earning above-normal profits, considering the risk taken. Two neutral hedging tests for market efficiency, along with a simple buy-and-exercise trading strategy, are applied to daily traded rights data. Results from ex-post hedging tests suggest that the trading strategy based on the rights valuation model is able to differentiate between overpriced and underpriced rights so as to generate substantial book profits. The positive ex-ante hedge return, found to exist empirically, is completely eliminated once transaction costs are introduced, lending support for the efficient U.S. rights offering market on an after-transaction cost basis.  相似文献   

This paper derives two pricing PDEs for a general European option under liquidity risk. We provide two modified hedges: one hedge replicates a short option and the other replicates a long option inclusive of liquidity costs under continuous rebalancing. We identify an arbitrage-free interval by calculating the costs of the two hedges. Unlike in a setting with infinite overall transaction costs, the overall liquidity cost in our model is proved to be finite even under continuous rebalancing. Numerical results on option pricing and the moments of hedge errors of Black–Scholes and our modified hedges are also presented.  相似文献   

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