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运用现代管理科学指导广播电视宣传工作,是新时期广播电视事业发展的需要。广播电视宣传管理是整个广播电视管理系统的核心与支柱,其基本内容包括:(1)政策管理;(2)行为管理;(3)效应管理。  相似文献   

做好民生新闻不仅可以满足百姓需求,同时也直接阐释党和政府的政策。广播电台是"人民"的电台,有责任服务好大局,更需要为百姓鼓与呼,必须在贴近民心上下功夫。  相似文献   

The media landscape is subject to substantial technological change. Given these changes, we assess whether a case for public service broadcasting (PSB) can still be made. The analysis leads to conclude that this is increasingly difficult. The main reason for this conclusion is that, due to technological developments, many market failures in the broadcasting industry are no longer relevant. The broadcasting market thus functions more and more like a normal market. This implies that the allocation tends to the efficient outcome, as long as consumer valuation is properly accounted for. This is not the case when there are externalities and possibly not when it comes to valuing quality. In the presence of these market failures, an efficient allocation is not warranted in the broadcasting industry. It is these remaining market failures that could potentially provide a rationale for a future PSB.Richard Nahuis: It is with great sadness that we have to inform you that Richard Nahuis suddenly passed away in December 2005 at the very young age of 34. This article is one among many of his last research efforts. We will miss him, as a colleague and as a person.This paper benefited from comments by two anonymous referees and Marcel Canoy. The paper builds on insights from Nahuis et al. (2005) but focuses on the role of the PSB and is more European oriented.  相似文献   

This article analyses the evolution of multinational enterprise through a case study of the Australasian wireless company, AWA, in the first half of the twentieth century. Ownership, location, and internalisation advantages explain aspects of the industry's rapid internationalisation, but other factors, including restrictive domestic legislation and oligopolistic competition, are also important. The imperialism of the era encouraged globalisation while binding companies to host nations' strategic imperatives and coordinated policy frameworks. Location factors included government desires to control wireless, especially once broadcasting developed in the 1920s, and to expand local manufacturing capacity for the emerging consumer electrical economy.  相似文献   

体育赛事经济是体育产业中起主导性、支柱性的产业形态,通过对体育赛事及体育赛制的分类分析,可以了解不同体育赛事的经济价值有显著的区别,最具经济价值的体育赛事是采用主客场制和积分制的职业体育赛事,包括职业团队性赛事和职业个人性赛事.从价值网络的视角分析体育赛事价值创造的模式,与传统产业有所不同的是体育赛事中部分利润创造的特征是收入共享机制,以保持体育赛事所有参与者的经营平衡.  相似文献   

蔚蓝的海,无疑是青岛最亮丽的色彩。对于海,青岛人向往着她广阔和辽远的胸怀,感动于她博大和恢弘的气势,陶醉于她神秘莫测的风景,崇拜着她起伏跌宕的韵致,尤其是阳光下蔚蓝大海勾勒出的城市天际线,令人神往。在"后奥运时代",青岛帆船运动的普及,给喜欢海的人带来了更多的欢笑和快乐,也给这座城市带来了更多的激情和活力。迎着风,驾着船出海,蓝天碧海中,心随帆动,忍不住向着一望无际的蔚蓝问一声:你好,大海!  相似文献   

The lack of adequate telecommunications infrastructure in developing regions makes wireless systems the most feasible solution for providing Internet connectivity. With the global migration of television (TV) systems from analogue to digital, the TV spectrum is expected to be shared between broadcasting and broadband services. However, the absence of suitable regulatory policies for TV band sharing and low average revenue per user experienced by wireless network operators makes it difficult to deploy broadband networks in developing regions, especially in rural areas. This article presents a co-evolution analysis of three key domains of change (policy, technology and business) in providing broadband connectivity focusing on the Southern African Development Community region. Furthermore, the article proposes public–private partnership and public–private–people partnership models for deploying wireless broadband networks in developing regions. This article is useful to various stakeholders, including policy-makers, governments, the wireless communications industry and academia, by addressing the digital divide in developing regions.  相似文献   

高校校园体育文化的内涵、功能与价值取向   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
体育文化作为一种特殊的文化形态,早已出现在我国的大学校园。人们在大学校园中进行各种各样的体育活动,无形之中都在接受和传播体育文化。它的存在与发展对新时期高校体育教学产生了巨大的影响,对进一步推进校园体育文化繁荣和发展,促进大学生形成正确的世界观、人生观和价值观将起到决定性的作用。  相似文献   

夏梓航 《魅力中国》2010,(3):315-315
随着电视传播业的发展和受观众欣赏水平的提高。时节目本身的要求和对播音主持魅力的关注几乎相提并论。本文从主持人魅力的基本概念出发.就播音主持人魅力和节目的互动关系、如何形成独特的人格魅力作出分析。  相似文献   

谈如何提高新闻播音质量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
播音员要提高新闻播音质量,应从“播清楚”和”新鲜感”两方面下功夫。“播清楚”是对播音员的基本要求,播出“新鲜感”是进一步的要求.也就是说新闻播音的新鲜感建立在条理清晰的基础上,说清楚正是为了体现新鲜感创造条件。二者互为条件,不可偏废。  相似文献   

王玉霞 《科技和产业》2023,23(12):91-94
随着互联网技术的发展,直播模式成为电商经济新的增长点。在高速发展的同时,电商直播中的“翻车”事件也频频爆出。以电商直播背景下产品定价问题为研究对象,总结概括现有电商直播背景下产品定价的主要策略,深入剖析现有产品定价存在的问题以及产生的原因。最后从明确平台责任、加强行业自律、加大监管和处罚力度、提升消费者自我保护意识等方面提出对策建议。  相似文献   

刘媛媛  钱升 《魅力中国》2010,(26):348-349
从上个世纪八十年代开始,我国开始关注运动员的心理状态,从1986年的我国第六届全运会第一次设立心理咨询机构,到2007年我国第一批运动心理咨询专家获得认证。我国运动心理咨询领域在这二十几年中得到了一定的发展。但是,相较于国外成熟完善的运动心理咨询体系,我国现有的运动心理咨询还存在一些不足。本文作者通过分析我国目前运动心理咨询中存在的问题,旨在促进我国运动心理咨询的发展,进而更好地提高我国运动员的心理素质,为运动员们在世界性范围内的体育比赛中取得优异成绩做好充足准备。  相似文献   

就语义学特征而言,将视觉形象明显地区别于语言和其他传播形式的正是它们的标记性和形象性以及由此带来的视觉结构的不确定性特征,从平面广告角度说,视觉结构的相对不确定性在视觉说服中发挥着关键作用,更为视觉传播的形式和内客创新提供依据.  相似文献   

马霖霖 《走向世界》2014,(28):34-36
当休闲游被绝大多数人接受并渐渐成为生活习惯的时候,一种过去因昂贵而奢侈而被视为“贵族”消遣的休闲方式,慢慢揭开神秘的面纱,让普通人也能享受—吓高端游的魅力。所谓“高端游”,往往是相对于传统的“大众游”而言,是指随着旅游市场的不断走向成熟、游客消费不断走向理性,由旅游产品生产者——旅行社、景区、旅游目的地等推出的“高精尖”旅游产品。在山东旅游偏重休闲度假的向高端游转型的过程中,满足高收入人群个性化旅游需求的高端游产品也在不断增多,种类也愈加丰富多元。  相似文献   

Summary  Sport is becoming an activity of increasing importance: over time more people participate in sport (active sport consumption), more time is spent watching sport (passive sport consumption). An important part of sport consumption is passive sport consumption where production and consumption are separate: (professional) athletes engage in a contest, and fans pay to watch the contest. An important characteristic of sport that generates this demand is relative competition: the competitiveness of a particular match or league. In this paper, we set out to measure competitive balance in three sports (soccer, tennis, and skating), and assess its development over time. As we separate variation in quality of teams or athletes from randomness of outcome, we can compare relative competition in these three sports. Part of this paper was written when I enjoyed the hospitality of the University of Salford. I thank David Forrest, Ian McHale, and Bertus Talsma for fruitful discussions. Bertus Talsma helped to get the skating data. All calculations and graphs were done using R (R Development Core Team 2008). An Appendix with additional tables and graphs is available on .  相似文献   

喻坚  向丹 《改革与战略》2014,(7):114-117
文章采用文献资料、专家访谈、逻辑分析等方法,对我国休闲体育发展瓶颈进行了探讨。结果表明:传统消费观和休闲价值观束缚居民休闲体育消费意愿;居民休闲体育消费需求明显不足;休闲体育场馆设施不能满足居民休闲体育消费的需求是我国城镇化进程中休闲体育产业发展主要瓶颈。应加快推进城镇化的步伐,加大户籍制度的改革力度;尽快建立休闲体育产业发展的投融资体制;采取非均衡发展战略,推动我国休闲体育产业的快速发展;加强法制建设,依法保护休闲体育产业投资者的合法权益;加快休闲体育产业人才的培养。  相似文献   

为了应对体育休闲时代的到来,高校体育应面向培养人才、科学研究、服务社会这三大社会职能转型.树立"每天锻炼1小时,健康工作50年,幸福生活一辈子"的健康生活理念.为此,应使高校体育目标向多元化、科学化方向发展;使高校休闲体育向课内外一体化、整体结构化方向发展;使高校休闲体育具有健康性、兴趣性与文化性的特点;使高校休闲体育管理向科学化、规范化、现代化发展.  相似文献   

广播电视业的基础设施网络特性和传媒内容产品宣传品特性是其被规制的原因,本文以英国广播电视业的规制和放松规制过程为借鉴,说明依据我国的实际情况,对广播电视业进行规制时,应发挥法律的指导作用,发展公企业这种特殊法人的组织形式,在加强社会性规制的基础上放松经济性规制  相似文献   

广播、电视、卫星和计算机网络相结合为远程教育提供了崭新的方法,本文对现有远程教育模式及数字视频广播原理进行了分析,并对现代远程虚拟教育网络平台的构建方法进行了论述。采用B/S和C/S相结合的体系结构,实现了一个基于Internet/Intranet的现代远程虚拟教育网络平台。  相似文献   

如何将创意与旅游结合起来?传统旅游目的地如何以全新面目迎接带有全新要求的旅游者?如何将藏在大山深处的古朴之所推介到竞争激烈的旅游市场?要寻求这些问题的答案,天籁旅游传播做了积极且卓有成效的探索。借由第二届"畅游中国·创意旅游"峰尚大典之际,本刊记者对天籁旅游传播总经理宋天伦先生进行了专访。  相似文献   

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