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《Business Horizons》1985,28(5):12-16
In a hurry to get your acquisitions program off the ground? Using a screening matrix to sift through possibilities can identify likely prospects and point out potential problems. But remember: Getting what you want is likely to depend on what you bring.  相似文献   

资产证券化和我国中小企业融资渠道的创新   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
我国中小企业融资所面临的困境严重地制约着其发展,作为直接融资方式的资产证券化为其融资提供了一条新渠道。由此探讨中小企业融资面临的问题,资产证券化所带来的利益及必要性,中小企业资产证券化的难点,提出了要从制度体系、市场体系、信用体系三大体系的建立与完善来保障其顺利进行,为中小企业的发展注入资金动力,拉动国民经济的进一步良性发展。  相似文献   

This paper argues that Europe is unable to get the euro crisis under control because it has chosen a crisis management strategy that is diametrically opposed to the one applied in the global financial crisis. In 2008, crisis management focused on measures that instilled confidence, while policies solving more fundamental problems were only applied at a later stage. In the euro crisis — following the advice of German economists strongly attached to the views of ?Ordnungspolitik“ — crisis management aims at solving the fundamental problems first. Moreover, measures successfully applied in the 2008 crisis, including joint liability mechanisms, are now portrayed as counterproductive and even harmful. As a result, Europe has made little progress in fighting the crisis and creating the institutional foundations to do so successfully.  相似文献   

彭晓润 《商业研究》2002,(3):127-128
随着产品日益同质化,商家逐渐意识到需要通过服务来赢得更大的竞争优势,服务成为竞争的新热点。然而,人们对于服务的理解难免会有片面之处,该如何走出服务的误区呢?服务虽能增值,但又是极易被摹仿的。接下来,服务又该如何创新呢?  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》1985,28(4):23-29
What can we learn from bygone successes? How can we get moving again? The authors offer an action agenda that managers can start on immediately.  相似文献   

Halfway through the Lisbon process, achievements have in many respects fallen distinctly behind the ambitious aims set by EU heads of state and government in March 2000. What has gone wrong? What changes are required to get the process back on track? Is a Lisbon strategy, even a reformed one, really needed?  相似文献   

The development of legislation determining corporate behaviour is a fascinating topic, offering insight into the societal problems of corporate enterprise as they are related to their accounting, their administration, and their external reporting. In this paper the following specific implications for accounting are examined:
  • -Should accountants get involved in social auditing and are they the ‘core’ persons in corporate social accounting systems?
  • -Should corporate social performance measurement and reporting become obligatory and to what extent?
  • -A general framework for the implementation of corporate social accounting systems is suggested and quidelines for its auditing are proposed.
  • -A tentative set of social auditing standard is outlined together with its methodological accompaniments.
  •   相似文献   

    没人去打江山,要老板何用? 陈智慧//4月份的时候,当时还是盛大总裁的唐骏,在接受媒体采访时有一句话很打动我,他说"我唐骏永远都不会选择创业,我会一直选择职业化的道路"--在当前创业气氛很浓时这么说,的确很吸引我.所以有了今天的话题.  相似文献   

    Together with the growing urgency of industrial development in the developing countries, the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) is also more and more in the focus of interest. This young organisation, which two and a half years ago with much ambition assumed a huge bouquet of tasks, is—as all other bodies, loo-facing various difficulties as for instance where to concentrate activities, where to get the financial means, and last but not least how to please all parties concerned at the same time. What UNIDO’s activities under such a general head term as ?industrial development” are, which problems are emerging and what the strategy of UNIDO in the Second Development Decade will be told us Dr Samuel Lurié, whom we visited in Vienna on occasion of the third meeting of the Industrial Development Board, the directive body of UNIDO.  相似文献   

    食品安全问题是我国近年来社会非常关注的民生问题之一,为何《食品安全法》通过之后,我国的食品安全问题仍然没有得到根本性的治理?本文基于新制度经济学的研究视角,发现我国当前的食品安全监管体制存在制度性障碍,无法从制度上保证食品链条的真正安全。基于此,本文建议今后应该继续改革当前分段监管的体制,降低食品从"农田到餐桌"全过程环节中的信息不对称,提高厂商的机会主义成本。同时应该积极建设和完善食品召回制度,强化监管部门的问责制,将监管部门与厂商的风险与责任有机捆绑,从制度上降低食品安全发生的概率。  相似文献   

    A Taiwanese, who plans to establish a wholly foreign-owned company in Chengdu (as the only the shareholder, he plans to invest 0.8 million), engaging in the pastry, Chinese and western fast food, coffee and other drink.  相似文献   

    Two years ago, in early 1991, the third oil shock since 1973 came to an end. On this occasion, by contrast with the previous crises, the increase in prices that had begun when Iraqi troops occupied Kuwait was only short-lived. Why did oil consumers get off so lightly? Have they drawn the right lessons from the events of the seventies?  相似文献   

    为什么一度高速发展的企业发展到一定阶段之后就停滞不前? 什么一些企业采用了一些经济学上的理论和观念却也仍无法摆脱失败的命运呢?究其原因,主要是因为企业里存在的传统惯性阻碍了企业的继续成长。打破惯性,制定创新企业的战略已是迫在眉睫了。  相似文献   

    企业海内外上市环境比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
    冯莉  张明倩 《商业研究》2006,(14):135-138
    近年来,在金融国际化、国内经济持续高速增长以及国内证券市场疲弱不振的背景下,大量企业海外上市已成为引人注目的热潮。企业为何不惜高额成本海外上市?必须就此问题对企业海内外上市环境做深入的比较分析,才能发现我国资本市场的制度性缺陷,从而采取相应的对策。  相似文献   

    Varian  Hal 《Business Economics》2021,56(4):195-199
    Business Economics - What does an economist do at Google? I get this question a lot so I thought this would be a good opportunity to answer it, using illustrations from pricing in ad auctions, the...  相似文献   

    云计算重新定义了企业运营和为客户提供服务的方式,许多服务变得像居家用水用电那样简单。那么,这意味着外包将会过时吗?  相似文献   

    Over the last few years, central banks in industrial countries have undertaken a variety of policies that deviated from ordinary monetary policy. Why were these policies used? Did they work? What will be the effect of phasing them out? And what long-term concerns do they raise? Clearly, markets were broken, and there was a need to repair them. Some of these innovative instruments seemed to have worked quite well. But now central banks are struggling to get inflation up into their target bands. Large central bank balance sheets may create needed safe, short-term instruments, but take much liquidity management away from the private sector, while tempting governments to use them for other purposes. Sober thinkers need to examine the experience of the last few years and ask again, what should central banks be asked to do and what ought to be the range of actions they can take?  相似文献   

    Do the consumer advocates, such as Nader, have a real constituency? Where do they get their support? This study, based on a nationwide sample, investigated the extent of support for Ralph Nader and his program, and its sources. Nader was found to have substantial support, a major portion of it consisting of middle-income political liberals. Those supporting Nader were found to be active complainers and supporters of other political and social causes, suggesting that support for Nader is part of a broader pattern of activisim.  相似文献   

    李黎旭 《商业研究》2004,(6):134-137
    “走出去”战略是党中央在世纪之交根据国内外形势做出的重大战略决策 ,这一战略要取得成功 ,政府的作用不可缺少。而目前政府及其政策体制方面的弊端 ,抑制了企业“走出去”的积极性。对这些问题进行分析并提出相关的对策建议。  相似文献   

    把沃尔玛称作为中国企业发展的“红宝书”。要从沃尔玛这本“红宝书”里学到些什么东西呢?我们分别从产品价格、顾客服务、企业文化和创新精神四个方面分析沃尔玛成功的经验,而这些经验也正是我们的企业需要从沃尔玛那里去学习的。这些经验对我国的商业企业和生产企业都是非常有益的。  相似文献   

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