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A bstract . Although there is little discussion of distributive justice in the Theravādā canon, the Buddhist State is advised to provide all people with a minimum income. Radiation theory sees the economy prospering through the virtuous actions of individuals following the moral law. Early Buddhist writings generally accept existing political and economic institutions, even while providing a democratic social ethos revolutionary for its time. King Asoka , greatest of all Indian emperors , pursued a highly activist fiscal policy even though he believed only meditation could help people to advance in moral living. But canonical beliefs about economic activity are much more ambiguous than economic literature often indicates. Hence today there are rightist and leftist Buddhists, differing in interpretation.  相似文献   

经济系统演化的基本原理   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
经济系统作为一个整体而存在,也作为一个整体而发展演化。构成经济系统的部分(或要素)按照系统整体的目的发挥各自的作用,它们之间相互关联,但又受到整体目标的约束,并由物质、能量、信息的流通构成综合体。经济系统作为一个整体有着不同于构成这一系统的部分所具有的功能,常常是系统的整体行为不能从构成其的部分行为得到推断。 研究经济问题,不能片面地从经济系统的部分上认识,需要从整体上把握整个经济系统的运行规律。  相似文献   

各国开放型经济模式的发展,通过国际市场而联成一气,大为促进了经济全球化的发展。而经济全球化的发展,又使各国的意识形态、科学技术、文化知识以及经济发展之间的影响越来越大。因此,开放型经济模式的外部经济效应趋向突出,其中知识的生产和传播的作用越来越大,这已成为开放型经济模式发展中的重要规律。  相似文献   

In the current debate on local and regional development and after several ‘turns’, dominant critical models have found some security in institutional, cultural and evolutionary approaches. Interest today centres on success and competitiveness and how they are reproduced in a few paradigmatic regions. A distinctive feature of these regions and places is the embeddedness of certain non‐economic factors such as social capital, trust and reciprocity based on familiarity, face‐to‐face exchange, cooperation, embedded routines, habits and norms, local conventions of communication and interaction, all of which contribute to a region’s particular success. Although these approaches may not deny the forces of the capitalist space economy, they do not explicitly acknowledge them or take them on board and so they tend to discuss non‐economic factors and institutions as autonomous forces shaping development. This essay provides a critique of these concepts based on their (1) inadequate theorization, (2) depoliticized view of politics and de‐economized use of economics and (3) reduction of space to territory. The essay concludes that we need a far more penetrating renewal of radical critique of the current space economy of capitalism. Old concepts such as uneven development, the social and spatial division of labour, the geographical transfer of value, accumulation and imperialism must be combined with cultural and institutional issues, with those non‐economic factors mentioned above.  相似文献   

新经济时代供应链的利益分配取向   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
朱艳阳 《物流技术》2002,(12):42-43
新经济时代许多特征早已引起全球范围内有识之士的广泛关注,全球化、买方市场的形成、信息化等特征已成为全球企业运营模式建立的基本背景条件。在上述背景下,虚拟企业与供应链管理模式将成为新经济时代最具生命力与竞争力的运营模式,同时,供应链的利益分配取向正在悄悄发生变化,研究这一变化的规律,对企业掌握竞争的主动权意义重大。1利益分配向邻近终端市场的环节倾斜在整个传统供应链条中,如果没有明显的核心资源的拥有者或者不考虑其对利益分配取向的干扰作用,受买方市场的影响,控制供应链的主导权按以下方向由大到小分布:终…  相似文献   

最大诚信原则是保险的一项基本原则。本文运用博弈论和信息经济学分析了信息完全不对称和部分不对称条件下,保险公司的最优调查战略和最优赔付战略。  相似文献   

姚平 《价值工程》2010,29(24):4-5
伴随经济的不断发展,资源也在逐渐减少,如何有效利用资源,实现经济的可持续发展变得至关重要,可持续发展已渗透到经济发展的各个领域,本文主要从经济法的角度浅析可持续发展。  相似文献   

In the last two decades there has been a flourishing of writings on the methodological approach of Keynes. Whereas broad interpretations of Keynes's work may have a role to play for future economics the main argument of this paper is to propose a return to the theoretical foundations of a truly Keynesian economics. In the main economic writings of Keynes it is possible to discern a body of beliefs, which is (a) consistent in its own terms and (b) susceptible of being used in the explanation of different realities. That body of beliefs is grounded on (1) the principle of non-neutrality of choice and (2) the principle of non-neutrality of money. Both principles were essential parts of the core of Keynes's A Treatise on Money (1930) and The General Theory (1936), and should be used as foundation for future development of Keynesian economics at the methodological as well as at the theoretical level.  相似文献   

This article seeks to use Karl Polanyi's book, The Great Transformation, first published in 1944, to understand the global financial crisis that began in 2008. Polanyi's basic premise was that a great crisis must result from powerful causes. He argued that the crisis of the 1930s was a consequence of three distinct processes: deep imbalances in the global trading system, a crisis within the global financial mechanism that was supposed to manage those imbalances, and a failure of adaptation in the world's leading economy, the United States. The same processes can be seen at work in the last decade.  相似文献   

国有企业中具有支配地位的领导人由于享有法律赋予的经营管理自主权,经常滥用职权谋取私利,却让作为企业所有人的国家为他们承担法律后果。审计机构在进行经济责任审计过程中,应当对照公司法人格否认法理的适用条件,对符合适用条件的企业,通过司法机关直接追究该领导人的责任,以保护国家利益。  相似文献   

This study delves into the interaction between materialism and religion and explores how consumers reconcile their religious precepts with materialism in today's consumerist society, with an ethnographic study of one of the world's largest Nichiren Buddhist organizations. The study reveals that instead of ideological ways of thinking that often resorts to rigid categorization, such as spiritualism at conflicts with materialism and liberalism opposing socialism, religion can transcend the spirit of materialism and the duality that characterizes most thinking. It can harmonize even the apparently contradictory entities of consumerism, materialism, and spiritualism and root itself in the reality of life, leading to an individual inner revolution and consequent social transformation.  相似文献   

战盈  刘晶 《价值工程》2013,(33):328-328,F0003
格莱斯所提出的合作原则和会话含义对实现会话目的起着至关重要的作用。文章以日常生活中观察和总结的家庭会话为语料,对违反合作原则的某项准则推导出的会话含义作了分析。通过分析,展现出了传统中国家庭中的三种特殊的人际关系。  相似文献   

提高独立审计质量是审计职业界的一个急待解决的问题。本文从审计技术角度,从审计实践中的职业谨慎原则和成本效益原则的冲突入手,通过对其协调,提出了审计实践中提高审计质量的技术措施。  相似文献   

随着经济全球化的日益发展,外资企业纷纷落户中国,他们在带来雄厚的资本、先进的技术和设备的同时,也带来了全新的人力资源管理理念,对我国传统的人力资源管理领域产生了巨大的冲击波.然而,前沿性的人力资源管理理论运用到实际中有时却收效甚微,甚至适得其反,一些知名的跨国公司对人力资源管理非常重视但劳动争议却接二连三,有的企业待遇优厚可员工却似乎并不领情,总爱和公司唱些反调……应该说,这些现象的产生并不是这些企业管理模式本身存在问题,而是我们一些管理者没有将理论与实际情况有机结合,做到兵家之所谓践墨随敌.  相似文献   

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