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This paper aims to shed light on the role of the ‘ideology’of political parties in shaping the evolution of the welfarestate in 18 developed democracies, by providing empirical findingson the determinants of social-programme entitlements and socialspending over the period 1981–99. The paper shows thatstructural change is a major determinant of the extent of socialprotection. Our results suggest that overall spending is drivenup by structural change. On the other hand, strong structuralchange has a negative influence on welfare entitlements measuredby the net rate of sickness insurance. Partisan influence playsan important role in the dynamics of the welfare state. Left-winggovernments strengthen the positive effect of shocks on aggregatesocial expenditure, while right-wing governments undertake evenstronger cutbacks in replacement rates as a reaction to structuralchange. Footnotes 1 E-mail addresses: bruno.amable{at}ens.fr; donatella.gatti{at}cepremap.cnrs.fr;jan.schumacher{at}wiwi.uni-regensburg.de  相似文献   

Many papers have documented wide variations in productivityeven in narrowly defined industries. Some have argued that thisprimarily reflects measurement problems due, for example, tocomparing across different products. Others argue that thisreflects persistent differences in performance due, for example,to management. This paper looks at productivity differencesnot within an industry but within a firm. We use data on productivityof different branches within lines of business of a major UK-basedwholesaler. Using these productivity data for comparisons is,we argue, more likely to compare like with like than comparingbetween firms. We document sustained differences in productivityeven between branches within the same line of business. We alsodiscuss the extent to which they are correlated with differencesin management and find that such differences ‘account’for around 40 per cent of the difference in productivity. Footnotes 1 E-mail addresses: r.griffith{at}ifs.org.uk; j.e.haskel{at}qmul.ac.uk;a.neely{at}cranfield.ac.uk  相似文献   

Increasing product-market competition is believed to be a drivingforce behind higher productivity. However, even those criticsof globalization who accept this argument claim that there isa hard trade-off because tougher competition comes at the priceof reducing work—life balance (WLB). Optimists, by contrast,argue that competition can spur better WLB practices and thereforehigher productivity, so there is a ‘win—win’situation. To address this issue we use an innovative surveytool to collect the first international data on management practicesand WLB practices, surveying 732 medium-sized manufacturingfirms in the USA, France, Germany, and the UK. We find thatthe USA has the best management practices but the worst work—lifebalance. When we look within countries, however, we reject thepessimistic ‘trade-off’ model. First, WLB outcomesare significantly associated with better management, so thatwell-run firms are both more productive and offer better conditionsfor their employees. Second, tougher competition increases averagemanagement quality but does not negatively affect employees'working environment. As with many other studies, better WLBpractices are associated with significantly higher productivity.This relationship disappears, however, after controlling forthe overall quality of management. Footnotes 1 E-mail addresses: nbloom{at}stanford.edu; j.vanreenen{at}lse.ac.uk  相似文献   

Regulation by Prices, Quantities, or Both: A Review of Instrument Choice   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Choosing appropriate policy instruments is an important partof successful regulation. Once objectives are agreed and suitabletargets adopted, policy-makers can employ command-and-controlregulation and/or economic instruments, and choose between fixinga price or a quantity. This paper examines the relative advantagesof price, quantity, and hybrid instruments according to: theirefficiency under uncertainty; the trade-off between crediblecommitment and flexibility; implementation; international considerations;and political economy. Various illustrations of the theory areprovided, with two detailed applications to climate change andtransport policy, specifically congestion and ‘safetypricing’. Footnotes 1 E-mail address: cameron.hepburn{at}economics.ox.ac.uk  相似文献   

In common with other OECD countries, the UK experienced morethan two decades of declining labour-market activity among oldermen from the 1970s to the early 1990s, a trend that has onlyrecently shown signs of being reversed. Retirement decisionsare heavily shaped by institutional context and in the UK thishas led to there being two distinct groups with very different‘retirement’ experiences. At the top of the wealthdistribution, early retirement has typically been influencedby private, occupational pensions; at the bottom of the wealthdistribution individuals are even more likely to be not workingin their 50s, but do not typically define themselves as retired,and draw on income support, or more usually, disability benefits.Policy-makers keen to increase effective retirement ages willneed to consider the very different circumstances of these twogroups. Footnotes 1 E-mail addresses: j.banks{at}ifs.org.uk; sarah.smith{at}bristol.ac.uk  相似文献   

This article examines the new consensus that fiscal policy shouldhave no macroeconomic role in ‘flexible inflation targeting’regimes. There is little basis for this presumption. Fiscalpolicy remains important in setting the policy mix and in managingshocks and imbalances. The credibility of an inflation-targetingregime should be enhanced rather than reduced if fiscal policyplays its proper role. It is true, nevertheless, that the costsof focusing fiscal policy narrowly on public-sector concernsmay not be very great, most of the time. However, when interestrates cannot be used, the role of fiscal policy must be different.With interest rates at their lower bound of zero, there is noplausible alternative. For asymmetric shocks and adjustmentsin EMU, fiscal policy needs, ideally, to substitute for theinterest-rate policy reaction function of the consensus, butthe difficulties are very great. We suggest a policy focus onreal exchange rates as a way of resolving some of the dilemmas.There is a serious danger that orthodox views about fiscal policy,drawn from the consensus, will be inappropriately applied, especiallyin Europe. Footnotes 1 E-mail addresses: christopher.allsopp{at}new.ox.ac.uk; david.vines{at}economics.oxford.ac.uk  相似文献   

In this paper we analyse counter-cyclical fiscal policy withinthe context of a microfounded analysis of business-cycle stabilization.We show that tax and spending instruments can have a usefulcounter-cyclical role, even after allowing for the distortionarynature of the instruments and the need for debt sustainability.A critical barrier to the use of fiscal instruments may be politicaleconomy concerns, and we survey recent suggestions involvingalternative fiscal policy institutions. Footnotes 1 E-mail addresses: c.b.leith{at}socsci.gla.ac.uk; s.wren-lewis{at}exeter.ac.uk  相似文献   

This paper uses data from the World Value Surveys (1990, 1995,1999)to investigate the impact of gender role attitudes and workvalues on women's labour-market outcomes across 25 OECD countries.Anti-egalitarian views are found to display the strongest negativeassociation with female employment rates and the gender paygap. These views are, however, softening among recent cohorts.On the other hand, perceptions of women's role as homemakers,which are likely formed in youth and linked to religious ideology,are more persistent over time. They could be implicated in therecent slowdown of the gender convergence in pay. Finally, theunavoidable clash between family values and egalitarian views,that takes the form of an inner conflict for many women—theso-called ‘mother's guilt’—is another obstaclein the path towards greater gender equality in the labour market. Footnotes 1 E-mail address: nifortin{at}interchange.ubc.ca  相似文献   

Measuring and Understanding Productivity in UK Market Services   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Many productivity studies, if they cover the service sector,commonly enter a caveat that the data are uncertain or justlook at manufacturing. This paper attempts to clarify what UKmarket-service-sector data are available, whether they shouldbe treated as inaccurate, and what conceptual problems mightmake measuring service-sector output so hard. Our overall conclusionis that most problems surround financial intermediation andbusiness services. In financial intermediation, national accountsconventions and adjustments make the output data very hard tointerpret. In business services many of the output measuresare employment based. Elsewhere, for example, retail and wholesaletrade, transport, and hotels and restaurants, the main problemis, in practice, lack of collected deflators. Footnotes 1 E-mail addresses: g.a.crespi{at}sussex.ac.uk; chiara.criscuolo{at}ons.gsi.gov.uk;j.e.haskel{at}qmul.ac.uk; d.hawkes{at}ioe.ac.uk  相似文献   

Over the last few years, red tape has come to be identifiedas an important policy area, and there has been rapid and relativelywidespread adoption—in one form or another—of aDutch-developed set of reforms aimed at significantly reducingthe costs of compliance with government-imposed obligationsto provide information (which have come to be referred to as‘administrative burdens’). This paper begins byexamining the characteristics of the policy problems that thesereforms are intended to address, and highlighting some of thechallenges that the reforms can be expected to face. The Dutch-developedapproach, and the UK adaptation of it, are then described, andspecific ways in which the reforms have sought to influenceinformation and incentive conditions—so as to generatereductions in administrative burdens—are assessed. Footnotes 1 E-mail address: tim.keyworth{at}rpieurope.org  相似文献   

Innovation and Productivity Across Four European Countries   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
This paper compares the role innovation plays in productivityacross four European countries, France, Germany, Spain, andthe UK, using firm-level data from the internationally harmonizedCommunity Innovation Surveys (CIS3). Despite a considerablenumber of national firm-level studies analysing this relationship,cross-country comparisons using micro data are still rare. Weapply a structural model that describes the link between R&Dexpenditure, innovation output, and productivity (CDM model).Our econometric results suggest that overall the systems drivinginnovation and productivity are remarkably similar across thesefour countries, although we also find interesting differences,particularly in the variation in productivity that is associatedwith more or less innovative activities. Footnotes 1 E-mail addresses: rgriffith{at}ifs.org.uk; ehuergo{at}ccee.ucm.es;jacques.mairesse{at}ensae.fr; b.peters{at}zew.de  相似文献   

Job Protection: The Macho Hypothesis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper shows that the stringency of employment protectionin Mediterranean countries can be partly explained by culturalvalues embedded in religion. Both the security provided by thislegislation and its redistributive effects in favour of themale breadwinner insiders fit into the framework of Mediterraneanreligions. First, international individual surveys allow usto document that Catholics and Muslims are more likely to agreewith traditional gender division of work than Protestants andthe non-religious. Second, we develop a political economy modelpredicting that employment protection should be more stringentin countries where there is a larger share of insiders supportiveof traditional family values. We then show that this predictionis supported by empirical evidence on OECD countries over theperiod 1970–99. Footnotes 1 E-mail addresses: yann.algan{at}ens.fr; cahuc{at}ensae.fr  相似文献   

Fiscal Policy in Emu: Towards a Sustainability and Growth Pact?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper takes stock of the academic and policy discussionson the fiscal institutions of EMU, confronts the framework inplace with what is known of the desirable properties of fiscalpolicy in a monetary union, and discusses possible improvements.We start with a discussion of three requirements for the fiscalframework of a monetary union: it should be conducive to publicfinance sustainability, leave room for stabilization at thenational level, and encourage structural reform. We then examinehow the Stability and Growth Pact (SGP) measures up to theserequirements and find that it has mostly failed on all threeaccounts. Whether the 2005 reform of the SGP fixes those deficienciesremains an open issue. To this end, we propose five buildingblocks towards an effective SGP: a better concept of sustainability;harmonized general government balance sheets; appropriate targets;refined procedures; and better institutions. Footnotes 1 E-mail addresses: benoit.coeure{at}free.fr; jpf{at}bruegel.org  相似文献   

This paper provides a critique of broad aggregate proposalsto reduce the regulatory burden. It argues that the public debateabout regulatory reform and red tape is loose and general, withlittle regard for the complex ways in which regulation imposescosts and benefits on the economy. Although there are theoreticalreasons to expect regulation to be in excess supply, there islittle empirical analysis to link aggregate regulation withproductivity and economic growth. Regulation is itself a publicgood, and many aspects of economic efficiency require regulationto address market failures. The main efficiency issues are betteraddressed through a disaggregated approach, focusing on when,where, and how to regulate, rather than on crude aggregate estimatesof the total burden. The design of regulation needs to takeaccount of regulatory capture, and it is argued that market-basedinstruments and independent regulatory bodies tend to reducethe scope for capture. The incentives and employment rules governingregulatory institutions are also discussed. In ignoring thesedisaggregated regulatory design problems, crude aggregate targetsfor the reduction of regulation, and rules such as ‘onein, one out’ may be counter-productive. Footnotes 1 E-mail address: dieter{at}dhelm.co.uk  相似文献   

The fiscal theory of the price level (FTPL) has attracted muchattention but disagreement remains concerning its defining characteristics.Some writers have emphasized implications regarding interest-ratepegging and determinacy of rational expectations solutions,whereas others have stressed its capacity to generate equilibriain which price-level trajectories mimic those of bonds and differdrastically from those of money supplies. We argue that theFTPL attained prominence precisely because it appeared to providea theory whose implications differ greatly from conventionalmonetary analysis; accordingly we review monetarist writingsto identify the primary distinctions. In addition, we reviewrecent findings concerning learnability—and thereforeplausibility—of competing rational expectations equilibria.These indicate that when FTPL and monetarist equilibria differ,the latter are more plausible in the vast majority of cases.Under Ricardian assumptions, necessary for clear distinctions,theoretical analysis indicates that fiscal and monetary coordinationis not necessary for macroeconomic stability. Footnotes 1 E-mail addresses: bmccallum{at}cmu.edu; edward.nelson{at}stls.frb.org  相似文献   

The Economics of Pensions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper sets out the economic analytics of pensions. Afterintroductory discussion, successive sections consider the effectsof different pension arrangements on labour markets, on nationalsavings and growth, and on the distribution of burdens and benefits.These areas are controversial and politically highly salient.While we are open about expressing our own views, the main purposeof the paper is to set out the analytical process by which wereach them, to enable readers to form their own conclusions. Footnotes 1 E-mail addresses: n.barr{at}lse.ac.uk; pdiamond{at}mit.edu  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relationship between the genderwage gap, the choice of training occupation, and occupationalmobility. We use longitudinal data for young workers with apprenticeshiptraining in West Germany. Workers make occupational career choicesearly in their careers and women and men pursue very differentoccupational careers. We reconsider whether through occupationalsegregation women are locked in low-wage careers or whetherthey can move up to higher wage paths through mobility. We furthermoreinvestigate whether patterns have changed across cohorts duringthe period 1975–2001 and whether effects vary across thedistribution. The main results are, first, while there existsa persistent gender wage gap over experience, the gap has decreasedover time. Second, in the lower part of the wage distribution,the gap is highest and it increases with experience. Third,occupational mobility is lower for women than for men and thewage gains due to occupational mobility are higher for men thanfor women, especially in the lower part of the wage distribution.We conclude that occupational mobility has reduced the genderwage gap, but lock-in effects are still stronger for women comparedto men. Footnotes 1 E-mail addresses: fitzenberger{at}wiwi.uni-frankfurt.de; astrid.kunze{at}nhh.no  相似文献   

The Interactions between Fiscal Policy and Monetary Policy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper studies the interactions of fiscal policy and monetarypolicy when they stabilize a single economy against shocks ina dynamic setting. If both policy-makers are benevolent, then,in our model, the best outcome is achieved when monetary policydoes nearly all of the stabilization. If the monetary authoritiesare benevolent, but the fiscal authority discounts the future,or aims for an excessive level of output, then a Nash equilibriumwill result in large welfare losses: after an inflation shockthere will be excessively tight monetary policy, excessive fiscalexpansion, and a rapid accumulation of public debt. However,if, in these circumstances, there is a regime of fiscal leadership,then the outcome will be very nearly as good as when both policy-makersare benevolent. Footnotes 1 E-mail addresses: t.kirsanova{at}exeter.ac.uk; jari.stehn{at}bnc.ox.ac.uk;david.vines{at}economics.oxford.ac.uk  相似文献   

First we distinguish various approaches used by economists toassess the impact of human resource management practices onproductivity and then we briefly review and illustrate studiesthat represent different approaches. In the main part of thepaper we illustrate the econometric case study method, by usingnew data to analyse a case from retail trade and by emulatingan approach used in an earlier study. Consistent with theorywe find that when employees have opportunities to participate,and to receive appropriate information and pertinent rewards,a one standard deviation increase of the first principal componentscore would increase productivity by 1 per cent. Our findingsimply that there are benefits to innovative work practices,even in settings where employees do simple tasks and employeesare relatively low-skilled. Since our findings are similar tothose contained in a previous study, our results also indicatethe value of replication studies. Footnotes 1 E-mail addresses: djones{at}hamilton.edu; panu.kalmi{at}hse.fi; antti.kauhanen{at}hse.fi  相似文献   

In the past 20 years a key topic of public-sector reform inOECD countries has been the emergence of regulatory policy.During this period, the nature of regulation has undergone profoundand rapid change. This paper reviews the development of regulatorypolicy in OECD countries over the last quarter-century. It identifiesa range of tools and institutions that have been used by OECDcountries to develop high-quality regulation. The analysis attemptsto show that while there is considerable commonality on broadobjectives of regulatory policy, considerably diversity remainsin the implementation of regulatory policy across OECD countries. Footnotes 1 E-mail address: nikolai.malyshev{at}oecd.org  相似文献   

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