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一、银行信息系统安全建设 1.银行信息系统的发展趋势 典型的省级分行整体结构是一个通过WAN连接的多级网络:省级分行、地市分行和县支行(包括营业网点),在多级网络上运行着对公业务、储蓄业务、银行卡业务、中间业务、电子汇兑、自助服务、事后监督、管理信息、经营数据综合分析、国际业务等十大基础应用系统.  相似文献   

在银行数据大集中的运营管理体制下,分行信息科技部的主要职能是确保分行及所辖支行的各类信息系统的正常、稳定、高效、安全运行,负责分行及所辖支行的基础设施建设,同时承担了具有地方特色的科技产品的研发和虚拟服务渠道的建设与拓展等工作。随着银行信息化建设的迅猛发展,与运营、管理、决策等相关的众多信息系统相继投产运行,分行信息科技  相似文献   

所谓"大集中",就是指银行核心数据向上集中处理,由总行按照统一规划、统一开发、统一标准、统一处理的原则,集中管理全行的信息资源,简化业务处理模式,"大集中"将实现最大限度的资源共享,以达到节约设备投资和维护费用,降低应用系统的复杂性,降低业务处理中由于数据分散带来的业务操作风险之目的。中行华北信息中心已将天津市分行、河北省分行与中总行的应用系统成功迁移到区域中心。这里着重介绍中行华北信息中心"大集中"模式的实现。  相似文献   

如果说信息技术的应用情况是关系到银行服务和竞争能力的关键因素,那么银行软件开发过程的改进则关系到银行发展特别是银行信息化的发展。本文试图通过对银行软件开发过程的分析和思考,依据软件成熟度模型(CMM)思想,针对银行软件开发过程的薄弱环节提出明确的改进思路和方法。一、银行软件开发过程的基本情况目前我行的电子化建设已经发展到了大集中时期,基本实现了以省为单位的数据集中,银行柜面业务实现了全省联网处理,某些业务(如系统内资金清算、网上银行业务)实现了全行的联网处理。支持这些业务的计算机应用软件有些是省级分行独立…  相似文献   

银行的网络一般是基于TCP/IP的层级互联的、可多级互通的、覆盖全行所有机构的内联网系统,它由总行、省分行、市分行、县支行四级局域网和用于各级局域网互联的三级广域网构成。银行数据中心作为全行业务处理的中心和数据服务的中心,银行数据中心的核心网络是全行的信息传导和中转的重要“通信中枢”,  相似文献   

经过多年发展,我国绝大多数商业银行已经建立了一批较为先进的业务处理和办公自动化系统,实现了业务处理和运营、管理流程的电子化,并已完成了全行数据集中。随着传统商业银行逐步向现代化、知识型银行的转变,如何将积累的大量业务数据转化为有价值的信息和知识,用于提升银行管理决策水平,支持银行业务进一步发展,已成为银行信息化建设过程中面临的重要课题。  相似文献   

目前我国商业银行大都实现了全国数据集中的大型主机业务处理系统。分布在全国各地的银行网点、ATM、POS、网上银行等渠道,通过网络将每天所发生的交易数据上送数据中心,由主机业务系统统一进行账务处理。主机账务处理完成后,一般会在晚间联机交易较少时运行后台批量作业,生成客户信息、账务明细、各类业务明细等批量文件。这些批量文件由文件返传系统按照一定策略处理并下传到分行网点,以便各分行报表系统核对账务明细,或者提供给相关经营分析系统如数据仓库作数据挖掘。  相似文献   

甘肃省“金融工作大跃进经验汇编”一书,是中国人民银行甘肃省分行编的。内容包括银行主要业务工作的经验和作法,共分为四部份:第一部分是综合业务,主要经验有:全省先进单位——永昌县支行的金融工作如何为生产大跃进服务;会宁县支行由原来的落后单位一跃而为先进单位所采取的措施;广河县支行同财贸、工交、文教等系统的协作经验;批判保守思想,大胆革新;学习兄弟行的先进经验——河南长葛支行的“四员合一,  相似文献   

6月15日,安庆分行电子银行、银行卡工作推动会议在桐城支行召开。参加会议的有各支行分管行长、客户部经理;市分行公司业务部、机构业务部、银行卡部、科技部、办公室主要负责人。市分行有关领导及省分行电子银行、银行卡部有关领导出席了会议。会议的主要任务是贯彻落实省分行电子银行和银行卡工作会议精神,  相似文献   

自人行济南分行以Infolink2000作为信息发布平台建立济南分行业务信息服务系统后,各中心支行相继建立了业务信息服务系统,为业务处理、日常办公、信息交流等提供了信息支持和服务,带动了计算机应用的普及与推广。Infolink2000以其快捷便利的信息组织、管理、发布,为各业务信息系统提供了强大的技术支持,在实际应用中突出表现出了以下优势。  相似文献   

罗睿杰 《新理财》2010,(10):82-83
本文所述的案例公司如今已不存在,成为金融危机的牺牲品。 因果:业绩与成本 案例公司是一家大型跨国集团的子公司,业务是根据订单来组装电子元件。该公司的成本波动很大,员工都是按月付薪的固定员工,因此,其利润水平取决于销售额。该公司的销售由一个跨国销售团队负责,但他们常常忽略这个小规模的子公司。当陷入经济衰退时,集团决定将其部分生产转移到欧洲去,剩下的生产外包出去以降低固定成本。  相似文献   

Loyalty-based management   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Despite a flurry of activities aimed at serving customers better, few companies have systematically revamped their operations with customer loyalty in mind. Instead, most have adopted improvement programs ad hoc, and paybacks haven't materialized. Building a highly loyal customer base must be integral to a company's basic business strategy. Loyalty leaders like MBNA credit cards are successful because they have designed their entire business systems around customer loyalty--a self-reinforcing system in which the company delivers superior value consistently and reinvents cash flows to find and keep high-quality customers and employees. The economic benefits of high customer loyalty are measurable. When a company consistently delivers superior value and wins customer loyalty, market share and revenues go up, and the cost of acquiring new customers goes down. The better economics mean the company can pay workers better, which sets off a whole chain of events. Increased pay boosts employee moral and commitment; as employees stay longer, their productivity goes up and training costs fall; employees' overall job satisfaction, combined with their experience, helps them serve customers better; and customers are then more inclined to stay loyal to the company. Finally, as the best customers and employees become part of the loyalty-based system, competitors are left to survive with less desirable customers and less talented employees. To compete on loyalty, a company must understand the relationships between customer retention and the other parts of the business--and be able to quantify the linkages between loyalty and profits. It involves rethinking and aligning four important aspects of the business: customers, product/service offering, employees, and measurement systems.  相似文献   

Evidence-based management   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
For the most part, managers looking to cure their organizational ills rely on obsolete knowledge they picked up in school, long-standing but never proven traditions, patterns gleaned from experience, methods they happen to be skilled in applying, and information from vendors. They could learn a thing or two from practitioners of evidence-based medicine, a movement that has taken the medical establishment by storm over the past decade. A growing number of physicians are eschewing the usual, flawed resources and are instead identifying, disseminating, and applying research that is soundly conducted and clinically relevant. It's time for managers to do the same. The challenge is, quite simply, to ground decisions in the latest and best knowledge of what actually works. In some ways, that's more difficult to do in business than in medicine. The evidence is weaker in business; almost anyone can (and many people do) claim to be a management expert; and a motley crew of sources--Shakespeare, Billy Graham,Jack Welch, Attila the Hunare used to generate management advice. Still, it makes sense that when managers act on better logic and strong evidence, their companies will beat the competition. Like medicine, management is learned through practice and experience. Yet managers (like doctors) can practice their craft more effectively if they relentlessly seek new knowledge and insight, from both inside and outside their companies, so they can keep updating their assumptions, skills, and knowledge.  相似文献   

罗睿杰 《新理财》2010,(6):78-79
高效的电子采购可以帮助公司提高采购效率,进而提升供应链效率。 电子采购一直是比较热门的话题,英国众多的公共事业组织已经开始运用电子采购来节约成本,而私营组织也在热烈地讨论如何引入电子采购这一高效的流程。  相似文献   

姜军 《新理财》2010,(10):52-56
自1997年开始造汽车以来至今,通过十几年的发展,吉利从根本上改变了“四个轮子加一个沙发”的初级状态,并一跃成为中国乃至世界汽车制造商中冉冉升起的明星,成为金融危机中少数从中获利的厂商之一。回顾吉利的成长史,发现其中有几次充满智慧且成功的资本运作。如果要归纳吉利资本运作的秘诀,  相似文献   

This paper examines whether the presence of risk management committees is associated with the readability of risk management disclosure. Specifically, we consider the presence and the effectiveness of risk management committees. We measure the readability of risk management disclosure using six different readability indices, namely: Bog index; Flesch Reading Ease score; Coleman–Liau index; Flesch–Kincaid Grade level; Simple Measure of Gobbledygook; and Automated Reading index. We find that the presence and the effectiveness of risk management committees are associated with the higher readability of risk management disclosure. We adopt various methods, including an instrumental variable approach, the entropy balancing method and the dynamic generalised method of moments, to address endogeneity concerns. Taken together, our results highlight the important role of the risk management committee in communicating risk management information.  相似文献   

公司价值管理:财务管理的归宿   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
现代企业的所有管理活动都应是价值管理活动已广为理论界和实务界认同,财务管理作为公司管理的核心,价值管理也就成为财务管理的归宿。公司内部运营的价值管理和资本市场的价值管理是公司财务管理实现公司价值管理的两个重要方面,是驱动公司价值增长的两个车轮。  相似文献   

伴随着IT技术在金融业广泛深入的应用,银行业务处理电子化进程不断加快,改变了传统的手工处理模式。如何保障计算机系统安全稳定地运行已成为各家银行关注的焦点之一。数据大规模集中处理、业务系统日趋综合化、故障波及范围的扩大等新情况,以及如何统一系统内工作流程、理顺工作次序、上下环节协调一致等新问题,已经摆在生产管理部门的面前,也向管理部门提出了崭新的、标准更高的运行管理要求。生产管理涵盖了生产运行的各个方面,用户ID及权限管理、操作管理、作业调度管理、问题管理、变更管理等均属其范围,每部分相对独立又相互…  相似文献   

随着自助服务在金融领域的重要性日益凸显,ATM在银行支付渠道中占据着越来越重要的位置,已经成为现代银行竞争的一个新焦点,银行ATM未来的运行效率、经营成本、管理水平和盈利能力的高低将直接关系到其核心竞争力的高低。如何才能充分发挥ATM的价值,让其创造更多利润成为各家商业银行面临的关键问题之一。  相似文献   

Recent world events, most notably the global financial crisis, have refocused and intensified interest on risk and the nature of systems that operate to manage risk. One area that has received relatively little attention is the interrelation between risk, risk management and management accounting and control practices. This editorial provides an introduction to the special issue of the journal on “Risk and Risk Management in Management Accounting and Control”. It argues that risk and the way it is managed has become a feature of organizational life in both the public and private sectors. By changing organizational practices risk management can facilitate and legitimise certain ways of organizing. It has the potential to change lines of responsibility and accountability in organizations, representing a particular way of governing individuals and activities. The argument is further made that risk management has moved away from being an issue of narrow concern to finance (value at risk, derivatives, etc.) or accountants (financial statement disclosure, etc.) to an issue about management control and therefore a key area in which management accountants need to engage. This editorial also highlights the potential side-effects of risk management, including issues around trust and accountability, but also the focus on secondary or defensive risk management and the rise of reputation risk.  相似文献   

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