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In this article, we challenge the prevailing view that global staff transfers are a necessary cost of doing business globally by contending that such deployment is integral to successful strategic implementation. We use three scenarios—learning from failure, failure to learn, and lost opportunities—to illustrate how awareness of the consequences of decisions related to international staffing can facilitate their efficacy. Learning awareness therefore can lead to improved policies and outcomes for the management of global staff transfers and demonstrate the value HRM brings to the implementation process. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

abstract    This paper explains, through a field study and from an agency perspective, how monitoring and incentive alignment mechanisms change to support the interests of a privatized firm's new ownership. In this case, privatization led to important changes in the board of directors and to more formal performance evaluation and compensation systems for top managers, as profitability and financial control gained relevancy with the firm ownership change. Our results show that differences in incentives management before and after privatization are due to different agency relations in the two periods. We also argue that in a privatization framework the relation between monitoring and incentive alignment mechanisms is complex, not simply substitutive as agency theory would predict, and this finding allows us to refine and extend agency theory for this specific context.  相似文献   

In the context of (one-sided) delegated bargaining, we analyze how a principal (a seller) should design the delegation contract in order to provide proper incentives for her delegate (an intermediary) and gain strategic advantage against a third party (a buyer). We consider situations in which there are both moral hazard and adverse selection problems in the delegation relationship and where the seller tries to gain strategic advantage by imposing a minimum price above which she pays the delegate a commission. It is shown that incentives and commitment are substitutes. A low-type agent is given less discretion in dealing with the buyer and weaker incentives, while a high-type agent is given more discretion and stronger incentives .  相似文献   

This paper has three main purposes: a) it uses a comparative quantitative framework to demonstrate the pace of economic growth in different parts of the world economy since 1820, and to identify the major causes which have been operative; b) it analyses the different approaches which economists have developed to interpret proximate growth causality; and (c) it reviews the role of institutions and other deeper and less measurable influences on growth performance.  相似文献   

以A物流公司的配送现状为案例,围绕A公司目前出现的物流配送业务的不稳定、目标市场定位的模糊、物流配送业务成本持续增高等问题,从物流营销的角度进行分解,并整合供应链需求,为利益的最大化提供可行性解决方向。  相似文献   

梁善军 《物流技术》2002,(10):37-39
从全球物流发展的历程、动力、障碍、趋势四方面对全球物流进行剖析。  相似文献   

本文从代建企业的角度出发,利用价值链理论分析模型对代建项目全过程的投资控制进行研究,提出以设计阶段设计方案的优化选择和施工阶段设计变更的控制作为企业内部价值链两大关键环节,从而有效地对代建项目进行投资控制。通过价值链中的支持系统,梳理关键环节中的价值活动,得出代建项目投资控制的有效措施,进而提高代建企业的管理绩效,在政府委托招标过程中获得竞争优势。  相似文献   

In the past decade many progressive anthropologists have been concerned with understanding the transformative possibilities of social movements in redefining and limiting the worldwide inroads of global capital. In emphasizing cultural transformation, Castells’ approach in The City and the Grassroots (1983) may help to conceptualize the idealistic and sometimes quixotic movements of the information age. Like Christopher Hill and other social historians, Castells seeks to understand culturally available paths and ideals that opened the possibilities for democracy, whether or not the visionaries succeeded at any particular historical moment. Today, working‐class solidarity is less clearly defined in the face of a rapidly shrinking and ever‐relocating manufacturing sector, while, at the same time, social provisions have been cut back and privatized. At the grey dawning of the twenty‐first century, in the face of US imperialist aggression and increasing global corporate wealth, Castells’ emphasis on the genesis of a new democratic vision as well as on mobilization around issues of collective consumption has become ever more salient.  相似文献   

Despite a proliferation of critical studies on management education, there is a paucity of knowledge of the ways in which problematic beliefs, values, and practices are reproduced in and through management education. By drawing on and extending Bourdieu's seminal work, this paper offers a new perspective on reproduction on the global scale. Our framework spans three inter‐related levels of analysis: the dominant beliefs, values, and practices (nomos and doxa) of management in global society; the structuration of the field of management education on a global scale; and the prevailing pedagogical practices in management education programmes. Our analysis adds to critical studies of management education by elucidating the overwhelming institutional forces of reproduction and thus explaining how difficult it is to effect change in the prevailing ideas, values, and practices. Unlike most critical analyses, we also explain how change might take place and what it would require. Thus, our analysis advances studies of reproduction in this era of globalization more generally. It also provides an example of how Bourdieusian ideas can be applied and expanded upon in novel ways in research on education in general and management education in particular.  相似文献   

作为纳税人的社会公众与政府之间本质上是一种委托代理关系。在部门预算中,该委托代理关系表现出多环节的委托授权链条。针对目前政府部门预算中由于信息不对称、监督弱化而导致的腐败和共谋问题,提出了解决代理问题的对策。  相似文献   

Making agency theory institutionally sensitive is a reasonable suggestion, as far as normal science stands. However, we argue that such a move has already been taking place, that it cannot address important problems with agency theory, and that the time is ripe for a critical re‐examination of this theory. We suggest that inductive studies can not only be more sensitive to institutional features than deductive studies, but they can also offer deeper understanding of governance practices in specific contexts, as well as the potential for analytical or moderatum generalizations. Drawing from legal theory, we offer an alternative conception of the principal, and of the role and status of the board of directors. We contend that this reformulated agency theory has a greater potential of being institutionally sensitive because it recognizes various stakeholders as team members, rather than just adding specific institutional features as variables to the dominant conception of agency theory.  相似文献   

政府管制能解决商业银行的代理问题吗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
商业银行既存在债权人与股东之间的债务代理问题,也存在外部股东与内部经营者之间的股权代理问题.由于商业银行特殊的资本结构,政府对商业银行实行金融管制,以便治理商业银行债务代理问题.而政府管制存在一个理论上的"边界".在现实中,由于路径依赖,政府管制越过了这个边界,变成管制过剩,从而加重了商业银行的股权代理问题.  相似文献   

党星 《价值工程》2011,30(24):104-105
西部旅行社发展面临外部环境改善、行业整体素质提高、旅游市场扩大的机遇;也面临观念落后、人才匮乏、信息手段落后、组织管理松散的挑战。本文通过对制约西部旅行社发展的因素分析,提出西部旅行社业要健康发展,应构建西部旅行社新型的联合经营体系,创新用人机制,推广旅游电子商务,树立品牌意识等。  相似文献   

Because shark repellents decrease the vulnerability of firms (and their incumbent managers) to the market for corporate control, the decision to adopt these devices represents an excellent test of agency theory. In this empirical study, we examined the relationships between the adoption of shark repellents and several mechanisms that, according to agency theory, should align the interests of corporate board members and shareholders and/or make directors more effective monitors of management behaviour. Of the variables included, only board stock ownership (especially by employee directors) was linked to a reduced propensity to adopt shark repellents in the predicted manner. Two variables not immediately as- sociated with agency theory — the proportion of inside directors appointed by the incumbent chief executive officer (CEO) and a lower ratio of CEO compensation to the compensation of other top executives — were linked to higher rates of shark repellent adoption. Given that agency theory explains relatively little of the variance in shark repellent adoption, we advocate serious consideration of other theoretical formulations for corporate governance, including two approaches — stewardship theory and agent morality — that take the moral ('other regarding') obligations of directors seriously.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results obtained from a survey of various aspects of international accounting harmonization in which we submitted questionnaires to senior managers of major German companies and university professors of accounting. Most corporate managers were at least sceptical with regard to US-GAAP principles. The professors held divergent views, ranging from clear rejection to decided approval. Almost all participants agreed, albeit to different degrees, that German accounting rules reduce the demand for German shares abroad. With respect to the information value for investors in capital markets, the majority of managers had a positive opinion of German accounting. They further assumed that US accounting practice has a negative effect on capital market conditions in that it encourages short-term thinking. The academics, in contrast, were more in favor of US accounting and more critical towards German accounting. In the light of these results it was surprising to find that German accounting experts, including the managers interviewed, were far from rejecting further harmonization. Only a quarter of the managers and less than 10 per cent of the professors were decidedly against any modification of current German accounting rules. However, the experts clearly wished to limit the harmonization of accounting to consolidated financial statements. The majority of managers were in favor of giving German corporations the option of preparing their consolidated financial statements in accordance with either the German Commercial Code (HGB), IAS or US-GAAP. The academic experts, on the other hand, wished to see IAS as the authoritative basis for consolidated financial statements.  相似文献   

安砚贞  易露霞 《价值工程》2011,30(5):265-267
本文对移民国家美国和单语国家日本、韩国的双语教学政策及背景进行了对比分析,认为:教学语言的选择是涉及广泛的战略问题,需兼顾公平与效率;经济全球化和一国的经济、历史、文化因素决定双语教育的必要性和政策路径。双语教学必须有明确的定位和目标,并得到政策、财政等资源的保障。  相似文献   

雷扬 《价值工程》2012,31(19):164-165
旅行社企业要想在激烈的市场竞争中持续健康发展,必须重视企业内部的人力资源管理,并且制定科学合理的人力资源管理策略。本文从文化学的角度出发,对旅行社人力资源管理进行探讨,以期能对我国旅行社人力资源管理的理论研究和实际操作有所裨益。  相似文献   

王静 《价值工程》2020,39(5):145-149
本文通过构建全球价值链(GVC)后向嵌入深度前向嵌入深度指标,分别测算了中国制造业行业双向嵌入全球价值链的深度,并利用2008-2013年中国微观企业数据分析和检验GVC双向嵌入深度与企业生产率之间的关系。实证的结果表明:①中国行业的GVC后向嵌入深度与企业全要素生产率存在"U"型关系,GVC前向嵌入深度与企业生产率存在倒"U"型关系。②中国的GVC后向嵌入的生产率效应会受到企业出口规模的影响,出口企业的生产率受到GVC后向嵌入的作用比非出口企业大。③中低技术行业的GVC后嵌入深度对企业的生产率呈正"U"型的关系,来自发达国家的"低端锁定"限制几乎对中低技术行业的企业没有影响。  相似文献   

在全球化背景下,供应链安全问题日益突出,呈现出很多新的特点。需要各国政府及相关机构加强沟通与协作,完善相关法律法规、标准,企业及其合作伙伴要提高供应链安全意识,增加投入,构建高效、柔性的供应链,采用多层次的供应链安全策略,实施供应链安全管理体系标准,建立供应链安全风险评价、预警与应急机制。  相似文献   

This paper recognizes the recent surge in cross‐border investments by MNCs from newly industrialized countries and investigates the wealth effects of FDI announcements by Korean firms, which are the leading FDI providers in Asia. The empirical results indicate that for Korean MNCs: 1) cross‐border investments increase shareholder wealth; and 2) they do not obtain the firm‐specific technological advantages over international competitors. The paper also presents evidence that cross‐border investments do not increase shareholder wealth for the 30 largest chaebol‐affiliates, and that shareholder wealth losses are greater when corporate ownership is concentrated, as suggested by Shleifer and Vishny (1997) and La Porta et al. (1998, 2000) .  相似文献   

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