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周松波 《特区经济》2008,235(8):28-30
由于中国与西欧的地理环境、历史背景、发展历程以及其他因素的不同,使西欧文化与中国传统文化有着截然不同的特点及基本精神。中国传统文化重道轻器、重人治而轻法治,讲究天人合一,善于辩证思维,艺术精神主宰科学精神。反观西欧文化,则重器轻道、重法治而轻人治,讲究征服自然,善于逻辑思维,科学精神主宰艺术精神。  相似文献   

为研究我国企业中不同的领导方式在不同的企业文化中的领导效能,文章分析了在团队型、创新型、市场型、等级型文化情境下服务型领导和家长式领导在领导效能上的差异。以413份中国情境下的问卷调查数据为研究样本,运用SPSS17.0和LISREL8.70统计分析软件,采用信效度分析、相关分析、验证性因子分析和回归分析等研究方法。结果表明,在团队型和创新型文化中,服务型领导的领导效能要高于家长式领导,在市场型和等级型文化中,家长式领导的领导效能要高于服务型领导。研究结果对领导方式的权变运用和员工的情景化管理具有重要意义。  相似文献   

吴志平  林志杨   《华东经济管理》2010,24(7):119-122
文章通过团队凝聚力来查验领导行为对团队绩效的间接作用,特别是,通过实证分析来检验如下几个关系:团队中的领导与团队绩效之间的关系、团队凝聚力与团队绩效之间的关系、领导与团队凝聚力的关系。结果表明:领导行为与团队绩效之间的关系并不显著,其中,领导者关系型行为与团队绩效弱相关,而领导者任务型行为与团队绩效不相关。领导行为与团队凝聚力之间存在显著正相关,  相似文献   

李治国 《改革与战略》2008,24(11):187-189
公司治理是一个组织的领导体系,在它身上集中反映了组织受文化模式的影响。从不同公司治理模式的比较研究中,可以发现文化的路径依赖,并且不同的文化与特定公司治理模式存在着密切的关联性。静态地看,正是各国历史和文化传统的不同,导致公司在经济制度安排上的差异,从而产生了公司治理模式的多样性。这种文化在动态上又导致了公司治理模式的变革。所以想要提升公司治理效率,必须充分考虑文化关联的影响。  相似文献   

In this paper, we provide an overview of the development of vertical intra-industry trade (VIIT) between Japan and various European countries, including both old and new EU members, as well as emerging Central and Eastern European countries. VIIT indices constructed in this paper cover a much wider range of margins of unit price ratio than existing studies. Our empirical model attempts to explain the distributional characteristics of VIIT through foreign direct investments (FDI), in addition to traditional determinants of IIT, such as differences in GDP per capita, average GDP, and smaller and larger GDPs. Our sample covers the period from 1988 to 2004 for bilateral trade between Japan and 31 European countries. Our econometric methodology for these panel data uses fixed-effect model estimation with a variable transformation determined by a Box-Cox approach. We find that intra-industry trade between European countries and Japan increases with their corresponding Japanese FDIs, especially for new EU member countries. Our results also indicate that it is important to measure a wider range of quality based on relative prices rather than the traditional ratio used in the literature.  相似文献   

This paper investigates changes in the causal structure linking the G-7 short-term rates by using a sequential test for the constancy of the adjustment coefficients in error correction equations. This technique allows us to detect permanent structural breaks in the causal linkages. In this instance, the hypotheses of interest are the US world-wide leadership, the disengagement of UK monetary policy from those pursued in the Eurozone after the collapse of the ERM, and the German leadership hypothesis (GLH) within the European Union (EU). While we do not find any examples of reversal of causality, the evidence points to a break in the causal linkages between the UK and the German rates after the third/fourth quarter of 1992. The empirical results are also consistent with a US world-wide leadership and a weak German leadership within the Eurozone.  相似文献   

When accepting the Maastricht treaty, the members of the Euro-zone agreed on the establishment of a very independent European Central Bank (ECB). Over the years, however, French political leaders systematically brought forward proposals undermining the ECB’s independence, much to the dismay of their German counterparts. This pattern of political disagreement on central bank independence has again surfaced during the current sovereign debt crisis, and has contributed to the discord amongst the Euro-zone members on the causes and proper solutions to the problems. This article conducts tests of various factors generally expected to influence the preference for central bank independence. It shows that economic explanations are unable to account for the persistent differences amongst European member-states on this issue. In contrast, national differences in political and economic culture and especially a nation’s score on the dimension Power Distance—its acceptance of centralisation of power in political leaders or institutions—does show a correlation with the different levels of internalisation of the norm of central bank independence. These findings show that institutionalisation of economic norms does not imply their internalisation by the political and the economic elite. In the broader context of current European politics, this may mean that even if European leaders will be able to come up with a common institutional answer to the current crisis, more profound convergence of their underlying economic and political cultures is needed for the successful and sustainable implementation of these solutions.  相似文献   

姚艳虹  江繁锦   《华东经济管理》2009,23(1):101-105
文章在理论分析的基础上,采用问卷调查和统计分析方法,通过比较不同企业文化情境下领导的效能差异,讨论领导行为与企业文化的适配关系。研究结果表明,交易型领导在目标导向和规则导向型企业文化中有更高的效能,即交易型领导与这两种文化情境存在适配关系;而变革型领导在革新导向和支持导向型企业文化中效能更高,表明变革型领导与这两种文化有适配性。  相似文献   

杨齐 《华东经济管理》2014,28(1):123-127
文章利用社会学习理论和社会交换理论以244个配对样本数据研究了伦理型领导与员工知识共享的关系,以及组织认同的中介作用和心理安全的调节作用。研究结果发现,伦理型领导对员工知识共享有显著正向作用;组织认同起到了完全中介作用;心理安全对组织认同与知识共享关系有调节作用,在高心理安全下,伦理型领导对员工知识共享影响更强。最后讨论了研究的理论与实际意义。  相似文献   

Summary In this article the process of post-war European integration has been analyzed against the background of an explanation of the Council of Europe in 1950 that political and economic unification should be developed simultaneously. History shows that in order to realize this objective, the gradualist approach believing primarily in a functional economic integration was preferred to the more radical method of taking immediate steps towards a full political union. The establishment of the European Communities formed the embodiment of the gradualist approach. Though these Communities — and the European Economic Community in particular - have fostered economic and monetary cooperation between the Western European countries, they could not, however, take the necessary steps towards the political ideal due to different views of the member states regarding the process of European integration. With the Treaty of Maastricht, coming into force on 1 November 1993, a new European élan has been born but the question posed by the Council in 1950 still has to be solved. One of the main lessons of European integration in the past fifty years may well be that economic and monetary unification will not proceed without some kind of prompting of a political nature.Historical section of the Econometric Reseach and Special Studies Department of De Nederlandsche Bank NV, Amsterdam. The author is indebted to Willem Boeschotcn, martin M.G. Fase, Nico van Horn, and Joke Mooij for thier valuable comments. All errors and opinions arc mine.  相似文献   

Galvanised by the devastation of the Second World War, European countries achieved a historically unprecedented and unparalleled level of regional economic integration in the post-war period. Intensive cooperation between the two biggest powers of continental Western Europe, France and Germany, lay at the core of Europe's seemingly relentless momentum towards integration, crystallised by the European Union (EU). The Franco-German alliance also provided strong eadership and sense of direction for the EU, which gained further traction with the admission of Central and Eastern European states after the fall of communism and the establishment of a monetary union among many of its members. However, more recently, the European integration process no longer seems unstoppable or inevitable. Most shockingly, the United Kingdom, a core EU member and the EU's third largest economy, has opted to leave the union, triggering the ‘Brexit’ process. Nor is Brexit the only sign of growing fractures within the EU. The current standoff between the EU and Italy over Italy's unwillingness to rein in its fiscal deficit is just one additional example of the loss of momentum. The central objective of the paper is to examine EU's past successes and current problems from the perspective of Asian countries, in particular ASEAN+3 countries that have achieved some measure of integration, although well below that of the EU. Both past successes and current problems hold valuable lessons for ASEAN+3 countries as they chart their own course towards regional integration. Given that the level of integration among ASEAN+3 is much lower than that of the EU, it would be unwise to draw lessons, positive or negative, without the proper context. Nevertheless, the European experience can provide valuable insights for Asia's integration process.  相似文献   

企业领导力生成及其提升对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
面对新逐渐形成的市场竞争格局,企业领导力遇到挑战,文章着重分析提升领导力的基本内容,认为具有高度竞争力的企业领导力是由下而上生成的,企业要建立合理的权力运行机制,塑造着眼于领导力升华的企业文化,推进企业变革,保持竞争优势。  相似文献   

This paper attempts to make a contribution to the on‐going debate among psychologists in Southern Africa about the relevance of their discipline to the social problems of this region. It argues that the main focus of attention among psychologists in this region should be directed at the poverty and underdevelopment that characterize most Black areas in Southern Africa. The paper further argues that the main cause of this poverty and underdevelopment lies in cultural factors, which account for a ‘person‐environment mismatch’ between the Western‐oriented organizations found in the region and the traditional African culture that characterizes most Black members of these organizations. It describes the main differences between Western and traditional African culture and considers whether psychologists and other behavioural scientists interested in contributing towards a solution of this problem, should attempt to Westernize the Africans or to Africanize the organizations.  相似文献   

This paper will discuss the role of methodology in connection with different theoretical approaches. It is shown that a multitude of paradigms is appropriate when dealing with complex developments such as integration. The question is raised whether it makes sense to discuss a special European approach. Divergent views exist, but some differences between a European and an American tradition seem to exist due to a continent-wide competition among U.S. economists and a more fragmented European scene. Closer integration and academic cooperation in Europe could result in a more unified research environment resembling the U.S. picture. However, the role of language differences must not be overlooked and can contribute to a continuing diversification.Distinguished Address presented at the Forty-Seventh International Atlantic Economic Conference, Vienna, Austria, March 16–23, 1999.  相似文献   

Mark Casson 《De Economist》2002,150(4):409-438
The influence of culture on economic performance is analysed using a rational action economic model. Culture is defined as shared values and beliefs. It is shown that functionally useful values can reduce transaction costs and improve economic performance. Leadership is an important transmission mechanism where culture is concerned. Good leaders can improve economic performance but bad leaders can impair it. Good leaders promote a distinctive combination of values, including both altruism and deliberation in decision-making, whilst bad leaders promote a combination of selfishness and spontaneity. Bad leaders survive because it is easier for them to appropriate pecuniary rents, since they are uninhibited by moral scruples. The globalisation of the mass media has favoured bad leadership at the expense of good. Unless corrective policies are introduced, economic performance will deteriorate as the quality of leadership continues to fall.  相似文献   

在当前改革深入发展的新形势下,提高政工干部的领导能力尤为重要。本文就如何提高政工干部的领导能力进行论述。  相似文献   

文章通过心理契约问卷,对中煤平朔分公司的员工进行了领导管理情境与员工心理契约相关性的调查。结果表明:不同的心理契约类型在领导管理情境中存在着显著差异;员工感知的“领导管理情境”对组织责任、员工责任的各维度有显著影响。  相似文献   

The involvement of the United Nations in ethnic conflicts is relatively new, made possible only by the end of the Cold War gridlock that enveloped the Security Council. Scholars are searching this recent history for theoretical insights to guide future decision making, but the empirical evidence—examined here in Cyprus, former Yugoslavia, and Rwanda/Burundi—suggests caution before making large theoretical judgments. The evidence does suggest that to be successful in ethnic conflicts, the United Nations requires strong and consistent American leadership, a leadership which in some cases will contradict the UN's dominant culture of negotiation and compromise.  相似文献   

Regulation requires auditors to raise significant audit issues and concerns to the attention of audit engagement leadership and requires leadership to encourage such communication. This research demonstrates, using an experiment and a survey, that audit team members' willingness to speak up about such issues is associated with their intrinsic motivational orientation. Based on this result, we test whether audit leadership can leverage this relationship to increase speaking up, particularly when audit issues are more ambiguous, by emphasizing intrinsic goals. Results across three additional experiments indicate that auditors whose leaders emphasize intrinsic goals, whether directly or through tone at the top and firm culture, are more likely to speak up than are other auditors. We also find that auditors are more likely to speak up when an audit issue is less versus more ambiguous. We conclude that leadership can fulfill their obligation to encourage upward communication by emphasizing intrinsic versus extrinsic goals, regardless of the level of ambiguity surrounding the audit issue.  相似文献   


While historical scholarship has focused on the domestic macroeconomic adjustment to trade liberalisation of the 1950s in terms of fiscal, monetary and incomes policies, this study deals with the liberalisation itself. From the perspective of the domestic political economy it provides an account of Norway's policies towards the European trade and payments schemes. It argues that although national ambitions were constrained by multilateral European liberalisation, a successful policy mix of exploiting EPU credits, delaying import quota liberalisation and selectively raising tariffs was pursued. It also argues that the government's sympathy towards the stillborn Nordic customs union in 1954 originated in this policy mix.  相似文献   

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