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In this paper we discuss the concept of search qualities, experience qualities and credence qualit ies (SEC qualities) which was developed in “Informational Economics” to explain the quality of goods. Some authors from this stream of research criticize the concept for its static character and suggest the development of a dynamic perspective. We consequently address this issue against the background of complex transactions and propose the introduction of multiple reference points in order to make the dynamics of SEC qualities measurable. First empirical evidence from the venture capital transaction process supports the assumption of dynamic SEC qualities.  相似文献   

In order to differentiate from their competitors, marketing managers increasingly count on relationship marketing instruments. As customer loyalty programs have gained importance during the last decade, retailers face various new possibilities to reach their customers on a one-to-one level. However, empirical evidence in this field shows that the enormous investments do not always yield the desired effects. One reason is that marketing managers disregard that the effectiveness of different instruments might depend on particular conditions, target groups, and situations. The article gives an overview about the influence of relationship marketing instruments on customers’ attitudes and behaviors. It provides a holistic classification of relationship marketing instruments and explains the effectiveness from a theoretical perspective. We summarize empirical studies dealing with the effectiveness of different instruments under certain conditions. Furthermore, we derive implications for retail managers about how to successfully use relationship marketing instruments. Finally, we discuss directions for future research.  相似文献   

Corporate activities and strategic decisions cause several ecological and social problems. However, companies also develop solutions, products and services to face these problems and to create social and ecological development proactively. Against the background of the far-reaching economical and societal change we need sustainable development. Implementing sustainable requirements in corporations necessitates strategic change. Thus, the question arises which influencing factors initiate pro-active or intensive sustainable strategic changes. This question will be addressed on the basis of an empirical analysis of three companies in the business fields chemistry, recycling and information & communication. The study examines the internal (organisational, cultural) and external conditions for pro-active and intensive corporate strategic change. It can be shown that there are various, but different patterns to initiate sustainable strategic changes. The findings highlight the role of visions and options, the companies’ interactions, the role of change agents and management as well as their values and norms, the companies’ history, and the history of business fields.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the actual question of how to measure and to evaluate the success of consulting services. It provides an overview of existing models and concepts concerning the measurement of consulting success and discusses the applicability and limits of these concepts. We show that there are very different perspectives which can be classified according to their research interest and object of investigation. Moreover, we describe their practical implications as well as their limitations. Finally we assess the different perspectives and provide advice on possible future research.  相似文献   

Regional networking can help companies to gain competitive advantage, provided that the network is actively coordinated and managed. For this purpose, cluster initiatives aiming at delivering potentials for success for their members arouse in many regions in previous years. Based on literature, this article analyzes the different stages of development of a cluster initiative and the specific tasks of the cluster management in these stages. Applying the relational and the resource-based view, we explain possible company’s competitive advantages resulting from cooperation. Subsequently, we distinguish each stage and describe the specific tasks of the different protagonists of a cluster. Finally, we discuss these theoretic findings of how to develop cluster initiatives and their applicability by a case study of the HESSENMETALL Cluster Initiative and derive implications for science and management.  相似文献   


Praxis / MagazinKongress Preview

Neue Chancen und Potenziale durch ein Financial Shared Service Center Experten und Verantwortliche der Bereiche Finance und Accounting diskutieren vom 7. bis 9. Mai 2007 in Berlin im Rahmen des IQPC Kongresses „Financial Shared Service Center“  相似文献   


PRAXIS | Artikel

Kapitalkostenermittlung – von unverzerrten Sch?tzern und -L?nderrisikopr?mien Dirk Hachmeister/Frederik Ruthardt/Maximilian R?mhild  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung  Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, die für deutsche Spitzenkr?fte als karriererelevant in Frage kommenden Charakteristika unter einem einheitlichen humankapital-, tournament- und singalingtheoretischen Rahmen vergleichend zu untersuchen. Dabei werden die identifizierten Merkmale zun?chst knapp auf ihre Signalfunktion hin bewertet und Hypothesen zu deren Wirksamkeit und Relevanz abgeleitet, die im Anschluss daran einer empirischen Prüfung unterzogen werden. In der Zusammenfassung werden die Ergebnisse der Arbeit pr?sentiert, die die ?konomische Theorie zur Relevanz von Humankapitalsignalen best?tigen und verdeutlichen, dass die erfolgreiche berufliche Bew?hrung und der Erwerb überdurchschnittlicher akademischer Abschlüsse wichtigste Kriterien für den Zugang zu Spitzenführungspositionen sind.
Christopher Paul (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am oben genannten Lehrstuhl)Email:

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